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Bad Captor (giantess, sex, gentle)

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A giantess's slave secretly loves her lewd "torture" of him.
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A cyclops is nothing if not power made manifest. Born from the union of Gaia and Uranus, cousins to the titans and hundred-handed giants, they were earthbound monsters with Olympian blood -- a lineage that could be felt with their every ground-shaking footstep. They towered above everything on the rocky plains they inhabited, giving any humans who dared to share their territory a constant reminder of who truly ruled over nature.

And Astera was nothing if not a cyclops. Tall as seven men with the mass of several hundred, she was bigger than the statues those puny Greeks erected for their gods, and far more imposing. Her wide, fertile hips and seductive umber eye belied a strength that could pull up trees like a human would turnips.

Like any true cyclops, she had her own den, a snug cavern hidden deep within the mountains of Aetolia. And like any true cyclops, she had her own slave.

Laodocus, as he was once called, was a struggling playwright who had left the safety of Athens for rustic inspiration. An ill-advised scenic detour led him straight into Astera's giant hands -- and then into the dark, miserable den he'd call home for the rest of his pathetic life. She remembered his screams, so raw, so innocent. He didn't scream like that anymore. He had lost all energy to.

For six moons now he had been victim to her malicious desires. She looked forward to their daily torture sessions, where she'd find some new way to inflict horrendous pain on him -- or better yet, make him inflict horrendous pain on himself. She had grown to prefer the latter option, especially on long days like this where she needed to lie back and enjoy some evening entertainment.

But most importantly, she had made sure never to call him by his "real" name. He was nothing now, not even a toy to her; if she pressed him flat under her putrid soles, his bloody pulp wouldn't even cover them. No, he was simply her slave -- and he knew as much, if thoughts even raced through his defeated mind anymore.

He probably doesn't even remember his old name, Astera thought, smirking. She was almost home now, back at her secluded little crag where no one else knew she wasn't the only resident. If not for her one eye, from a distance one could mistake Astera for a human woman; she wore sandals made from entire cow hides and a sweat-soaked toga that barely covered her breasts (and completely exposed her privates, assuming you were standing right below her), with a sack slung over her back. At her size, she didn't need to conform to human conventions of decency at all, but she liked the way their clothing accentuated her curves. Besides, it made her sweat more, and nothing tortured poor Laodocus quite like her stench.

She heaved her massive figure over the last cliff, seeing the entrance to her cavern -- but with the boulder that usually blocked her slave's escape was rolled to the side. Gods, she had forgotten to close off the entrance! If her slave still had the strength to walk, he surely would have escaped by now.

No matter, she thought, I'll find some other poor human. Maybe several. She smiled at the thought of it. But Laodocus would be hard to replace. After half a year, most humans would have put themselves out of their misery on account of her sheer smell, let alone the physical torture. No, Laodocus was perseverant -- pathetic, but perseverant. It made her a bit sad, actually, knowing she'd never find another slave who'd suffer as much as him.

Yet as she stopped to her knees to wriggle her giant ass into the cave's tight entrance, she spotted light inside the cavern.

Then she spotted Laodocus inside the cavern. The human was prodding a fire, apparently readying some sort of stew in the cauldron above.

"SLAVE!", Astera roared, pebbles raining from the cavern's ceiling as she did so. It was more from the shock of seeing him than anything else. How could her slave not have escaped? Surely he must have noticed the boulder was gone.

"Keep your voice down, Tera. You're going to make the whole place cave in," Laodocus said, sighing. "You're late, by the way. I had to rekindle the fire so the stew didn't get cold."

"S-sorry," the cyclops said, making sure to move the boulder back as she squeezed the rest of herself into the cramped lair. "The agora was a zoo today. I had to wait hours in line to get your papyrus, and then some lady claimed I stomped on her cart, and then--"

"Hey, hey, you're all good," her slave said, giving her a tiny kiss on the cheek. She smiled. It was one of the many ways he showed complete submission to her. Apparently the taste of her skin alone was enough to make him retch. "I just didn't want you to get hungry. You got me the new Euripedes play, right?"

"Umm, no, they were out of that one. Oh, I got you the new Aristophanes, though! I think it's about birds or something," the cyclops said, pulling a scroll from her sack. "I-I hope that's okay."

Laodocus huffed. "He's overrated, but fine. I'll read it to you later." The human had been teaching her all about the great bards and playwrights for the past few moons. It wasn't as fulfilling as torturing him, but she had been meaning to get cultured so she could converse with the more sophisticated cyclopses she knew. He had a great voice for the job, too, assigning every character some unique accent or inflection. (His deep, booming Odysseus always made her giggle.)

"Where should I put these?," she asked, handing him the blank sheets of papyrus Laodocus had sent her to fetch. For the past two moons, her slave had been hard at work on the revised draft of some comedy about Poseidon he wouldn't let her look at yet.

"In my bed is fine," he replied, adding some chopped herbs into the stew.

"O-oh, okay," Astera said, blushing as she realized what he meant, and she slid the sheets into her massive busom. Every night Laodocus would nestle between her breasts, passing out from the pain almost instantly. The heat was worse than all of Hades, he said, especially when she squeezed her tits together.

"Is this okay?," she asked, wiggling her breasts to prove the papers were secure.

Her slave took a long, hard look at her chest before finally nodding. "Looks good to me." He tasted the stew again before throwing into another handful of sage.

"That smells incredible, slave," Astera said, leaning her massive face right above the cauldron, its savory smells wafting up to her massive face. "I've been waiting to eat all day." A drop of drool fell from her mouth and landed in the pot with a plip. She lowered her face more, but a tiny hand nudged it away.

"Don't you want to torture me first?"

"Oh! Right," Astera said, having forgotten to do their daily sessions again. It was nice having a slave who reminded her. "Well, I've been walking a lot today, I was thinking m-maybe I could torture you with my feet tonight." Sitting up, she stuck her man-sized sandal in her slave's face and, taking it off, wriggled five sweaty digits the size of his head.

"Let's see," Laodocus said, closely sniffing each toe to see which had the worst stench. All seemed equally abhorrent, so he chose the largest. "Gods, you smell awful," he said, looking up at her and he massaged her big toe. "I'm already nauseous." He never actually thrown up in the time she had known him, though he once explained that during their sessions she had made his gag reflex snap in two.

"Ooooh, that feels good," Astera sighed, leaning her head back against the cavern wall as her slave ran his small tongue up and down her hot, salty toe. "You like that, little man?"

Her slave simply shook his head no, too busy licking to give a verbal response.

"G-good," she said.

He was done with the filth on the first toe now, and he moved onto the other four, squeezing them as he went. She could feel his tiny erection rise against her sole.

"Slave," she asked, "what's that?"

Laodocus sighed, taking his mouth off her pinky. "How many times do I have to tell you, Tera? I always get hard when I'm afraid. It's just how my body reacts. But don't worry, erections are extremely painful for me, remember?"

"Y-yeah, but why are you afraid right now?"

"Because you smell so bad I could fucking choke," he said, before diving his head between her toes and taking a massive lick. "Fuck, Tera, when was the last time you bathed?"

Asters shrugged, counting in her head. "I dunno. I guess I haven't dipped in the river for... five days now."

"Five days?" His penis sprung up at this news, obviously horrified by what was to come. "Fuck, that ass must smell barbaric. Get on your stomach, now."

"But you didn't do my other foot."

Laodocus rolled his eyes. "You know nothing hurts me worse than your butt does. C'mon."

He was right. Her big, foul-smelling ass apparently inflicted a level of pain on him she couldn't even comprehend, becoming more and more torturous the sweatier it got. They usually ended their torture sessions with this, since more often than not he'd end up sleeping between her asscheeks, apparently knocked out by the stench.

She rolled over and, taking off her toga, laid down, presenting her enormous rear end to her captive. Each cheek was as wide across as he was tall, sticking up six feet in the air in this position; her anus, the size of his face, sat roughly at his waist level.

Scrambling onto her ankle, he ran along the length of her leg and with a running jump, leapt onto her left asscheek, making it jiggle as he faceplanted. He used his whole body weight to massage her, fingers plunging deeper and deeper into her thick glutes until he couldn't even see his palms.

Astera let out a small moan. She could swear his butt massages brought her even more pleasure than they brought him pain. "M-more, slave. Please."

"Nnngh... I'm getting there, Tera," he said, grabbing ample handfuls of her flesh as he dug a knee deep into her glutes. He rhythmically rocked his whole body into it, pressing deeper and more more fully into her than he could with his arms. His dick was already wet with pre-come, and he pressed it against her skin.

"Oh, fuck, slave, that must feel so bad," she panted.

"Fuck yeah," he said, grunting as he slid his wet cock up and down her firm flesh. "You smell so bad back here, Tera... I bet your crack is even worse."

"Y-yeah. You should go check it out."

She didn't need to tell him twice, and he climbed over to the crevice beside him, her glutes so sweaty that he simply slid in.

Her asscrack was tall enough to envelop his entire body, though she could feel him kneel down until his head was level with her asshole. Even with her cheeks muffling the sound, she could hear the deep sniff he took.

"H-how bad is it, slave?"

"Mmmgh... I wanna die," Laodocus moaned, harder than ever. He rubbed his face along her slick anus, coating himself in a skin of her filth. She figured by this point he had developed the highest immunity to pinkeye in all of Greece. "You smell atrocious, Tera," he continued, stopping to sniff again as if it make sure. "You could clear out a fucking temple with this thing."

"O-oh really?," the cyclops said, proud she was making her miserable bug suffer so much. "I think it's everything you've been feeding me. That, and I just walked the length of two hundred stadia in the heat."

"I can tell," Laodocus responded. Beads of Astera's sweat rolled down to her anus and melted into the rest of the slimy surface, which Laodocus began to lap up. He split open the wrinkles around her puckered hole, licking every odorous ridge and rivet as he made his way to the epicenter. Then, spiraling inside, his tongue finally pierced her anus, probing into her with a giant, invasive lick. Astera let out a moan.

"You wanh moah?," Laodocus asked, his tongue still sticking inside her.

"Y-yes, please."

Obliging his master, the slave dug his sharp Mediterranean nose deep into Astera's hole, working her outer anus with one hand as he masturbated with another. And then he stretched her asshole wide-- making her gasp so loud a stalactite crashed to the ground beside her head-- and slid his entire head in.

"S-slave?," she worriedly asked, turning her head around. If the stench was enough to make him want to die, there was no telling what this would do. Gods, would this be enough to kill him for good? Is that how he planned to escape her torture?

But his little captive seemed as alive as ever inside her, thrusting her head up and down her hole. The cyclops let out another, larger moan. At their respective sizes, his head felt like a cock's fat tip poking her rectum. Smiling, she decided to let him be. "Ughhhhh... keep that up... p-please... you feel so fucking good."

But with a pop Laodocus drew his head from her depths, taking in some much-needed air.

"H-had enough for today, slave?," Astera asked, sounding a little disappointed.

Her slave shook her dirty head. "Masturbating wasn't painful enough," he said, gesturing to his erect cock. "I need to fuck you in the ass."

It's so nice having a slave that knows what's most painful for him, she thought as Laodocus slid his cock into her oversized asshole.

"I'm too small, Tera. You gotta pucker."


Astera clenched her asshole as tight as she could, constricting her slave's tiny cock. "How's that?," she asked as he began thrusting his hips against her.

"Unghh... excruciating," he replied, grunting.

"You gonna cum soon?"

"I'm gonna cum so hard," he huffed, "and it's gonna feel so bad."

Astera moaned at the thought of it. "Nnnnhgh... that's good, slave. I want you to hurt yourself more and more." Laodocus sped up his thrusts in response, grunting harder.

"Do that thing you do with your breasts," he asked. "Crush my pathetic body."

She reached back and pressed her sweaty asscheeks together, smothering her slave until only his head stuck out. He moaned, leaning his head back. "Mmm, yeah. Now slap it." She obliged, hitting her own ass with a thunderous smack that shook the human's entire body.

"FuHHHHhhhh," he cried, evidently in too much pain to even form words at this point. And with a final thrust, his cock exploded inside her, sending five healthy spurts of human seed up her monstrous anus. She relaxed her cheeks again, and he exhaustedly spun around, resting against her crack.

"Y-you gonna pass out there tonight, slave?"

He shook his tired head. "Nah. You should lick me off first."

She cringed at the idea. She know he only meant his dick -- he told her the sensation of her tongue was extremely painful to it -- but she'd also be licking up her own filth. Still, she put torturing her slave above all else, and so she grabbed his spent body and pulled it before her face.

Gods, she did need to bathe, if the smell coming from him was any indication. Every inch of his naked body was covered in her pungent odor. Thinking, she took some of his herbs, mashed them them in a rag, and rubbed them along his skin. It didn't completely mask the scent, but it was better than nothing.

"Tera, you were just... wow," her slave said, panting as he gazed into her eye.

"I-I was what?," she said, anxious for her performance review.

Lasso kept panting as he grabbed her rag and finished his cleanup duties himself. "You were abominable," he said, wiping his hair dry. "I couldn't imagine a crueler existence than this. Now lick the cum off my dick."

She looked down at his member, completely covered in semen -- and this was what he hadn't left behind in her butt. "Looks painful," she said.

"Make it worse."

And so she did, bringing her fat, wet tongue up to his balls and sliding it along his length. Not that she'd ever let him know, but this was her favorite thing they did together -- not because of the sheer pain it inflicted on him, but because of how good she secretly thought he tasted. Even with his crotch soaked in her own ass sweat, she licked his dick clean to the bone, placing his entire length in her mouth when she was done.

"Oh gods, Tera, that's going to hurt so bad."

Astera smirked as his lips got to sucking his cock, pumping out more cum neither of them knew he still had in him.

With her head on the ground, her eye was roughly level with his face, and she stared at her slave as she sucked the life out of him. Cyclopses aren't known for their peripheral vision, and she had never gotten such a good view of Laodocus during their torture sessions before. His eyes were closed, surely unable to watch the horror unfolding in front of him, but his expression seemed... composed. He almost seemed happy. What sense did that make?

And then, he let out a sigh -- not one of those grunts or moans that he claimed were his way of expressing pain, but an unambiguously blissful sigh. She took her lips off his cock, concerned.

"S-slave? Is everything okay?"

"Oh, Tera, you're doing so good..." He opened his eyes. "Uh, at making me feel bad. Just keep going."

"It just feels like you're... enjoying this."

"Enjoying this? This is the most painful part. C'mon, you're almost done."

But the giant cyclops looked down, ashamed. "Slave, you... you don't look like you're dreading any of this at all. I feel like I'm not even hurting you tonight."

"Gods, Tera, you're horrific tonight! Stop being down on yourself." He gave her a reassuring pat on the nose -- usually enough to make her whole day, but right now it just wasn't enough. "Hey, what do I always say? You're the meanest cyclops around."

"I'm not!", she yelled, turning her head away from him. "I run errands for you, and I let you sleep between my boobs, and our torture sessions are just..." she trailed off, crying. "Oh, gods."

"What?," asked Laodocus, grabbing a clean rag to wipe away her tears. For the first time since she had snatched him, he looked legitimately concerned.

"I'm your fucking girlfriend," she said, sniffling.

Laodocus forced a laugh. "W-what? Girlfriend? You think I enjoy being trapped in that hot, sweaty ass of yours for hours, or-- or licking your huge toes? What kind of pervert would like that?," he said, his hand covering his growing erection. "I want to throw up just looking at you. And I would, too, if you hadn't snapped my gag reflex in--"

"Oh, SHUT UP!," she cried. "I don't even think that's a real body part. Name one time I've actually hurt you."

Too long of a beat passed before Laodocus spoke. "Oh! Remember when I got halfway up your vagina and almost suffocated?"

"That was your idea."


"All of these stupid fucking torture methods were your idea. I mean, fucking me in the ass? THAT hurts you?" Her slave frowned, unsure of what to say.

"And you know the worst part?" She paused to sniffle before continuing. "I think deep down, I knew you were bullshitting. I just chose to ignore it. I don't think I could ever actually harm you. I think... I think part of me wanted to make you feel good."

Laodocus nodded, understanding. He took a deep breath, knowing he had to be careful with his words here.

"Well... is that so bad?"

"YES!," she roared. Several more stalactites crashed to the ground. "I'm a fucking cyclops! A monster! We pillage, we plunder, we make bread from your bones! The slaves we keep are meant to FEAR us! Their lives are supposed to be TORTURE!" She buried her head in her hands.

The tiny human looked at her, sympathetic. It was the first time Laodocus had felt guilty about everything he had done. She had initially kidnapped him, after all, and as she just admitted, he always knew she harbored feelings for him (albeit extremely repressed ones). But seeing Astera like this, suddenly he felt like the monstrous one. Here was a beautiful, majestic titan reduced to a slobbering mess, completely betrothed to the human she was supposed to be dominating.


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