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Bar Girl Ch. 04


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Mama-san Claire had been discharged that morning. Her girls had by now become attached to other Mama-sans' stables, so she was unable to provide a line-up for Adam. Adam decided to cut his losses, and close the bar. He surrendered the rights to the landlord and handed back the keys. For the moment, he was moving to the province to stay with his wife's family, in the family home he had built.

"Someone had it in for you," said Daddy Don. "Either your landlord wanted the lease back, or maybe you were pulling too much trade from your neighbours. I heard your girls were giving pretty hot shows."

"Tame ... compared to what you see at a private party." Adam's voice, relaxed by the girls' attentions was slow and heavy. "The girls were enjoying geeing-up the customers, the customers loved it, and we were getting quite a few through the door. Have to admit, that was welcome at this time of year. We were covering the rent, drink and energy bills ... just ... but we would have made it through to Christmas. Everybody was happy, things looked balmy and my girls were sending money home ... which isn't true for a lot of girls in low season."

Daddy Don sympathised. "The lease is the killer; I own this lot and building outright. No lease. No Rights. I'd be in trouble if I had to pay rent. We're paying salary to a lot of girls, but only a few are making money for us right now. We have to keep the stage filled and retain the best girls for high season ... like these girls here," he added, "these are my top girls, but they're all dancing tonight. Got a couple out on bar-fine, but no new bar-fine yet today.

Blen's my top earner this week. She's sucking the customers in, off the street. You've got a magic mouth haven't you Blen?"

"It is just practice, Daddy," replied Blen, as she finished her massage, and settled back into the seat, taking up Adam's left hand.

"That was very refreshing," said Adam.

"Show Adam what you can do Girlie," said Daddy.

Girlie made her way round and, replacing Blen, straddled Adam's lap, ruffled his hair, kissed his forehead, and commenced her massage.

The party continued for a couple of hours. Daddy and Adam bought the drinks, and Daddy sent out for Pizzas. A couple of pizzas were also put up on the stage for the dancers and a couple sent into the back for the other girls. Then Adam bade farewell, and set off to take his leave of other friends.

When Blen remounted the stage, she was flushed with alcohol. A trickle of revellers in lively mood after a few hours bar-hopping was coming through the door. Though nothing like as rowdy as in high season, the atmosphere in Talent Spot was definitely animated.

A guy swaggered through the door and Blen immediately turned towards him and gave the blow-job sign. He promptly returned it, and without breaking stride waved her down. She signed me-you to confirm, he nodded, she scampered down the steps, and over to where he sat.

"Are you the oralist everyone is talking about?"

"Oralist, Siir?" Blen, looking uncomprehending.

"The blow-job girl ... the cherry girl?"

"Oh ... yes Siir ... that is me ... did you see me at the pool party?"

"No. But, there's been talk. They're saying you're the best, and I've decided to treat myself to a little of the best before I die."

Blen guessed he was between sixty and sixty-five, but he looked and moved like a man in good shape. "Well, you will have time to enjoy, you are young yet, Siir."

"Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow you die. Have you heard that?" he asked Blen.

"No Siir, I do not know it."

"Well the Romans, Julius Cesar's people, wrote that to remind themselves that you never know when life will be snatched from you. I almost lost my life last night, so today I'm getting a little ahead on my share of the good things."

"What happen, Siir?" asked Blen.

"Last night, I was sitting in my sala with my wife, her sister, my kid and a couple of maids. There was a ring on the doorbell and my wife went to answer with the baby in her arms. Next thing the baby starts to cry, and I hear a funny noise, like someone trying to call out.

"I grabbed my baseball bat and ran to the porch. There I find two guys, one with my wife grabbed round the face, and these two point revolvers at me. They shout at me in Tagalog. I start shouting at them to let go my wife, and wave my bat and advance on them. Two motorcycles pull up the path, with four more guys on them, and they all point guns at me. They won't let go of my wife, and I won't back down. My in-laws and the maids come out with brooms and sticks, and start shouting and screaming.

"It's getting very tense. There are six guys holding my wife and kid hostage, and pointing guns at us. I thought they would open fire at any moment. I thought, this is it, a massacre. Then, neighbours start coming into the street, shouting. Someone fires a shotgun in the air. Thank fuck, the robbers lost their bottle. They let my wife go, mount up on the bikes, and drive off."

This sort of tale alarmed Blen. "And where is this, Siir? Is this in Angeles?"

"In Anunas, up by Friendship."

"Oh ... near. Did they catch the guys?"

"No. Not yet. Apparently, they're a gang of drug addicts who've been doing house robberies to finance their habit. The police know about them, but by the time they get a report of a sighting, they've gone. Even the bikes are stolen, they have no plates. They've beaten people, but not shot anyone yet. I think they were scared off by the shot gun."

"In the province, Siir, before we answer the door at night, we load a round into our shotgun so the visitor can hear it. Shuck – Shuck," imitated Blen, "then, if they are a robber, they know we will shoot."

"Maybe I need to buy my wife a shotgun," her customer said, "I've spent all day having secure doors and spy holes and alarms and cameras fitted, so now we know who's outside. Also, my brother in law has moved in, so there's always a man in the house. Anyway, it reminded me that I'm mortal and I need to do the things I want to do. When the guys were talking about you sucking the chrome off their front bumpers I made a mental note ... but after last night, no more notes ... just do it I say, like on the T-shirt ... so I'm here for a blow-job."

"Well, I hope I do not disappoint, now you want the best, Siir," said Blen

"I'd like it with ice," said the stranger. "Can you do that?"

"You see, Siir, already I do not know that?"

"It's easy, one glass of ice, one cup of hot tea. First, you fill your mouth with ice, when the ice has melted you fill your mouth with hot tea, and away you go, again."

"I will try it, Sir," said Blen. She waved to the waitress. "One blow-job, and one glass of ice and one glass of hot tea, in the booth, please."

"Milk and sugar?"

Blen looked at her customer for an answer.

"No milk, but hot and sweet, just like Blen."

Blen then took his hand, and led him to the booth.

The first glass of ice was sent back to be broken into smaller pieces, but soon Blen mastered the mouth of ice. Then the waitress was sent to fetch some bar mats to place on the customer's groin, to absorb the leaking fluids. Eventually the technique was perfected.

As Blen gaped to receive her customer's semen. He said, "Hold still, watch this," and placed a bar-mat over her face. When his balls emptied, he picked the bar-mat off Blen's face, and turned it to her. Pearly white streaks of semen slanted across the mat, contrasting sharply with the black nap. "Have you seen that before?"

Blen grinned. "No Siir, I have not."

"That's how we used to do it, down Blow Row. We had competitions, four or five of us. Who came first? Who produced the biggest load? We put stakes on the table, and the girl who produced the first blow took the money. The guy who produced the most come, had his bar bill paid by the other guys. It's so quiet now, but that was a blast from the past."

They made their way back to their original table and fell to conversation.

Mama joined them. "Are you interest in this cherry?"

"Mama," wailed Blen, "he is married. My fate is married men."

"Maybe not. Soon there will be many single guys. There is no hurry."

"He show me some new way, Mama." Blen reported, and recounted her new trick.

Mama smiled at the mention of the bar-mat. "I remember well. I clear the table many times."

The following day, the lady-house was hot and humid. Fat raindrops drummed noisily on the corrugated metal roof all day, and the girls kept house. Thirteen girls in such a small house, showering, cooking and washing, then hanging up clothes to dry, resulted in an in-door humidity approaching saturation. They became irritable and quarrelsome. Some retired to lie sleeplessly on their beds, others sat against the outside wall being splashed by rain, finding this more tolerable than the clinging humidity indoors.

Blen fanned herself with an old newspaper and tried to enjoy the daytime TV, which was still a novelty for her. She was able to engross herself in the alternating games and celebrity chat shows, as the floor fan oscillated back and forth, sharing a little comfort between the TV addicts.

The headline news story was of fighting in Jolo, resulting in five government soldiers being killed. Jolo was even further into the Sultanate than her parent's home province of Maguindanao. But the story rubbed on raw memories. She was pleased to hear that the army rangers believed they had inflicted a reverse on the Abu Sayyaf, whom she considered extremist brothers in arms of the Ampatuans. She wondered when the Government would repudiate this alliance of political convenience with the Ampatuans, and free her people of their brutal yoke. Inside she seethed. This news washed over her companions, for whom it was normality.

"Just Precious out on bar-fine," sighed Marivic. "It is so boring, I wish the customers were back."

"What is it like in high season?" asked Amor.

"In the holidays we come home only to change. There is not enough girls for the customers. Many customers have a favourite girl, and take her for all the holidays, sometimes away on a trip. Then, until June it is busy, it is easy to make your quota, but when the rain comes, the customers stay away, and we stay in the house."

Amor was mindful of her credit. "How soon now?"

"Another six weeks maybe, when the rain stop, then the customers will come back."

"Many of my customers are old," remarked Blen. "I like to meet a young guy."

"Just now it is retired guys," said Marivic. "They live here on their pension, many with their wife or girlfriend, so they like only the blow-job, because it is cheap and they cannot take a girl in their house. Many tourists are young guys, but many are married at home, so many times it is just marry in the evening, divorce in the morning."

The girls laughed.

"I do not like to fuck around too much," said Girlie, "I would like a boyfriend."

The others laughed again.

"If you are lucky, you will have many boyfriends," said Anabel.

"Will we fuck with a different guy each night?" said Amor.

"Of course, sometimes in the holidays I will fuck with three customers in one day. If I do not like my customer, I try another," boasted Marivic.

"How is that?" asked Amor.

"There are many Japanese guys come here. I pick a Japanese with my eyes, and then he will bar-fine me. But the Japanese guys all stay together. They like their friends for companions, they like girls only for boom-boom. They do not speak English, so it is just go to the hotel and boom-boom, then they like to go back with their friends. It is short-time for a bar-fine, and a big tip. If it is early, then I go back and pick another Japanese for a short-time bar-fine, then back and pick up a guy I like to look at, to go bar-hopping, and all night boom-boom."

"Sometimes, maybe," said Anabel sceptically.

"Yes, sometimes" said Marivic, "but with a Japanese customer there is always opportunity for another customer."

"They are 3x3x3 guys. They have a three inch dick, they bar-fine for three hours only, and give a 3000 peso tip," added Anabel.

The new girls liked the sound of that.

"But you will need to grow fat first, the Japanese like power in their girls, like on me, they like to hammer. You are thin yet, for them," Marivic told them.

"Amor is growing already," said Girlie, "maybe she will be ready for the holidays."

It was true enough. Amor's breasts no longer followed the concave curve of a champagne glass, but curved regularly to the nipple. Her skin looked a little softer, a little less defined. She and Blen still could pass as sisters, even twins at a push, but her skin was softening and thickening, whereas Blen remained lean, and her muscle mass increased.

"Blen is growing also," observed Marivic, "but she is growing muscles. It is the high protein supplement her customer give to her."

"Yes, I get a tip AND a free meal with every short-time," parried Blen.

"What is the taste?" asked Amor curiously.

"It is like cold sinigang, but the cook has add too much salt," Blen told her. "It would be good to dip sour mango."

"I do not think I would like it," said Amor dubiously.

"I remember, in the province you would eat day-old fish-guts, raw," said Blen, "Now, you are so fussy."

"Same-same. It is my pussy still that like to eat the cock," replied Amor.

"But Blen's pussy does not eat the cock," teased Anabel, "that is why she put it in her mouth."

"Soon, my mouth, my pussy and my ass," rejoined Blen.

"You will be a three-hole girl?" Anabel was surprised.

"Yes, me, Amor and Girlie, we will be satisfaction guaranteed girls for Mama."

"But you are ass-cherry girls?"

"Girlie has started now, she just waits her customer, Mama has earmarked Amor and me also, but first I must lose my cherry."

"Then you will not choose your customer. Mama can bar-fine you to any customer who ask for you. It is satisfaction guaranteed," Anabel cautioned.

This came as a surprise to the three girls.

Blen paused for thought. "It is OK. It is my fate, I can accept it."

"But if I refuse my customer because I do not like him, or I will not meet his requirement, Mama can give him to you. That is satisfaction guaranteed. That is why Mama wants satisfaction guaranteed girls, so she does not lose a bar-fine to another bar."

"What requirement?" asked Amor.

"Most is the ass-fuck, or the blow-job," said Marivic, "but many girls do boom-boom only. They will not go with a guy if he has requirements. I like discretion only. I do not go if the guy have a requirement. If I like him, or he is my prospect, then if he makes me horny, I will, but if I am not horny I will not do it."

"Sometimes it is other requirements," added Anabel, "Many guys like to take your photo ... bold photos ... or make a bold movie. They like to put it on the internet."

"Or they like two girls, or sometimes two guys share one girl," continued Marivic.

"Is it two bar-fines?" interjected Blen.

"Yes, if they ask Mama, but it is satisfaction guaranteed," replied Anabel.

"Another thing is golden showers, some guys like the girl to pee on him or to pee on the girl," said Marivic.

"And some have costumes, some have sex toys, some like bondage," continued Anabel.

"But he can only do bondage with two girls, one is to take care only," said Marivic.

"And other things. I have a customer that like to spank my ass, then boom-boom me doggy style while I bark like a dog," said Anabel, "but I refuse."

"If you are satisfaction guaranteed, and refuse the requirement he has told to Mama, he can take you back and get a refund, even if you gave him boom-boom. But on standard bar-fine he can get a refund only if you refuse to boom-boom," explained Marivic.

"Do you ever refuse to boom-boom?" asked Amor.

"Sometimes, if the guy is a total ass-hole or if he is too drunk, or angry or if I feel sick when I look at him I refuse. Then I tell him I have my menstruation, or say I have an emergency and must go. Sometimes they will take me to Mama and get a refund, but I do not care," said Anabel.

"If he is just a creep or is strange in the bedroom I give him his boom-boom, and then make an excuse, but he cannot get a refund because he has had his boom-boom," said Marivic.

"Many nice guys are strange in the bedroom," Blen said defensively.

"Yes, but so are many creeps, that is why I like discretion."

"My customer shave my pussy," threw in Amor, referring to her only bar-fine so far.

"If you are happy, that is fine, but if you do not want that look, then he cannot shave, unless you are bar-fined, satisfaction guaranteed, and it is a requirement. Most guys like shave, so many girls shave anyway, so if he shave with you it is just fun for foreplay," said Marivic.

"If you shave, ask your customer for Veet, they will always buy you Veet," said Anabel.

She and Marivic laughed.

"What is it?" asked Amor.

"It is a cream to melt the hair on your pussy. It leave the skin smooth. The guys will always buy you Veet; it is a gift for himself."

"Mama said you would show us how to shave."

"It is best with two," said Anabel, "then you can shave each other. But start with scissors, then use a new razor, and use tweezers to pull any stray hairs. If you have Veet you can apply after that."

"I need to shave. My pussy is itching and I scratch now."

"I will show you. Have you scissors, a razor and some moisturiser?"

"Not yet," Amor told her.

"I will lend you, but give me a razor when you buy some."

Anabel went upstairs and returned with a wash bag and towels.

"This chair is best." She indicated the plastic armchair in which Blen was sitting.

Blen rose and Anabel put a couple of cushions on the seat, draped a towel over them and down the front of the chair, and invited Amor to sit. Anabel disappeared into the shower, and reappeared with a washbowl of water, and a scoop.

"Take off your shorts and briefs, lean back and hang your legs on the chair arms."

Amor did so, and found her groin presented in a configuration accessible for shaving.

"This is how to do it. First, cut with the scissor as close as possible," said Anabel "It is easy to shave if the hair is short, the nearer to the skin it is cut, the better it will shave." She clipped away for a few minutes. "Now, I can shave. It is best with gel, or foam, or oil, but soap is OK so I will use soap."

She poured water over Amor's groin, then rubbed a bar of soap across it, and used the tips of her fingers to agitate the soap into foam. "Always use a new razor, and shave against the slope of the hair, but do not press, just very gentle, do not scrape the skin. A new razor will shave without a press."

Anabel proceeded to remove rectangular areas of foam, working away from Amor's pussy, revealing shiny, naked skin. The area expanded, first her pubic mound appearing, then the angles of her thighs, and then the septum of her anus. Removing the remaining crown of foam sitting over her labia left her groin hairless, streaked only with little lines of foam.

"Run your fingers on the skin, so you can feel any unshaved hair," Anabel advised, and demonstrated.

When she felt Amor's skin was perfectly smooth, she doused it with water until it was free of soap, then taking a towel, dabbed it dry. Holding the tweezers, she examined Amor's labia and anus for stray hairs, which she plucked out - to little gasps from Amor.

"This is the good bit." She took a bottle of rubbing alcohol doused some over her pubis.

The alcohol ran down Amor's shaven skin and dripped off her anus. Some trickled into her vagina. Amor felt the, bracing but pleasant, sting of the cool astringent on her shaved skin, then, "Aieeeee," she clamped her legs together, clutching her groin.

Anabel laughed. "Just wait."

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