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Click hereI was just flopped on the couch in what my mother would call an indecorous manner feeling rather bored. For those of you who are curious indecorous in this particular case meant flat on my back, one leg hooked over the arm of the couch and the other leg hooked on the back of the couch. The fact that I was wearing a loose dress that had ridden up somewhat was doing nothing to improve my general decorousness. And I was bored, bored, bored.
I just fiddled about on my phone, idly playing a stupid game, and was surprised and pleased when the phone actually rang.
"Hullo, this is Debbie's phone and this is Debbie speaking. According to the phone Vivian has called me. If that's so, hullo, Vivian. If it's actually her ratsy little brother, piss off, Paul."
"You do know that you're seriously weird, don't you, Debbie?" said Vivian with a giggle.
"I know, I know. I'm also seriously bored. What are you doing?"
"I'm at the Gorillaz nightclub with Gordy. I thought you were going to be here tonight."
"I was. I most certainly was. Life's so unfair. Here I am, eighteen, legally entitled to visit Gorillaz and meet a hot boy, and I wind up stuck babysitting for the Fords and bored out of my mind. This phone call is the most excitement I've had all night. So unfair."
I could hear Vivian giggling at my predicament. I'm glad one of us found it amusing.
"Why'd you agree to babysit, anyway? I thought you were giving up on it."
"I was. I am. My mother accepted the job for me and didn't tell me until dinner time tonight. Then she insisted that it was far too late to turn them down and that I'd have to do the job. She guilted me into it."
"Mothers have a way of doing that," Vivian agreed. "Knowing your mother she probably found out that you were intending to visit Gorillaz and went looking for a sitting job for you. Anything to keep you away from alcohol and the male of the species."
"Too true. My parents want me to be a virgin bride. They would also prefer me to be a virgin mother if they can figure out how to arrange it."
That was the point at which I let out a startled yell and dropped the phone. The reason for this was that a pair of hands had reached under my dress, grabbed my panties, and hauled them down my legs. The leg that was hooked on the back of the couch joined the one on the arm of the couch and then both of them lifted in the air as my panties moved down them, finishing up being dropped on the floor next to my phone.
Mr Ford reached down and picked up the phone and handed it to me.
"Don't let me interrupt your call," he said, smiling like a loon.
I just snatched the phone off him, glaring at him and trying to push my dress down to cover myself. Not having much success as his hand was stopping me.
"Sorry, Viv," I gabbled quickly into the phone. "The kids are out of bed. I'll have to go and tuck them in again."
I hastily disconnected and turned on Mr Ford.
"Just what the hell do you think you're doing," I yelled, furious.
"I heard you say you were feeling bored and it occurred to me that as a good host I should take steps to alleviate that boredom," he told me, pushing my hands and dress out of his way as he started touching me rather, ah, intimately.
I couldn't even bring my legs together to discourage him as they were both hooked over the arm of the couch and he was standing between them.
"I'm no longer bored so you can remove your hands. Like, right now!"
"If you insist," he said sounding quite happy about it.
He promptly stopped touching me so personally, which was a relief, but instead of moving away he caught my wrists and moved them away from where I was trying to cover myself. Seeing I was holding the hem of my dress my dress also moved away from where I wanted it. He then pulled another little stunt.
He leaned right over and I gave a startled yell as his mouth continued what his fingers had started. I was doing a bit of yelling, it seemed, but I'd still managed to keep my voice at a level that wouldn't disturb the kids. Good babysitting habits sort of stay with you.
It wasn't just his tongue that was in play. His teeth were lightly rasping against my lips and I was become very much aware of how sensitive they were. (My lips, not his teeth.) His tongue, meanwhile, was slipping between my lips, poking and stroking me internally, which was most disconcerting.
"What do you think you're doing? You stop that. You're married, remember? Your wife will be home any moment. Why isn't she here already?"
He lifted his head and winked at me. "Don't worry about Karen. She won't be home for about another hour. She ran into some friends and the whole gaggle went to have a drink or two. Her friends will drop her off."
"I'm not worried about her," I quickly denied. "I just want you to stop."
"Oh, I get it. You're scared that I'll try to fuck you. That's not my intention. I'm just going to tease you and try and arouse you a bit more. I figure I'll be able to make you climax soon enough."
"I don't want a climax," I denied, shaking my head, and he just laughed.
"Of course you do," he contradicted. "All girls do. It's just natural. Now if you'll excuse me..."
With that he bent over again, his head going between my legs, and he was at it again, lightly sucking, teeth running along my lips teasing them as they rasped against me, his tongue once more starting to raise havoc.
My hands were clutching at his head, trying to push it away, and having zero effect. Either he was stronger than I thought or I was weaker. The way my arms felt I suspect that it was a case of me being weaker as I just couldn't seem to put any power into my push.
I kept protesting and telling him to stop, still being ignored, and twisting about restlessly. I was starting to feel most peculiar. He was getting me all aroused whether I would or no. Then a very strange feeling shot through me and I almost screamed, my hands tightening convulsively in his hair.
He lifted his head and smiled with a wink.
"Clitoris," he said. "Sensitive, isn't it."
His head went back down and even as I was frantically saying, "No, don't," his tongue touched in the same area with the same shocking result.
I relaxed slightly when he left it at that, although he continued with all the other little teasing touches. I was breathing hard and feeling most put upon.
Then his tongue touched down around my clitoris again. I stiffened and tried to push his head away, and this time I tried, I swear. Same result. His head stayed where it was and his tongue touched down again. And again. I was starting to panic and he wasn't letting up. His touches came faster and faster and I thought I was going to explode.
I jammed my hand in my mouth, stifling the scream that I knew was going to erupt, and then I climaxed, shaking with the force of it. I lay there shuddering, looking at Mr Ford with startled eyes, not really having believed that he was going to be able to do that.
While I lay there, breathing hard, Mr Ford moved around to stand next to me. He calmly held me by the waist and moved me along the couch until I was lying on it properly. I didn't object. In fact, I rather approved. If I'd been lying down like that in the first place he couldn't have done that to me and moving like that had helped push my dress down where it belonged.
The only problem that I had now was that he didn't let me finish pushing my dress back down into place. Rather the opposite occurred. He insisted on pushing it higher again, bunching it up over my bra, leaving my bra on display and me naked from there on down.
"Do you mind?" I hissed at him, trying to push my dress back down into place.
"No," he said quite cheerfully, "and hopefully you won't. I know that this will probably shock you a little but I want to undo your bra and see your breasts in their natural state."
"Not happening," I insisted.
"If you say so," he said, capitulating rather more easily than I expected.
Silly me. He just grabbed the bra and pushed it up, forcing my breasts to flatten while he pushed the bra higher, only to have them settle again once the bra had joined my dress. Now I was really naked.
"I said no," I pointed out rather bitterly.
"Oh. Sorry. I thought you just meant about taking it off."
What a liar. He thought no such thing.
"Maybe so, but if you don't mind I want to get dressed again."
At that moment my phone, which had finished up back on the floor, started ringing again. Mr Ford promptly picked it up and handed it to me. Naturally enough it was Vivian again.
"Vivian, can't talk right now. Things are still up in the air here. I'll call you back."
I disconnected, keeping hold of the phone. The things that were up in the air were my legs, Mr Ford having taken hold of my ankles and lifted my legs high and wide, almost bending me in two.
"What do you think you're playing at? Oh my god!"
It turned out that something else that was up in the air was Mr Ford's cock, as his trousers had gone down without me noticing, and it seemed to me that he had a lot of cock sticking up. Those things had no right to grow that large.
"Hey, you just hold on a moment," I protested. "You distinctly told me that you weren't going to try and fuck me. You said so."
"I did?"
"You did," I stated emphatically.
"Just goes to show. Even I can be wrong at times."
"But -- you can't," I protested.
The rotten swine just winked at me and leaned over me. The way he had me flat on my back with my legs damn near touching my ears I was wide open and helpless to resist. His cock was poised just next to my slit and I was shocked to see that my pudenda were flushed and swollen, pursed with my inner lips protruding, waiting for him.
He leaned closer, one hand reaching for me and easing my lips apart, and then he was pressing against me. Against me and into me. I could actually see his cock starting to enter me. I could also damn well feel it, and I almost shuddered in shock as he started pushing in. That great bulbous head pushed past my lips and I had a feeling a tennis ball would have been easier to take. (Not that I ever expect to find out.)
With that start I now had to watch as the shaft of an incredible thick sausage started pushing into me. Now it's quite possible it wasn't as big and thick as it seemed, but I was a virgin and it was the first one I'd seem this close and personal. It was certainly long enough and fat enough to get my full, albeit nervous, attention.
I gave a little whining noise when I felt my cherry pop. Not that it really hurt, but because it was an awareness that I was now an ex-virgin, even if he pulled out right then and there. Not that he did, of course. He just kept on pressing firmly against me, his cock slowly sinking into me. I could feel myself filling up with cock, my passage feeling as though it was being stretched all out of shape as he kept on coming.
I had never imagined that my first time would be like this. I'd sort of assumed somewhere dark, fumbling under a blanket or something. I definitely hadn't imagined lying down in a brightly lit room watching a cock sink into me, but that was what was happening. I also hadn't expected a married man or a certain lack of choice.
He kept leaning into me and his cock kept sinking deeper. I was finding it hard to believe that all that cock was going to fit, because I was feeling rather small when I first saw it next to me. But fit it did. He just leaned and pushed steadily, sinking deeper and deeper, and then his groin was pressed against mine, all his cock inside me. He just pressed against me for a few moments, his hands circling around my legs to close upon my breasts.
Now I had something else to look at - a man's hands covering my breasts, rubbing them, teasing my nipples which, to my annoyance, were standing up. He had no right to make me respond this way.
"Just watch and try to move with me," he told me. "You should get the hang of it quite fast."
Well, der! Why wouldn't I? The internet gives full instructions on what to do, even if it hadn't covered this precise situation.
I now got to have the delightful experience of watching his cock slowly withdraw, only to stop and sink back in again. He was pulling back a long way, and I was almost expecting his cock to pop right out, but before that happened he'd reverse and start plunging home.
After a few slow thrusts I was moving with him, pushing to meet him each time he thrust back into me. Once he was satisfied I was doing what he wanted he started increasing the pace. He also shifted my legs from where he had them pinned, moving them lower and having me wrap them around his waist. I had to admit that this did make it easier to move with him.
I suppose that I should point out that the movement of his cock inside me was doing all sorts of things to my insides. I seemed to be curling up inside, all my nerves starting to twang, while heat was pooling inside me. My heart was beating faster, driving that heated blood through my body, distributing the heat but not cooling it in any fashion. I just kept getting hotter and hotter, my whole body starting to heat up.
He was picking up the pace quite a bit now, really pounding my pussy, but I found that I had no objections. I just moved with him, pushing urgently to meet him, letting him do what he would while I did my best to match his efforts.
This time I knew what was happening when my climax finally came upon me and I was quite content to let it happen. I idly noticed that Mr Ford was jerking quite frenetically, presumably having his own climax.
Afterwards I pushed myself up off the couch, picked up my panties and headed towards the bathroom to get cleaned up. Coming back I held out my hand.
"I'll take my pay now," I snapped, and Mr Ford reached into his pocked, pulled out his wallet, and gave me some money. I didn't bother counting. He wouldn't dare stiff me on my babysitter fee and if he gave me a bonus, all to the good.
He escorted me to the front door and I paused just after stepping through.
"By the way, you might like to inform your wife that I won't be sitting for you anymore. Not that she'll want me to, I guess."
"Why won't she want you to? She won't know what happened."
I smiled and held up my phone, the one that I'd continued holding after Vivian's second call.
"She'll probably guess after she sees the video I sent her while I was in the bathroom," I told him. "Your face and cock are rather noticeable. My face doesn't appear on the video at all, but she'll probably guess it was me. Bye."
You write way too many from the girl's POV, it gets boring, and does nothing for me. I want to see it from the perpetrator's POV, not the complaining victim's.
Good story, Ashson! I babysat for a variety of couples growing up, never experiencing inappropriate behavior from anyone. Not even from the good looking couple who had a closet full of porn. I often wondered...