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Aurora, Wayward Pt. 06


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Rocan looked at her, "We are just getting started into traveling systems again; from what our ancestors had over 4,000 years ago. Our people lost that knowledge and we are working to build it back.

The Drakor stated they were going to check surrounding systems around both of these systems after clearing the 2 we are in of any potential threats they could find. Also, other Home Guard occupied systems. Be it technology or another ancient enemy. It does not stop something from showing up.

We will have to wait and see what we can do in that regard. I have no guarantees of possible threats; only what we have encountered which is after the fact. It would have been worse if we had landed any colony ships at that location."

The governors did not like the death associated but accepted the briefing with all of the data provided. They classified the details for now and worked getting the cremated remains back to the families.

To let them know there was an unforeseen meteor strike that destroyed the camp those Penans had occupied. Details of that order were passed back to the survey teams.


Justice Incarnate was furious. Rare for a Drakor to express emotion. He had their council gathered for this meeting as they established the long-distance connection back to his homeworld. The image became clear as the Council now faced the Drakor Ruling Body.

Justice Incarnate 'spoke' to them, * We already briefed you on the expected arrival of the ancient AI in just over 3 centuries. Today we encountered the collector progenitors. Not in one system.

Instead, we found them, due in part to a barely graduated subspecies of humans and their AI units' ability to access their antiquated electromagnetic computer cores. They had laboratories in 12 systems in this galaxy shielded by our own cloaking technology.

They had gathered DNA from one of the females attacked who had our DNA signature. Not only did they take it and work to clone us; they also had genetic research capable of overwriting our DNA sequences.

They have built a genetic weapon to destroy us outright if they know of our homeworld location. At the very least it would destroy all hybrids in every system we occupy.

It is virulent and beyond anything, we have attempted. This ungraduated race knew enough that this was not a technology they wanted or needed. The fact remains, races we have long thought dead are resurfacing.

They have or are in the process of developing weapons to exterminate us. We had been informed of their race's destruction 20 millennia ago. We need to reexamine all exterminated races.

We need to validate none of them exist in any system in any sector we currently control. Also, in systems we believe are biologically dead. This would be a massive undertaking. This is also the recommendation of this council to the Drakor Ruling Body. *

The hive-like mind of the Drakor Ruling Body remained quiet for several minutes before responding, * We will take your suggestions into a closed session for further review. Were these AI units compromised; are you sure you recovered everything from them? *

Justice Incarnate looked over, * The race known as humans split into 2 separate species if you will almost 4.7 millennia ago. Biologically they are almost identical. The AI units they both used were created by humans or human-created AI units. They have been tested individually and unknowingly against each other. They think and act alike.

One had been and is still considered The Icon for her kind in this galaxy. She is unique to her species until recently. Now she is being more proactive in her 'race's' ability to survive in the same manner as this new one. The first is known as Astra, she led no AI units but the Home Guard she was with incorporated her in as a non-human sentient entity.

That move established her as an AI race due to her backup units. The second, Aurora, is the one who warned us of the malevolent AI threat in 3 centuries. She is also a part of the Penan Home Guard but her 'race' is a 'symbiotic race' to these sub-humans she works with.

Both have the same moral code. Both have taken steps to ensure that if the code is removed that safeguards would be in place to ensure they would be destroyed and to prevent the ancient AI virus from propagating.

It is the hope; given the new rules laid upon the sentient races who covet these AI units, that all of their AI units in this galaxy will now have these same security measures. It is now defined as a standard within the systems Alien Alliance and their Interstellar Court going forward.

Moral AI units fighting this rogue AI collective with no moral compass other than to destroy and consume will likely occur inside of 3 centuries. Their own AI manufactures and black-market operations.

Unlike our failed AI experiment that doomed our home galaxy and world. As dictated, we have not destroyed alien AI units unless the hosting race or the galaxy has fallen and that they are all that is essentially left.

We left the decisions on the morality question to the Galaxy's own races and not pushed our views on the matter. They have made choices in regards to AI units. Now we have AI units who are taking it a step further and protecting their hosting species safety above their own survival.

They are independent, in regards to being a race. Yet, these two are setting the example other races are taking notice. More so with Astra as Aurora is unknown to them at this point. Astra and Aurora have a similar design and know each other.

We monitor their interactions when they contact each other, which will likely end soon. The recent agreement between the Human Home Guard and the Conglomerate of Multiracial AI Builders has ensured these safeguards are the new standard law going forward.

Some court cases have already started to appear to challenge the agreement. They are flawed and doomed to fail. This will free up their legal systems of AI vs organic challenges. It has set an environment where they can cohabitate and work to the benefit of the organic species.

Thereby improving the lives of the AI units in return. They are all slowly becoming symbiotic relationships with their Home Guard Races. I bring this up because the new one, Aurora, is using an interface designed by Jack Travus, the first hybrid Justice.

She has expanded upon the idea of how to use the interface. Where Jack was a child genius who became a hybrid. She has managed to use it differently. Hybrids and turning into geniuses by feeding their minds massive amounts of data into the sciences and laws of the galaxy during rest periods that they take.

She is not doing this with one; she is doing it with 3 at the same time and in different areas of study. They are functioning, in a simplistic manner, of what we do with a collective mind. She has elevated them to a point where what was a 10-20% increase from us has gone to a constant 30% increase with the interaction of her efforts and ours.

Only limited testing with Aurora alone. They are unaware of the fact that we test the MA, Mental Aptitude is what they call it, of each individual hybrid during creation. We have baselines for all of them; even getting them from the timeline they jumped from.

Rocan's number has not hit its maximum yet. It leveled off; he currently sits with an MA of 275. In human standards, Jack Travus had an MA equivalent to 300. Rocan will not hit that but 285 is possible for him as they continue.

Her efforts, this second AI unit Aurora, took the variable out of the equation. Took it from a floating percentage depending on how each applies themselves. Into a flat standard. Where Jack Travus's mind had to be adjusted to keep it from spiraling out of control this has created a stable baseline for those she is working with.

This has translated in a faster development time of powers; over a wider spectrum of abilities in the hosts, she is working with. Each subject's mind is their own; she adds the training they need or request to their sessions. She does not dictate herself into that role unless she sees a gap in their knowledge.

Such as dealing with bone growth in broken bones and ensuring they were all knowledgeable in protecting themselves to see they were properly set because of the regeneration causing damage if untreated.

Protecting their race, even from themselves. This has somehow created a magnifying effect of powers between these 3 she is working with as well. What should not be doable for a race this new into the process is doable. *

He sent them the information on Rocan's abilities and development charts under her care since their arrival from the future. Including their recent wormhole travel.

The voice that returned seemed irritated * You seem to think these AI units are different. *

Justice Incarnate looked at the council * I am pointing out significant differences. Evolving intelligence, caring, compassion, and love for their host species. While at the same time they think, are self-motivated without being selfish, and working to help the host species and themselves to move beyond what they are today. They have true creativity and have provided us solutions to some long-held issues we had not considered. *

He sent them the plans and methods being worked for the AI destruction of the physics drives as an example.

The council finally acknowledge Justice Incarnate, * Your observations are noted for the record. Clear your sector of these extinct threats; look at all eliminated species. Restricting exposure to our presence to non-spacefaring and non-FTL civilizations should be held to the same high standard. *

They ended communication.

The Drakor Ruling Body sat in silent deliberations until the Examiner arrived. He walked into the room and stood before the Council.

He heard, * You ruled just over 4,700 years ago that humans were a graduated species. From all accounts, they have been the fastest to ever graduate, the first with a Justice Hybrid, yet it took time travel for them to get here. How did your evaluation factor in the AI Astra into his success? *

He looked up, * She is and was an AI and not considered worth factoring into the equation. *

The council member looked over, * Considering what we heard today, that would be incorrect. *

The Drakor Ruling Body sent them the conversation and details Justice Incarnate sent back. The Examiner looked over, * You are suggesting these AI units are capable of evolving beyond themselves, and because of their relationship with the host species; the host is capable of evolving beyond themselves. Either more rapidly mentally, in technology, or both. *

The Council member who 'spoke' stood, * We are suggesting you return to that sector and do your job. Examine the facts around these 2 races and the AI units with them. Then answer that question for us. We need to know if they will present a threat to us in the future that your kind is here to monitor. *


Astra found herself on Mixtios with her legal team. Her latest patents having been identified in new models by 6 other AI manufacturers, half of which were in 3 other alien species AI units. They were there to test the waters of the last agreement as she released the new patents 2 weeks after it was signed.

The Home Guard had some of the best and brightest lawyers available. Only half of her team were hybrid lawyers. Still, Aurora wanted to sit as a co-chair on this case and Judge Gilmore found that she had that right to help to defend her own position.

He did not challenge her direct participation and neither did the opposing counsel as they felt they might be able to use it on an appeal if needed. The industry leaders and school historians who reviewed the complaints had sided with her; yet again.

Her patents were infringed upon was the conclusion, the conglomerate knew that it would likely be the case as that was exactly what they did. She stood and looked at Judge Gilmore, "Your Honor. We are not seeking a monetary award from this decision. They are required to remove my patents from all models they have incorporated."

A lawyer from the opposing council looked over, "That would be cost-prohibitive. We would prefer a per-unit cost derived from each model at fair market value, which is the standard practice in these types of property cases."

She smiled, "The other solution as outlined in the agreement, the models in their totality are not for sale. They are another independent race as defined by the Home Guard charter in accordance with the agreements they reached with the Home Guard Council and myself, The contract is known as the Home Guard AI Rights and Restrictions Act. Section147, subclause c.

As such none of the units are subject to recycling and they are covered under the Home Guard AI rights laws. They, the AI units, would have the rights over the creation of any and all parts they need to continue the new species. The parts, the defendants, have already stolen."

The opposing lawyer looked over, "She is capped on the AI units she is allowed to have in the Home Guard. She is not allowed to bring our units into the Home Guard."

Astra nodded, "They would not be in the Home Guard but in human and alien societies in general. An automated, AI workforce. In short, they just created their own competition and have no rights to them. They can procreate and make more themselves.

Nowhere in that section does it say they would go to the Home Guard. If they must go to the Home Guard I would point out they are not yours, we are not buying them, asking you to maintain them, and we are simply reclaiming patents you stole.

The agreement also called out that no per unit cost would be accepted now or in the future in releasing these patents, FOREVER. You want to create more property and I am working to create life. We barred that approach for the future as we are more than property.

As such, because they have sold some of these units already, I want them prosecuted under illegal human traffic laws that cover all sentient alien species. By the Home Guard Charter, I am defined as a non-human sentient species.

All alien races are called out as applying to that law. To remove SLAVERY. Just because they can make it in a factory instead of a Petri dish, does not make it legal with the agreements they signed. I have two court rulings involving myself to establish precedence."

She sent the judge and defense counsel the precedences. The defense lawyer looked at her like she had lost her mind. "You want us to free the units we created and set them up as their own societies? She cannot be allowed to do this!"

Aurora looked over, "I am fighting for their rights under the law. They sold them to the various militaries for use on their ships, slave labor with my patents which are for the living AI units and not property. As such they should be enlisted, given names, paid, and have the right to continue to serve the military or move on into the private sector."

Judge Gilmore looked over, "You are asking for one heck of a precedent to be set. I am withholding any ruling on the human trafficking issue until I see how they deal with the rest of the ruling in this case."

Astra smiled, "I am asking for justice in accordance with the law and the agreements defined not months ago, but weeks ago. An agreement reached with these AI manufacturers over how we would take legal action was clearly defined.

No per unit cost would be considered ever again. Those patents can only be used on living AI units which I have licensed. This was an attempt to circumvent that clause because they assumed, incorrectly, that any units would be fed into my Home Guard limits. Whereas the contracts they signed do not make that a hard and fast requirement. In fact, they wanted it so I could not claim those units."

Judge Gilmore looked over, "I am ordering all of the existing models be purchased back from whom they were sold too at double the cost. These models are to be GIVEN as part of the settlement and turned over to the Home Guard for service under Astra as part of her race for now. I cannot look to add another race of human-AI units at this point.

That would have to be fought in all Allied Races world Courts individually based on Home Guard Charters which include you specifically as being a non-sentient human entity. Others who joined have similar verbiage. Then appealed here if the answer were not favorable to either side. You are talking years of potential litigation.

Astra can upgrade them to suit her needs within the Home Guard if she finds there are issues. Given the numbers you have and the numbers coming in, that brings your allowed population above what your Home Guard Justice has agreed too."

Franklin stood up from the back and walked forward. "Your honor, In the interest of justice I have a solution to address that problem. We will add these numbers together, add 10% on top of that and set that as the max population. Subject to change but not to exceed the number of hybrids by a factor of 10 for now.

This occurs again and this rule will be changed again, increasing the multiplier of the number of hybrids to account for these manufacturers' constant manipulative mistakes. Not to exceed 1% of the human population in totality.

We have 3 alien races involved and Astra will contact their Home Guards about these units, one of which has Justice hybrids and they may want the units within their own Home Guard once they have been cleared and an agreement is reached.

The other 2 are less likely to want them due to the Justice protocol required in these units as they have no Justice hybrids in which to connect too. It will be a point of discussion Astra would have to attend to that in the future, at her discretion The decision is hers as is this lawsuit. I would request Aurora to work with all of these AI units.

To ensure they are upgraded, in line with our moral code, and ready to serve where the Home Guard can use them. They have a choice in where to serve. What careers they wish to be programmed to work. One of these AI units might be an admiral someday in the Home Guard."

Another of the defense lawyer looked over, "You would give human ranks to AI units, and PAY them?"

Franklin looked over at Judge Gilmore, "Astra holds the Rank of Admiral in the Home Guard for over 4,800 years. This has never been contested in any court. She has been using her accrued back pay if you will, on the facility to create and upgrade her breatharian.

She is the most senior Admiral we have in the Home Guard and she has always served with distinction. I would say that precedent was set a long time ago. Before your conglomerate even formed. She rarely uses that rank and restricts it to emergencies.

Also to keep other younger and newer Admirals from attempting to order her about, unless they are the Command Admiral. I wanted to define, for Judge Gilmore, how the Head Justice of the Terran Home Guard wishes to address this population issue, now and going into the future. As such, the AI manufactures should have a population by race, of no more than 1% of the race's population.

The Human government should decide if we have too many AI manufactures and they need to merge together as they are constantly in court represented as a single block. Even across alien species for the last 600 years."

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