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BabySitter Magnificent

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He surprised her while she was trying on a gown.
2k words

Part 59 of the 142 part series

Updated 10/10/2022
Created 06/07/2013
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I fronted up at the Wallace's place ready to start the baby-sitting job. I was a little early and I spent some time talking to Mrs Wallace as she got ready. During the course of the conversation I mentioned that I had an invitation to a formal dance the next day, and I lamented over the fact that I didn't really have a decent adult ball-gown. Mrs Wallace turned and gave me a thoughtful look.

"If my memory serves correctly," she said, "you've got a 38C bust. I noticed as your figure is very similar to mine. Maybe you could use one of my ball-gowns. I'll leave a couple that I think might suit you on the bed and you can try them on later. If you're happy with one of them take it home with you. You can return it the next time you sit for us."

I thanked her and was actually eager to try one on right then and there but a sudden squall called me to my baby-sitting duties and I hurried off to sort out what was going on. From that point on the kids kept me busy until Mrs Wallace was ready to depart.

"I'll probably see you later," she said as she headed out the door, "but if Mike gets home first then there's no need for you to wait for me to return. Dun him for your wages and leave him to handle the brats. Serves him right for working overtime when he could have been going out with me."

Seeing that Mrs Wallace was going on a hen's night I suspected that there was no way known Mike would have gone with her, but I kept my mouth shut. I simply waved goodbye and turned my attention back to the kids.

An hour later the kids had finally worn themselves out and allowed me to tuck them into bed, whereupon they'd promptly fallen asleep. I returned to the front room and just flopped into one of the big armchairs and wondered where Mrs Wallace got the stamina to keep up with them every day. She had my sincere admiration.

Thinking of Mrs Wallace was enough to jog my memory regarding the ball-gowns. I hurried down to the main bedroom to see if she'd remembered to lay out the promised gowns, and there they were. One was teal and the other was multi-shades of yellow, and they both looked fantastic, although I had an immediate preference for the teal. That shade of colour really suits me.

I stripped off and put on the gown and it fitted me beautifully. It might have been tailored specifically for me. The only problem was my stupid bra. It looked terrible with the dress. A quick check showed that the dress had a built-in bra so I unhooked mine and ditched it and adjusted the dress. As far as I could tell it fit me even better. I did some twisting and turning and bending over to check that the built-in bra did contain me and I wouldn't spill out at an inconvenient moment and was quite satisfied with the result.

A couple more spins in front of the mirror and then I stripped off the gown and laid it reverently on the bed. I wasn't even going to bother to try on the yellow gown. As far as I was concerned I had my dress.

Before I got dressed in my own clothes I put my hands behind my head and did a big stretch to loosen up a bit. Then I gave a strangled scream. Strangled, because I didn't want to wake the kids. Scream, because Mr Wallace said, "Magnificent."

I spun around to face him, hand bra firmly in place. If I'd had time for second thoughts I'd have turned the other way so my back was to him, but I was a little off balance. I'm sure you would be too if you suddenly found yourself in front of a strange man wearing nothing but a skimpy pair of panties. Not really strange, I guess, as I knew him, but you know what I mean.

"Oh, ah, Mr Wallace," I babbled. "Mrs Wallace left a couple of ball-gowns for me to try on." I instinctively waved towards the two gowns, remembered what I wasn't wearing, and replace my hand bra with some alacrity.

"I saw the gowns," he said, at the same time taking hold of my wrists. He gently but firmly moved my hands away from my breasts, leaving me nicely exposed to his gaze, and he was certainly looking.

"Magnificent," he said again.

"You already said that," I sniped at him. "Would you please let go my arms?"

"Yes, well it was worth repeating," he said affably, releasing my wrists.

Unfortunately, while this sounds as though he was doing the right thing, it turned out otherwise. Not holding my wrists meant his hands were free to latch onto my panties and draw them down, leaving me in the position of trying to do a hand bra with one hand while covering my pussy with the other.

"If you don't mind," I snapped at him, feeling a bit incensed and hard done by.

"I don't," he assured me. "I truly don't."

His eyes were wandering all over me and he was smiling at me.

"You're older than I thought," he told me, "but I guess just like everyone else you've been growing older and I just haven't noticed. How old are you now, eighteen?"

I nodded, trying to pull away from him, but he was holding my wrists quite firmly. Not grasping them hard, but there was no give in his grip.

His hand dropped one wrist but promptly moved to cover one breast, stroking it. I could feel it swelling under his touch, my nipple puckering and pressing against his palm.

"If you don't mind," I said snarkily, and he laughed.

"Why would I mind?" he asked, and his second hand was on my other breast, repeating the fondling, and the swelling and puckering were also repeating. Now, however, I could do something about it. Or so I thought.

I went to back up and break contact, but it didn't work that way. Sure, I backed up, but he just moved with me, and then the bed was against the back of my legs. I had to catch myself before I fell flat on my back.

"I wouldn't lie down just there if I was you," Mike said. "You'd make a mess of those pretty dresses. Far easier for you to turn around and lean over here where there's more room."

He very helpfully turned me around and pushed me forward so I was leaning over the bed at a place where the dresses weren't. I'd just as that he hadn't. I pushed back to try to stand up and found myself giving another strangled scream, this one due to the fact that when I pushed back I found I'd pushed my pussy very firmly against his hand.

My immediate reaction was to pull away, which left me bending over the bed and with his hand still firmly pressed against me, it having followed me when I tried to move away.

"Will you kindly get your hand off me?" I snarled.

"Ah, that would be a no," he said with a chuckle. "Well, to be truthful, I will in a minute or two but I'm having fun teasing and touching. Don't worry, you'll survive."

There was nothing I could do but stay the way I was while he carried on with his touching and teasing, and let me tell you - he was touching in places that he most definitely shouldn't.

Okay, call me innocent. Well, perhaps not as I wasn't strictly an innocent. Call me naïve instead. I genuinely thought that he was just touching and teasing. It wasn't until I turned my head and caught sight of the pair of us in the dressing table mirror that I realised just how naïve I was being, but by then it was way too late.

The mirror showed me that Mike had dropped his trousers and his cock was as erect as it could get. What's more, he was pointing it at me and moving closer.

I had time to say, "Hey, wait, no, don't you dare," and then his cock was pressing against me, and then it was sliding into me.

"You stop that," I yelled, and he laughed, his cock sliding in a little deeper.

From then on it was me making funny sound and protests and being ignored while his cock just kept sinking deeper into my passage. He wasn't ramming it home - more a gentle guiding, his cock a constant pressure with my passage yielding a little bit for him to go deeper, a bit more yielding, and a little bit deeper. Slow but sure certainly did the trick for Mike and then his cock was fully inside me, with my body reluctantly accepting it. Perhaps I should say my mind was reluctant. My body seemed quite eager.

"What do you think you're doing?" I demanded and the rotten man had the gall to laugh.

"Are you serious?" he asked, and what was I supposed to say to that? Nothing, that's what, and that's what I said.

With me not saying anything Mike got to work. He started pumping his cock in me, not hard and fast, which was what I'd expected, but slow and easy, just dragging it out and then siding back in. I found myself automatically moving with him, the gentle movements still managing to send little thrills into me.

Taking his time, sliding in and out, his arms around me while his hands fondled my breasts, and there was me, moving with him and getting more aroused with every movement.

After a while he picked up the pace a bit, and then a bit more. It wasn't much longer and he was going in hard and fast and I was with him all the way. I was totally aroused by this stage and the way his cock would come thrusting into me was just building on that, taking me higher and higher. I was gasping and making little noises, noises that probably sounded like encouragement to him, and I couldn't guarantee that they weren't.

He seemed to know when I was about to climax and he suddenly turned on the pressure, although I hadn't known he'd had anything in reserve. What he had he now let me have and then I was climaxing, hand on my mouth to stop a scream (because I still didn't want to wake the kids).

We separated and the rotten man dared to pat my bottom.

"Like I said earlier, you are magnificent," he said, and he said it so sincerely that I actually felt flattered. I just tossed my head in the air and went and cleaned up and dressed, throwing glowering little looks at Mike, looks that just seemed to bounce off him.

"Did you decide on a gown?" he asked once I was dressed.

"Yes," I said rather grudgingly. "The teal one."

He looked blank and I sighed.

"The bluey-green one," I said. "They call that colour teal, as opposed to that gown which is yellow."

"I knew that," he said quickly. "I was hoping that was the one you wanted because it doesn't suit Miriam at all. If you like it, keep it. I'll buy Miriam a replacement."

I knew a bribe when I saw one, but it was a very nice gown and it suited me perfectly. I considered Mrs Wallace's colouring and I had to agree that the gown was the wrong colour for her. I don't know why she bought it in the first place.

I accepted the gown and I accepted my pay (which was more than I was owed - more bribery) and I got the hell out of there.

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walt555walt555almost 3 years ago

I'd have liked it if Mrs Wallace caught them and gave her the gown lol

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

She was told to borrow it and wear it.

EdthegentEdthegentalmost 3 years ago

Good story. Would love to see some sequels!

sirhugssirhugsalmost 3 years ago
cleverness over creepiness

An excellent read. would love to find out what happens when Mrs. Wallace notices the gown is missing.

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