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Aurora, Wayward Pt. 06

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Aurora proves herself, The Drakor's motivations unfold.
50.2k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/27/2019
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Aurora, Wayward Series Pt. 6

Synopsis: A long-forgotten wayward people. A War Hero was rescued and given a new lease on life. Every lease has a cost. (The follow-on Series to Astra)

Inspired by so many things but not endorsed by any of them. © EmotionalStorm July 2020. This story cannot be transferred to any other site besides Literotica.com without prior authorization in writing from the author and EmotionalStorm must be credited for this work.

Authors Note: For those who have not read my bio, please note I write as a form of therapy for a Traumatic Brain Injury. I know the English majors will probably encounter issues that annoy them. If these are your focus, instead of the story itself, then this is not the story for you. I am not and will never be a professional writer. I do it to tell the story, for those who wish to read them.


Rocan spent the next week on deck 6 manufacturing crystals and building satellites. Communication satellites, warning satellites, and crystals for the necklaces which he found he could create and attune to the shock of the Drakor even.

He tested one in the sixth necklace and gave it to Freia, "We go out of the system without each other or you need to give it to Aurora to contact me because we both went and if she keeps things running here while we are away in the future."

All of the governors had announced that the blood was offered to them and they all agreed it was time to set the example and took it in front of the cameras. To let the people, watch the changeover. They each listed ailments that had come up with recent physicals. Including early-stage breast cancer for 2 of them.

The public's reaction was mostly positive and another segment of the population followed suit. All of the Governors contacted him for studding services with Aurora. A couple had lovers or wives that joined them. He left them all with 6 children, 5 males, and one female. He explained, "5 for the 5 governors and 1 for the man in the night who took care of it."

He also sealed their crystals into the necklaces during those visits. He made them all clear crystals to go unnoticed. 9 more women who were now expecting mothers. He fucked them all until they could barely stand. Aurora helped them along the way from giving oral cock sucking training to sucking out samples for the sperm banks and in the use of the tool for cleaning the rectum.

The hybrid blood helped them to recover quickly, but he answered the question they all wanted to know. If what he said was true about going that long. Wira has a few associates and several were judges who got the blood from her. They then called on him to fact check her about his prowess. After 4 or 5 hours they generally gave up.

All except one Judge. She was almost 50 and missed having sex. She looked 26 by the time he saw her and he nailed her for 24 hours straight. He gave her 30 loads because he did not hold back. He put most in her pussy to cut down on the need to get cleaned out and just kept going. Aurora collected a lot during that visit.

Most of the women enjoyed her just as much or more so than having a male cock in them. Even his well-endowed ready to go cock. That last Judge finally called it because she had to be in court in 6 hours. If she could walk by then. All of those ladies he left with 4 or 5. Except for the last judge who wanted another 6, all boys.

Over the next 3 months, he impregnated half the women on his ships himself; mostly Penans and non-hybrids with Freia and Vivian's help as they brought in a new lady every night into their shared bed. They had vetted and made the next set of candidates. He got 7 red blades, 4 blues, and 1 more purple blade.

He made the offer to 4 female engineers he had already impregnated himself. They all agreed and that got him 4 more blue blades. Then he picked up one hot shot red bladed adrenaline junky fighter pilot. He brought her in and filled her up in one go. He kept it to 3 on her because the doctor would restrict any carrying 4 or more from fighter duty after a certain point. He took 20 telepaths to Samar with press coverage of their departure and two reporters aboard.

They put the MIDGE's and bots to work the construction of the centipede. They set up one of the containers to be a recharge station for them and he pushed 3 instead of 2. They jumped back 12 hours later. With a full container of Titanium.

The pylons were twice as wide and the power cores 4 times more powerful than what Jack did with his first battleship jump. Let alone a scout sized ship. 2 months later, the day after the first all metallic hydrogen battleship came off the line, he took that to Samra with 45 telepaths, the scouting parties, 8 squads of marines, and Aurora. He left the rest of the council behind for that trip to keep things on-track back in the Penan system.

They jumped into the system to find 2 destroyers, manned with Sentinels; which they picked up. The two centipedes were working construction of hospital and marine barracks for each of the sites and were close to completion of the sixth set needed for the last site. He contacted all of the governor's and Freia's necklace to let them know it traveled through just fine.

He found the ghost planet and deployed the warning satellites. He went back and got all of the structures in orbit at the shipyard and deployed them to the 6 survey locations. They were on their way with the next set of structures, housing units when they got a report of an attack.

Even some of their marines had been ripped apart in the attack. Two of the creatures were dead. One-woman had gone swimming in a nearby stream without an escort and was sexually assaulted. One of the creatures had jumped into the water and nearly fucked her to death.

It left her on the shore with its green seed and her blood pouring from her. Rocan ordered those portable structures to collect everything and report back to Base Camp 1 as they all had propulsion units. The woman was found to be pregnant with a cross-species child. The two dead bodies; even in death, had a 'natural' camouflage effect. They were a cross between chameleons and gorillas with 3 arms.

The third extended from the tail-bone. It would go up between the legs and hold a 'mate' in place to deliver its cargo. If she had not had Drakor blood in her system she would have been dead and infertile as it punched through the cervix of the woman but it had healed while in transit. The embryos were extracted and kept by the xenobiologist for study along with the corpses.

Both males. He got a satellite in orbit of the planet to check for stealth. He found there were 12,083 of them on that continent; an isolated island. They all appeared to be male. Any creatures they could possibly mate with were gone. A detailed sensor scan found the killing fields for several animal species. The continent was the smallest and it was essentially an extremely large island about half the size of Terra's Australia. He set up the satellites around both planets.

The xenobiologist looked at Rocan, "It overwrote the DNA of the host species. It made it one of them. It would have killed her if she carried it to term. It is a predator."

He contacted the governors to inform them they had casualties and would get back with them once he found the threat and dealt with it. The casualties and the indigenous parasite were only on that one continent. He then went and hunted them down with three squads of marines.

For the next 30 days that brought an end to the species. He had to protect his people and there was no shield with that species. They attacked from stealth, they got what was coming to them. The other world did not have any of those issues.

He returned after the hunt with the traumatized woman wanting to see him. She had been in medical the entire time. They did tests on her and the attack had started changing her own DNA structure as well. The doctors were unable to stop the changeover.

It even started overwriting the Drakor DNA in her body. She was translucent in appearance. They had little choice as she kept pleading to die. He granted her request reluctantly by beheading her to make it quick.

The xenobiologist looked at him, "She would have given birth and then became male like the others. Something created those creatures."

He contacted Justice Incarnate, * I know you have been watching. Have you ever seen a creature like this? Especially in nature? *

He heard back, * No, something else created the creatures as a weapon. Your doctors are not wrong, but you seem to have killed them all. *

He had Ariel contact the Terran Home Guard through the satellite. She looked human. She smiled, "I need to speak with Astra, please. It is an AI question."

The man nodded and transferred her to Astra. She looked over, "Hello. Do I know you?"

Aurora stepped in front. "No, you do not know her, Big Sister. Rocan had to go hunting in this new world. There is something out there putting predators on worlds; this was gorilla-like and it fucked one of the Penan females. It got her pregnant and then started overwriting her own DNA; including the DRAKOR DNA within her.

We have bodies here for your xenobiologist to examine this genetic weapon. We killed them all in this world, but whatever created them is a threat. We found them with a satellite that tracks stealth targets; the one that we took with us from the future.

We made more for this system. Only a few so far but they are orbiting the second and third planets. Justice Incarnate said he never saw anything like this in nature anywhere. That tells you something. We only have survey teams in the system."

She nodded, "We had been tracking the two wormhole events. Did he jump in a battleship?"

Aurora nodded, "With 45 telepaths."

Astra shook her head, "I will get a scout to come out there as this is a potential threat to us and is not helping you. You have already dealt with the local infestation."

Aurora nodded, "We took care of the ones on this world, we have data samples, a couple that we painted lightly to examine them and then thousands of others dead on that island."

Astra went and found Franklin. He had been attending to his very sick wife at his home on Mixtios, "We have an issue in the Samar system. They have not got a colony ship there but they have jumped a scout and then a battleship with 45 telepaths."

Franklin looked up, "It has been months; not even a year and they are jumping with that few and this soon?"

Astra nodded, "They had one with a scout, and then several scout jumps in between, likely mining activity with the scout ship, I have been monitoring that system privately for activity. They also found a species in the second world. They believe it was a genetically engineered weapon and left on the planet.

Even Justice Incarnate had not seen them before, or anything like them. It raped a woman and it started overwriting her DNA including DRAKOR DNA. It is a threat and we don't know where this threat will strike next."

Franklin sighed and his wife smiled, "You are the head of the council. Investigate and return to me."

He nodded. He took his battleship and jumped it near the second world. He looked at the ship. "That one is a menacing new monster of a battleship. Is that 24 fighter launch bays on it?"

Astra nodded, "This one is different and it has no name on it as of yet, you are correct it has 24 fighter launch tubes. Very interesting design. I see some Terran underpinning but the design is their own."

She looked at it, "Straight Metallic hydrogen. No titanium in the mix on that one. No coating on it either. It is a very different ship from ours or the other one."

They were hailed by the other battleship, "We were told to expect a Kitana class or Excalibur class battleship."

Franklin looked at the captain, "You're a Penan?"

He shook his head, "No I am a Sentinel and the XO with the Command Admiral on the planet. We were informed you monitored our battleship entering the system. It was logical you would bring a battleship as well."

Franklin nodded, "Aurora?"

He shook his head, "No, The Command Admiral said you would likely show up in a battleship. Terran battleships were a mix of Katana classes and the one Excalibur class used by the Command Admiral. I must assume you are the Command Admiral."

He nodded, "Correct. Still getting used to that. My sister retired last week. 1,400 years of service."

The XO nodded, "A very long time for an organic. We admire Astra. She gave us our freedoms and Rocan gave us our own race. A symbiotic race but our own. We live to serve the Penan Home Guard. I am XO Commander Jamerson; this was the maiden voyage of this ship. It will be named officially next week as The Teacher.

A training vessel for our telepaths to work with; to do supply runs, and our fighter squadrons to expand for when the carrier comes out of drydock. They are building one for the system. The first dreadnought base is a week away from launching.

It will be tasked with taking farm ships to the dark side of the moon, sealing them in, and letting them slowly transition to a yellow star system. The carrier belongs to no one world. It will be a training ground for all colonies to start working on flying our advanced fighter.

Learning to fight together for a change against outside threats. All five have signed into the Home Guard Treaties now. The charters for the 2 worlds and 4 moons already have been written, sent, and approved."

Franklin looked at Aurora, "This Rocan is moving fast. We will take a scout to the surface."

He sent the Excalibur coordinates. "Base Camp 1. The attack occurred at Base Camp 6. Several bodies and the dead were taken to Base Camp 1. They're with the garrison."

The XO looked down at his display and linked in Rocan, "Command Admiral the satellite has picked up 11 more of them entering that continent. I am not seeing any caves in the area."

Rocan called out, "Send me coordinates!"

Franklin looked over, "What satellite?"

He sent Franklin the frequency. They looked at the data and Franklin commented, "3 more just showed up. Where in the hell did those creatures come from?"

Franklin pointed down, "I want two squads of marines with me."

XO Jamerson yelled over, "No females! They mate with them and they are dead. Regardless. They are physically strong and will bring down shield belts quickly. Their genitals are perpetually erect as it has bone going through it and it might even penetrate armor; untested for obvious reasons."

Franklin nodded and went to the surface with his scout ship. He used the satellite data to fire on some as Rocan's shuttle came in and fired on others. Rocan turned to the exit location and fired. There was an explosion and then 900 square kilometers of land started rising up. Rocan fired on this new ship and it fired back while still in stealth.

He lost two shield arrays and knew he was outclassed. He called out to the battleship. "Unload on that fucker."

The battleship started sending in exploding plasma cells into the ship as it rotated to throw off the dirt from the land it had been buried under.

Franklin called up, "Fire on that target. We got some sort of bio lab attempting to flee here."

The second battleship sent its railguns into the ship. If finally dropped its cloak to put more power into the shields. It looked like someone took a drawer of surgical equipment, dumped them in a trash can. Flipped it over and unmasked 'their new ship design.'

Blades formed on this ship went in 20 different directions. Rocan got aboard his battleship before the enemy ship cleared the atmosphere. He got into his flight suit and went to Arrow-1.

He called out, "Structural analysis?"

He heard back, "No main alloys that we know about. Titanium, a few ebonite asteroids in the middle of it all under layers of powerful shielding. They have 5 engine rooms."

Rocan called, out, "Get me access to one that is exposed. Kill the shields on an engine room."

As he launched. Franklin's scout started taking some fire and they pulled back as they lost 2 of their 3 shield emitters. The 2 Pennan destroyers entered into the fray from above as well and they all focused fire on one location. Rocan took aim as his XO called out, "Shields down around that engine room. He drove his craft right between the two engines and depressurized that part of the ships and started shooting the place up inside before exiting out of the hole he came in from. He called out, "Another engine room!"

They tried to target Rocan but could not get a lock as he went up and away. The rail guns on the Terran ship started focusing fire on another engine section. Rocan heard, "Unknown fighter, we are working to destroy a separate engine compartment. Stay clear of our line of fire."

He responded, "XO, Aurora is aboard and in charge now of coordination. Get me one that is not so busy being hammered by the Terrans. Coordinate fire with our destroyers."

The ship had slowed in the upper atmosphere. Rocan called out, "Scan for life."

He heard from Aurora, "We are seeing a lab in the central complex. We are seeing a human and a Drakor in that lab. As well as 14 other species known to the Alien Alliance. I have the XO working the combat, I am leading our cyber infiltration right now. Thousands of other unknown aliens onboard."

Franklin asked, * Justice Incarnate. Does it have one of your own? *

Franklin heard back * No. Some sort of cloning tank. Likely separated out and taken back by the one who violated the Penan woman. We are on our way. *

Franklin ordered his battleship back, he called over, "Unknown fighter, you might want to get out of there."

Just as Rocan decompressed another engine room Rocan called back, "Why?"

He heard Franklin, "The Drakor are en route."

Rocan turned tail and fought the bodies for the space to leave the craft. Small men 1-meter at most with some cybernetic limbs with various exotic tools.

He called back, "Penan Home Guard, keep firing but pull back and make an opening." The rail guns finally blew through the third engine area. The alien ship had 2 engine rooms left. It hovered above the planet as it no longer gained altitude. The Drakor arrived above it and obliterated 80% of the middle of the horror ship in one shot.

Unlike images of attacks on Dreadnaught ships, this showed there was a limit to the size of the main beam weapon, theoretically. They started firing smaller versions and launched assault craft of their own to pursue and destroy escape craft.

The alien lab craft appeared to be segmented, having multiple command and control bridges as well. It was designed to account for heavy damage. It started rising again with its lost weight.

Rocan heard, "All shields down from that Drakor blast."

He went and found another engine room and decompressed it while the Terran battleship did the same to the other one. He got out when he heard Aurora, * They have set a self-destruct. *

Rocan ordered, "All ships, FTL away! Best speed, short burst, 7 seconds."

He headed above the Drakor ship as the thing exploded into bite-size pieces that fell back into the planet's atmosphere and burned.

They heard from Base Camp 1, "We felt a major earthquake followed by what can only be described as a microburst but the micro was nothing micro. It sent shelters flipping hundreds of meters from their original locations from whatever it was. We have wounded. It appeared to be centered over camp 3."

Rocan flew down and found that Base Camp 3 had been flattened by the blast, "Send recovery teams for Base Camp 3. I am not expecting survivors as the structures were completely flattened or buried into the ground. Other camps?"

He heard back, "Other side of the planet and glad to be in this case. Our Sentinels have righted the medical building and we are taking the injured inside. We know if they have Drakor blood to set breaks, else break and then reset if they have fused.

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