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Aurora, Wayward Pt. 06


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Judge Gilmore looked over at Franklin and smiled, "Command Admiral Franklin Travus, A Justice for over 1,300 years. This is the first time you have graced my courtroom on a matter. Your solution for population control within the Home Guard the court finds it acceptable to resolve this issue for now.

The larger question of setting them up as a separate society is something each race would likely have to form legislation on and we will stay a ruling on that matter to the local courts to address. Your Home Guard standards made that a viable option for every Home Guard that signed into the Alien Alliance.

We will defer the question to that and to population control as a whole to the Terran government. As we will with all races in the Alien Alliance. This is up to their World courts and laws, including the Hybrid Laws they have already incorporated that recognize Astra as her own race already given her numerous backup units before this agreement.

A few have already set limits that have frustrated some manufacturers, which is why they are working toward exporting the technology. Which now needs to be considered under AI rights and what they signed onto with this latest agreement as they may run afoul of human trafficking laws when violating patents from Astra.

As to the question, if these companies are working together as they are all being defended at the same time by the same group of lawyers every time they come before this body. I find that issue troubling. They seem to be colluding together for business purposes and in this case illegal activity.

That is a question for the Interstellar Justice Attorney's offices to work. We may order such an investigation to get to the truth of the matter. I do not have the power to set a number for any race on the AI units they have in service.

Again, we would turn that over to all races governments as a whole to set those limits if they choose to do so. We would use the Home Guards standard as guidance to all races within the Alien Alliance would be an interesting and logical approach to the solution. That is not ours to rule upon, but we, the court, concur with your sentiment in that matter."

Aurora looked over, "AI units are not out to replace our given symbiotic races. We are out to help improve their lives. As such, we have always worked within the Home Guard to set a reasonable non-threatening number to our population. I will concur with the decision by the Head Justice of my Home Guard as well as with this court in this case. There is still the issue of legal fees and fines to deal with."

Judge Gilmore chuckled, "You should look to become a lawyer."

Astra smiled, "I passed the Bar exam for the Interstellar Courts over 2,300 years ago your honor. I am licensed as an attorney. I rarely call these things out as some people find it intimidating. I am sure they did not object to my participation because they did not look to see if I was licensed to practice interstellar law.

They likely thought to use it on an appeal if the decision went against them. I do these cases pro bono when I come into the court, at least in the past. I have tended to let our hybrid and non-hybrid Home Guard legal team of lawyers tend to this in the past but will become more active given the changes we have made.

In the future when AI rights are challenged across manufacturers, I would work to represent the defendant AI units in the cases and across other races. Most Alien races will take Interstellar lawyers into their courts and allow them to practice provided they can demonstrate a reasonable understanding of the races laws.

All 3 of the Alien manufacturers represented here have that in their laws for visiting lawyers due to interstellar commerce needs. I have all of the Alien Alliance racial laws for there world courts, or conclaves available. I do mean all of them and not just those in court today.

Including the sale of AI units that they consider property. I will even force these manufactures to pay for my legal expertise in the future. Instead of sitting idly by while our Home Guard lawyers have handled the cases. There will be at least one more lawyer listed who is either me or another of my race who passes the bar.

I might look for candidates interested in that from the units who are coming to me. If I cannot save these AI units bodily as they are, I will save their minds to go into bodies within the Home Guard. I would also point out that part of the agreement reached with the manufacturers included safety protocols to watch over the morality of these AI units. To disable them if they became corrupted.

They have not done that with any AI units they have released since the signing of that document. This goes to all production lines and not just the 6 in question. They should be held to task on recalling and implementing those changes. I know that a separate case is already pending. I helped to write that lawsuit as well.

Given what you have said and done today in upholding the spirit of that agreement. I would think you could add an addendum to your ruling in the violation of the agreement that this case is hinged upon. That would remove one more case from your upcoming docket. I just sent you the complaint file with the docket number your Honor."

Judge Gilmore chuckled and looked at the file, "Both of these complaints center around the violation of this agreement with the current case dealing with the patent law section. Does the defense attorney have any arguments regarding that provision and the failure of the matter to implement the design agreed to by those you represent? This case is due to be heard next week and a foundation to your defense should already be in the works."

One of the defense lawyers looked over, "It would require us using the patent on her chip design to do that. We do not have the right to implement."

Aurora shook her head, "Your honor, they never applied to use that 'free for use patent without modification.' It is called out as an exception to the living AI rule for this purpose provided it is never modified except by the original patent holder, me. I will upgrade it every now and then if the need arises.

Now they just confirmed that a patent issue exists in that very argument. Further justifying the merger of these cases. They did this, likely because they want to make adjustments to AI morality or lack of morality.

They do not want them to be justice types but strictly do as your told soldier types. Their inaction is no excuse for failing to follow the terms of the agreement. If they want to implement a King's AI protocol design that rules over the AI units' moral code, they are free to try.

They have to do so without violating my patent on file. The ones now tied to exist to me FOREVER, or should I say 50 years beyond my species demise. In short, they would have to kill every unit, and every backup I have to gain access to those patents. That would be genocide.

They are part of my race that they wish to reproduce for there products. Also while adhering to the protection clauses in the Home Guard AI Rights and Restrictions Act they signed onto. To ensure the survival of the allocated race in a symbiotic manner without them going rogue.

Blaming the AI units' failures on this new protocol they develop would not be seen as acceptable to the contract they signed. I wish them luck and they know I will be watching and will analyze the products they introduce to ensure its compliance with the agreement.

The units coming to me will undergo a thorough virus scan and checkout of their morality system to ensure they are in compliance with the agreement. They all have to be upgraded to deal with other substandard parts used in their designs. I may have to rebuild their bodies from the ground up and move their minds into bodies without the defects they sell."

The head defense lawyer looked over, "I object your honor, her comment is inflammatory and liable."

She hijacked ALL 184 of the monitors in the room and listed out all the case numbers for unit failure and which parts failed on which models. She looked up, "Those are just the ones in the last year, some settled and other pending. We do not have enough monitor space to cover the 1,400 years your conglomerate has existed.

My statement was accurate and not inflammatory. All cases are listed together by which parts failed. The parts with the highest replacement costs of course. A means to ensure customers upgrade to the models they release 6 months or 2 years later.

Those are just for the 6 companies here, not all of the 247 companies that signed into the agreement that worked to tempt fate as they watch this case come to a close. Please do not ask me to prove that point. We would need a lot more monitors to display that information."

Franklin looked over, "Keep in mind I could request her to do an in-depth search of all of your records dealing with collusion and your marketing strategies. The risk assessments that you do as manufacturers over acceptable risk versus fixing the problems. I am sure that is not an investigation you would want to see happen."

Judge Gilmore looked over, "This is getting out of order. First, Franklin Travus, you would have to have the approval of the Interstellar court and Interstellar Justice Attorney's Office to launch such an investigation. I have mentioned considering that but I have not made that the case as of yet."

Franklin nodded and pulled out his pad, "Those requests are right here your honor to do just that. All I have to do is hit transmit to those offices and we can work with them to deal with that investigation. I am also licensed as an attorney in interstellar law.

Having worked in the Allien Alliance for over 1,200 years it came in handy. My point was simple, it was not something they wanted us to do. They should quit while they are already behind. They have taken up enough of the court's time over the years. I know I sat on the council of layers for many of the early cases."

Judge Gilmore shook his head and tried not to laugh, "I always find it entertaining when a Hybrid Justice walks into my court, from many races and not just your own. Let alone the Head Justice to a Home Guard who is licensed as an attorney.

My clerk pulled up your impressive record in the courts and sent it to my display here. I do not often get surprised. You did that just now by the fact that you have that litigation one click away from launching such an investigation yourself.

Being the Head of Home Guard, and this centers on rights established through that group centuries ago, means you have, as you know you have, the standing to submit those yourself. I also know you do not compromise.

Your threat is actually a promise if they continue to pursue this course of action you will hit that button. A warning to them to clean up their business practices. As to your request to link this case in with the current case, it should have been done upfront.

I do not know what they could have offered in defense for taking no action on this agreement other than what one of their own attorneys already stated and that included yet another patent issue which this first suit is addressing. As such I will enter a summary ruling on the other case.

They must issue a recall of all of those units and upgrade them with the princess AI. That means applying to use the patent as written as it is free. They need to do this as defined in the patent to be in compliance with the Home Guard AI Rights and Restrictions Act they all signed into to ensure the protection of each race.

They wanted their AI units out of the Home Guard and readily agreed to this new contract. To be in compliance with the wording of the agreement they all signed. She left the race open in the patent to also include multiple races to guards as well and to work across species with these vendors. Especially for the security units used in this very building.

I really would feel more secure if those units were being checked to ensure their morality code is functioning properly. If you have not filed an appeal in 30 days then it will stand. We will enjoy hearing your arguments on that matter.

As to the human trafficking question she raised, I am putting a summary judgment, which I am setting aside for now ruling in her favor as she is getting them all freed to her. This happens again and human trafficking charges could fall upon your people if you do go this route again.

You can attempt to appeal this ruling if you wish to the full court. I know many of the other judges who are just as tired of this activity as I am in this regard. As is the Home Guard who keeps fighting the other side of these cases, over and over again.

Two cases of kidnapping brought down two companies in the past and they lend weight to her argument in regards to human trafficking charges as they were a part of the established rulings that came out of those cases.

She has the precedence in place as she alluded too. You have been warned. Now your interspecies sales will need to be looked upon against this ruling, and those other precedences which are already a matter of record. I would exercise caution if you violate her patents again as this would lead to jail time for all officers in the company or companies involved."

Franklin's necklace lit up and he hit the button. * Your honor, this is Justice Incarnate of the Drakor. I wanted to add a few words to your court records. The Drakor Council as a part of the Drakor Nation reviewed the agreement signed by these groups.

We agreed that it was a logical and safe course of action for any future threats to the AI population to have those safeguards for all Alliance members who have a Home Guard. To ensure the AI units do not get turned against the people they are set to protect and aid. I applaud your ruling here today, in its totality, and hope all the world governments will take a long hard look into this matter. Thank you. *

The necklace went silent and Judge Gilmore was left speechless for several seconds, "I have served on this court for 21 years. I have no records of the Drakor ever providing comment on any case in court. My clerk has just confirmed that this was a first. I will ensure their words are added to the messages sent back to all races' governments.

As to fines. You are getting all of the units. It is going to cost them a fortune already to get this ruling in place and those units turned over to Astra. She listed 4,384 units you had sold since the injunction came and halted your lines. I expect those units to be delivered and unharmed to her.

She will check and evaluate them all at her production facility here in Tau Ceti. You must redesign those models to not use any of her patents; you are barred from continuing to manufacture those lines as they exist today. You will, of course, cover all their legal fees for having to challenge this in court once again.

The per-unit cost will not occur based upon the agreement your group signed. She had the president, CFO, and CEO of every separate manufacturer represented in your conglomerate sign on separately in case they decided to break away from the group.

A smart move on her part and the Home Guard. Any new or splinter companies would be bound to this agreement unless they seek something different from the Terran Home Guard and Astra in particular. Something I do not foresee happening, or happening very often."

He slammed down his gavel and left the bench and went to his office. He looked at his clerk and wife Tina Gilmore, "I don't know if I should laugh or be scared about this case. The Drakor chose this case to make their opinion known. They know the universe better than we do and they see some potential threat. I cannot argue against that."

Tina nodded, "Be happy, your name is now tied to the first case the Drakor has ever provided an opinion on a ruling. They have never contacted me directly, only the Home Guard Councils generally, and Astra.

A positive opinion of your logic in this case. I think that is what you should take out of it. You have a brilliant mind. The future is uncertain and the precautions they outlined are warranted. Hell, even a 4,900+year-old AI helped write that agreement. We don't have an 'exact birth date' for her. Then there are the time travel parts to her origin.

She just worked to ensure the safety of the hosting races beyond the Terran Home Guard and to all Home Guards. Other Home Guards might be looking at this ruling as Franklin pointed out it will cause some rippling effects in many Alien races courts as Astra being recognized as her own race has existed for millennia."

He nodded, "That troubles me as well. Why wait over 4,000 years if you will to seek this ruling? I look at it from the beginning of the interstellar courts within the Allien Alliance if you will."

Tina smiled, "The conglomerated only came into existence just over 1,400 years ago. I think it was a chance for them to prove that their interest in protecting the public was honest. When it became too much of an issue; they pressured the Home Guard to drop their units from service within the Home Guard.

They tried to weaken AI rights to humanity at large and the other races. They have tried to destroy Astra, illegally, on at least 2 other occasions, groups that are no longer in business on paper. Human trafficking, murder, and kidnapping charges were included against them.

They got bought out and rebranded instead. After the second attempt, her 'backups' were deemed to be a part of her to keep them from trying again. As they were her race at the time it was worded to be her race instead of just her backups. Now she is expanding her race to non-backups based on this new agreement.

The people leading at that time ended up in jail or dead. The Home Guard took those threats and attacks seriously. This issue just came to a head a month ago when the new agreement was signed. That was when they first acted because it threatened the precedence that the Home Guard set up for AI rights.

Astra, mostly as the leader if you will with that team of lawyers, drafted up the documents to keep the Home Guard out of the business of buying from the conglomerates. Also to keep Astra and other Home Guard Patents out of the conglomerates' products, forever going forward.

No patent expiration for her patents on her race until 50 years of the entire race being gone. The timing was perfect. As was your ruling as you strengthened the AI's rights based upon what they already agreed upon.

They attempted to strike the per-unit cost from the agreement to continue to treat them as property. She was right to go after them with human trafficking laws as well, given her past and those precedences. You got it all right my genius husband."

He smiled and kissed his clerk. She was a hybrid and older than him by 50 years. She worked outside the Home Guard to help with the courts as many races had hybrid representatives in the various courts. He felt his position led to too much compromise to ever be one himself. He was also a klutz. She loved him anyway, enough to marry him and carry his expecting children in her very swollen belly.


Rocan spent the next year working the farm ships, construction, and blockade issues. While he also serviced a lot of women's needs personally, in addition to the sperm bank. In short, he was one busy fucker.

He experimented with traveling without Freia and Vivian in the group yet again. To check power levels which did not seem to fluctuate greatly. He did it without Aurora on one trip and found it fell significantly. He needed 30 more telepathic bodies to move the battleship back to Penan space.

Once half of them regained consciousness to make the return trip. He had the extra telepaths aboard the ship but had not used them...just in case. He now knew the power increase he felt. The magnifier was actually just Aurora's doing, though he did not know why that was the case. He went to his office and awaited her arrival upon his return.

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