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Badass Ch. 06


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Zdenek and the rest of the group didn't budge however and they hadn't even touched their tea cups, and this also bothered Boris slightly. Zdenek looked Boris in the eyes, and that bothered Boris even more to the point that he stood up, pushing up off from his chair, sending the large and wonderfully comfortable looking chair flying into the wall behind him and causing it to burst into splinters. No sooner did the chair explode that Boris smashed both palms into the thick table top and smashed them through, creating two palm shaped missing chunks in the table.


Zdenek took a deep breath with his gaze still locked firmly on Boris'.

"Well guys, I guess Plan A has officially failed, don't you think?"

Amy, Steph and the twins all nodded in agreement at Zdeneks' question, and all focused their gazes on their respective targets. Erykah stood up and walked towards the entrance to the room, while the others stood up directly opposite their targets. Boris watched all this activity and knew instantly that they wouldn't be leaving. He just wanted confirmation as to what Plan A and Plan B were.

"Tell me Zdenek, what was Plan A? Since it failed, I'm assuming that you're moving on to Plan B?"

Zdenek crossed on leg over the other and sat up straight, looking serious and ready for anything.

"Yes, Boris, well Plan A was you agreeing to the proposition and joining Aegis quietly and peacefully. There is in fact a Plan B, and Plan B is quite honestly, the opposite of Plan A. Rather than a peaceful takeover, it shall now be a hostile one. You will still join Aegis Boris and regardless of the fact that even though this is now a hostile take over, you will still occupy a high ranking position within Aegis—"

Zdenek hadn't even finished his speech before Boris reached across the table and grabbed him by the collar. Boris yanked Zdenek towards him with his right arm, and set his face on a collision course to meet with his left fist. Zdenek put both hands on the Boris' massive wrist and used it as a base, swinging his right leg at his head, causing Boris' to block with his left. He then drove his left knee straight into Boris' left elbow almost kneeing it out of the socket, causing him to relinquish his grip of Zdeneks' collar as he grunted in pain. Zdenek landed on the table in a squatting position, and then did a backflip off from it, his coat fluttering and flailing about as he landed behind his chair. He stood up and stretched to his full height with his eyes closed.

"Well guys, it appears we've had a breakdown in our negotiations. Let's do this."

Amy and Steph both leapt at Jason and Q while the twins just looked at Ronald and Andrew with their arms crossed, mimicking their black bear counter parts. Boris kept rubbing his elbow and once he was satisfied that it wasn't broken, he let out a thunderous call and punched the table clean in two. Zdenek looked back at Erykah and gave her a nod which she reciprocated. Just then, they all heard a bunch of footsteps running up the stairs and Boris smiled confidently at Zdenek.

"Unfortunately for you Hand of Aegis, all of the people in this building are AE users, so you are grossly outnumbered. We were fully prepared for a fight, although we expected you to have some of your soldiers here as well, but it seems that you were foolish enough to come with just six people."

Zdenek just gave a slight smile which just oozed so much more confidence than Boris. That smile just wiped away the smile on Boris' face and most of his confidence. Boris then looked serious and focused on Zdenek.

"What is the reason behind your confidence there Zdenek? You look as though you aren't worried in the slightest."

Zdenek closed his eyes and smiled slightly.

"Well Boris, why do you think we came here with six people, when we knew you had five in your guard, including yourself?"

Boris didn't say anything, but he didn't have to either as he knew that Zdenek was going to explain.

"Well Boris, I don't have to answer that question because Erykah is about to and she'll show you why she's the alpha of Aegis."

Just then the door burst open and a wave of AE users rushed in, running towards Zdenek and the rest, completely ignoring Erykah who was standing directly in front of them. As a few of them ran past her, Erykah started activating her AE power, and started growing even more muscled and ripped. Thick black fur covered her forearms which had grown in size and become massive and her arms in general had become longer. Her fingers were fat and brown and her nails were thick and black. Her transformation was accompanied by a massive gust of wind which was being generated by her, causing all the curtains and Zdeneks' coat to flutter about violently as her canines also grew longer into fangs and then she exhaled a cloud of steam from her nostrils. She was using more power than she was when she fought the Buffalo Alpha as she didn't want to take any chances. Once the wind had calmed down and all of those who had run past her were frozen in their tracks, Erykah started cleaning up house with the foot soldiers in the room with them. She started off by running forward right into the bulk of the group, which was about 20-25 strong, with her just running into them sending three of them flying. She reached out and stretched her arms out to her sides and gripped two heads, before bringing them together violently with a crack and then tossing them back where she took them from. She then started swinging, throwing left and right hooks which connected with people left and right, sending a further four flying before spreading her arms wide apart and bringing them violently in front of her and clapped. The force generated from that clap sent six who were standing in front of her flying towards the door and she grabbed one guy to the right, jumped up into the air. While in mid air, she pulled her arm back before flying towards the ground and slamming him in the middle of a small group, the force generated from the slam taking four others out in the process. As she stood up turned around and the remaining five from the group were all running towards her. She just stood there ready to receive them with her arms down by her sides. As they got to her they started swinging, and they hadn't even realized that they hadn't yet activated their AE powers while trying to take on one of the strongest power AE users. They did however realize it when she threw both arms above her head, clenched her fists and brought them crashing down in front of them, shattering the ground beneath them and causing them to be unstable and unsure of their footing. Erykah then pushed forward and stretched her arms to the side and clotheslined all five of the bastards, sending them twisting and spinning violently around before landing and rag dolling on the ground. She then turned around and ran to the small group that had run past her and repeated the move on them, taking them out just as violently. She then walked calmly and slowly and stood just behind Zdenek, and faced the carnage she had just created. She stood with her back facing his and pushed her arms out in front of her chest with both palms open. She closed her eyes and started concentrating, as her arms started shaking. Next thing, jets of water started swirling around her now large forearms and running down them into a ball at her palms. As the seconds ticked by, more jets were created and they were generally much larger than the first ones and also contributed to the size of the ball in her palms. Erykah then opened her eyes and the jets all ran into the ball, with her no longer creating any new jets. She then spaced her feet shoulder length apart and set herself in that spot.

"Hydro Eruption."

A jet of water which could not be described as anything other than a beam went flying towards all the bodies that she had left on the floor. The beam picked up all of them bodies and shot them straight out of the door and into the large stunned group which was at the door opening, looking apprehensive about entering the room. The entire group, including those on the stairs was sent tumbling down the stairs while drenched in water. At that exact point, Erykah turned her back and looked at Boris with a scowl on her face that Zdenek interpreted as 'Hmph!' and then sprung off towards the stairs. Her doing that was almost a signal as the rest of them also started with their fights.

Steph and Amy were faced with Jason and Q, and the two of them didn't seem to be taking the girls seriously, allowing them to turn around and watch Erykah do her thing. Amy was whooping and pumping her fist in the air as Erykah decimated the Tundra thugs, while Steph would just clap. As soon as Erykah gave Boris the look and jumped towards the group, Amy and Steph smiled and turned to face the two who hadn't even moved since the beginning of their little stand off. Jason was of average height and build, and was wearing conservative clothes, not standing out in the slightest. Q on the other hand was a lanky, creepy looking bastard with pale skin, almost reptile like eyes and sharp teeth. Amy leant over slightly, nudging Steph with her elbow, and put her head next to Stephs', almost whispering in her ear.

"I'm guessing that creepy looking one might just be the crocodile AE user, but I can't be sure."

Steph found that statement rather funny, even though she kept a straight face. Amy smiled and looked over at the duo standing before them.

"Well, I guess I should thank you for not attacking us while we watched our boss turn your foot soldiers into paste."


They both looked towards Jason who was speaking with a calm, composed tone of voice. He actually sounded as dull as he looked.

"The only reason why we didn't take advantage of an obvious opening was because we didn't need to, and not for any other reason."

Amy seemed to take offence at his comment, and the snide tone of voice it was delivered in.

"I'm sorry, are you saying that you believe you can beat us regardless of whether or not you take advantage of openings?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying lioness. Now, let's get this over with, as our boss will be finished with your 'advisor' in a short while."

Amy was now rather pissed off and was just about to attack when she felt a small hand on her shoulder, causing her to calm down. She looked down to find Steph smiling at her, with a particular look in her eyes.

"Calm down and listen to me Amy. I've got a plan to beat these guys but it's going to require that you get slightly roughed up a bit."

Amy looked at Steph and gave her a smile and nod of understanding. She knew how Steph felt about activating her power for too long, so she was prepared to carry out her plan. Stephanie nodded and smiled back in appreciation and then beckoned for Amy to step in closer, which she did.

"Now Amy, this is what I propose; you're going to activate your powers and attack the both of them, doing your best to get them to get them agitated and serious and by so doing, getting them to reveal any weaknesses or bad habits that they have in the process. After I've identified any such weaknesses and have come up with a plan to defeat the both of them, then you and I both attack them and finish them off in one move."

Amy was just nodding the entire time, listening and letting it all sink in. Once Steph was done with the telling of the plan, Amy gave her a large grin which didn't really inspire any confidence out of Steph.

"So let me get this straight; I activate my powers and fuck the two of them up while you hang back and watch the whole thing while trying find some weaknesses for us to exploit and then once I've done all the hard work, you come in and we both finish them off while you take all the plaudits for coming up with the plan and shit? Okay, I can do that!"

Amy flashed the grin again however this time, it filled Steph with confidence and made her grin straight back at Amy. Amy then turned to face James and Q with confidence written all over her features.

"Well boys, thanks for for waiting and I hope that you're ready for the worst beating your asses will have ever had!"

Another, much larger grin then made its way onto Mays' face, although this particular grin just screamed evil rather than confidence. Her arms were by her sides, and her fists were clenched. She suddenly tensed up and her firm and smooth skinned body suddenly started to become large and muscled, as her AE powers started to activate. She had caused a shockwave to emanate from her feet, which in turn caused her fairly short squirt to flutter about. She was wearing a shoe string strap top, a mini squirt and some flip flops. Her attire wasn't what one would call 'appropriate' for a serious fight, or any fight for that matter. Q himself had been thinking the same thing, and when the skirt started fluttering about, he started leaning down slightly trying to get a view while licking his lips. Amy noticed this, and grinned even wider. Her temples were just covered in bulging veins, as was her neck and her arms etc.

"You assholes may be wondering why I wore such flimsy clothes today."

As Amy spoke, her voice started getting deeper, as her facial features started changing slightly into a more feline mold and her eyes turned amber, and mimicked those of a cat.

"Well, it's not because I want to distract you with my incredible body, but rather because I don't want to ruin my clothes. You see, when I activate my AE powers..."

Just as she spoke, her arms and legs suddenly bulged out and grew quite a bit in size, as they became large and heavily muscled. Yellowish gold fur then grew on her arms and her hands became large, with her fingers becoming large and furred, with the same happening to her feet and toes. The straps on her flip flops snapped and her legs started changing, resembling a lioness' back legs. She looked back at the two and smiled

"...this happens."

Amy then let out a very deep and scary roar before leaping at the duo, with Steph watching intently to try see if they had anything to help her plan. The two of them weren't expecting Amy to jump them like that, and before they could do anything, Amy had already socked Q in the jaw, sending him flying into the wall behind him. Jason had taken that opportunity to activate his powers very quickly, with him resembling a buffalo, that being his AE and everything. He then entered into an exchange with Amy, who was dodging and blocking everything he had to offer, throwing hooks, straights, uppercuts and the occasional kick. Amy just ducked, slipped and weaved her way out of trouble before delivering two quick blows to James' stomach, gripping his head with both her hands and driving her knee into his face. As he flew up, she then leapt up into the air while spinning, bending her left leg under her ass and extending her right, swinging it around in a looping action and connecting with Jasons' ribs, sending him flying into a side wall.

Q came rushing out from where he was, with his skin being a dark green and scaled, with his hands fat with short fingers with longish black claws. His mouth had become much larger and longer with his nose melding into it. His teeth were now plentiful and long, all showing just like a crocodiles. His brow had become larger and more pronounced as well, and his eyes hadn't really changed much from how they were before. His feet had ripped through his shoes and five long black claws came out from his toes. Most of his clothing was ripped, and he had a rather large and long tail which, like his spine, was covered in medium length spikes. He must have been pretty far along in his transformation, as he really resembled a crocodile. Q leapt towards Amy and was running in an odd way, with his torso bent over exposing his back. He reached Amy and swung at Amy, who once again dodged the blow. As she slipped the punch, she moved forward, bringing her hand up to his face. She rammed her palm into his face before latching her fingers onto his head. She then brought her foot behind his and swept backwards while pushing forwards with her hand, sweeping him off his feet and plastering the back of his head into the floor, which cracked due to the force with which the head was rammed into it. She then looked up to see Jason galloping towards her. She closed her eyes for just a second and when she opened them, they were bright orange. She then roared, and a fireball went flying into Jason and sent him flying back towards where he had been running from. She then let go of Q, stood up and roared again, this time a continuous flame burst out of her mouth, almost like a flame thrower, with Steph smiling at her friends macho behavior.

Steve and Don were standing there looking directly at Andrew and Ronald, with both pairs standing there with their arms folded, staring each other down. The sounds of everyone else screaming in effort and such did not have the slightest effect on the pairs who appeared to be having a staring contest. They stared at each other for a few more minutes before suddenly, all four men zipped towards each other. Each of the four threw just one punch; with the other completely free so as to deal with the incoming punch. Their free hands caught punches, while their thrown fists had been caught by the man directly in front of them. The fists only remained clenched for a moment as they unclenched and ended up pushing holding the hand they were in, with fingers clenched. They were all now having a sort of test of strength against each other with Steve facing Ronald and Don facing Andrew. They all stood there in a slightly crouched position with each pair trying to assert their dominance over the other. The twins then started activating their elemental powers, which were wind based and Andrew and Ronald followed suit activating theirs, which were water and wind based. As water flowed from Ronald and wind blew from Andrew, they both clashed with the wind that the twins produced, and it made for a really epic looking scene with the carpets and curtains which were close to them to flutter about. Andrew and Ronald were trying, but they just couldn't match the twins for brawn and elemental power control, so they started to activate their AE powers as well. Their arms grew larger and they began to be covered in black fur. Steve and Don decided to follow suit, and started activating their powers as well, and their transformations mimicked those of their black bear counterparts, although their fur was brown. As they all grew claws, sharp teeth and their ears became furry, they all let out bear like roars, which were as intimidating as they were cool. The pairs both stopped powering up at around the same strength level and continued with their little match. After a little bit it became apparent that the twins were stronger physically as well, as they started taking steps forward while the other two were being forced down slowly but surely and had eventually taken a knee. Steve and Don then relinquished their grips on the Andrews and Ronalds hands and quickly gripped their wrists before shuffling their feet and swinging them around with slightly different timing, so as to not smash the two into each other. After spinning around a few times, they both let go their targets and sent them flying in opposite directions and as they both crashed into the opposite walls, the twins let out another bear cry which would make ones skin crawl.

As all the fights were happening at the same time, Zdenek looked at Boris and saw the look of surprise on his face as his so called 'elite' guard had just lost the first round in the exchange. Boris looked around before settling on a slightly smug looking Zdenek and growled. Zdenek dropped both his arms to his sides and took a deep breath.

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