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At Last

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Phone lovers meet for the first steamy time.
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Her heart was pounding, adrenaline pumping as she checked her watch for the millionth time. He was late, very late. Jill had thought that meeting Vince for the first time... well it was hard to put into words what she had thought it would be like, but she did not think it would be like this. He was a half hour late, and she was freezing. It was snowing again, and she could only hope that he was alright. She tugged at her jeans, picking at invisible lint on her pea-coat. She had picked Dunkin Donuts. The place was neutral territory, middle of town out in the open. She scanned the road again, kicking herself for forgetting to ask what he would be driving.

She was getting really worried now, and Vince hadn't answered his phone for the past hour. Jill shut her eyes, leaning her head back against the head rest of her car seat. She sat like that, not worrying whether she was mussing up her perfectly sculpted curls, or if her lip gloss was smudged... just sitting. When she lifted her eyelids, she was staring into the most beautiful blue eyes. "Vince." It was more of a statement than anything else. He was finally there, he was safe, and he was... hot. She opened the car door and stepped out, crossing her arms, using one of her ample hips to bump her door shut before she settled back against the car. She took all of him in, drinking him up as if she was dying of thirst, and he was water. He was tall with broad shoulders and a body that tapered down nicely. His body was accentuated by the dark blue button down shirt he wore untucked over jeans that fit just right. He had on a Red and dark grey Columbia jacket and a pair of black boots. He was built like a football player. His eyes, as she had noticed moments before were a startling shade of blue save for a small sliver at the bottom of his right iris which was brown. He had long dark lashes, and short dark hair that was swept up into a short faux hawk. Finally, she took in his goatee and settled on his sexy, soft looking lips. "You're late, Jersey."

"Whatever, Nerd. Nice to see you too!" She smiled. She should have known it would be like this. This easy, playful calm she felt was exactly how she always felt when they talked on the phone. She looked into his eyes and giggled softly. Stepping forward, she flung her arms around his neck, standing on tip-toe in order to reach. He smelled amazing, like cologne and laundry detergent.

"I'm glad you're here, baby. I was worried... you made me nervous." She said, stepping back. He caught her hand, running his thumb over the knuckles. She didn't look like a nerd! He eyes were the same startling, bottle green as in the pictures he'd seen, framed along with her heart shaped face by springing curls of soft auburn. She was curvy, and the pea-coat she wore showed off her body beautifully, her jeans hugging all the right places, her black boots pulled up neatly over the cuffs of her pants. Slowly, he lifted her hand to his lips, running them over her fingertips. Her breath caught in her throat, her eyes drifting shut again as he stepped into her body, pressing her back into the car.

"Why don't I follow you to the hotel?" Vince's voice was smooth as velvet, soft and hushed in her ear as he spoke the few simple words that held promises and visions he didn't need to speak out loud. Jill leaned back, looking him in the eyes and smiling slowly, straining to pull in enough air for a proper breath. She leaned forward, brushing her lips warmly against his, her lip gloss catching on him, tangling them in a delicious, sticky kiss that deepened slightly before she pulled back oh so slowly, her lips lingering on his before she opened her eyes and raised a hand to stroke his cheek.

"All right, follow me." She whispered hoarsely. She laid another quick peck on his mouth before folding back into her driver's seat and starting the car. She cranked the car out of the parking spot and watched for him in her rearview mirror.

Once she was sure he was tailing her closely, she thrust the car forward into traffic, pulling up to the intersection on Harry Howard and Fairview. She hung a right and checked the mirror. She saw him behind her in the rented Chevy Cobalt, and she zipped down the busy street, glancing back every so often to be sure that he was still on her tail. She took one left turn, and a slight right onto Joslen, following the road as fast as she dared until they came to their destination. The lodge was quiet, and she'd been here earlier, the keys now tucked safely in the pocket of her coat.

Pulling the car around the back of the building, she rolled up in front of the room, cutting the lights on the car. She threw it in park and pulled the key out of the ignition, grabbing her bag and her purse from the seat beside her and looking out her window. Vince was stepping out of the rental car, grabbing a duffel bag from his back seat. She got out of the car, waiting nervously for him to join her as they walked toward the hotel room door. She stuffed the key into the lock, silent beside the towering man she had lip-locked not five minutes ago, and grabbed the knob, opening the door and stepping inside, tossing her over-night bag and purse into the nearest chair she found before removing her coat and likewise, tossing it into the chair. She held the door as Vince stepped inside, tossing his belongings and the coat he shed unceremoniously onto the floor at the foot of the bed.

As Jill turned and shut the door, locking it as she did, Vince grew very still and very quiet. She turned to see what he was doing, and found herself backed into the closed door, his chest mere inches from her face, his arms coming up to brace on either side of her head. He smiled, kicking out of his shoes and shoving them aside before he moved forward, trapping her between his hard body and the door at her back. "I've thought about this meeting for a long time, Jill." He murmured, dropping his head to nuzzle her ear as he spoke in a slow, husky rumble.

She smiled, tilting her head to one side, arching her body in a languid movement off of the door, into him as she fisted her fingers into the front of his shirt. His mouth closed on her neck, pulling softly, his goatee brushing gently against her soft skin, sending thrilling tingles up her spine. Her hands slid up, grasping his shoulders, steadying her body before she kicked out of her boots, knocking them to the side. She wrapped her arm around Vince's neck, her head still craned to one side as he suckled and nibbled her neck and earlobe. Using her position as an anchor, she ran one leg up his thigh, hooking it around his hip and hoisting herself up. Both of her legs folded around his hips, her ankles locking behind the small of his back, one of her hands cradling the base of his neck, the other dipping down to toil at the buttons running the length of the front of his shirt.

Vince reacted to the change in position by pressing his body more firmly against her, his hands dropping to cup her ample bottom as he stepped in so close she could feel his arousal press into her core, nudging her and urging to be freed through the layers that separated them. Her shaking fingers worked frantically, the fire his kisses stoked racing through her veins as she tugged his shirt open, splaying her cool hand over his warm chest, her fingertips dancing through the sparse smattering of chest hair over his broad body. He growled softly against her neck, sending tiny shivers of primal longing through her body.

One of Vince's hands slid away from the curve of her backside, running up the curve of her hip to her side, his strong hand warming her soft skin as he slipped it under the hem of her emerald green sweater. He straightened away from her neck long enough to register how the color of the sweater made her eyes so striking... They cut right through him and his control snapped. His mouth met hers with crushing force, his lips and tongue taking greedily, her mouth giving freely, needy for the taste of him. His hand traveled higher under her sweater, her skin tingling under his touch, her core aching to find him. His hand cupped her breast, feeling her nipple harden beneath the lace of her bra as he palmed her, massaging and kneading her.

Her hands explored his upper body, snaking into his open shirt to run over his chest, winding into his sleeves to curl around his biceps as their lips tangled and she lost herself under his touch. She broke free of the kiss, nuzzling her mouth up the side of Vince's neck. He backed away from the door, holding her to him as he moved toward the bed. He set her down slowly, laying her back on the fluffy comforter, kissing her softly on the mouth, moving down her neck and wrapping his fingers in the hem of her sweater. He gave a quick tug, pulling the sweater over her head and throwing it in a heap somewhere in the room. Sitting back he reveled in the joy of seeing her smooth, pale skin against the bed, the slash of red lace from her bra a lovely contrast to her softness. He kissed his way over her collar bone to her shoulder, following the curve of her skin down past the swell of her breast to the valley between and down her tummy until he came to the top of her jeans.

He took the closure of her pants in his teeth and tossed his head to one side, popping the button free and causing the zipper to release. He deftly reached up, gripping her pants behind her knees on either side of his broad shoulders and gave a swift yank, the jeans winding up in the same way as the sweater had. Vince stood in front of her, looking into her eyes with a smoldering expression as he dropped the open shirt off of his own body, and reaching to his waist, dropped his jeans. Jill reached for him, hooking her fingers in the bright red cotton of his boxers, something silly and secret making her smile at the fact that their underwear matched. She pulled him to her, his body lowering over hers until they were chest to chest, his hips pushed snugly between her open thighs, her legs clasped once more around him, her hands in his hair.

His mouth found hers, yet again and he quickly raised her off of the bed, rolling onto his back so that she was over him. Before she could protest, Vince was running his fingers over the thin line of red that contrasted the skin of her hip, dipping around and disappearing at her bottom, the G-string made of the same lace as the bra she wore. He lowered his head to the mattress, hooking his strong arms behind her knees and pulling her, catching her off guard and throwing her off balance as he positioned her until she was settled on his chest, her knees on either side of his head. He winked at her, licking his lips before he grabbed her undies by the hips and yanked. A loud tear echoed through the room as he tossed the shredded fabric aside.

Jill let out a low laugh, reaching behind her to release the clasp on her bra, dropping it slowly off of her shoulders, letting the cups fall away from her breasts as he watched her intently. Vince reached for her, taking her hand and pulling her by it until she was up on her knees. He slid lower under her body, and placing his hands on her hips, he lowered her to his mouth. Reaching between her parted thighs, he slipped a finger up and down the slick folds of her sex, dipping his tongue into the cleft at the very front of her, juice glistening on her shaven area. He found her slick and warm, the heat against his hand enticing. He dipped his tongue in farther, tasting her sweet nectar as his tongue traced the throbbing form of her clit.

His finger traced its path back and forth over her several times before he stopped at her entrance and entered her, slowly pushing his digit into her depths as he locked his mouth around her aching jewel. He felt, rather then heard her gasp, her back arching as the tremor rocked her. Both of her hands flew to the top of his head, her fingernails skimming pleasurably through his short hair to massage his scalp as she quaked above him. He pumped in and out of her, twisting his hand as he pushed his finger along her inner walls, his tongue caressing and wrapping around her aching clit. He let her moans and whimpers fuel him as he pushed her faster, slipping another finger inside of her, moving his mouth from side to side, her body moving above him fluidly. He heard he murmur his name once, then again, then over and over as her hands went still on his head, her fingers locking up, her body bowing as she thrust her hips against his mouth and came, crying out as she trembled for him. Only for him, he thought. He gazed up her and saw her lovely face, frozen in a look of a passion, her lips parted slightly, her eyelids down and hooding eyes he knew would be glazed with lust.

He wanted her. Vince ran his hands up her thighs to her hips, guiding her slowly to the bed as he moved from under her, pressing her down, kneeling between her knees and making quick work removing his boxers. He watched her eyes skim his body, seeing her catch her grape-fruit pink bottom-lip between her teeth and nibble it longingly, slowly reaching out her hand and wrapping it around him. His head dropped back on his shoulders, a soft appreciative sound rumbling up from within his chest as he moved against the motion of her hand. Slowly she guided him to her entrance, still slick and hot from his ministrations moments earlier.

He wrapped his fingers gently around her wrists, pulling her hands off of his body to pin them over her head, holding her with one hand while his other hand reached down, taking her ankle, caressing her softly, slowly lifting her leg to press back until her knee hit her shoulder, her calf coming to rest on his shoulder. He leaned into her, pressing his lips tenderly to her leg, sending shivers over her body, straining her already taut nipples. He reached down, tweaking them with his free hand, rolling the small pink buds between his thumb and forefinger, pinching gently as he pushed his hips against her, his straining cock finally sheathing itself within her heat. He ground out an oath, burying himself inside of her, rocking from side to side gently, reluctant to pull back.

She felt right beneath him, she felt right around him... He slid out of her and plunged back in, creating a steady rhythm of in and out, stopping each time he pressed completely into her to grind his hips, to feel her undulate beneath him.

She could feel his sweet breath on her face as he made love to her, fitting inside of her so perfectly. His hands roamed her body and her mind raced with thoughts of how nothing had ever made her feel so perfectly complete. She murmured small encouragements to him, tiny praises barely forming as her mind went numb and her body was consumed by him, the flames building higher and higher until the blaze ran wild. He thrust into her, and she lifted to meet him frantically time and time again as the fire consumed them both. He leaned forward, resting his forehead on hers before driving into her one last time, the heat blinding, the need unbearable as they both lost control and fell into one another, gasping and moving. Then they both went still, tangled in a lovely mess of limbs and receding heat.

"I love you."

Jill's hand skimmed Vince's face, tracing the goatee around his mouth which was red and slightly puffy from their kisses. He looked at her with his big blue eyes, moved by her words and lost in her. She kissed his shoulder, leaning her cheek against it and looking back at him. Her green eyes sparkled.

"I love you back."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
This is a really HOT story...

This story is really hot almost sounds real.... Keep it up we need more like that one... Wow

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