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All Comments on 'Backseat Ride: Sitting on Son's Lap'

by married_but_curious

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AlwaystabooAlwaystabooover 1 year ago
You were a great mom seizing the day

Stay with the man you thought you married. Such a beautiful love story.

Sex4lf57Sex4lf57over 1 year ago

A very hot take on a familiar theme! Five stars and a favorite point!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Would be nice if the names stayed the same throughout the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

ho where have i read this story before thats it this must be the 5 or 6th story all the same it was like reading the same thing again and again nothing new here

married_but_curiousmarried_but_curiousover 1 year agoAuthor

I changed the dad's and son's names somewhere around the fourth draft in the writing process, but didn't do a perfect job of searching and replacing the names. By the final draft, I just wanted to get it published already.

If there was some way to edit a published story, I'd fix the name problem.

Sorry about that.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 1 year ago
Nobody Rides for Free!

Cheating dad needs more payback! Mom needs to take it to the next level. Excellent exercise in taboo backseat genre! Full marks . *****

cubbies4vrscubbies4vrsover 1 year ago

Enjoyed the. Reboot it's a classic also. Chapter2??? Please.

gorden55gorden55over 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

As an old guy from Texas, I loved the part about the kolaches!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Certainly not an original theme, but well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

very good, more please

redlion75redlion75over 1 year ago

Move in with the new man and try for the new family

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

What’s the point of publishing the story if the characters names are ever changing? Who’s Cody? Who’s Mike?? It’s a very short story.. it shouldn’t have taken that long to edit the names. Just pulls you out of the story when you’re trying to figure out if they’re new characters you missed, or just a poor edit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

There has to be another chapter, or more. *****

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Please continue, great story.

married_but_curiousmarried_but_curiousover 1 year agoAuthor

Working on the sequel - takes a lot of time.

CharletteCharletteover 1 year ago

The kid already thinks he's a gift to women.

He is already showing disrespect to his mother treating her like a teen twit.

I am glad it is only a fantasy in someone's mind.

Or is it ?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Mike? Cody? Brad? Lucas? Get it together! Lazy editing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I hope you write more of this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I thought it was a tired, played out story-line, but u managed to breath new life into it. If zero to four boners was the grading system then I wud give this story 3.75 boners, fo' sho'.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Is the husband Brad or Cody?

Is the son Lucas or Mike?

You need to proof read your own work.

SpankingMyMomSpankingMyMomover 1 year ago

Excellent story.

Cody or Brad? Lucus or Mike? Doesn't matter.

I truly enjoyed this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Please add to this story

Invisibleman1970Invisibleman1970over 1 year ago

Story line was good, but you need to keep the names of each person consistent and when they were getting dressed after the shower, you jumped from the soon picking out clothes to the mom trying on a dress but it read like the son was putting on the dress. Easy fixes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Yeah, all the name switches NEED to be corrected. It disrupts the flow of the story.

MikeOrMikeyMikeOrMikeyover 1 year ago

Please keep going.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very hot take on a classic trope!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The story moved along the road as they traveled to the college. The Mother got what she needed and the son got what most sons want and need, sex and a hot woman. I wonder if the unpacking and then the evening coming soon if they would end up on the floor or in the bed room riding him for all of his size and worth and her getting to cum a few more times before she was tired and need to sleep for the night and thinking of the morning to cum again.

married_but_curiousmarried_but_curiousover 1 year agoAuthor

I submitted an edited draft of this story, fixing the name change problems that numerous readers helpfully pointed out (plus some teeny little things - formatting,punctuation, missing words, etc.) I appreciate the help!

Should take 48 to 72 hours for the edited story to publish. You'll know it's the fixed version if you see a comment, about it being edited from the original version, in the author's notes at the beginning of the story.

Also, writing sequel to this story. Slowly. Writing is hard.

Butt4mygyrlButt4mygyrlover 1 year ago

Part 2 please! And thank you for effort!!

jp052016jp052016over 1 year ago

Just perfect. Many thanks

CrankThzJackInDaBoxCrankThzJackInDaBoxover 1 year ago

first off :: the wife\the mother . she absolutely must get name happening around sequel

( don't change it like ya did countless times ) - the husband/the father , the son ................

second off :: the mother she already told son * willing do practically anything almost anything

always anything please him *

{ what if WHAT IF what if WHAT IF }

after they do return areas left

` the son he somehow he someway , meets Tiffany , same woman ,

his father , did bang did fuck , cheating on , the wife\the mother `

[ WHAT IF what if WHAT IF what if ]

the son also fucks same woman , his father , did bang did fuck , cheating on ,

the wife/the mother

" the wife the mother , she told , the son - willing anything willing whatever "

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Wow, yet again we have an unoriginal copy of an inconceivable bullshit story. Why waste your time and ours on such total garbage.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Who is Mike and who is Brian? Lol

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Plagiarism. see the story that originated in 2019 by "retired04". The is exactly the same as previous story.

Shame on you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago



Sorry, that ruined it for me. If you're goin to use different names, keep them straight.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

"The is exactly the same as previous story."


Plagiarism would taking that story -- word for word -- and reposting it under your own name. This is not the case.


Look at the list of similar stories off to the side, each about a mother sitting on her son's lap during a car ride, resulting in them fucking. By your definition, every single story since 2009 -- not 2019, moron -- would have to be deleted. Hell. but your definition, most stories in most categories would have to be deleted.


You can call if a trope, you can call it a cliche, but it's NOT plagiarism. Actually, the husband cheating on her and seemingly know what happened in the back of the vehicle makes this one of the more original versions of this plot line.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I don't care how you pack it, slice it, or print it. 2 people having sex in a closed small room has smell. Her hubby, mom n son, and us the reader has to be totally fucking idiots to think that shit will fly. You would have to have windows down, or someone smoking to mask that smell. Sorry dumb ass writer, there are side mirrors on the doors that will show what's going on. And I have to state the obvious, why would a 18yo white boy not have his own vehicle attending college. Especially with parents pushing a luxury SUV. Off campus housing isn't college campus, so kid will have his/her own vehicle. I'm Black and could have concocked a better scenario. -2 stars.

liz33ndliz33ndover 1 year ago

i still liked it, maybe a repeat of other stories,but i still enjoyed it, wtf, the haters dont write on here, so let them complain and move on. four stars, it was a little short. and hell, make it five stars

married_but_curiousmarried_but_curiousover 1 year agoAuthor

I appreciate your feedback about perceived plot holes. I will address them in the sequel I'm slowly working on.

Perhaps I need to make it more explicit in the sequel that the dad did strongly suspect what was going on, despite having a poor sense of smell, but due to his own cheating wasn't in a position to seize the moral high ground.

Again, thanks for your thoughtful comments about perceived flaws, in a surprisingly challenging story premise to write realistically and believably, even with the reader's willing suspension of disbelief.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Yes, it's very similar to other stories and you kept changing names but other than that, I enjoyed it and look forward to the sequel.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This is a replay from Backseat Mommy

Monagamous_NowMonagamous_Nowabout 1 year ago

I've read many variations on this theme - really liked this one. 5/5

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Love this story HEr more

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

One of the better variations on this concept.

techie_usetechie_useabout 1 year ago

one f the best written story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Good Mother Great Slut❤️

aebnialaaebniala7 months ago

Seem like something i already read...

Foxterot7aFoxterot7a7 months ago

Good story. Mother has finally found someone who really loves her for herself. Likewise, the son has found someone who loves him unconditionally. I would like to read more about this developing love story.

blksoldierblksoldier6 months ago

i thought that I had read every kind of story again, but this one was a little different. I loved it. well written.

SniperkingSniperking6 months ago

I let me guide me to my knees. I looked up at him, making and holding eye contact.

me should be him

There are a few mistakes like this but otherwise a very hot story. I do think maybe the period since she last slept with her husband should be longer than just a week, considering we are told he hasn't been showing interest in her and how horny she is due to her not having sex in a while

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

So good, so hot, excellent ride on an old unlikely trope. Mom sounds absolutely delicious.

Shame hubby cheated with an 18-year-old...

I am loving that you have promised a sequel, and there it is!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Strange, they were going through Waco and talked about stopping at another town a little further on and then it skips to the arrival at the apartment. We missed what happened at that lunch stop.

shang40shang404 months ago


I want to be that Mom sitting on sons lap in car and get him inside my Pussy and then in my Ass too.

shang40shang404 months ago



मला ही मम्मी व्हायला आवडेल

हे क्रिकेट सामना पाहात दंगल

मी किचनमध्ये

अमेरिकेत असणारा माझा मुलगा


दोन वर्षांनी घरी आलाय. माझ्यावर त्याचे खूप प्रेम. परवाच मी व तो बाईकवरून जाताना बोलता बोलता पाठीवर स्तन दाबले गेले होते.

लबाडाने मग बोलताना पुटपुटल्या सारखे केले. ऐकता यावे म्हणून मला अजून पुढे झुकावे लागले व त्यामुळे माझे स्तन वैभव त्याच्या घट्ट muscular पाठीवर रुतले.

आणि आज हा प्रकार. ..पप्पांना मॅचमध्ये दंग पाहून सौरभ आत आला व मागून मिठी मारून मान चुंबली.

तो स्पर्श तो आवेग ते प्रेम 💕💕💕

मागून मिठी व त्यामुळे त्याचा लंड माझ्या नितंबांवर दबला गेला....आई गं, काय ते feeling Uffff

मी त्याला माझ्या मानेची गालांची चुंबने घेऊ दिलीच. सौरभचा हात स्तनमंडलावर आलेला..फिरला... हलकेच दाब ...

तेवढ्यात रवीने मला हाक मारली. ..मिठी सोडवून जावे लागले. .. त्यांनी सांगितले की ते मित्राकडे जात आहेत. तीन तासांनी येतील.

मी म्हटले उगाच जास्त पिऊ नका.

(खरं तर सवयीनुसार ते पिणार व तिकडेच झोपणार हे मला माहित आहे व तसं घडलं तर मला व सौरभला पूर्ण रात्र मिळेल या कल्पनेनेच माझी योनी ओली झाली)

बाहेर पडताना रवीला मी गालावर चुंबन दिले.. कारण ओठ 💋 आता सौरभ घेणार हे निश्चित झालेलं.

पुन्हा किचनमध्ये गेले तर लबाड वाटच पहात होता. पुन्हा मागून मिठी मारत लंड नितंबांवर दाबला व कान चावत म्हणाला, I love you Mom. .. Love you Ruchika....

मी वळून पाहिले तर गालाचे चुंबन व चावा घेत सौरभ ने ओठांना किस केला.

मी जरा रागाने पाहिलं तर म्हणतो, नखरे नको करूस तुला आवडले ना राणी. 💋💋💋

मी पूर्ण वळले व त्याच्या मानेवर हात ठेवत म्हटले, घे रे राजा राणीचे चुंबन. ..

पुढची तीन मिनिटे आमचे kissing,  open mouth

आणि सौरभ चे हात कमरेवर व नंतर माझ्या नितंबांवर मालकी हक्क गाजवत.

Uffff more hot feeling.

💋💋💋💋 kissing continued

flint777flint7772 months ago

Absolutely loved this story. Second time of reading. Looking forward to reading the next part now.

pussycrazy63pussycrazy6316 days ago

God please MORE MORE MORE!!! You can't stop it there. There is so much more possibility with this. And I'm speaking for personal experience. Which I'm not going to go into. But mother fucker! You have seriously got to add more chapters to where Mom brings home one of the college girls to have a threesome

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