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Aunt Phoebe's Masturbatorium Ch. 08


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As the women found their ways to their tables, I noticed a middle-aged man and woman enter the yard from the west entrance, escorted by one of the household servants. The woman was attractive, tall, and dignified; her short black hair streaked with gray. She wore a simple pastel-blue dress and matching shoes. In her hands was a small, black valise. The man was slightly taller than his companion and looked younger than she did. His facial features were sharp but not harsh, and I though he appeared rather handsome. He wore a three-piece, gray business suit but was carrying the jacket over his shoulders, ostensibly because of the heat, which was now hovering near eighty degrees. As soon as my aunt caught sight of them she called them over toward the table where she and Lenore were sitting.

"Oh, here they are!" my aunt exclaimed as she rose from her seat to greet the handsome pair. "Did you encounter traffic? I know you must have. Please sit down with us and have something to drink."

The man and woman exchanged cordial greetings with my aunt and Lenore and were soon engaged in an animated conversation. I could not make out what they were saying from where I was sitting, but I heard shrieks of delight emanate from that direction every so often, which of course drew everyone's attention. Estelle and Justine, who were just now making their way onto the lawn, headed straight for my aunt's table and were quickly drawn into the conversation. Soon the entire table was in an uproar, which succeeded in piquing everyone's curiosity.

"Okay, Phoebe, now don't be rude!" Felicia exclaimed from a few tables away. "Tell us who your guests are!"

"I was coming to that!" my aunt replied good-naturedly. "Goodness, you are all so impatient!"

My aunt rose from her seat and spoke to the waiting crowd.

"Everyone," she began, "this is my old friend Julia Edgewater and her husband John. Julia is an expert in the art and science of tantric sex. She has come here today at my request to give us all a demonstration of her unique methods. I'm sure you will not want to miss this, right ladies?"

Her question was answered with a round of applause and cheers.

"I thought so. We are going to prepare for the entertainment to begin in about a half hour, so please stay where you are."

She sat down again and resumed her conversation with her guests.

I had heard the term "tantric" sex before, and knew only that it originated in India as a spontaneous and intimate form of lovemaking in which you learn to prolong the sex act through awareness and mediation. That this act was soon going to be demonstrated physically for all of us to see was something I was not going to miss.

"Hi Holly," I heard a sweet, lilting voice say to me.

I looked up into the beautiful face of Ashley, her head silhouetted by the radiant sun behind her.

"Oh, hi!" I responded, surprised to see her. "How are you? Have a seat! Please!"

She quickly drew up the nearest chair and sat beside me. She held a bottle of mineral water in her hands.

I was happy to see her again. The last time we talked was several months earlier during the first tryouts for the "Long Shots" contest. Since then she had acquired a rich, golden tan, which made her large, gray-blue eyes appear even more stunning. She wore a pair of white tennis shorts and a white blouse. As she crossed her legs I noticed how great they looked.

"You look fantastic!" I said, meaning every word of it. "Mary Kate, too. You both look just...fantastic!"

She gave me a big smile. "So do you! I love your hair. It's so beautiful."

She took her right hand and ran her fingers slowly through my hair. "I'll bet this is your natural color," she said, admiringly.

"It is." I replied, a trifle amused.

"It's like running your fingers through milk chocolate!" she laughed.

"My mom is 42 now and her hair is the exact same color as mine. No gray at all."

"Amazing. It's so silky! I wish my hair were so soft."

She gave my hair one last caress and let her hand fall to her side.

"I think your hair looks great," I said.

"Thanks. I have to spend hours with it sometimes. I think I use too much conditioner."

I had a hard time agreeing with her. Her hair looked lustrous enough to me.

"Where's Mary Kate?"

"Oh, she'll be here in a minute. She wanted to get a few snacks for the show."

"Oh, that." I said, finding it hard to suppress a giggle.

"What's so funny?" she said, taking a sip of water.

"Do you know what tantric sex is?"

"Not really."

I gave her a brief rundown on the subject, informing her in the process that my own knowledge was somewhat limited.

"It sounds nice," she said. "Like taking a sex-ed class."

"You don't know my aunt Phoebe," I chuckled.

"Meaning what?"

For a moment she was silent, contemplating the import of my last words. Suddenly her face brightened.

"You're not telling me we're going to see something lewd are we?"

"Oh come on, Ashley," I chided her. "You were at the 'Long Shots' tryouts. You saw what went on there. Don't be so naïve!"

"I am not naïve," she replied with a sly grin. "The entire world likes to think I am—Mary Kate too. And I'm happy to keep it that way. But really, Holly, I am far from naïve."

"Well, then, I'm giving you fair warning. Anything is possible when my aunt puts on one of her shows."

Ashley smiled. "I'm looking forward to it."

A few moments later Mary Kate came over and joined us. She was a bit more outgoing than her sister but less insightful I thought. However, I liked her no less because of it. As we sat talking, I noticed that John Edgewater had disappeared into the cabana while his wife began removing some things from her valise. My aunt ordered the servants to place one of the banquet tables in front of where she was sitting and it was upon this table that Julia was now placing several unfamiliar objects.

"We will be ready to begin in a few minutes," my aunt told the crowd as the preparations were being made.

"Come on," Mary Kate said. "Let's move up close so we can see better."

The three of us picked up our chairs and walked over to my aunt's table. Teri and Drew were already there, seated next to Lenore and chatting away, oblivious to everything else. Soon, a large circle of women formed around my aunt and her guests, with a small pathway leading from the cabana left available for the return of Mr. Edgewater.

A few minutes later, Mr. Edgewater walked out of the cabana in a plain white terrycloth bathrobe. He strode confidently toward the banquet table where his wife was just then applying a thick coating of some white cream to her hands. They smiled at each other as he casually removed his robe and hoisted himself up onto the table. He had a magnificent body and the women showed their appreciation by serving up a chorus of cheers and catcalls.

"Nice ass," Mary-Kate laughed appreciatively without taking her eyes of his naked body. "What do you think, Ash?"

"Absolutely," Ashley replied, equally mesmerized.

"Now, now ladies," Julia shouted to the crowd. "Let's calm down, shall we? What you are going to witness today is the art of tantric sex: specifically, how to give your man the best orgasm of his life. This is achieved via an age-old tantric tradition that focuses upon particular hand manipulation of the man's genitals. If you are able to acquire this technique, then you will have any man groveling at your feet. Now, watch and learn."

Julia began by applying her cream-coated hands directly to John's flaccid penis. He made no sound as she rigorously rubbed the lubricant over his cock and balls, taking special care to always keep her hands working together in tandem, regardless of where she touched him.

"She works very fast," Mary Kate noted, as Julia's hands became a flurry of activity.

"Yes, but methodically," Ashley replied, her head cocked to one side, observing carefully.

I had to admit that Julia's technique was unlike anything I had ever witnessed before or since. Within the space of thirty seconds John's prick had become fully erect.

The crowd cheered and complimented Julia on her obvious skill. I just sat there in silent admiration as I watched her caress and tug on the ten-inch specimen, pre-cum now already visible at the tip of the plum-like head.

"Okay," Julia began after standing back to admire her handiwork. "This penis has been denied orgasm for ten straight days, so you can imagine the amount of sperm awaiting release. Now, I advise you ladies not to come too close or you may get soaked. John tends to shoot very far when he ejaculates."
Despite this warning, no one moved an inch.

"See here," she continued, as she pointed to the thin strip of skin that lay just underneath the glans. "This little piece of flesh is very sensitive. You must be careful not to stimulate it too much or it will become over-sensitized and the ejaculation will not be as forceful."

"Why is that?" Drew asked, while casually pouring herself a drink.

"Well, because once it becomes over-stimulated, the man can feel nothing but discomfort, and the whole process will be interrupted."

Terry reacted like the proverbial know-it-all. "So, what you're saying is, don't screw around with the little piece of skin too much or the guy won't cum."

"That is correct," Julia said without looking at her. "You can go to the head of the class."

Terry seemed quite satisfied with herself and was about to say something else when John let out a loud moan.

"Now," Julia admonished her husband, "let's not lose our composure too soon. I have to show them everything."

With that she advised the crowd of curious onlookers to pay strict attention to her hand motions, as these were going to produce the amazing cumshot we were all expecting to see.

"What I am doing now is kneading his testicles to help force semen into as small a space as possible. It's like filling an already crowded room with more and more people until the room cannot contain one more person. Something has got to give."

Her hands flew up and down on his slick pole in the most graceful and practiced way, and every now and then she would gently caress his taught sac until I saw it actually grow in size before my eyes.

"We all know what's going to happen, don't we girls?" said Drew excitedly, as she tilted her head to one side to get a better view.

Felicia said something in Italian that none of us understood. But it wasn't hard to figure out her implication by the way Julia's hands were now working their magic on the massive shaft. It was almost as if her hands were moving too fast for the human eye to follow.

My aunt and Lenore sat bemused, like two satisfied matrons, as they watched Julia perform her incredible handjob with assiduous skill. Lenore looked at me a few times to gauge my reaction to the performance. I could tell she was happy that Mary Kate and Ashley had befriended me, and that all of us were enjoying the show.

John's entire body now began to stiffen and his hands were clenched. With every upward stroke of Julia's hand, his mid-section rose off the table, humping her fist. Her hands were manipulating his entire genital area with the precision of a master craftsman. One second and her hand was pulling ferociously on the long, well-oiled stalk; the next, it was a fist that held the burgeoning head tightly in place as the other hand tickled and teased his full sac until she made him whimper for release.

Ashley stole a quick look at Mary Kate and both girls started to giggle.

"I think it's so sexy when a guy creams," Mary Kate said to me in a soft voice.

"I love it too," I had to admit. "I hope he shoots a lot."

Ashley laughed aloud. "By the way she's jerking him off, I think you're going to get your wish, Holly."

I think she knew—I think we all knew—that John Edgewater was indeed on the edge. The white lubricant had long since vanished, and now, in it's place, was a torrent of seminal fluid that covered the entire length of his huge dick. Up and down, up and down, went Julia's incessantly stroking hands, showing him no respite, no chance for him to avoid the inevitable.

"Make it a good one!" Terry screeched, turning herself completely forward to get a better view.

Julia's entire focus was now upon what she was doing and the immense pleasure she was giving her husband.

"See how this finger pushes up inside the anus," she began excitedly. "Massaging the prostate will help produce a very robust ejaculation."

"That's what we want to see Julia!" my aunt Phoebe laughed.

"And this hand must milk the shaft just like this, without ever letting go," she continued. "The constant tactile movement I am providing will help force as much sperm into the penis as possible. In this way, you will be able to control every aspect of the man's orgasm. This is what Tantric sex is all about—giving the recipient the greatest pleasure."

I could not believe how tirelessly she worked on him. She seemed to be possessed of a preternatural energy by the way her entire body—not just her hands—engaged itself in its lascivious task. One of her hands now held his penis at the base while the other hand milked the shaft with wild abandon. John screamed like a savage animal, and the collective heads of every woman in the audience bent forward, anxious to see the result of Julia's efforts.

To my surprise, the energized motions of Julia's hands suddenly came to an abrupt halt, and with her husband's tool now reacting with uncontrolled spasms, she stepped back a few feet to witness the effect of her labors. What we saw at that moment was nothing short of amazing.

The huge cock began jerking back and forth as if it had a mind of its own. With no hand to guide it, and with the intense onrush of sperm literally forcing the blood-engorged tool to succumb to its own inexorable will, the unruly penis danced around from side to side in a series of abrupt spasms.

For a few moments the crowd of women held their breath in expectation of witnessing something spectacular. And then I suddenly found myself rearing back upon my chair as everyone began shrieking with surprise and delight, their collective eyes tracing an imaginary arc through the sky that seemed to terminate in my vicinity.

With the sun directly in my view and being devoid of sunglasses, I did not see the first jet of sticky sperm launch itself from the tip of Mr. Edgewater's bobbing prick. Ashley had seen it, and shifted her petite body to one side as the creamy volley of hot spunk sailed a few feet above her head. All three of us reacted with surprise and laughter as the tail end of the trail of sperm made contact with Ashley's left shoulder, while the bulk of the load made impact with a woman sitting a few rows behind us.

"He got you!" Mary Kate shrieked, as Ashley stared at the droplets of sperm that hung obscenely from her blouse.

The women behind us were laughing uncontrollably when they saw Ashley's predicament, but they saved the most ridicule for the recipient of Mr. Edgewater's huge offering: a middle-aged Sister whose French salon coiffure was copiously bathed in the sticky wash.

"Get me a towel or something, for heaven's sake!" the victim screeched as she looked about for something to dry herself off.

A huge roar from the crowd suddenly diverted our attention, as the unattended prick began to release several bursts of semen one after another in quick succession. I literally counted seven distinct volleys, all very voluminous and shot a great distance—one rope actually flying over Julia's head to land on Drew's feet.

Drew laughed aloud as she inspected her newly christened shoes. "They say it's good for the skin!" she remarked with a big smile.

Mary Kate and Ashley were beside themselves. I actually found their reactions even more entertaining than the wild cumshots themselves. As each new explosion of sperm shot out in whatever direction the pulsating and uncontrollable cock was aimed, the girl's eyes would follow it to see where it would land, responding with unbridled laughter as the creamy spurts made impact with their various targets. One particularly long and stringy shot of cum flew over Mr. Edgewater's head and landed on my aunt's table umbrella, causing her to jump out of her seat. She jokingly reached out her hand beyond the rim of the umbrella to see if it was raining, and this provoked fits of laughter from the twins.

During this spectacle, Julia remained quiet and calm, smiling placidly at the penis she had manipulated into such a series of stupendous ejaculations. It was a testimony to her skills that her husband's prick continued to cum for almost a minute, each ejaculation as powerful as the one before until, at last, the reservoir of sperm was drained dry. Accordingly, she received a thunderous round of applause.

"I never thought it possible that the tantric form of sex could produce such an amazing orgasm as we saw just now," my aunt Phoebe shouted as she attempted to quell the crowd. "Thank you, Julia. You were wonderful."

Julia seemed enormously pleased and thanked everyone for their kindness and attention. She and her husband walked toward the cabana amidst another round of applause and disappeared while Mr. Edgewater got dressed. They emerged a few minutes later and joined my aunt and Lenore at their table.

"Well," I said to Mary Kate and Ashley. "What did you think of that?"

"It was great!" Mary Kate replied, her face all aglow. "Do they have tantric sex for women too?"

"Of course," Ashley frowned. "Well, I hope so anyway."

"I'm sure they do," I said. "I just find it amusing that Julia didn't need drugs or any special prolonged treatment to make her husband cum like that. It's just a simple hand technique."

"I know," Ashley remarked. "But did you see how fast her hands were working on him? I don't think it's as simple as you think."

"Maybe not. But I would like to learn more about it."

"Me too," Mary Kate said with a twinkle in her eye.

As the party progressed into the night I began to feel tired and was forced to take my leave of the twins and the other guests. Tomorrow Craig's training would begin in earnest, and I needed to get my sleep.

I was happy to learn that all the celebrities were going to be in town for a few weeks and would indeed attend the "Long Shots" contest the following Monday. It would be nice to break up the routine of training by spending time with Mary Kate and Ashley. I felt so comfortable with them. They were both unpretentious, kind, and had a wonderful sense of humor. And, as I drifted off to sleep, I was reminded of Lenore's high praise of the twins, and was grateful for their friendship.

End of Chapter 8

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