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All Comments on 'Ashton Hill Fools'

by xelliebabex

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IamfirehorseIamfirehorseabout 6 years ago
Great story until the end

I love your writing and always look forward to your stories but the ending of this one was a bridge too far. If she pulled the plug on her sister and buried her how could she come back? Also if her sister had a secret friend that is taking over for her ill deeds. Ugh. It just seems out of the blue.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Great character and story

But...there is always the but isn't there.

He was an unsympathetic character with his terse self centered attitude and the strip and on your knees scene was better left out. It didn't fit the love progression.

Then the last chapter didn't work.

Only 4*s.

nthusiasticnthusiasticabout 6 years ago
Loved It Until...

The last part where her dead sister suddenly becomes not only alive but vindictively threatening. Belongs in a different story. I cried when she was going to give April up. You know just how to get to your fans.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Imperfect, or itching for part II

Great story and very well written. Sure, there are always pieces that may not appeal to every reader. The slightly overbearing character of Grayson isn’t always to my liking - but you can never please all of the readers all of the time. As for the whacky ending; why not? I smell a book II in the air! Bring it on :)

Rud1GirlRud1Girlabout 6 years ago

Dear Ellie

As always, your story it’s twists and fully realised characters let alone the highly charged smut never fail to trill.

Thank you


bigbob2406bigbob2406about 6 years ago

What a cracking story.Good characters well written Couldn't put it down until I'd reached the end.Great stuff , very many thanks.

GypsytrampGypsytrampabout 6 years ago

Another great story, Ellie, but I'm with a lot of the other commenters - the end doesn't seem to fit. I get that the sister was unrecognizable at the hospital but it doesn't seem like she'd be able to swap someone else's body with her own if she was "injured" in a car chase while in police custody. There just wouldn't be time for a body swap while no cops were watching. Also, it's not in R's best interest to let anyone know she's still alive, especially her sister who will tell her spouse. So, if it's not R then it's someone else fucking with her but there's nobody else in the story that harbors that kind of animosity toward Quinn and what's the point? It's a total Nik move though. I can totally picture Nik sending that shit to Cat.

blackrandl1958blackrandl1958about 6 years ago
Thank you, Ellielove

Terrific story. Just about perfect, and as always, I am in awe of your writing ability and productivity. Randi.

AssignedNameAssignedNameabout 6 years ago
Thank You

Great story. I started reading it a couple of days ago, got ten pages in then it was pulled, awaiting moderator approval. Upsetting but worth the wait.

4321asdf4321asdfabout 6 years ago

How did Melody know to be at the coffee shop that night?Is that in part 2? Great story! 👍

ender2k2kender2k2kabout 6 years ago
Great story.

I was worried ( and I am still puzzled ) that the story was published and then pulled back. But I am so glad it got sorted out because it was really well written and satisfying. Are we supposed to think that the packed at the end was from her sister?

tazz317tazz317about 6 years ago

you should know yourself and your abilities for survival you limit the bad and use the good to the fullest. TK U MLJ LV NV

blackrandl1958blackrandl1958about 6 years ago
I apologize to all.

It was my fault that the story was taken down for a few days. It was a story for the Magical Mystery Tour, and was supposed to post on St. Patrick's day. We had a little mix-up with the queue, and it was posted prematurely. I am so sorry, Ellie. I apologize to everyone.

Northpacific2017Northpacific2017about 6 years ago
Enough said by others

Thank You, well worth the wait, seems like an opening for more at the end, should you choose to continue.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
I'm confused

First, wasn't this supposed to be a mystery?

Second, this seemed like a bad attempt at an Australian pseudo 50 Shades of Grey.

rnebularrnebularabout 6 years ago

I have always loved Ellie's work in the past, but this was phenomenal storytelling. At first the length made me worry it would take forever to read, but by the end, I wanted it to go longer.

Thanks for sharing your wonderful talent with us again Ellie!

subnotslavesubnotslaveabout 6 years ago
Another Ellie Great!

Really enjoyed this Ellie, thank you. Really think you could publish your stories - if you chose to...


JMH1961JMH1961about 6 years ago

The outcome was predictable, but the end was not. I really did like this story, a lot. My first of yours that I have read and now I will read your others. Thank You for a very good read....5***** from a new fan.

DaniellaxmjtsDaniellaxmjtsabout 6 years ago
Wonderful writing

I couldn’t put it down, night after night of reading this wonderful novella. You truly are a gifted writer. Please continue to share your gift with all of us. I look forward to reading more of your stories.

gmann57gmann57about 6 years ago

You are good, Very nice story and great ending

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
I like it.

You got tits so you're a good writer of sex stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
I liked it - keep on writing.

Great plot idea. The characters were a bit middle-schoolish in temperament and behavior, which is unfortunate, but fixable. It was dramatic and suspenseful, but kind of tedious and awkward when you had the characters acting like spoiled or petulant children. Not that much depth for the number of pages used, suggesting a bit of stuffing and unneeded embellishment. Still, a good read.

Good luck with future work.

xtchrxtchrabout 6 years ago
Well Done!

An entertaining and enjoyable story. It just seemed like it took a lot of pages to bring them together as a family. But I actually got into the story. I skimmed a few pages but I went back and reread them as I got more involved. I was confused by the ending when she received the package, it didn't seem to fit in....unless you have a chapter 2 or a sequel planned.

Thank you for a very entertaining story.

OnethirdOnethirdabout 6 years ago

A long saga, but a nice one. I don’t understand the ending- if there is more to this I better go find it... insecurity messes up so many relationships. Thinking about what the other person wants but not asking them is a recipe for disasters and soap operas. I loved the descriptions of the adorable April baby; almost makes me want one of my own.

mommylovestoreadmommylovestoreadabout 6 years ago

True love triumphs in the end. Mothers give birth, Moms are there to sooth nightmares or cuddle through colds.

Bh76Bh76almost 6 years ago
Keep going!

This is the best story I’ve read here. Please continue it!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I got well into page 3 when I realized it was another of the Harlequin romances that my wife used to read. So I'll pass. By then, I could see where it was headed, confirmed by reading comments.

But you might submit it to Harlequin. I bet it's better than a lot of their maudlin tales.

Would not be fair to rate something that is simply not my type.

Paul in Oklahoma

jtwheelsjtwheelsover 4 years ago
Good story enjoyed but could cut about 20 % without hurting story

Almost gave up

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Just another empty ending.

OldManSOldManSalmost 4 years ago
Owning another person.??

No one owns anyone else I almost stopped the story there. I was going to read more but it's not my thing . Sorry goodbye!


Hope you and your daughter still enjoy butterflies. Gentle, free, fluttery, colorful little fragile creatures.

AnonimousOtherAnonimousOtherover 3 years ago
Not sure about this one

I like most of Ellie's stories but I really wasn't sure what I thought of this story. I guess the ending is a cliff-hanger for the next story but it really didn't seem to fit, and like others the "own" references and the apparent coercion didn't sit well with me either.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

A good story of severely flawed characters trying to live an impossible ideal.

Both Quinn and Grayson have major insecurity issues.

Grayson uses his controlling and owning her to counter his insecurities. Quinn uses flight to counter her insecurities.

Not sure what the future holds for them when she can not run so easily coz of her bond with Noah.

FocusriteFocusriteabout 2 years ago

Really? 15 pages to put up with that kind of ending? WTF

lyssagaillyssagailabout 2 years ago

Enjoyed as always. Not sure why everyone feels the need to be so negative instead of moving on if they don't like it. But you know you have all kinds off fans. Don't let that get to you. Can't wait for more stories

6King6Kingalmost 2 years ago

And? ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago


Long drawn-out drivel with a BS ending!!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

What happened to the property Reagan owned?!!! Stupid Quin was the executor for the property left by her bitch mother!!

A pity that the bitch mother died leaving everything to the skanky daughter

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A bodice ripper from Mills and Boon maybe. Way to much navel gazing and not communicating.

socaltzrsocaltzrover 1 year ago

Supermarket stand level writing and character building (which is many levels above Literotica expectations). Flawed and damaged people, doing what real flawed and damaged people do. With a dash of fantasy to make it actually interesting. Now to read some of your other stuff.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Why the fuck was Mary Delaney interfering and forcing Quinn to stay with her!!

15pages later and you gave a trash ending!!

Quinn is just a dumb bitch

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

World class correspondent/reporter became a nanny and housekeeper plus cook.....they're fucking rich but can't get cleaners or cooks....what a pathetic story

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Quinn is a dumb bitch. After the sister died he wanted her back as the nanny/housekeeper, not as his life partner yet the desperate slut goes running back to him!! Jocelyn could have babysat or put April in a crèche and get on with her work!!


NovemberComingFireNovemberComingFireabout 1 year ago

You have some really cute stories that I love. This isn’t one of them. Your main characters both suck pretty bad in this one. Both shallow as fuck and narcissistic all the way to the end. And seriously, the ending. Tf are you doing there?

TulipfuzzTulipfuzz8 months ago

Well.... was a bit unkind but I can agree, at least in a small part, with the criticism of the characters. But then again both characters were in careers that procur and grow narcissistic personality traits. That being said, the persons with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) seldom regret their choices because they are experts at finding ways to blame others for there bad choices and behavior; they are better than everyone else. While there was enough blame cast it was fairly well balanced with he blaming of self. So, "November" your label of narcissisticism is not well placed unless you simply mean "self-centered". NPD is incurable and only seeks compromise as a last resort as it to them is utter failure. Although the characters may have been shallow in their world views, the part of the story I enjoyed most was that both were able to merge their goals into a workable plan snd not a one-sided capitulation. The ending is appropriate if a sequel is forthcoming. I sensed a set of mind wheels picking up momentum for a thrilling continuation. At first I would have guessed that she may have staged her death. But that would take some 'splaynin' as her autopsy would have verified her ID. ....unless there was a dirty medical examiner.

cutedaddy69cutedaddy693 months ago

Very nice story in principle. I DO NOT AGREE WITH, AND ALSO RESENT, all the unkind and even hateful criticisms below. Shame on those who think they're entitled to such behavior.

My crticism would be that the character of Grayson did not evolve beyond his pure male priviliged prickness, and, in tandem with that, Quinn's character, which initially is full of agency, develops into a woman who makes all the sacrifices women traditionally make, to earn the love of his royal prickness.

Would have liked it better if somewhere along the line Grayson would have REALLY realised what Quinn's life had been like, having been horribly abused by her family, and having surmounted numerous disadvantages without any help from anybody, ever.

I was really looking forward to the moment she'd slap Grayson in the face, like really hard! She has been injured her whole life, and he keeps adding insult to it from a position of utter comfort!

If i sound like a feminist, it's because i am. As all guys should be. It does not diminish your masculinity, it adds to it.

Tx for the story

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

As a journalist already famous for finding herself unwillingly thrust into news events, Quinn should have unleashed an immediate media circus against Rheagan with the title "My Sister, Serial Abandoner", asking viewers to find her.

(Obviously using pseudonyms and blurs for the kids and other relatives)

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago


Quinn had nothing to apologize for.

Grayson abandoned her at the first sign of trouble.

He's an untrustworthy coward who should have been apologizing to her.

dawg997dawg997about 2 months ago

I really liked this story, people in changing emotional times, forced to react because of circumstances beyond their control, and finding new feelings for others they never thought they had. A multi-layered story line. Good stuff!

Honestly, I don't understand all the negative comments. But to each his or her own.

Thanks for the story! You are truly a gifted author.

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