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All Comments on 'Assumptions'

by 62_goo

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betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 10 years ago

That was harsh. Fucking worthless cunt and her jerkoff lover. Before and throughout their whole marriage. I hope they enjoy their life sentences in prison. Fucking stupid losers.

Five Stars

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I fucking hate these losers who unknowingly raise someone else's bastards and then wants to keep raising them after they learn the truth. I'd like to see one fucking story where the guy finds out and says "Fuck this Shit" and tosses the little bastards into the system.

judge1179judge1179almost 10 years ago
I actually liked this story...

I even agreed with the choice of the jilted husband in accepting responsibility for children that he had raised, but were not his. Just because the wife and the lover are lower than pond scum on the evolutionary scale doesn't mean that the children should suffer. Besides, the author never specifically said that the kids were in fact not his. All the author said was that a DNA test would be one of his next steps, but it was never revealed if the kids were his or the lover. If you choose to believe that the kids are the result of the affair then that is your choice. If you don't, then that is your choice as well.

5 Stars.

tazz317tazz317almost 10 years ago

people in love always do. TK U MLJ LV NV

TwentysevenTwentysevenalmost 10 years ago
To Anonymous

So what we have here is 3 innocent children, early teens or younger, who love and depend on the man they think is their father. And your solution is to throw the little bastards on the system. Grow a pair, man.

impo_60impo_60almost 10 years ago
She deserved all...

She deserved all the years in prison...He had loved the children as his own for a long time...he had to save them from being in the world without parents...Good story...

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago
re Paternity

No, he said MUCH more than that he was going to have a DNA test.

He had her EMails detailing how she had sex only wit her lover during her fertile periods, then the kids were "coincidentally" born a couple of weeks early.

He told her boss that the kids weren't his.

Not proof positive without the DNA test, but pretty definite.

I am far from an expert, but I think you MAY be exaggerating a bit on the sentencing.

First of all, while Defense contracts are involved, unless they are selling info to foreign governments it is "only" corporate espionage and wouldn't fall under the kinds of statutes that you are thinking of.

Second, even traditional espionage doesn't ALWAYS bring a life sentence.

BTW, I DO agree that he should keep the kids. He loves them, and he is the only father they know.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
sorry but

why stay with the kids?

its better to give relatives.

they are the prove of cheat lying and more...

if i was him... i will erase everything, the kids included. sorry but in the real world

thats will happen.

patilliepatilliealmost 10 years ago
Thought the buildup was pretty good

and I was wanting more, when it was all very neatly and quickly wrapped up. Oh well.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

read the story again because i believe it was simple but to deep for you..

swingerjoeswingerjoealmost 10 years ago

Sorry, but this story is incredibly boring. There was no tension or drama, and certainly no eroticism. It was just a description of a hacker hacking. If this is supposed to fall under the "and more" clause of the Loving Wives description, then the category has lost all meaning.

javmor79javmor79almost 10 years ago
Could have been a lot better

A little too quick and easy. The plot was very interesting but the execution failed. Writer should have drawn it out a little. The story was such a blur that I didn't have a chance to feel what he felt. I would be interested in a rewrite of this story if the author chose that. In the rewrite I have a few suggestions.

I suggest that we hear a little bit about the marriage before the discovery so that we can take the journey with the husband. What is their relationship like? What is it like with the kids? Does she act loving or is she just cold to him?

Then a few examples of her ambiguous interactions with her boss that could be interpreted either way would add a little tension. Did they dance a little too closely? Did they talk a little too familiarly? Maybe we can hear about the husband questioning her about it and she telling him that he is being paranoid. I'm sure that they had an argument or two about it.

Then a little bit more of a confrontation with the wife instead of him yelling two sentences to her. Maybe we can hear her explanation of why she screwed him over. Is she sorry? Does she feel bad or is she just a sociopath? What about her relationship with her kids? What does she feel about that?

Like I said, this story could have been a lot better. Not a fun read as it is though.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Keep The Kids?

It seems like virtually all of these stories that end up with a true cuckolding, that is unknowingly raising another man's child or children, the guy wants and keeps custody, without any angst or real thought. While noble, in reality I would think that would be a hard thing to do. Raising children is a hard job. I assume that he's around 35, still young enough for a full life, and the former wife has living parents. He'll spend vast amounts of his time dealing with those girls, and will have little time to devote to rebuilding his own life, let alone experiencing the real possibility that their very presence will only remind him of what's been done to him. A really, really good man might do that and do it well, but I doubt that very many would given these circumstances.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggalmost 10 years ago
Akin to Star Wars with Darth Vadar referenced only in the third person

In other words , lame. Characters both good and bad drive a story or the whole deal is moribund. That is all.

FantasyXYFantasyXYalmost 10 years ago
If anyone cares...

The sentence for government contracting fraud is generally two years in federal prison and a financially debilitating fine (often in the millions of dollars). Trust me. It's part of my job description to know this.

As far as the story goes, adding a little bit more intrigue would have made it more fun to read. A good start might have been to put the list of the protagonist's wrong assumptions at the end of the story and make them his conclusions about his relationship. And to make it more erotic, maybe have the protagonist read some correspondence between the two lovers that describes great sex between the two.

All in all I think it was a pretty decent story concept. Being sort of a spy story, it could have been told with a little more intrigue. Maybe add some interaction between the wife and the husband that shows her trying to cover up what she is doing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

THis crap should be in NON EROTIC.So bad..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Nice, but too quick

Nice little story Goo; I would have liked it more had there been more interaction between husband and wife upon her return. Why did she do this to him? A little more explanation would have been helpful. Also, the BTB factor was just a blip. Both she and her lover deserved more written pain or embarrassment.

To the Anonhole who thinks that parenting is only biological; you must not have kids. Parenting is about nurturing day to day; the scraped knees, teaching to ride a bike, birthdays, holidays, vacations, little league, and a lot more. Adoptive parents and step parents aren't the sperm donors; but the bound is just as strong! So your comments are $%#*& goofy.

I look forward to reading more of your stuff.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I thought the story was very good. Unfortunately, it could have been much better .

This is almost all potential and very little performance.

With a couple together more than 12 years and 3 children. Embezzlement ,industrial sabotage , cheating and denial of children. Wow the drama could have filled dozen of pages and multiple chapters. We cannot judge what doesn't occur ! So 3*s.

You remind me of the old Atlanta braves baseball teams ,from the '80s. So much talent and ability; so little accomplished!!

I believe you like it that way.


bruce22bruce22almost 10 years ago
No surprises in this outline for a story

I did enjoy reading it but felt a lack of human contact and dialogue. Certainly he was there to deliver the kids and is as connected to them as far as possible, so it was not surprising that he wanted to finish the job. The surprise to me is that the kids took the loss of their mother well.

connoisseur29connoisseur29almost 10 years ago

For having just started to have your work published herein, you're doing fine. Don't let the trolls get you down. I imagine time restraints can be a bitch when trying to write a story. Keep, at it , mate. You'll come around okay. Cheers!

MrVdogMrVdogalmost 10 years ago
I get tired of the noble

cuckold 'daddy' who just can't abandon the kids that aren't his. to hell with that - send the bitch to jail and turn the little bastards over to the system, or her parents, or whatever, and get them the hell out of my life, they are no kin to me...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
re: Just kleep writing and don't do anything but laugh at the trools

Odd that bonnietaylor2 would recommend the writer laugh at bonnietaylor2, who by far meets the definition of troll than anyone who actually talked about the story.

sugnasugnaalmost 10 years ago

Good but cold. It felt like it was written by the computer nerd protagonist. It had a asbergers feeling to it.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 10 years ago

Thanks for the offering.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsalmost 10 years ago
the children

Was she planning to leave the children behind when she left with her lover and the millions?

Why I ask is that it seems that they are well attached to him, enough so that they take to losing their mother without too much drama.

If she was taking them with her she should have worked to make them more distant to the husband.

I can understand the years of loving these children and the knowledge that they are as innocent of wrongdoing in this as he is, could cause him to keep them.

Had their mother poisoned his relationship with them then dumping them on the maternal grandparents would be more reasonable.

WhackdoodleWhackdoodlealmost 10 years ago
It seems odd that she wanted her lovers children

But appeared ready to leave them behind. Or did she love them? Likewise, why would the kids never see her again? Sure she cheated on the man they called dad; but she's still their mom.

Likewise, why the fuck would her boss involve the husband anyway? Wouldn't it be better to call in a neutral third party? That way there could be no evidence of bias.

Gets a one star.

WedjatWedjatalmost 10 years ago
RE: Yawn

`Sorry, but this story is incredibly boring. There was no tension or drama, and certainly no eroticism. It was just a description of a hacker hacking. If this is supposed to fall under the "and more" clause of the Loving Wives description, then the category has lost all meaning.`

This coming from a Condescending, Pompous, AssHat who turned off all voting for everyone of his LW stories. But he comes right on in and `Trashes` another LW author, and I am 99.99999999999% certain he also `Voted Down` what is offered. Joey The Pud Puller is just having his typical little `Hissy Fit` he is known for when things don't go his way.

I liked your story. It burnt up a few minutes for what is turning out to be a boring afternoon for me. Keep writing and don't pay attention to the Troll's around here. Particularly the AnonyFucks .........

honeylicker1124honeylicker1124almost 10 years ago
I give it 3 stars...

It is a good premise and plot. But so much more could be written. You could have written 3 to 5 chapters and made an interesting tale and still have a good BTB ending. So the story is too short.

Also you continually misspelled "Defense" and had other errors. The premise if having sex at fertile times with lover and "withholding" from hubby then fuck his brains out when she has a fetus in her is plausible. Since he raised the kids, and they considered him their daddy, they were his, if not biologically. I agree with KarenE, the sentencing would not be right for industrial espionage. Do your research. But please keep writing and submitting good cheating wife getting caught stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Terrible story line

Although I would have sued to have the children's names changed and started a new life.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Good plot, but the timeline stretches credibility.

Seems impossible that she could have pulled off a loving wife and mother routine for what, 15 years? She could have had her lovers children as a single mother, so the ploy of marrying this guy just for a meal ticket seems far fetched. Not saying such women could not exist, but the husband had to be incredibly dense, and the marriage unbelievably shallow, for this to work. And her relationship with her kids? Pretty much unexplored in your story. I so see a sequel where the kids visit her and sperm donor in prison, telling her that she no longer exists in their lives or their memories. And showing both her and sperm donor their recent tattoos, marking them as their fathers children. He of course will also have had their names tatooed over his heart. Bitch and sperm donor are allowed to wallow in their dispair, and their remaining life in prison as punks and bitches for the alpha inmates. Sweet.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Good; could have been longer

This was a good story, but seemed a little rushed at the end. I don't think that you had to draw it out into more chapters, but you could have given us some insights into the wife's character and thinking. Why marry him at all? Why carry on the charade for so many years? Did she care for the husband at all? There were a lot of unanswered questions. The answers to these questions would have made the story stronger. Thanks for the story; it was entertaining as far as it went.

rightbankrightbankalmost 10 years ago
totally incompetent boss, and feds

no one but the cheated on husband can find the "truth"??? . the owner of the company who employed our protagonist's wife, and her lover has asked for his help in discovering whether or not fraud has been perpetrated against his own business.

even though phone, email, and bank receipts are all conveniently kept in permanent records for 17+ years.

why if they had millions were the cheaters waiting so many years before they slipped away?

what was the faithless wife planning to do as she left with the father of her children, with the kids?

what a charmer her boss was, did not want a divorce from his wife, nor did he want to marry the mother of his children. such a nice guy.

why, when the husband discovered how he had been deceived, and he had the account number in the Caymans, didn't he just transfer the money to another (his) account and leave the cheaters to fend for themselves?

Instead, he watches as his wife and her lover are arrested, her (not his) children are sent into foster care, and he goes back into his mundane job, sans wife, and children, without enough income to maintain the household expenses, and the subject of a massive whisper campaign regarding his culpability in her felonious behaviour.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
It could have been a great story

Way too short , and it did not add up! Dna his kids or not. Is any women that stupid to do that to her husband. The deception was over the top. Why would the. Boss hire him he could have covered up the evidence , 🐤

swingerjoeswingerjoealmost 10 years ago

It's funny. Javmor recently made a comment on another story, where he described how the Loving Wives rating system works. It was a brilliant observation, and serves as an incredibly accurate predictive model.

Here we have a "story" where all the action takes place "off-screen". We're told that the main character's wife has been a serial cheater for more than a decade, without drawing any suspicion whatsoever from hubby. Her personality, character and motivations are never divulged to the reader, so to us, she's nothing but a faceless, cardboard cutout. In fact, she doesn't even merit a single line of dialog in the entire piece.

The husband, as usual in these stories, is a righteous and heroic individual who possesses some superpower (in this case, hacking) that allows him to discover his cheating wife's shocking infidelity. The reader is forced to suspend his disbelief a number of times as one irrational plot device after another is revealed. This woman purposely had three children with her lover? Why? Is she a sadist? A Nazi? Satan himself, disguised as a secretary? This is left to the reader's imagination.

None of this matters, though, because according to the Javmor formula, this story will receive a high rating because the cheating wife ends up imprisoned in the end. That is the one and only criteria that LW readers apply. True to form, this little one-pager that is filled with so many gaping plot holes is sporting a respectable 3.85 rating.

Well done, LW readers. You've broken the Internet.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
What a silly

burn the bitch story. It was entirely about a geek and his computer. But to please the burners nothing more is required.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Calm down there swinger joe

It's not like the story broke 4.0.

Just because guys don't want to read stories about wife sharing, cucking, or watching 8 guys do your wife doesn't mean that this story is bad.

It was short, not enough depth, and no personality or interaction from the wife.

acupacupalmost 10 years ago
A good start...

... but like too many others, lots of setup with a quick ending... need to work on properly completing the story.

HoppydoodleHoppydoodlealmost 10 years ago
4 stars

No suspense. One of my children from my first marriage may not be mine. I will never DNA test......she is mine regardless. She says her mother is a slut whore and she is proud to be like her father. She hates cheaters.

carvohicarvohialmost 10 years ago
OK ok...

You unloaded the conclusion on us up front, and that sort of ruined it. There was, as others have said, a good build up, everyone knew what was coming so it wasn't that interesting.

Regardless of the DNA they're his kids. They're innocent. Now it's his chance to go out and find someone who'll love him and his kids.

One last thing. I'm just a big enough prick to want to send mom pictures of the kids as they grow up. I'd want to send her the pictures at Disney World, Hawaii, Paris, Venice, the Bahamas, scuba diving, Nashville, skiing, and all kinds of other outdoors things she'd never get to do inside prison. It would be even more fun to send her any pictures of the second wife on the honeymoon. I'd want that honeymoon to be some place the miserable wench had always wanted to visit. Ha ha you missed it! Maybe when you get out when you're seventy!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

A great big FIVE----I like the BTB stories.

chytownchytownalmost 10 years ago
Good Read***

Thanks for sharing.

tazz317tazz317over 9 years ago

Never Assume No Assumptions. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Last assumption, i would never hurt my wife, very wrong assumption

if she ever gets out of jail, she wont last long

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 9 years ago

It takes a big man to raise children he knows aren't his. However he had them from birth so they are his children, emotionally and spiritually. Fucking worthless cheating wife and mother of these children got what she deserved. Her jerkoff lover also.


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Do part two where the ex wife want her husband and childern back

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
I'm astonished that he had 15 years experienced with this woman.....

....and never had a single suspicion?????

No. Damn. Way.

No one that connected and self aware is that gullible. No IT groink is that trusting. No husband believes that where none of the kids looks at all like him that they are his.

I had an interesting experience at a neighborhood barbecue about 4 summers back. Our neighbors 3 doors up on the opposite side of the street seemed like a great couple. They had three kids, ages 9, 7 and 4. All had some resemblance to the wife, but none to hubby. In a conversation late in the day, after folks were pretty well oiled up, another neighbor talking to us and this above couple said with some slur in her voice, "Mary, your kids are all just gorgeous! They all look just like you and some blond Nordic God....who's the father?"

Mary blanched and paled. It was dealt silent for a moment,then Mary started to stutter and froth. David (a tall, swarthy, but handsome man) interrupted her burbling and said, "Yeah, honey, who's the father? Why not include the details?" He gave her a murderous look that thoroughly squelched any response, said, "Don't go away, stay right here," and stomped off into the night...towards home.

Mary had started crying and collapsed right there. That got a lot of attention and several gals got her up and took her into the house to calm her. About 20 minutes later we heard rubber burning as (apparently) David's car peeled out of the drive and up the street into the rest of his life....apparently, he'd had suspicions for a very, very long time, but had foolishly never acted on them.

Someone else at that party was very disturbed. She and her husband fussed about for a few minutes, separating themselves from the group and engaged in an obviously tense dialog, then left a short while after Mary's collapse. Later it came out that wifey knew of Mary's "situation", and had remained silent within the circle of friends and neighbors.

As you might guess, David and Mary divorced. David sued for paternity tests and it was proven the children all belonged to the same man....not David. The court held that since he'd raised them as his own for so long, he knew and accepted her cuckolding and granted Mary full support and separate maintenance.

Guess what? David evaporated after beating her lover to death and Mary and her three bastard children were forced to go live with her mother. True story.

Oh, the other couple divorced. It seems he no longer trusted and couldn't live with a woman that would keep something that far-reaching to herself. He believed that she'd fucked around, although was never able to prove it. They didn't have children yet, but for him the blush was well off the rose. I don't know any more detail, but apparently, she got nothing in the settlement. Also a true story.

You really don't need to go very far or dig very deep to get material of the highest caliber to write about. I say that with tongue in cheek.

And, as they say, the best fiction has roots in reality.

Keep trying. Your writing is technically very just need to work on the storyline and do frequent reality checks. If you ask us to believe something that goes beyond the normal realities of life, you have an obligation to provide a device, a vehicle to make that something acceptable or even believable. Fail to do that and you get people calling bullshit, or otherwise criticizing your story.

Keep trying. If you are willing to learn from the feedback, you'll likely hit on something that will win hearts and enliven minds and libidos to your great elation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
this was a good one

i know its a story but 17 years an he did not have any idea his wife was cheating on him. I find that part unbelievable , I can see him taking the kids emotionally and loving him as the real and only father they knew. so with a life sentence he has no problems going forward. I wonder what his fee was in all this. he should have been well rewarded. for a tech guy how did she get away with blatant cheating..

jaxster99jaxster99over 9 years ago

i love stories where the cheating wife gets her punishment.

Tim413413Tim413413over 9 years ago
Nice, compact story.

Well written, but the author should have referred to the "big boss" as owner or something else. I had to stop a few times to decipher whether boss was being used to describe her boss or her boss's boss.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Tom Clancy...

In one of his novels wrote "Assumptions are the mother of all fuck-ups."

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Annony, hey dick head what the fuck does that mean

Never mind we don't give a fuck. Go some place else you dumb mother fucker

ttom76ttom76about 9 years ago
Nice then ...

... you rushed the ending in one paragraph!

I know that you're primary goal was to write a story about catching and punishing a cheater. But, you created a personal what we (I) want closure on.

How did he get over her. New wife, dating. What about the kids?

Also, was he tempted to steal their stolen money, and why didn't he?

His revenge was right, let the law handle it.

I still ranked this with a 5, but seriously considered a 4 due to the ending

SplitAcesSplitAcesabout 9 years ago
Another head up his ass hubby?

This seems to be a trend with you. Here is a observation for you. In a real marriage, the husband and wife actually do things together! Yes bizarre, I know; but it works for me,

sbrooks103sbrooks103about 9 years ago

If his wife even MIGHT be under suspicion, hiring her husband to do the security check is ludicrous! Unless, as we saw here, she was betraying HIM, his inclination would be to protect her, not reveal her wrong-doings.

I’ll bet the boss either knows or suspects the affair and this is his way of alerting him to it. I guess I was right, I didn’t even think of the idea that knowledge of the affair would incentify him to work harder on the case!

I agree with him keeping the kids - he may not be their biological father, but he's the only father they've ever known, and they've been as close to him as any natural child would.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
you are a good writer but,

Your don't want to finish the story. Is this your weak spot? I think so.......


AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

a bit too short. would have liked to hear a bit of her side at the end, a longer conclusion. not bad though.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Pretty good until the non-ending

Then the whole story fell off the cliff. It seemed like you either didn't know how to finish this or you thought this was a good ending. That notion was just wrong. This deserved a much better ending than you gave it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
doesn't make sense

Why didn't she marry the other asshole? He was divorced and she still wasn't married. So why?

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

fag cuck shit.

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2over 8 years ago

because dear annony is a old ugly fag ass fag with ED who hate everything

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Started okay....

But it ended with no real finish. It's like you told half the story then

just quit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Reads like a case file not so much a story...

I understand where you were going, I do. I think you have lots available here but I just don't feel anything with it. It really feels like a case file or outline or something like that. There is not enough color or feeling. Where does he throw-up? Where does he see her smile in the morning after they wake up - but now wonders what she was smiling about? Where is the memory of some strange point that he "allowed" himself to forget. Believe me cheaters always leave them. Where is there any sense of remorse from her in the emails, unless she is a total sociopath there would be, and if she was a sociopath she would not show any concern about the children in the end. That might have been an more fulfilling twist, perhaps she was a mole or complete sociopath.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Similar story

Of serial cheating wife who has been unfaithful to 3rd husband entire marriage - wed 1993 still cheating.HE KNOWS DOES NOTHING even though HER OWN MOTHER TOLD HIM TO DIVORCE THE SLUT. Details posted on Facebook profile of

She lost her college instructor job in Helena Montana because of info on profile. She coered at least one student into having sex.

He refused when she threatene to flunk him, but gave in when she told him if he did not do what she wanted she would falsely accuse him of sexually assaulting her. She had already had a conversation a3bout himwith her dept head and that person had told her she did not trust student and feared for instructor's safety. Thing is dept head had never met or talked to student...comments were based on fact student had been construction worker

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Who fathered the kids.....

God story until the end. Then wam bang thank you....

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Well-Deserved 5-Star Rating

I guess this beats my having to produce the paperwork for Article 15's and terminating my wife's military service. I can still smile when I think about it.

MightyHornyMightyHornyabout 7 years ago
Re: ok

... Seriously?

Her boss is the father of her kids.

Sure looks like reading comprehension ain't your thing, anon.

tazz317tazz317about 7 years ago

and that is where the Children will be involved, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

This was industrial espionage so the companies that his wife's boss worked with would also be prosecuted!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
5!! Oh so now annony is a fucking

lawyer too!! HE is brain dead from drinking all that cum from his dead ex wife's cunt!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Gave it five, how easy it was for her to cheat on her own husband, but a step to far cheating her employer as her partner in crime failed to cover their tracks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
dna test, if their not his

i assume that you would give them to her mother

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Reply to comment by Anonymous 04/28/18

Better yet... an IQ test on YOU because I'm ASSUMING that you're an idiot.

It's clear that you didn't comprehend the meaning of...

"That means the rest of your life in jail. And guess what? Your kids will never see you again. I love them all as if they were my own and because of that they will never see their mother again."


"They were found guilty on all counts and were sentenced to consecutive life sentences for them all."

I don't know what ID you go under but 'GawdAwful Stupid' would be perfect for you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
For Anon 7/18 and his comment on another comment

He's not their biological Father. No mention was made as to her family. Courts do stupid things. He could end up with no visitation and the kids with a family member. Maybe even the biological Father's family. Shit happens! Besides - it's a fictional story and maybe anon likes his ending better. LOL stupid!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Wholly predictable...

...and so, pretty vanilla. It's a 1* special.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
Not bad

Can't say too much bad about a story where cheating wife and liver are burned.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Well cooked liver is nasty. Can’t imagine eating burned liver.

jtwheelsjtwheelsalmost 5 years ago
Enjoyed the BTB caught and punishment deserved


Why in stories does husband put up with overtime weekends team building etc

Interferes with homelife

Doesn't anyone demand at least one meal together most of week and family time where everyone says what day was like and details

No communication no family just strangers living together

Sorry to say know some like that

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 4 years ago
gave it a 3

she has family and the bio dad has family. She depended on him bonding with the kids but at the end of the day, he's childless.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 4 years ago

It was fun, but not realistic that the boss would hire the husband to investigate the wife. Even with the motivation of finding the cheating, he would have gone to someone else. Plus, if I were the husband, I would want a signed contract with the boss in my office or I was potentially committing a crime. That said, it was fun!

Just_WordsJust_Wordsalmost 4 years ago
I just read it again.

It was completely unrealistic and great fun! I think I might have enjoyed it even more the second time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Fun story but 2 stars

Your story and s well written but. Gave it 2 stars because I would try for an annulment in court first as the marriage was a fraud. If that did not work then file divorce, plenty of evidence for adultery starting with 3 kids.

I would also sue her boss for back child support and to have my name replaced with his on the birth certificates as well as severe all contact with the children. Let her parents raise them.

johsunjohsunover 3 years ago

All tied up in a neat package. A good plot, five stars, but would have been so much better if there were actual conversations and character development with at least the main character. His 'wife' and her lover would have helped as well.

One cold blooded bitch, that's for sure. And the lover was a little odd, letting his lover have relations with the other man (her husband). That's weird, why didn't he tell her to get over the desire to have his kids and just remain lovers. In essence she was cuckolding her lover with her husband. After all the lover was the first one on the scene.

26thNC26thNCalmost 3 years ago

Reading again. This story has a very.happy ending.

fredbrownfredbrownalmost 3 years ago

I wouldn't put much faith in the cucks "BS" legal opinions. Other than that this was the usual story for the amusement of us cucks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good that the lovers/criminals were brought to justice. VERY bad that none of the kids were his and that

he was forced to raise them.

nixroxnixroxover 2 years ago

1 star - I just cannot imagine any man could possibly be this stupid.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Not stupid, loving and trusting. It's what a good person does ina supposedly committed relationship.

iammweaseliammweaselover 2 years ago

In this case calling it dumb would be a compliment.

Sorry, this could have been good but so ridiculously over the top it fell flatter than a Trumpers brain activity chart.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story about a marriage where only 1 person was loving and trusting of their spouse.

I don't these comments about it's stupid or he's stupid and dumb for not realizing but as i said, loving, trusting and is blind when 1 spouse is chillingly deceptive. It was amazing how you said the wife really went to all that trouble to have her lovers children and make it seem that it was his.

I wouldn't of got a divorce, I would of gone for an annulment instead, also sued for back pay for 'his' kids, keep them emotionally but get the lovers money for essentially knowing he was raising his kids.

great story again and don't listen to anyone complaining about this being stupid etc, they obviously haven't been in love and wouldn't think twice about someone they love can have a different outlook to you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Started well…but ended with a whimper! This happens to most writers who suffer from premature ejaculations !! They start well but can’t finish properly

BigfundrewBigfundrewalmost 2 years ago

This could have been so much more. We needed some response from the wife.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

So sad but to every action there's a reaction.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Did he just get paid for the job or did he get a reward for the millions he found? Missing some details and it ended too quickly.

AA82ndAAAA82ndAAover 1 year ago

Story has potential however too sterile, matter of fact and a bit boring.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

C for effort.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Not a bad story. It had potential, if it had been developed more.

Texican1830Texican18309 months ago

You were rolling, but took the off ramp too soon.

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