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Aunt Fiona's Girls

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Pretty young women enjoy their day with a dominant lesbian!
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Hi. My name is Britney Burris, and I'm from the tiny suburban community of Apple Valley, Washington. My best friend growing up was Jessi Nolan, and during our teenage years we both had huge girl-crushes on her Aunt Fiona, whom we both thought to be the coolest woman on the planet.

Perhaps I should tell you a bit more about Jessi & myself before continuing. While we're the same age, we had our differences. I'm tall, blonde, and slender, while she's a bit shorter than me, but also very athletic and has black hair. I guess you could say that I was more the "cheerleader" type while Jessi was a girl "jock," but we both became best friends nonetheless. Her Aunt Fiona back back then was a very fit young woman, a bit taller than myself, while sharing Jessi's short dark hair.

Anyway, as I was saying, my best friend and I started hanging out with her aunt back when we were both students at Apple Valley Middle School. You see, we'd always ride our bikes home together, and since Aunt Fiona lived halfway between our houses and the school, we'd regularly stop at her place just because we liked it. The woman always kept a pitcher of Kool-Aid in the fridge and Hostess Cupcakes in her cupboard, just for us.

We both called her "Aunt Fiona" even though she was Jessi's aunt and not mine. I guess it just came more natural for me than saying "Mrs. Nolan" all the time.

Back then, all I knew was that Jessi's aunt owned & managed a nightclub, which meant that she kept weird hours, leaving for work in the early evening and remaining there until well after midnight, which meant that she was always at home in the middle of the day when we'd stop by her house on our way home from school.

Of course, we'd always repeat the school gossip for her regarding who liked who and which boys we thought were cute. Aunt Fiona would laughingly roll her eyes, calling some of the guys "creeps" (often the boys we really liked), and asking us "what makes you think you need a guy to be happy?" Of course we'd argue with her, but it was always fun.

Anyway, after Jessi & I started 9th grade and switched from middle school to high school we continued making Aunt Fiona's house our regular after school hang-out, even though it was no longer on our way home. We both just loved going there, as she was the only adult who ever seemed genuinely interested in sharing time with us.

It was during our final year of high school that I discovered that the club Aunt Fiona managed was actually a stripper-bar out on highway 70 named Shotgun Willy's, and one day we even met an actual stripper named Jolene, whom Jessi & I both thought was really, really pretty. Apparently, she'd spent the night at Aunt Fiona's and was late in leaving her house the next day. Aunt Fiona introduced Jolene to us, explaining that she was "an accomplished and talented dancer."

"Oh, I can do more than just dance," Jolene laughed, licking her lower lip suggestively.

"I'm sure you can," Aunt Fiona added, slapping Jolene on her perfect ass. "But not in front of my girls!"

They both laughed, as did we, even though we really didn't get the joke. Jessi & I just thought it was cool that Aunt Fiona had such beautiful friends!

I instinctively knew not to tell my parents anything about Aunt Fiona's nightclub, as I strongly suspected that they'd probably order me to stop hanging around her house had they known that she managed a strip joint.

Jessi & I were both active girls, and her mom and dad had long been urging the both of us to join the track team, and eventually Jessi succumbed to their pressure. As I wasn't their daughter, I successfully resisted, but with my best friend now staying after school every day for track practice, I had nobody to hang out with.

And so I continued spending time at Aunt Fiona's, and that's where my story gets interesting.

"I'm glad you haven't abandoned me, Britney," Fiona smiled, winking at me as she did so, after I dropped by her place after school

"Oh, Jessi didn't abandon on you, Aunt Fiona, really! It's just that her mom and dad really wanted her to run track!"

"I understand, sweetheart!"

Summertime was fast approaching, and it was important for me to get ready for bikini season, which meant getting a tan. I was developing a pretty hot body for an eighteen-year old girl, slender and willowy, with my long blonde hair and even longer legs.

I'd also landed a weekend job waitressing at Cracker Barrel, which paid me enough money to begin purchasing a lot of my own clothes, as I no longer trusted my mother to pick out dresses for me, as her tastes were clearly not my own.

Of course, purchasing clothing included buying a bikini, and I ended up getting one of those extremely revealing thongs that my mother never would have approved of, but since Aunt Fiona had a backyard swimming pool, I felt that I could safely wear it there without anybody being the wiser.

As Aunt Fiona worked weekends, her days off were Monday & Tuesday, and so I decided to play hooky from school one Monday to instead spend the morning at her house working on my tan.

I arrived there just after nine on that particular day, sneaking into her back yard through the side fence that I knew was never locked. I figured that Jessi's aunt would still be asleep, but I also knew that she wouldn't mind my lying poolside. She had built a small storage shed alongside her swimming pool that I used to change into my brand new tiny little bikini, although with Aunt Fiona's tall wooden fence surrounding her backyard I probably needn't have bothered. Nobody could see me.

I then proceeded to rub sunscreen on my face, arms, chest, stomach, & legs, and then stretched out onto one of her comfortable deck chairs to begin soaking in the sun!

"Who are you?"

I was startled by the sound of another woman's voice. I looked up in surprise, only to see a really cute twenty-something red-haired girl approaching me, dressed in what looked like black men's pajama tops and nothing else. I couldn't help but notice that she had these really long, pale white bare legs. Dancer's legs.

"This is my aunt's house," I said. "I'm here to use her swimming pool," I added, motioning towards the water. "Who are you?"

"I'm Lily," the pretty girl yawned, raising her arms enough for me to see that she was wearing tiny white-lacey-panties beneath her pajama tops. "I work for your aunt."

"Are you a dancer?" I inquired, staring at her gorgeous body and long tapered legs.

"Yeah," the girl replied, with a tired smile. "We didn't close-up last night until two o'clock in the morning!"

"You're really pretty," I observed, before then unnecessarily asking, "Did you spend the night here?"

"Yeah, your aunt invited me home with her," the girl explained, sauntering over to where I was sitting. "Are you going to go into the water?"

I nodded, realizing that the pretty red-head intended to do the same.

"Won't you need a swimsuit?" I asked her.

"No, that's not really necessary," she responded, unbuttoning her pajama tops to reveal a set of beautifully-formed, possibly enhanced breasts. "Fiona had that fence built for privacy. We can swim nude here if we want to."

And with that, Lily pulled down her tiny white panties and proceeded to wade into the water, completely nude. Of course, I was dumbfounded, my mouth wide open as I ogled this beautiful nude red-haired girl entering Aunt Fiona's swimming pool.

"Are you coming?"

I immediately got up and followed her. The water felt freezing cold at first, but that quickly past and soon it was wonderful. I cautiously approached the beautiful naked girl.

"So, I guess you're a stripper?" I asked.

The girl laughed in response. "I suppose you could say that!"

I felt foolish, but I was also way too fascinated to turn back now.

"Is that a tattoo on your butt?"

"This?" She turned, showing me the small, red, heart-shaped symbol on her perfectly rounded ass cheek. It had a little arrow going through it. "Yeah, I got it last summer. Do you like it?"

I nodded yes.

"Fiona loves it," she smiled, before then looking up. "Speak of the devil!"

"And what's going on out here?"

It was Jessi's aunt, appearing as if the mention of her name was enough in itself to conjure her into our presence. She was wearing a dark tank-top and also had on the bottom half of Lily's black pajamas.

"Hey, babe! I'm enjoying a swim with your sexy little bikini-Barbie niece! Come and join us! The water feels great!"

I blushed, as Aunt Fiona shook her head no.

"She's not exactly my niece, but I suppose introductions are in order. Lily, that's Britney. Britney, Lily."

We smiled at each other.

"You girls are crazy," Fiona continued. "It's way too early for swimming. But if you're up to it, have fun. What I need right now is a cup of coffee."

I realized then that Aunt Fiona was probably older than Lily and me combined, but she was still a very fit & attractive older woman, with spiky black Joan Jett hair without a strand of grey.

"She is so cool," I sighed, watching her return to the house.

"You don't know the half of it," Lily added, staring wistfully after her.

"I guess you must really like working for her?"

"I love it"

"Why'd you spend the night? Was there something wrong with your place?"

Lily smiled at me, but didn't answer.

"Oh, I've spent other nights here, as have a few of the other girls at the club."

Before she could explain any further, Aunt Fiona re-emerged through her kitchen door. In addition to her own large porcelain cup of coffee, she'd brought out an extra two styrofoam cups, one for Lily and one for me.

"Come and get it while it's hot, ladies," she ordered. "Here's your morning joe, with something extra added to give it a little kick."

We remained in the water while gratefully taking the cups she offered us.

"What is this, babe?" Lily asked, sipping hers. "Did you Irish it up for us?"

"What you're tasting is Bailey's and cream, my sweet?"

"Careful, Britney," Lily laughed. "I believe that Fiona is trying to get us both tipsy!"

Of course, I laughed at that, but it was obvious that our morning coffee had alcohol in it. Still, it was delicious all the same.

"Where are your clothes?" Aunt Fiona asked Lily. "You're scandalizing my home-girl by flaunting your sexy little butt around like that!"

"I'm sure she doesn't mind," Lily retorted, looking at me. "Are you okay with my being naked?"

I nodded yes.

"You see? She enjoys looking at my ass!"

I blushed, as I was staring right at it as she spoke. I immediately looked away.

"Maybe Britney would like to watch me spanking it?" Aunt Fiona asked, smiling, causing Lily to blush. "Come here, and give me my morning kiss."

I watched mesmerized as Lily got up out of the pool and approached Aunt Fiona, kissing her softly on her lips. The older woman then playfully slapped the girl on her butt.

"Doesn't Britney get a kiss, too?" the girl protested.

"C'mon over here, Britney."

I hastily approached the pool steps and rose to where Aunt Fiona gave me an affectionate kiss.

Lily and I soon finished our coffees, and Aunt Fiona told us there was more in the kitchen.

"And if you want to add more Bailey's, it's in there as well. Just don't overdo it, Lily," she added, with a wink. I could see her eyes following Lily's ass as the nude girl sauntered inside. I quickly followed.

It was only now dawning upon me that the pretty stripper and Aunt Fiona just might possibly be more than co-workers.

Lily filled both of our cups about two-thirds full of coffee before then adding a generous amount of Bailey's. We then returned poolside to where Aunt Fiona awaited us.

"If you two beauties are going to remain outside in the sun this morning then I'm going to have to insist that you both apply plenty of sunscreen on your beautiful bodies!"

"We will," I promised, sipping my coffee, before then sitting down with my legs in the water. Lily sat down right next to me. I was beginning to feel just a little bit of a buzz.

"You know, you're really pretty," Lily told me, brushing back my hair from my face. "With this cute body of yours you could easily be a stripper!"

"Me?" I almost choked on my coffee. "I'm not sure I could ever dance naked!"

She put her hand on my knee, softly caressing my leg.

"I'm serious. You've got nice breasts, and I love these legs."

Her hand began moving up my thigh. Our eyes met. I could sense that she wanted to kiss me. I closed my eyes and leaned slightly towards her.

"I need to get my camera," Aunt Fiona's voice chimed in. "You two look really cute sitting together like that!"

I blushed and quickly turned away.

"You're not going to photograph me without anything on, are you?" Lily asked.

"Sure, why not?" Fiona answered, laughing. "It's not like I'm going sell anything I take to Penthouse or upload them on Facebook."

She quickly returned poolside with her cellphone-cam, and positioned herself behind the two of us.

"Say cheese, girls," she ordered.

We both turned our heads and flashed our brightest smiles. Lily then put her arms around me and kissed me as Aunt Fiona continued taking picture after picture. It was like an erotic photo-shoot, with the pretty red-head completely naked while I wore only my skimpy thong-bikini!

"Aunt Fiona, please swear me that my mother will never see these," I begged.

"I swear," she promised. "Now put your hands on Lily's breasts, and Lily, I want you to slide your hands further up her thighs."

We were really getting into it, and I've got to admit, I felt like a real model, seductively posing for an actual erotic photo-shoot. Aunt Fiona was great at directing, just as if she was a professional photographer, as we were quick to obey whatever she ordered us to do.

Of course, my Bailey's & coffee buzz probably played a large part in my willingness to kiss and caress the pretty nude stripper-girl with whom I was posing. Before I knew it, they had me completely nude, as well, as Aunt Fiona ordered Lily to remove both my bikini top and my bottoms!

"Slowly," the older woman insisted, as Lily gently slid my bikini-bottoms down over my ass, as I now knelt poolside, on my elbows and knees, with Lily positioned immediately behind me. "Kiss Britney's beautiful ass while you're undressing her."

My expression of surprise and delight was very real as I felt Lily's soft lips on my behind. Meanwhile, Aunt Fiona continued merrily clicking away.

Of course, I would later have to return the favor, kissing and licking Lily's gorgeous boobs and soon after running my lips and tongue down her backbone to her curvy little butt.

"Nice, nice, that's very nice," Aunt Fiona said. "Bite her butt, Britney! Yeah, that's hot!"

By now the sun was overhead and the older woman ordered us both to stop for a while and instead rub sunscreen-lotion all over one another's bodies. She quickly went inside, returning seconds later with a small camcorder.

"I want video this time," she explained, as we oiled eachother up with the camera rolling. Again, Aunt Fiona demanded plenty of kissing to accompany what was obviously going to be a very erotic, all-nude, girl-girl video shoot.

"Who gets to see this?" Lily inquired. I kind of wanted to know, as well.

"It'll be just me," the older woman replied. "And perhaps a select group of my closest female friends, the one's who share my enjoyment for watching beautiful nude younger women like yourselves."

She smiled, reaching over to gently run her fingers up my thigh.

"Aren't you enjoying yourself, Britney?"

"Oh, yeah," I found myself saying. "I'm loving it!"

"And you, Lily?"

The pretty red-head smiled back. "You KNOW I am, Fiona!"

"Well then, let's continue!"

Lily and I continued kissing, caressing, and fondling one another for several more minutes, until Aunt Fiona called for a breakfast/lunch break.

"I'm sure you two girls are both famished by now?"

Yes, we both were. I started to grab a towel, but Aunt Fiona told me to remain nude. Lily, as well.

"You both look really hot," she insisted. "And I'm really enjoying your gorgeous bodies."

"As if she doesn't get enough female nudity at work," Lily whispered to me. I giggled.

"I heard that," Aunt Fiona said. "What you seemingly fail to understand, young ladies, is that there's a big difference between watching professional strippers flaunting their bodies for money, and all for a bunch of horny guys, as opposed to two pretty young things posing willingly for my own personal pleasure."

Lily and I both blushed, as the older woman went into her kitchen and began preparing a late breakfast for the three of us, which we consumed ravenously. She made bacon & eggs, all mixed up together in a pan with salsa (it was delicious) along with toast and fresh fruit. After Lily and I finished eating, we helped her wash up before returning back outside to lay by the pool while Aunt Fiona went into her bedroom to shower and change.

"Have you ever done this before?" I asked Lily.

"Done what? Breakfast?"

"No! A nude photo-shoot!"

"Never. But I've done other things with her before, you know, like in the bedroom."

"Like sex, you mean?"

"Yeah. Fiona's had close encounters with several of the girls who dance at Shotgun Willy's," she admitted. "I don't know exactly how many, but I know I'm not the first."

"Did you have sex with her last night?"

"Actually, no. We were both pretty tired when we finally got here. We kissed some, but then both fell asleep almost immediately."

"Why did you come home with her?"

"She asked me to."

"Are you a lesbian, Lily?"

She smiled at me before answering.

"I really don't want to label myself. But yes, I enjoy being made love to by other women, especially dominant older women like your aunt. Sex with her is amazing!"

"She's not really my aunt, you know."

"If she ever started making out with you, would you freak out and run away, Britney?"

Her question made me uncomfortable, but it also planted a visual image in my head of Aunt Fiona actually kissing me passionately. It was kind of hot.

"I can't imagine that ever happening."

"Okay, but what if it did?"

My imagination was creating an erotic image in my mind of my being kissed, fondled, and caressed by my best friend's aunt.

"Why are you asking me these things, Lily?"

"I just want to know if the thought of such a thing turns you on at all."

It did. It really did.

"No," I said. "Of course not."


"Please, Lily. Stop it. I can't imagine any such thing."

Yes, I could imagine it. It would be awesome!

"Tell you what, Britney, why don't you go hide in the pool shed and watch what happens after your aunt returns."

"I told you, she's not my real aunt."

"Just go into that shed and wait. Take your towel and bikini. I'll tell Fiona that you had to leave."

"What are you going to do?"

"You'll see. I'm going to show you first-hand how hot two women can be together."

"Right here?"

"Yes, right here. Now hurry, she'll be back any minute."

I quickly grabbed up my things and retreated into the pool shed where I closed the door, leaving just a crack so that I could see everything. Then I waited.

Before five minutes had passed, Aunt Fiona re-appeared, now wearing a black one-piece swimsuit and carrying a dark gym bag.

"Where's Britney?" she asked the other girl.

"Oh, while you were in the shower her mom called. She had to run."

"Well, I'm sorry to hear that."

"You like her, don't you?" Lily then asked.

"Of course I like her. She's like a niece to me!"

"Oh, pooh," Lily exclaimed. "You want to fuck her, Fiona! I saw the way you licked your lips while I was kissing her ass!"

"Yes, she's got a gorgeous, kissable butt. So do you, Lily, my dear."

At this point, I noticed a hungry, almost predatory look in my aunt's eyes. She reached down into the gym bag she had brought out with her, and produced a black strap-on dildo, which she proceeded to put on around her lower waist, adjusting the straps as Lily watched. I watched, too, from my place of concealment.

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