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Auction Ch. 19

Story Info
Master Ethan recieves a supplicant.
3.9k words

Part 20 of the 20 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 08/09/2005
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The door chimed softly, breaking her reverie.

It was around 10:30 in the morning. She'd risen, worked out for two hours as her Master instructed her, and then showered. Now she was reclining in the sunroom, reading through the stack of national newspapers as part of her daily duties.

Ethan had been quite determined that all of her skills would be put to use during her service to him, and so the past year had seen her become intimately involved in his investments and holdings. To her surprise, the Red Crane, despite its preeminence from a social standpoint, was but one of many businesses he'd bought up. Part of her job, then, was to use her skills as an academic to glean what information she could from the news and prepare summaries for him.

At the moment she was working her way through the New York Times. A cooling mug of herbal tea sat on the kitchen table, next to the Blackberry he'd given her.

As always, she was nude save for her collar and the two rings he'd placed in her nipples. Lately, Ethan had taken to linking them with a fine platinum chain, the better to torment her, he said.

Sometimes it still amused her to no end that she was made to dress like a whore, but act as his analyst. That he valued her as much for her gift for statistics as he did for her pussy.

But he'd told her that her insights and advice had pleased him, had made his investments grow. And since she existed now only to please him, she had made her daily research a priority.

The door chimed again, and she looked up, brushing one stray blonde curl out of her face.

She wasn't allowed to get the door. She was, after all, a bound slutslave.

Answering the door on her own initiative constituted an act of will; and was thusly strictly forbidden. Usually, when the door chimed, Kami or Ethan would instruct her what to do, and then go and answer it

Neither, however, was anywhere to be seen. Jen could guess what they were up to, but it was possible that they'd gone out.

Normally they didn't receive visitors. No deliveryman or courier was allowed past the secured gate at the end of the road leading up to the main house. So whoever it was must have known how to get past it.

That means it's someone we know, Jen thought to herself as she idly twirled her curls. But we're not expecting anyone today, not until Thursday.

The door chimed again.

Almost immediately, the intercom set into the wall near the refrigerator crackled to life. "Jen, get the door. I'm busy."

Well, that answered that question. Her Master was home.

She rose from her chair and quickly padded over to the intercom and pressed the 'transmit' button. "Yes, Sir. What shall I tell them if they ask for you?"

"Handle it. I'm busy." His end clicked off, but not before she heard a faint gasp from the other end. So he was working, after a fashion. It wasn't unknown for him to take trainees into the house, those cases that required his special attention.

But there hadn't been one since they'd hosted Erin and her husband all those months ago. She'd hoped on some secret, selfish level that he'd abandoned those pursuits. She'd hoped that her total submission following her betrayal in Texas would have served to convince him that she was all he needed.

Apparently, she was mistaken.

She knew on some level that it was simply business. That his talents as a dominant, as a trainer, were simply in demand, and that he needed to take an active role on occasion.

That didn't mean she had to like the realities of his profession, however.

She might be a submissive, might have conquered her raw sexual hunger, but that inner yearning to have him all to herself hadn't abated in the least.

Was he training Kami, she wondered? It was possible, but the redhead was such a paragon of submissive virtue these days that she didn't think it was possible. No matter what he seemed to ask of her, the redhead did eagerly.

When the door chimed again, she jumped. She'd been so busy thinking that she'd neglected to answer it.

The silence from the intercom told her that he was displeased. She would be punished later, she realized. And not in a fun way.

As she reached the main hall, Jen briefly considered putting on some clothing. A sheer baby doll of the palest green was kept near the door for her, on the odd chance that she ever needed to be presentable. Jen shook her head and reached for the door. Wearing the baby doll actually made her feel more exposed than when she was totally nude. She didn't understand why, but putting it on made her feel vulnerable in front of others.

Of course, Ethan knew that. Which was why he'd placed it by the door. He knew it would torment her to constantly wonder whether she was supposed to wear it or not.

For the moment, however, the answer to that question was no.

With a twist, she opened the door and looked around. She almost didn't spot the woman until she was turning to go back inside, half convinced the door was malfunctioning.

But there she was, a supplicant kneeling on the doorstep, awaiting an audience with her master. A small suitcase sat off to one side; the kind large enough to hold one change of clothing at best.

"Look, Miss," she began, having been briefed once by Kami on what to do in these occasions, "Master Ethan doesn't take applicants like this. You need to apply directly to the Red Crane. Wait here and I'll call you a car. You can get dressed.

Jen stood at the doorway and stared in amazement. She'd reached a point where very little surprised her, but the sight before her was simply so unexpected that she let out a loud gasp as her pussy flooded with heat.

Suchin knelt before the door, her head pressed to the stone terrace. She was utterly nude, not even a collar adorned her lean body, though much of her back was inscribed with the whorls and sigils she'd seen that evening in Texas.

Those must be new, she thought. I don't remember them from the dance floor.

Sensing her presence, the prostrate woman began to speak in a voice marked by the faintest accent of her native Thai. Her tone was loud and clear, despite its obvious sadness. "Master Ethan, I ask that you accept this offering as a sign of my contrition. I have always ..."

"Wait, Suchin," she said quickly, embarrassed to be hearing this obviously prepared statement. Jen knelt down and cupped the beautiful face in her hands, oblivious to any breach of protocol that might be. "Let me get Master Ethan before you say anything more."

The Asian beauty looked up at her, tears in those beautiful almond eyes, and nodded once before lowering her head back to the floor. Jen rose and turned on her heel and went back into the house. Stepping over to the intercom in the foyer, she pressed the button once more.

A moment passed and then Ethan's voice sounded out from the wall. "Yes? What is it? I told you not to bother me with this."

Keening wails poured out of the speaker box, making Jen's mouth dry with desire.

"Master," she began, unsure how to frame her statement. "You need to come up here. There's a gift for you."

There was another long moment of silence and then the intercom went live again on his end. Jen could hear those ragged moans ... she knew the person by the particular tone of those cries ... and frowned. She'd disturbed a training session; someone else was receiving the gift of her her master's attentions.

Secretly, she wished it was her on the other end of that microphone, that her body was afire from the crop and the flogger, that her pussy might be aching from the denial only he could extract from her. Since that afternoon in the Red Crane in Texas, she'd come to realize that she had developed a real craving for the whip. Ethan was quite generous in indulging that appetite, but only to the extent that it left her constantly yearning for more.

"Fine," came the reply at last. She knew he'd deliberately let her hear what he'd been doing, but she wasn't sure whether this was to titillate or to punish. After what only seemed like a few moments, Ethan strode into the foyer. His strong frame gleamed with a sheen of perspiration, and he was nude. Ethan held a length of leather cord in one hand, wrapped around his fist. More importantly, she saw that the heavy length of his cock glistened with another's wetness, and felt her mouth go dry with hunger for the taste of it.

He was upon her before she was ready, taking her by the thin chain that ran from one nipple ring to the other. She hissed as his grip tightened, standing up on her tip toes with the intense current of pleasurepain that flowed through her breasts and down into her body, stopping only at the hard bud of her clitoris.

Suddenly she was impossibly wet, her clit ached and her mind fled down a dark corridor to the place she wanted to be. As she wrestled to regain her composure, to fight off the fugue, she dreamed of riding him, of digging her nails into his back as he filled her.

Ethan slapped her across the face to bring her back to a measure of rational thought.

"What is so important you called me away?"

Still, Jen couldn't speak, so hard was her heart beating with the sensations coursing through her. Summoning all her willpower, she pointed to Suchin. Ethan looked past her finger, and smiled, and then stepped around her, releasing his tight grip but leaving his index finger hooked around the chain. She tottered after him, trying to keep up ... but not too much.

What had they done to her in that room that she'd developed a genuine hunger for pleasurepain, she wondered. Jen wasn't sure she'd been conscious for all of it, and the intensity of her training still eluded clear recall.

Ethan walked out onto the terrace before the main door, his blonde slut in tow, and let out a sharp laugh. She saw his smile widen. He snapped his fingers without looking at her and she quickly knelt before him, leaning in to take his shaft in her mouth.

Jen purred with satisfaction at the taste of Kami on his cock.

She began to lavish her affections on the hard length of his shaft with her tongue, the better to taste her slutslave sister.

"Speak, Slave." This was for Suchin, not for her.

Once again, the clear, sad voice: "Master Ethan, I ask that you accept this offering as a sign of my contrition. I have always held you as a friend, and so ask that you forgive me."

Suchin paused, obviously waiting.

Ethan sighed. "This is from your master?"

"Yes, Master," she said, "I was sent her as atonement for his sin. To repay you for the offense given when he took what was not his."

"And how long are you to be with me, Suchin? How long before your master considers his debt repaid?"

"Forever, Sir. I am yours now." And with that the beautiful slave at Ethan's feet began to sob.

Despite the warm joy of Ethan's cock in her mouth, Jen felt her entire body go cold. Suchin had just been given to Ethan by Starke to atone for his actions at the party. She understood it, but the reality of seeing a fellow submissive dismissed from her master's service still chilled her to the bone. Could that happen to her? Would Ethan ever be in such dire straights that he'd send her away as payment.

She relaxed the muscles on her throat and leaned in, straining to take in more of his shaft, as if that would relieve her anxiety. That cruel fate would never happen to her, she resolved as the smell of her Master's body filled her nostrils.

She would only know his service.

Ethan grunted with pleasure at this and placed one hand atop her head. He began to move in and out of her mouth, fucking her slowly with his cock. She purred with satisfaction, the taste of him running down her chin.

After a few moments, the wet sounds of her devotion filling the afternoon, he stopped moving. "Suchin, did your Master say why you were given to me? Anything other than that message you'd memorized?"

"No, Sir," came her little voice. Some of the sadness was gone, Jen noticed. She wondered if the wet sounds of her blowjob were having an effect on the prostrate sub. No slutslave could hear such adoration and not feel her own cravings.

"Fine. I accept you in my house. I owe you that much at least, even if Starke doesn't understand his obligations."

"Thank you, Sir," said the beautiful Asian, stifling a snob.

Ethan stepped back, pulling his lovely cock from Jen's mouth. He reached down and cupped her chin, catching her blue eyes with his brown eyes.

"Master," she asked, her body aflame with desire. Her pussy gasped with hunger as he looked down at her. Sucking his cock always made her so wet ... to be doing it on the front steps of their house, in broad daylight, was positively wicked. Never mind that it was a private estate; good girls didn't do things like that.

But then again, she hadn't been a good girl for some months now. She was a bound slutslave now.

Ethan smiled. "Take Suchin inside, show her to your room. You two will share a bed until I sort this out. Put away her things and then take her to the playroom and flog her."

The request sent unexpected chills arcing through her body.

"Flog her, Sir? Me?"

"Yes. You. Don't make me ask Kami to do it. She's ... busy." His wry smile told her exactly how busy Kami was ... and Jen felt a stab of jealousy.

He pulled her to her feet, holding both her arms as he looked at her. "You've been her long enough that you can do this for me. You know what you're doing. So do this for me."

"I can't, Sir. I've never done anything like this."

"Can't?" His tone told her she'd overstepped her bounds, as did the speed with which he unfurled the leather cord from around his fist. Without another word he whipped her across her breasts, scoring a half dozen hits in just a few seconds that tore a ragged moan from her despite herself. Right then and there she wanted him, wanted him to whip her more. Jen found herself leaning in for another taste of his cock. But he simply stepped back and lashed her again.

She purred with pleasure, her desire realized.

"You will do this because I command you to." His voice was steel, and the leather cord kissed her thighs this time. She trembled and weathered his punishment, cursing herself for doubting his judgment even as her body sang from the painful marks that he put on her.

After a moment, he stopped and simply handed her the cord. It was looped through one end, almost like a belt.

"Now, please do as I ask."

He walked away. She watched him go, drinking in the movements of his powerful frame. At the doorway to the main hall, he stopped and turned back with a smirk. "She's all yours, Jen. Enjoy your new plaything."

Overwhelmed with the responsibility he'd just given her, Jen could only nod. After all this time, Ethan was trusting her to whip a submissive for him.

Could she overcome her own submissive tendencies enough to do this? Could she temper her own craving for the flogger? Her body was trembling with desire at the mere thought of what was going to happen. Yet to be the giver and not the receiver somehow seemed terribly unfair to her.

Unfair, and yet exciting.

Was she ready for this, she wondered?

She had no choice, she realized. Ethan had commanded her to do this, and so she must succeed.

Jen watched him walk to the door, and then turned back to Suchin.

"Stand up," she said, her voice barely a whisper. All of the confidence she'd known when she'd commanded the baker in Texas was gone. This was so much more intense.

Suchin complied, unfolding from her prostrate pose like a flower. She was long and lovely, lean and fit with small, pert breasts. As before, her dark hair was cut in a very short pageboy. Her body was adorned with tattoos, swirling sigils and runes that seemed to accentuate her lithe form. Jen noted with satisfaction that her newest project was shaved bald, save for the tiniest strip of pubic hair.

That she would fix, she decided. Slutslaves should be bald, utterly bald, the better to broadcast their bound status to onlookers.

But not now. For now, she had a task to fulfill.

"Where is your collar?"

Suchin thought for a moment before answering. "Master Jonathan dissolved our contract when he sent me here. So the collar was removed."

"So you're a free woman now?"

"Yes and No. I am free from Master Starke. But I hope Master Ethan will have me, that I will become his bound slave. Just as you are." Jen could see how much it hurt her to say those words. She patted her new companion awkwardly on the arm; how odd it was that she'd soon be flogging this woman.

"Well, you were here before, Little Miss Special Project. I'm sure Ethan will be happy to make you part of his household again."

Suddenly, so suddenly she even surprised herself, Jen reached out and took hold of both of Suchin's small brown nipples. She gave them a strong twist, savoring the electricity that crackled through the Asian beauty's eyes. Jen didn't know why she'd done that, only that it seemed right.

Stepping back without letting go, she smiled as the woman was pulled forward, small gasps coming from her beautiful mouth as they walked together.

This was different than that day she'd tormented Kami with the riding crop.

This wasn't competition, she realized, as her pussy began to throb.

This wasn't willful on her part.

This wasn't disobedience.

This was his will, acting through her.

This was empowerment.

This was dominance.

Her mouth began to water at the thought of the afternoon ahead of her.

She stopped and released her new playmate. Suchin shivered with pleasure as Jen walked around her, circling her body, taking in the sight of her.

For a moment, Jen fancied that she could smell the sex of her new charge. She ran a hand down across the woman's back, relishing the silken touch of her skin.

Wicked thoughts began to form.

Suchin had betrayed her after all. Had helped lead her astray from Master Ethan. Had willingly delivered her into a situation she knew Jen couldn't resist. That she'd indulged her own feelings and was at fault was irrelevant. Those days in the darkness had, in part, been a result of Suchin's efforts to please Starke at Jen's expense.

Was the new slave culpable for her own actions, Jen wondered. Could any submissive be held responsible for her own actions? Was free will possible when you were bound body and soul to another?

She didn't know.

She didn't really care at the moment, with her cunt aching for her Master's cock, with the taste an sounds of Kami's devotion lingering in her fugue, and with the delicious sight before her.

Free will might or might not exist for slutslaves.

Either way, Suchin belonged to her for the rest of the afternoon.

Jen stepped in behind her, crushing her full breasts into the whorls and runes of Suchin's back. The woman smelled wonderful ... but she would soon change that ... would soon strip away the perfume and smell of soft skin and replace it with sex and leather.

She snaked one hand down and placed it atop the finely trimmed hair between Suchin's legs. First one, then a second finger slid down to seek out the swollen bud from beneath her plaything's wet lips.

There it was ...

Jen pinched Suchin hard, spiking her clitoris with jolts of pain that made the woman cry out with pleasure.

Jen looked around, taking in the vast expanse of the estate, imagining that they were being watched. That though made her hungry to be seen, and she pinched Suchin's clit again.

She was going to have so much fun.

Again and again she needed the turgid bud, rolling it between her finger and the pad of her thumb with steady pressure.

She wanted to push the new arrival ... to see what she was capable of.

So far she wasn't impressed. Jen wasn't sure what training Master Starke had done, but Suchin was becoming very aroused very quickly. Jen even wondered if she would be able to restrain her orgasm when it came. Given the mewling noises coming from the Asian beauty, she was pretty sure that restraint was lacking in her new charge.


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