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BabySitter Needy

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The Babysitter was demonstrating she was available.
2.3k words

Part 65 of the 142 part series

Updated 10/10/2022
Created 06/07/2013
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By an odd chance both my wife and I were going out on a Friday night. My outing had been foreseen weeks in advance, basically as my darts team kept winning their matches and the finals were scheduled for tonight. Cheryl's outing had been rather unexpected. Her little sister had just got engaged and her friends were throwing a hen's night for her. Not something that Cheryl could miss without causing offence.

Cheryl had called Janice, our regular baby-sitter and she'd agreed to come. Right now I was watching her stroll down the path towards our front door, remembering the last time she'd sat for us.

"Hey, Cheryl, observe," I said nodding towards the window, and she wandered over and looked out.

"It's just Janice," she said.

"I know, but notice what's she wearing compared to what she used to wear when she sat for us."

"Umm. That's probably because she's older now. Nearly nineteen, I think."

"Possibly, but watch how she behaves once she's inside."

That earned me a puzzled look but Cheryl took it on board. I was confident that she'd keep a cautious eye on Janice while we were there.

Janice came in, all smiles and happy to see us and the kids. Was her cleavage a bit too low? Possibly. Did she bend down too far and stay that way too long when bending down to the kids? Possibly. Did she accidently bump into me a few times? Possibly. Did she have lovely bumpers? Most definitely.

I carefully didn't notice what was going on. Cheryl just as carefully did notice but didn't say anything. We just finished getting ready and departed. I was dropping Cheryl at her sister's place and she'd catch a taxi home after the hen's night drew to a close.

"So, Janice?" I said once we were in the car.

"I noticed," said Cheryl. "She's making a play for you. She wants to get laid and thinks you're available."

"Partly what I figured. Definitely making a play but I don't think she thinks that I'm available. I think she wants to add me as a notch to her belt, building up her confidence in herself."

Cheryl considered this and then nodded.

"Yeah, I think you're right. What are you going to do about it?"

"Excuse me?"

"Well, she's wanting it and she's of age. Just because we've known her for ages doesn't mean she's still a child. If she wants to play adult games she can't blame the adults who play with her. Mind you, if I caught you bumping naughty bits with her I'd be most annoyed, but I'll be home hours later than you tonight so it's your big chance."

"I am shocked, shocked, that you should suggest such a thing," I said thoughtfully. "I assure you that there's no way you would catch me bumping naughty bits with Janice, as you so quaintly put it."

"Uh-huh," said Cheryl, sounding very smug, and the subject was dropped.

Dropped and forgotten, on my part. I concentrated on the match I was playing in, a match we would have won except for a biased and pathetic adjudicator. Didn't matter. We'd win the next time.

I arrived home at a reasonable hour. The kids would be in bed asleep and Janice would be happy to have a reasonably early night. I'd completely forgotten about Cheryl's observation until Janice managed to bump into me, quickly apologising. She managed to brush her bumpers against me twice more while I was getting the envelope that Cheryl had left with her pay. Cheryl feels it's a little crass to just dish out the dough, preferring to give an envelope with the cash in it. Personally I couldn't care less, but why fuss over it? An envelope was what she got.

Another bump and I told myself that that was it. There would be repercussions for the next bump. It was coming, I knew it.

Sure enough, the bump was on its way, a little firmer than the previous bumps. Or it would have been firmer if I'd been there to collect it. I sort of slipped to one side, tripping her as she stumbled. Of course, being a true gentleman I couldn't let her fall flat on her face. I caught her as she went down, twisting her around so that she finished up landing rather gently on her back.

She looked up at me, apparently a little confused as to what happened. I just smiled.

"Oops," I said, going down onto one knee next to her. "Careless of you."

I flicked the front of her skirt up, revealing a lacy pair of skimpy panties. In the early years of sitting she used to wear jeans or track-suit pants, much better for handling children. A short, loose, skirt was a very recent addition to her wardrobe.

Janice grabbed her skirt, hurrying to push it back into position. She succeeded in that but was too late to prevent the main event, which was me lowering her panties. She gave a small squeal, holding her skirt tight across her groin.

"Wait, wait. What are you doing?"

"Ah, I'd have thought that was obvious," I told her. "I'm taking your panties off."

"I can see that but why? Are you going to rape me?" She sounded pleasingly horrified, excited even.

"Certainly not," I protested, shocked at the idea. "It's just that you've been consistently bumping into me this evening, making me curious to see all those soft curves that have pressed against me. I only started with your panties to give you a shock. Um, if you'll excuse me, your hands..."

I lifted her hands up from where she had them pressed against her groin and they moved surprisingly easily. I wasn't totally surprised to find she didn't relinquish her hold upon her skirt so when her hands moved up so did her skirt, revealing all as they say.

I dropped a hand to stroke her mons with Janice doing nothing to prevent me. Her mons was smooth, too smooth in fact. The reason for that amount of smoothness meant she had to have shaved very recently, probably just before she left home to come to our house. Now why would she do that?

Her legs were slightly parted, allowing my hand to slip between them and stroke her even more intimately. I rubbed her vulva while she tried to look away, blushing.

"When I said I want to see all your soft curves I was actually telling you that I want to see you naked," I said. "This," squeezing her vulva, "is just the start. Do you want to take off the rest of your things or would you like me to?"

"Get undressed for you? I couldn't. I just couldn't."

Her blush was getting a real work-out. I noticed that she'd only refused to take off her own clothes. Nothing was said about me taking them off. I undid the button on the side of her skirt and pulled the zip down. That done I pulled her skirt down, her attempts to hold onto it could be described as feeble at the best.

"Oh, you are going to rape me, aren't you," she accused, her hands going back to cover her groin again.

"Already asked and answered," I pointed out. "I said I wouldn't so I won't. Um, I suppose that taking off your top and bra might get me over excited. It might be better if you did that yourself, stopping me from getting too worked up."

I brushed her hands away from the playing area, my hand moving to protect her modesty. She looked at my hand stroking her intimately and then looked at me.

"Your top?" I suggested.

She swallowed nervously and started unbuttoning it. You can only take so long to undo a few buttons and a bra. She dropped them on the floor next to her, her face red, not looking at me. I covered one breast, lightly squeezing and stroking. After a minute or so I bent forward and captured her nipple in my mouth, lightly sucking.

I was lying down next to her, my hand wandering freely. So was my mouth, for that matter. Her hands were by her sides, not getting in my way at all. By some chance, my trousers and fly had come undone and I had a raging erection.

When I reached over her to play with her breast my groin pressed lightly against her hand. I felt it close around me and then hurriedly jerk away.

"You can play if you want to," I told her. "No rape, remember."

She didn't say anything but a little while later her hand came exploring, drifting through my open fly, seeking to feel what I had there. She actually pushed my jocks down out of her way before her hand closed over me, exploring carefully.

Janice did complain a time or two that I was taking unfair advantage of her and that I should be ashamed. I cheerfully agreed, while my fingers dipped and probed, her passage hot and wet, her arousal running high.

A toe hooked over her ankle drew her legs further apart, spreading them nicely. I pressed closer to her, the only thing stopping my erection from slapping against her tummy being the firm grip she had on it.

"You said no sex, remember," she reminded me, sounding a little hoarse and a little nervous.

"Not exactly," I told her. "I said I'm not going to rape you."

I moved between her legs, looming over her. I lifted her knees a little, spreading them a bit further apart, providing me with a nice cradle to lie in. My hand swiftly returned to rubbing her vulva.

"When my cock is pressing against you here," I said, two fingers pressing against the entrance to her passage and slowly pushing in, "it'll be because you give me permission. You can say yes any time now."

I removed her hand from where it clutched my cock, letting the head rest against her vulva, right at the sweet spot. A simple yes and I'd be driving home.

Instead of Janice saying yes she seemed to be frozen, just staring at where my cock was pressed against her. I was prepared to swear that she was holding her breath, waiting for me to lunge at her. It seemed to me that if we stayed like that for too long she'd go off the boil, lose her nerve, and start saying no loudly and clearly, possibly hoping to have me force her so she wouldn't have to make a decision.

My hand wandered back to her slit, moving between her lips and touching down near her clitoris. She gasped and jerked, nearly impaling herself. I smiled and touched her again. Another jerk as she twisted about.

"Don't do that," she said.

"Then say yes," I replied, following it up with another touch.

A few more touches and she capitulated, too aroused to say no.

"All right, damn you. Yes," she gasped. "Do it. Do it now."

I pressed forward before she could change her mind. I entered her quickly and smoothly, her virginity a minor inconvenience quickly brushed aside. Her only acknowledgement to losing her virginity was a startled yipping sound, and then she was pressing firmly against me, taking me deep within her.

From that point I switched to stroking her breasts again, while starting to move slowly within her. Her response was immediate, pressing up to meet me. As I slowly built up the pace she stayed with me, responding eagerly, starting to urge me on. I didn't need much urging, I assure you. She felt delicious.

It wasn't long and she was showing a desperate neediness, arching her back, lifting her rump clear of the floor as she pressed up to me, wanting more, no, demanding more.

Who was I to deny a sweet young thing her heartfelt demands? I drove in harder than ever, roughly massaging her breasts as I did so, knowing that she was very near to her orgasm.

Finally deciding that I was ready I put my all into it, pumping hard, getting ready to spray deep inside her. Then it all came together. I cut loose and she climaxed, very noisily.

Once things had settled down a little she gave me a female type look. (All girls seem to have them. Men never know what they mean but we know they mean something.)

"Why did you do that?" she demanded.

"Ah, because you wanted me to and I decided that I wanted to as well."

"Oh. I guess I did. What happens now?"

"I'd suggest you have a shower and get dressed before Cheryl gets home. She might be a bit snarky if she suspects that you've been seducing her husband."

"I did no such thing," Janice said quickly. "Ah, did I?"

I made an iffy motion with my hand.

"Sort of," I said, "but where you were concerned I was more than ready to be seduced so don't worry about it. As long as you enjoyed yourself everything's fine."

That seemed to satisfy her as she nodded, grabbed her clothes, and scooted off to the bathroom.

When Cheryl got home she gave me a bland look with a hint of a smile. I reciprocated giving her an equally bland look in return.

"Well?" she demanded, the bland look turning to irritation. "Did you or didn't you?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I said, all injured innocence.

"So you did. What was it like? Was she a virgin? Does she want to do it again? If she wants to do it again do you think we can talk her into a threesome? Don't stand there like a dummy. Details. Give me details."

How does a woman translate I don't know what you're talking about to yes, I screwed the sitter? I gave a big sigh. She wouldn't let up until she had all the details.

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cutelilhottiecutelilhottiealmost 2 years ago

Geeze can you even write more than a single page?!?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Incomplete story. Little character development. Not very erotic.

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