After FuckYou at Yahoo dot com sent me a message asking me to die and a few others emailed me to tell me I'm an asshole I decided that this would be my info:
If you have come here to tell me that I'm an asshole you should know that you are not the first person to tell me that.
Not the first person.
Not the first person this year.
Not the first person this month.
Not the first person this week.
Thank you,
I am proud to be an asshole, it means that I take a stand on something.
I at least try to be civil in my comments, and don't say fuck you or tell others to die.
To those who say that anyone who does not have stories published should not express any opinions about the quality or lack thereof of stories:
Do you also believe that only chefs can tell if food tastes good?
Earth/Solar System/Milky Way Galaxy/Local Group/Virgo Supercluster/Obser