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BabySitter's Dream

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Taken by surprise.
1.1k words

Part 111 of the 142 part series

Updated 10/10/2022
Created 06/07/2013
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Heather had been watching the kids for what seemed like hours. Come to think of it, it had been hours. Gabriel and Melinda had gone out about six and it was now past eight. That made it two hours and the kids were still going at full pace, showing no signs of slowing down. And the mess in the front room! A mess that she'd have to clear up.

"I'm getting too old for this shit," she grumbled, and then had to laugh at herself. Age eighteen, and too old to look after children anymore? Ridiculous, but she did think that she'd reached a point where she'd give babysitting the flick. Too much work for too little money.

It was now a case of coax, persuade, and threaten the little brutes into their beds. After that it was a case of coaxing, persuading, and threatening them to stay there. A full hour passed before they were sleeping like innocent little angels. Looks are so deceptive when they're asleep.

Instead of hopping to and tidying the front room Heather slouched down on the couch and turned on the television. She'd watch an inane, mindlessly boring, show for a while, letting the dullness relax her.

She relaxed to the point where she fell asleep.

Awaking with a start Heather sat up, looking at the general mess. Dear god, she'd been asleep while the room was still like this. If it was like this when Gabriel and Melinda arrived home Melinda would have some quite cutting things to say. There was a big difference between her deciding she didn't want to sit for them anymore and having them decide she wasn't suited. She hopped to her feet and started tidying.

Most of the mess was cleared away pretty quickly. Picking up the giant Lego was the worst. Looking at the Lego container Heather just knew that she hadn't found all the pieces. Where had the little horrors hidden the rest? Under cushions was part of the answer. Under the chairs was another part. She was willing to bet that under the couch would explain the rest of it.

Head down, bum up, she peered under the couch. She could see several Lego pieces. Damned if she was going to try to shift the couch to get them. She should be able to reach.

The first couple were within a reasonable reach and were quickly flicked into the open. Then she strained to reach that last piece. Her fingertips were just brushing against it. Finally, with a sigh of relief, her nail caught on it and dragged it a little closer. Several things happened then.

First, she managed to flick the Lego piece out into the open. Second, a hand came down and pressed firmly upon her back. Third, another hand flicked her skirt up and pulled her panties down.

Heather's first reaction was to rear up, a reaction prevented by that hand pressing down on her back. She also turned her head to see who was behind her, although she assumed that it was Gabriel taking unwanted liberties. She found she couldn't do that, either. Her face was jammed up against the gap under the couch from where she'd been looking for Lego and she couldn't pull away.

"You stop that," she shrieked, knowing her voice was muffled but suspecting the message would get through anyway. "Get your hands off me."

Hands, plural, because besides the hand holding her in place there was another hand stroking her mound. No, not stroking. Rubbing quite firmly now, playing with her as if she was his own personal toy.

It didn't take long for Heather to realise that she was relatively helpless. She was in a bad position and Gabriel, assuming that it was Gabriel, had an overwhelming advantage. She was shocked to find that along with the realisation of her helplessness there came a rush of heat to her groin. Was she finding being helpless exciting?

She must, she decided. The hand rubbing her was now spreading her lips, forcing them apart, and she not only knew what that meant but she found herself anticipating it. When she felt his cock pressing against her she wailed out 'no' as loudly as possible, knowing it was only for show. He wasn't going to stop at this stage and she'd have been disappointed if he had. Not that she wanted to be raped, but being helpless and all, it was exciting.

She started screaming softly as she felt him sliding deeper into her, trying to squirm away, feeling his hands firmly holding her hips in position while he pushed deeper. She could feel the heat of him, his heat adding to the heat burning in her blood, igniting a fire in her loins that he'd have to handle.

He was in her, all the way inside her, and she could feel every hot inch of him burning against her. She found her attention was focused on what he was doing, his cock mastering her, having its way, leaving her no choice but to move with him.

He started up his rhythm, sliding back and forth, his hands on her hips helping to pull her onto him as he drove forward. Not that he had to help her; she was pushing back to meet him, her body his to command. It felt so sweet, forbidden fruit forced upon her, and she was delighting in every taste.

She lost track of time, her life narrowed down to this man and what he was doing to her. He went on and on, every thrust exciting her, each new excitement building on what had gone before, until she was nearly screaming from the sheer pleasure it was bringing.

When he increased his pace she was taken by surprise, fire blazing up spontaneously within her, sweeping through her, bringing her to a screaming climax, followed by night closing over her.

Heather opened her eyes. She was back on the couch. Her hand went down to her groin, hesitant, wondering what she should do. Her panties were on, she noticed with surprise. A little damp, maybe, but still on. She looked around. The living room was a mess. But I tidied it, she thought. She sat up. Obviously she hadn't. But if she hadn't then. . . A dream? She'd dreamed the entire thing? It had seemed so real, but even as she thought about it she could feel the details fading away, being forgotten.

Still, cleaning up a room in your dreams didn't get it done. She hopped to her feet and started tidying. Most of the mess was cleared away pretty quickly. Picking up the giant Lego was the worst. Looking at the Lego container Heather just knew that she hadn't found all the pieces.

Flaming kids. Under the cushions and under the furniture, she'd just bet. A quick scrabbling about found most of the pieces. Probably some under the couch. Down on her hands and knees, trying to look under the couch. Head down, bum up.

She started when a hand pressed firmly against her back, holding her there. . .

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LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 8 years ago
Not bad at all but ...

I missed Ashson's gift for rhetoric and double-edged discourse flaring and flaming all the brighter because the outcum' is already assured.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I LOVED this cute short realistic happy story. It reminded me of my earliest sexual fantasies. After I got date raped I still had these same fantasies but even WAY more vivid and detailed. Since my first rape was non-violent and shockingly pleasurable, I was pretty much fine with rape and fantasized on getting raped repeatedly by every man and boy I knew. I had a babysitting rape fantasy that was basically this story.

lydiayokomotolydiayokomotoover 8 years ago
This made me laugh

Your description of the kids was wonderful. Great story.

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