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Bad Sexy Mommy

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Jilted mature latent lesbian mom beds her own.
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Bad Sexy Mommy

Jilted mature latent lesbian mom beds her own

Everyone in this story was at least 18, and all acts are consented.


I'm a bad mother!

I'm a very bad, bad, evil, selfish mom!

I made one of my own lick and suck my pussy, tits, ass, toes and everything else.

I should be bent over and caned!

Darn! That sounded too good. Makes it all the harder to get over these sex-saturated incestual thoughts of mine.

For shame, but ohhh so good!

It all started months ago with my youngest of 2 daughters. I had recently kicked their kiddie porn obsessed father out of our lives just a few months earlier. In the asshole's drunken stints he repeatedly groped both my precious Sandy and Jeanie. I didn't know because he made them shut up about it, or threaten to broadcast their older chick preferences on that hateful lesbian outing site, "Twatter.lez"

I had no idea he was low enough to do this, until he knocked up some barely legal 'ho that blackmailed him into divorcing me and marrying her. Skank baby momma she is! He deserves her - at least for the next 18 years. Her only saving grace is she wouldn't let daddy dearest go anywhere near THEIR daughter. Anyway, he was terrible in bed, so good riddance. Only married me because my dad made him an offer he couldn't refuse when he got me pregnant - a catered shotgun wedding.

"I'll pull out," the schmuck promised! I was too naive to realize that the cradle robbing dodo would let loose in under three minutes! And that was his best performance since! B-bye. His new fuck doll's got him pussy whipped bad, or so I've heard.

Now to MY nasty proclivities. I had is nagging feeling for years that my attraction to other women was ever assuming my sexuality. Thanks to all the free internet lesbian porn out there, suspicions became certainty. My fascination innocently began by engrossing in all the scandalous sex scenarios in Babysitting the Baumgartners (originally published as a book series, and later made into a movie, by Literotica's very own Selena Kitt. Check out her free stuff here, for sure.)

At first, I was intent on being voyeuristic watching the daddy & baby doll sex (a trait I seem to have taken from the ex? Oh no?) Then it was the threesomes. And when I saw the wife with 20-something love scenes, I was hooked. From then on I graduated to the lesbian exclusive themes depicted in Girls Way productions, especially the Mother-daughter Exchange Club series. I also love seeing the younger women suck on the hairy wet pussy's of beautiful and dominating older women on Mature.nl. It was just my initial curiosity of the beautiful mature women with "barely legal". But then I found it irresistible to touch my pussy and caress my own breasts while imagining it was me and my chickies.

When I couldn't shake these visions I realized that I could no longer keep it only within my head. I mentally hatched about a million ways to seduce my youngest who still lived at home. Luck, or more likely the devil, got the ball rolling for me. It came to fruition on a dark and stormy night with a horrendous rainstorm. The lightning and thunder could wake the dead, but turned out to wake my Sandy. She was always disturbed by loud storms. She came tip-toeing into my single bedroom and silently slipped under the covers.

Half asleep, I detected a warm arm drape across my chest and brushing my breast and nipples. My eyes opened wide because I thought I was having a nightmare with my ex laying next to me. When I realized that that arm belonged to my dainty Sandi-poo I couldn't help but lovingly caress it up and down its length. That started me thinking about all those womanly incest videos to which I became so abjectly addicted. My wetness began pooling down my legs. I could stop neither it, nor my salacious thoughts.

As coincidence would have it, only last week Sandy and I had a heart-to-heart about her burgeoning sexuality. I noticed that she was not involved in dating boys like her friends were. When I asked her about it, she meekly opened up to me about not being all that attracted to boys. I ascribed that to the post trauma from her father's slimy indiscretions. But then she came clean to me that she thought about other girls more. I held her hand and earnestly consoled her. I knew first hand how she felt at holding in undeniable secrets.

She seemed to take my understanding to heart. Emboldened by my empathy she further divulged her druthers for older women, and I could swear she looked at me in a sheepishly suggestive manner. Still retaining a modicum of willpower, I tried my best to not feed into it. Despite my attempt to hide it, she saw the expanding wet ring on my pj's. It took everything I had in me to hide it, but obvious it remained. That only made it harder, just like my clitoris was becoming!

So, when she came to me in terror at the raging weather outside, I took that as a sign. I reluctantly removed her arm from around me, as well as my lust-dampened sleepwear. I then stepped toward the open window to close it before more rain filtered in, oblivious to my nakedness. My Sandy noticed and bolted upright in apparent excitement. There was no going back now!

I seductively sauntered back to bed on her side. Even in the pitch black I knew her focus was riveted onto my silhouetted breasts. I took the opportunity to caress them with a single finger. It was then when she pulled back the covers, pulled up her nighty and started to rub her crotch.

"Mommy! You don't know how long I've waited for is moment."

With that she conjured her moxie. My youngest tentatively extended a reach towards my exposed mammaries. She gasped at the smooth and warm feel of them. I made sure to arch my back forward to facilitate her touch. I gasped in return when she made contact. My nipples were painfully rigid, complete with a landscape of goosebumps.

I shuffled forward and usurped her self pleasuring hand with my own. It felt so good to finally get to touch another pussy. I hadn't done that since changing their diapers. (Yuck!) Anyway, she was so wet with her juices of desire that I almost came on the spot. She, on the other hand, had no such hesitancy in reaching her peek right there and then.

It was a beautiful site to had seen my baby writhe with pleasure ad her eyes shut tight, lift her pert little ass off the mattress and orgasm. She had her mouth wide open, but the pleasure stole her voice. Just as well, if her sister were here she would've probably barged in and smelled our weeping sexes. That thought was tempting, but premature.

My little baby collapsed back down and opened her eyes with a blank stare, her bliss slowly subsiding. Not her desires, though. She reached for my arm, held my wrist and seductively pushed my fingers coated with her juices into my mouth. I eagerly complied. My turn to close my eyes and savor the product of her excitement. It was a delectable contrasting mix of sour, sweet and salty. I think I even detected a little taste of pea left over from her last voiding. She swirled my fingers around inside my mouth. Then, I took over and held her hand as I flicked them with my tongue, like I was teasing a clit.

She sharply inhaled and smiled at my display. Before she had a chance to masturbate again, I pushed her chest so that she lay flat on her back. I cradled her left A-cup and brought my lips to the nipple. I sucked on it gently. She cooed as she tilted backwards. That told me that she was enjoying what I was doing to her. I thoroughly enjoyed the flavor of her sweat from the exertion of the next orgasm.

Thank goodness I didn't detect any mother's milk. I would've been jealous that someone had touched my sweetie before I did. That, and the normal motherly horror of discovering their baby developing another one inside them at such the tender age she was. I switched teets, and she pushed her chest further out. Meanwhile, she was crudely pawing at my chest. Her obvious newness to this, and preoccupation with the bliss I was imparting on her, showed how much she needed to learn. All in due time. With practice. And lots of it!

I then had the idea of rubbing my pert nipples with hers. While her tiny nubs were stationary, I moved mine all around them. She was fascinated by the sensation is simple act had wrought. I must admit it had done well by me, too. My painfully pointed protrusions kept in constant contact with her own. I could hear the pleasure rising in her moans. I soon joined her in a duet.

My urge to savor her nubile kitty was becoming too much to delay any further. I methodically kissed my way down towards that honey pot. Lingering at her wispy bush, I took a deep inhale of her essence. It was a sweet aroma of anticipation and youthful impatience. My nose grazed all around her pube patch.

"Oh mommy! Please go down on me, I've waited too long already," she whimpered, and I laughed at her earnestness.

"Almost, baby. The longer the tease, the better it will feel. You trust Mommy, right?," she meekly nodded, her temporarily checked desperation ballooning.

I issued a quick chuckle to demonstrate my superiority of both experience and matriarchy. Then I took pity and buried my face in her hot and soaking pussy. She squealed from surprise and relief. Wasting little time, I eagerly dragged my tongue upon her blossoming labia. I then heard her head smack down on a pillow, and heavy panting. I have her where, to borrow her phrase, I have wanted for so long. And with enthusiasm I relished the new role of Mistress Mommy!

Her moans were getting loud, and I quashed them with my panties in her mouth. That almost backfired due to how much she seemed to like the smell and taste of my pussy stained panties. Bet she likes the subtle flavor of my ass, too. The thought puts me in overdrive to orally attack her with vigor.

After dipping my spear-shaped tongue the few inches deep into her vagina I could manage, I start dancing all around her clitoris. It's standing at attention now, and I'm shocked and thrilled that my svelte daughter has a tall clit, just like her mom, and probably her sister. Yummm, too delicious for a pussy and tit slag like me to just dwell. I read in Cosmo that a woman likes when their partner motions the alphabet with their tongue on the clit. Using that advice, it drives her crazy enough that I have to reinsert my panty-gag, but deeper in her mouth to better keep it in is time.

I began to speak the part of a lezie dominatrix, "you like, baby?," when she can't answer, I insist, "maybe I should stop, 'cuz you didn't say yes," she violently shakes her head no, and her eyes were pleading for my continuance. Obliging her request, I go back to work. Suddenly she pushes my face away and removes the panties from her mouth.

Barely audibly, through pants to reclaim her wind, "no more, please Mommy. Can't take anymore."

"Oh, yes you can, and you WILL! Obey your matriarch!," my severe cadence has the desired effect I asserting my maternal authority.

"I want you to do something for me. And I know you want to. I give you permission to please me. Make it good!," I demand.

"Oh, yes Mommy, I just want to please you like you did me,"

Sandy sports a sly grin. I lay back propped on my elbows so I could see exactly what she's going to do for me. Tingles were forming just thinking about it, but keep my cool exterior. My legs were bent upwards and widely separated. I point a finger down about a foot away from my quim, tacitly demanding service. Sandy slithers her way up to my knees, making sure I had seen her wiggling ass. It's so gorgeous and compact.

She put her hands on my knees, sticks out her tongue, and with her eyes fixed on mine, proceeds towards my weeping womanhood. She hadn't yet touched me. I saw her face from the nose up, the bottom half obscured by my fully furry mound. She finally makes contact! I raise my head up to better see. I bite my bottom lip as she closes her eyes and begins to slowly lavish my puss. She's eating pussy for the first time and savoring the experience.

"That's good, my little minx. Make Momma cum. I know you know how."

With her eyes shut she licks my slit up and down to nod her understanding. I'm on top of the world, feeling fantastic for enacting on my instincts. It's good to indulge your repressed fantasies, and that much more when someone was also. That someone was my youngest beautiful daughter.

"Oh shit! Right there lick that spot again. Yeah, like that," I say is while loosely grabbing a handful of her long and silky straight brown hair.

We were both really getting into it. Sandy expressed this by humming when licking me. Up and down my vertical gash, faster and faster, the harder my grip tightened on her hair. I pushed her cute face firmer against my pussy, and shake her head left and right. When on the verge of my first of many forthcoming orgasms, I yanked her head up off my kitty and admire her juice slicked maw.

Her eyes were still closed, as if she'd been dreaming of still being lodged in me. It turned me on no end to had seen her revere my cunt so, "Like doing that, do ya'? I like it too, so do more, and with feeling is time!"

She said nothing. I released my grip, and she droped down to suck on my pussy lips, "that's good, little sex pot. You make Mommy so happy. Now, work on my clit so I'll come, please."

Sandy licked me with vigor, then surprised me by latching her lips on my protruding clit. My head tilts, eyes close and mouth open in silence. My legs begin to quiver. It signaled my imminent orgasm. In response to her swirling her tongue around my most sensitive female part, I grit my teeth.

"Ahhh... more!, little... more! Yes!," during my "O" storm. I let loose a torrent of juice upon her innocent little face. She closed her eyes to protect them, and opened her mouth to collect all she can.

I huff and puff to reclaim oxygen in my blood. My brow was saturated with perspiration, but I couldn't care less. I grab Sandy by the shoulders and give her a passionate kiss. Our tongues dueled with on another. We mash our breasts together, mine easily eclipsing hers, just the way I want. After the smooch and hug we separate and stared lovingly into each other's eyes. Desire still burned there.

Sandy then assumed the upper hand and sited on her knees. She pulled me up by the arms to kiss, tenderly is time.

"Mom. I want us to rub our pussy's together."

While still catching my breath, "Oh baby. I don't know if your Mommy-Lover has the strength at my age," I sadly resigned.

"Don't worry, Mom, I'll do all the work. Now just lay down and hold your legs apart."

Giving her an incredulous look, I hesitantly did as she said. I divided my gams and kept them apart by hand holding my knees back. She amazed me by positioning herself facing downward and away from me, placing her legs entwined with mine. She shimmied her groin to abut mine and started snaking her pelvis in a wave-like motion. I couldn't believe I missed out all is time on is exquisite delight! ("Tribbing'' I think it's called.) Sandy continued to grind our quims together. Her thrusts against me became more desperate the more our pleasure built.

"Oh! Oh! Mommy. I think I'm gonna come again... Ayeee....," her eyes were shut tight while she grimaced during her "O-storm," and, in turn, sparked my own.

Pussy juice violently expelled from our cunts, hers so strong that she hit me with her warm wet elixir on my torso, chest and even my neck. There was a tingling sensation when it dropped excruciatingly slowly below my pussy and down the crack of my ass. It tickled when it invaded the edge of my asshole.

We're now both spent from exertion, brandishing big smiles at the mutual fulfillment of our long pondered coupling. I've seemed to have had my domination stolen by the nubile minx opposite me. Thunder be vanquished! My superior experienced stature took the initiative back. In an instant I jump to a kneeling position and grab hold of her ankles and push her bent knees above and over her head.

I laugh to myself at the sight of the bent-over-backwards, folded in half, young miss. She shrieked from being so suddenly "woman-handled." I climb to a stand, then swing my right leg over her. While still holding her feet, I split them as wide as I think she can take it, maybe a bit further. She yielded yet another shriek.

I stare at her intently to demonstrate my superiority. Next, I take a long look at her tight taut gal's tush, especially the gaping cunt lips exposing the lumen of her vagina. I then admire her crinkled clean crack hole just before squatting down. Our pussies docked once more. I start to rock back and forth at the waist. As our soaking "puds" were squishing. Sandy gasped at the surprising bliss this had brought her. I sped up my reciprocating undulations. My clit was on fire, hurting from the force of the friction, but feeling heavenly nonetheless.

"What were you doing to me, Mommy? I love it! Drill me with your Momma puss! Ah huh. That's so good..., " her face cringed in pleasure again.

No respite for her though! I practically jumped up and down on her water logged snatch. I was so turned on by the squirting sound made upon our collision, and the vision of the resultant splashing of love juice. My clit erupted. Nirvana! My skin was painfully prickly - skin boiling, sweat cascading.

Breathlessly I made a final few hammerings before I spiraled my limp body down to the mattress and nearly passed out on the way. It felt like an eternity afterwards. Sandy unfolds herself and cuddles up to my left side. She slides her left hand diagonally across my torso to access my right tit for squeezing. Sweet was her gentle caress, a loving gesture. When she swirls her left hand around my areola I get a chill and have to grab her teasing hand to stop her from further torturing me.

"Little lady," I exclaim, "your touch was divine, but I'm on fire and super touchy."

With sadness, I say this, trying not to convey any ingratitude. I roll to the left on my side facing Sandy. Flashed her a contented smile, and at the same time drape my arm around her waist. I couldn't resist giving that tiny butt a gentle squeeze, followed with a trace of my index finger upwards along her butt division.

Looking straight into my baby-doll's eyes donning a serious look, "Now sweetie, I just want you to know that I'll try not to be too jealous when you start dating boys your own age."

In response, she furrows her brow and retorts with an almost frightened cadence, "No, no, no Momma. I don't want to go out with "icky" boys! I want to be with you, only", she awaits my return statement.

"Oh baby, baby! I'm so glad that you chose me as your lover. I won't ever be embarrassed at how others will surely decry our relations, and I hope you won't either," and I circle her raised right titty nub.

Her smooth, so young, and tender developing A-cups felt too luscious to resist, and I cop a squeeze upon one, then the other. Craning my neck, our foreheads met. I close my eyes and place a delicate kiss on her sans lipstick lips. I cannot boast the same look, I'm of the age where I dare not reveal myself without my "lady paint."

She reciprocated my kiss, with interest, and extended her tongue deep within my oral cavity. My lips latched hard on her darting lizard. I couldn't get enough. Rolling on top of her, and still connected by her frenching, I released her tongue and drove my own into her willing and waiting mouth, trying my best to tickle her tonsil.

Her warm wet interior was just as delicious as her baby cunt.

She seemed to be enjoying my attention. Her eyes were loosely closed, and I imagined her eyeballs twitching behind the lids. It was just so adorable that I had to lightly kiss each one. Then I definitively felt her erratic optic movement.


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