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Are They Dirty? Ch. 03

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Steve and Lacey get ice cream.
4.2k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 05/14/2019
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Hello you naughty girls and boys!

This is just a little later than I expected but I've also been working on other things as well as being busy with the holidays. There should be a new update soon with exciting news.

But for now let's return to Steve and Lacey as they leave the park behind and head out for ice cream.


Steve opened the door for Lacey and followed her inside, taking another glance at her ass in those denim shorts as well as her legs, and of course her pretty feet in those yellow flip-flops. Ice cream did sound great, but it wasn't the only thing he wanted to lick.

They received the standard greeting as they entered the shop and they moved toward the counter with just a few people ahead of them.

"So whatcha thinking...what sounds good to you? I think I'm going for mint chocolate chip and maybe add some hot fudge."

There was a slight pause and stumble as she addressed him and for a moment he felt she was about to call him Footboy, which would have been more than a little embarrassing and awkward. And maybe she was but she caught herself and avoided it.

"Ooh good choice, but today I think I'm going pecan praline. And if we're talking toppings then I think some hot caramel. Ooh or maybe butterscotch!"

"Hmm. Also a good choice."

Lacey then reached for Steve's hand and put it around her waist. As he stepped in close Steve smelled her hair and gave her a quick hug.

They didn't have to wait long before they were placing their orders, opting for waffle bowls and choosing their drinks. Once they had finished checking out, Lacey led the way to the tables.

Lacey chose a small table in the corner and sat in the back, Steve taking the chair opposite. Soon they were both enjoying their ice cream and each other's company. Steve was thinking about how lucky he was when he jumped with a start.

Lacey's foot touched his leg under the table. Well not just touched, it wasn't some casual or accidental graze. No what he felt was her bare toes and the ball of her foot landing on his shin and sliding up toward his knee.

"Something wrong?"

She was teasing him with a look of mock concern. But her eyes said she got exactly the reaction she was looking for.

"Oh no, I'm good. Just getting comfortable is all."


She went back to her ice cream but her foot was now sliding up and down his bare leg. He had spent a little time admiring Lacey in her shorts, but now he was finding his own shorts had opened up an opportunity for some skin to skin contact, of the foot kind.

And he was also finding his own shorts were quickly becoming tight as he began to grow at her touch. He was glad to have the cover of the table and it helped he had his back to the room. And then it occurred to him that it may not have been by accident, but Lacey may have been strategic her choice of table and seating.

"Your ice cream's going to melt."

Steve had stopped eating the moment he felt her foot under the table. He had tried to compose himself but he was stirring in his shorts and his focus was on the soft sole of Lacey's foot as it travelled up and down his leg.

"Right. Sorry, I guess I'm a little distracted."

It took a little effort but Steve scooped another spoonful of ice cream and tried not to let her bare foot drive him crazy.

"I wonder what could be distracting you?"

As she said it, her toes scrunched and crawled their way up his leg.

"I wonder."

He said it almost in a whisper and felt his eyes rolling back into his head. He took a deep breath and refocused, bringing his spoon in for another bite.

"Just relax."

She said it like it was a simple choice. Like all he had to do was flip a switch; just turn left instead of right; but it wasn't so simple, not with that soft smooth sole and those teasing toes playing against his skin.

"That's easy for you to say."

He gave her a knowing look. They both knew the game she was playing, both knew how it was affecting him. Still Steve tried to focus and have some more ice cream while enjoying the touch of Lacey's foot.

For a few moments neither of them spoke. They both enjoyed their ice cream, although it was more of a chore for Steve. Lacey continued to play with her foot and Steve continued to take in the sensations.

"I mean I suppose I could help you to relax..."

And suddenly her foot was gone. His heartbeat dropped immediately and it was like waking up from a daydream. But he also felt the loss as she gave him the means to 'relax'.

"But then if you can't handle are you going to handle this!"

Before Steve had time to consider her intentions, he felt her foot land squarely in his crotch. Her bare sole was now pressing into his package, blocked only by his shorts and underwear. It was sudden and unexpected.


He said it under his breath but such was his surprise that it came out without thinking. Likewise he fumbled his spoon and almost made a mess of his ice cream. After the initial shock, he quickly realized he needed to make an adjustment down below and maybe adjust her foot.

"Uh uh, hands above the table. Keep'em where I can see'em."

She said it quietly so as not to attract attention, but it was clear it was an order not to be disobeyed. It wasn't easy but Steve didn't want to challenge her. He kept his hands above the table.

However that didn't really solve his problem. While he wasn't entirely against having her foot in his lap, she had caught him off guard. His growing erection was already fighting for room within his shorts before her foot arrived. Now he was a little bent and trapped and he really did need to make an adjustment in his shorts.

"Listen, I won't touch you if that's what you want, but I really need to 'straighten things out' if you know what I mean. Can I at least do that?"

He assumed she would be understanding of his predicament so he was surprised when she told him no. She did understand he might be a little uncomfortable, but he still wasn't allowed to use his hands.

She went on to explain that he was free to do some shifting in his seat to get more comfortable and she would even be willing to help him 'get things straight' but the use of his hands was forbidden.

Steve looked at her rather quizzically not believing any of this was possible. Then he slowly shifted in his seat, rolling his pelvis and trying to work out the kinks. True to her word Lacey's foot moved against him and slid back and forth as if she were ironing out his shorts. Hard to say just how much that helped as her foot action also increased his need for more room.

It took a little time and more than a little effort on Steve's part but eventually he had himself all straightened out beneath her foot while keeping his hands above the table. Once that task was accomplished he was able to more fully enjoy the contact she was offering.


"Yes, much better. Thank you."

It was indeed better; much, much better. Now with the discomfort removed he could enjoy the feeling of her foot in his crotch, her sole pressing against his length through his shorts. For a moment he imagined what it might be like if he wasn't wearing any shorts.

But surely if that were the case he would have already blown his load. Even now he had to control himself and he felt it was a possibility that Lacey could cause him to make a mess even with his shorts on.

"Now then, I'd like to discuss a few things with you. Do I have your attention?"

She had his attention alright, although maybe not in the way she meant. He knew he was going to have to pay attention to what she had to say. He also knew that might prove difficult with her sexy foot rubbing against his cock and balls. Still, he let her know he would pay attention to her.

"Good. Now I've been doing some thinking. I told you I had a boyfriend who was into feet. I don't think we were right for each other. And yet, I think I may have given up something I should have held onto; at least for a little longer."

She was eating her ice cream and speaking. Clearly she was also recollecting some of her past with the boyfriend who was into feet. He was listening, curious where this was leading. And yet her foot was also still in his crotch absently rubbing this way and that.

"And then you come along; another foot fiend. What's a girl to do? Hey, you can listen to me and still finish your ice cream. You'll need to be able to multitask."

He knew the question was rhetorical, but now she was also reminding him of the dessert in front of him. He wasn't quite sure about her multitasking comment, but he was already trying to pay attention to what she was saying while at the same time enjoying her foot in his lap. Still he took another spoonful and worked to finish his bowl while listening to her words; and feeling her foot.

"So anyway, where was I? Right, you're a foot fiend. So you seem like a nice guy and I think this may be a second chance for me. It's too soon to say if we're truly compatible, but I know you'd be up for rubbing my feet from time to time. Plus I already know you're willing and able to use your tongue."

Steve did a brief check to see if anyone was close or might be listening to their conversation. Lacey wasn't speaking loudly but while this may be a topic for the two of them, he didn't like the idea of strangers hearing about his foot fetish or what it had led him to do for Lacey.

"The thing is I'm going to want more than that. I get that you're a little new to this, which in some ways is a plus, but I don't know yet how truly devoted you are. If I were to take you on you'd have to do more than just rub my feet once in awhile."

Steve did like the idea of rubbing her feet. And he had already done more than that with the footplay they had experienced together. And while he wasn't quite sure what she had in mind by 'taking him on' it did sound like Lacey had plans for the two of them which went beyond this day.

"So I guess the first question before we get much further is this: would you be interested in seeing me again on a more regular basis, and being able to touch my feet?"

Was it really a question? I mean he knew his answer was a big hell yes! Of course he wanted to see her again. He wanted to hold her again, kiss her again, and yes he wanted to touch her feet again. How could he possibly say no to her?

"Hell yes! I mean, sorry, yes. Yes I would love to keep seeing you; and touching your feet."

"Good. Though no big surprise there, right? Thing is there are two things to consider here. One the one hand, or maybe I should say foot, it's about spending time with me, us spending time together. On the other foot it's about my feet and you serving them the way I want to be served."

He was beginning to think this wasn't something she was just rolling off the cuff. She really had been thinking about this. Her foot too, though still resting against his erection, wasn't moving so much as she was focused on the talk she was giving. Steve was determined to give her the proper attention she deserved. And if they were to have some future together he was eager to hear all she had to say.

"So it's two things that are related. As we spend more time together I'll get a better idea of which is more important or needs more work and whether one or the other isn't working out. So far so good?"

"Yes I'm still very interested and would like to hear more."

"Great. So let's talk about my feet. I don't want to jump ahead and call you my boyfriend just yet. Maybe we can think of you as a probationary boyfriend, once you pass some basic requirements. But even if you don't make the grade of boyfriend, you might still have a position as foot servant."

She paused, gauging his reaction. Leave it to Lacey to make this more interesting. He liked the idea of having her as his girlfriend. He also had enjoyed playing with her feet. But he wasn't so sure about the idea of being her foot servant and nothing more. Sure she was sexy as hell and had pretty feet, but just how long could that really sustain him?

"Listen, don't panic. Nothing is set in stone, I just have some ideas. I may not be some master class expert but I'm also no amateur when it comes to feet. There's a lot I could show you if you're interested."

He hadn't really thought of rating her foot fetish knowledge before, but it was clear she knew more about his foot desire than anyone he had ever met. And just earlier that day he saw how she could take a simple act of swinging on a swing set to a new level of foot fantasy fun.

"And if you're a good boy, you can get treats."

And now the foot in his crotch came alive as her sole rubbed against him and her toes squeezed and pinched. His erection had never left but it was given a new surge of power as she reminded him her foot was right there.

He almost grabbed her foot to rub against her but her look reminded him he was instructed to keep his hands above the table. It wasn't so easy this time and within seconds he was trying to keep his breathing under control and not make any compromising sounds.

Now he knew it was indeed possible for him to shoot his load even with her foot on the other side of his shorts. But before he got there she slowed and pressed down on his dick.

"Oooo is all of that for me? Maybe if you're really good I'll let you give me a treat."

He was still trying to maintain control, but now he feared he may be leaking precum into his underwear. Mentally he was having a battle; not just for control but whether he was willing to shoot his load here in the ice cream shop with all the embarrassment and problems that would create versus stopping it somehow and denying himself what might be the greatest sexual pleasure of his life.

His instinct was to hold back. And while part of him was willing to throw caution to the wind, another voice reminded him that if he was able to spend more time with Lacey, then today might not be his only chance at such foot-induced pleasure.

"Just relax. I'm not finished yet."

He wasn't sure if it was her talk she hadn't finished or if she simply had more in mind to do to his straining member.

"So back to my feet. I know you've had a chance to lick them clean but that's only the beginning. Cleaning my feet is going to be a big part of serving me. They won't always be filthy but they won't always be sparkling clean either; at least not until you've finished with them. So you need to be prepared to be my foot cleaner."

She gave him a moment to let that sink in, but she wasn't asking for his acceptance or indeed willing to hear his refusal. She was just taking a pause before moving on. Allowing him to grasp some of what she had in store for him.

"Now something else we we've only touched on briefly is foot sniffing. You haven't had to deal with smelly feet yet but I assure you mine can get pretty ripe under the right conditions. And while I don't know if you're a sniffer at heart, you are going to get some practice time."

He did recall her mentioning about whether he was a 'sniffer' on their first encounter. Now it seemed she was less concerned whether he was and more interested in giving him the experience of smelly feet; whether he liked it or not.

"So cleaning and sniffing will be your primary foot duties. Sometimes it will be secondary such as rubbing my feet when they stink and sometimes it will be the focus. Are you rubbing dirty feet, or are you simply there to clean them?"

She really had given this some thought. He wondered now just how many activities had she already planned out? And were they just ideas or subjects to cover, or did she have detailed steps and procedures she expected to be followed. It was sounding as much like foot science as it was any foot fetish related play.

"Now there will be times, both for cleaning and sniffing, that I'm going to test your limits. This is for your sake as well as mine. Now I don't see you as a quitter, but if you are then don't even waste my time. If you wanna quit, you can quit right now. Do you wanna quit, or should I continue?"

This time she waited for an answer. Steve didn't keep her waiting long. While he was intrigued by her suggestions, he was far too eager to spend more time with her and learn from her than to simply walk away from it all before it got started. No, he wasn't a quitter.

"Please continue."

"Good. So the other reason you'll want to prove your foot skills, is that it will earn you more time and more chances for the other stuff; to see if you've really got boyfriend material. So maybe a week of taking care of my feet will earn you a real date. And maybe after a few dates you'll get a chance to use that thing."

And again her foot pressed into his dick and began rubbing it. And once again he feared making a mess in his pants. They had both finished their ice cream and now he gripped the edge of the table while willing himself to hold on.

"I take it that's something else you'd be interested in? You want more than just a pretty pair of feet?"

"Oh god yes!"

It came out as a heavy breath, but he knew she heard him, knew that she knew what she was doing to him and how badly he wanted her.

"Well I'm not making any promises, but it's a possibility; once you prove yourself."

She slowed down her foot but he had never really relaxed from the beginning.

"Okay so I take it so far you're on board? The whole probationary boyfriend and foot servant thing sounds like something you can handle?"


He croaked out his response. He still felt the throbbing down below. She was just so sexy. She wanted to see him again. She wanted to guide him, to let him explore his fetish. And she even thought about them having sex, traditional sex. She was the girl of his dreams and she was laying out a plan for them to be together. How could he possibly say no? And could she be any sexier?

"Okay, so just one more thing we need to cover, but first I need you to do something. Scoot your chair in."

He just looked at her and it took a moment to register what she had said, and another to realize she was serious. Her foot was already pressed against his dick as it was. How was he supposed to scoot his chair, and his crotch even closer?

"Come on. You can do it. And don't play games. We'll both know if you've really scooted forward or not. You're not a quitter, remember."

Steve wasn't a quitter. He felt like this was another test, an important test. He couldn't just go through the motions. So he took a quick look around, took a few deep breaths, and then he grabbed his chair and scooted it forward.

Actually that may seem more secondary in this case. What he did was grab his chair and with his dick already pressed against Lacey's bare foot, he pushed his dick into her foot, as if he could push her back from the table that way. The fact that his chair moved with him was of small consequence.

"Oh, see? That's it!"

Now her foot wasn't just pressing against his erection. Now it was flattening it. It felt more like she was standing on it than just resting it in his lap.

"Now focus. I told you we have one more thing to cover. Since you'll be working at being my boyfriend that means all other girls are off limits. And I mean all! We may work out some sort of allowance for porn if you behave yourself, but for now you stay away from it."

Steve didn't expect nor did he have any desire to look at other girls if he was going to be spending time with Lacey. However her inclusion of porn as a form of cheating took him by surprise. Still it was just another way she expressed her sexy confidence. God but she was sexy as hell!

"You see Footboy, during this trial period, where we find out how good you are..."

And now her foot was moving again under the table. It was squeezing and stomping and driving him mad.

"...where we find out if you're a foot sniffer. Where we find out if you've really got what it takes to clean my feet..."


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