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Barstow - Letter from Home

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Swinger couple hears from their former lifestyle group.
8.4k words

Part 14 of the 16 part series

Updated 05/13/2024
Created 06/16/2023
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"Hey Jax!" Emily is evidently startled by a notification on her phone. "Did you see this Facebook message from Jacque? She sent it to both of us."

"Not yet. We haven't heard from her and Philippe in months! What's going on?"

Emily and Jackson are slouched in their chairs in the family's home office on this cold Saturday morning just surfing the 'net and trying to stay out of Steve and Cyan's way as they clean the kitchen after breakfast. Solomon is splayed-out on the floor under the desk on top of Emily's feet in hopes of keeping her pinned in her chair; Sky and Pixel are curled up in their doggie beds doing what doggies do best, napping after being fed.

The mess in the kitchen wasn't too bad, but Steve's thankfully infrequent attempts at pancakes always seem to spread to the far reaches. All the counters have to be cleared off and scrubbed; it constantly puzzles Jackson how one guy can make such a huge project out of something so simple.

"Who are Jacque and Philippe?" Steve queries from the kitchen on overhearing the excitement.

Em is first to answer, "They were in our main group in L.A. We didn't spend much bed time with them, but they were nice as friends and we tried to keep up with each other before we moved."

Jackson adds, "Yeah, they were good people to be around, but Jacque wasn't my type and I wasn't hers, so we didn't make much effort to connect on party nights or on our own. What's she have to say?"

"Ohgawd. Suzette is pregnant, and she and Allen are going to keep it."

"So? What's the big deal?"

"Hang on, still reading... it was an accident and they don't know who the father is."

"Can they narrow it down?"

"Not easily, apparently. Ohmygawd! It was from a really big gangbang! She took 27 guys!"

"Are they sure it was from that event?"

"Yes! She didn't do anybody the week before, or after!"

The kitchen voice is now leaning against the office doorframe, and Sky and Pixel are soliciting Daddy's attention.

"Sky! Off! Geez. Okay, you said '27 guys'. We're certainly not ones to point fingers at anybody about extreme sex..."

Em and Jax burst into laughter. "No shit!" they exclaim in unison.

"...but what is the backstory?"

Emily fills-in the blanks, "Suzette was our gangbang queen. She must have been going for a personal record."

"It was an accident? Heckuva accident."

"Well, yes, but not a surprise. Suzette is sort of cute and obviously likes to play hard, but in all honesty she is an irresponsible flake. Probably missed a Pill or two that week. This sort of problem was inevitable. Anyway, she and Allen would post a gangbang invitation to our Facebook group, certain hotel on a certain day and time, and then not show up."

Jax jumps on that, "Oh, man. So many of the guys were totally pissed the third time she pulled that stunt. I can't figure how that she got that many on this last one. Most of our group un-friended her. At least the men did."

"Here it is. She had somebody cross-post to the South Bay group."

"Okay. Big jizz-fest and mostly with strangers. Nice," Jax smirks. "Any other news?"

"She says everybody misses us. A And some of 'em are jealous over our snagging Steve and Cy."

"Oh? How's that?" Steve asks.

"Sweetie? True fourples are incredibly rare. We've talked about that. Apparently they went nuts when word got out that you and Jax were physical sometimes."

"Feels natural to me these days, Em. That's not the norm?"

"It's not. Apparently some of the girls are looking at their main guy and asking why everything not hetero always has to be girl-on-girl."

Jax asks, "Is there more?"

"Oo. About half a dozen couples have split and left the group. Oh, no! Joe and Connie!"

"That's a shame. They were solid, in many respects."

"Okay. Here it is. Connie was banging Tomas and Jeffery separately and on the sly. Oh. Little John, too."

"Tomas and Jeffery? Doesn't make a lot of sense. But Little John? All the women wanted time with him, so that doesn't surprise me. Anyway, isn't that 'Rule #3, don't be sneakin' around on your primary'? Rarely ends well."

"Little John?" Steve chuckles.

Emily answers, "There were two 'Johns' in our group. It's a joke. 'Little' John was hardly that. His cock was Rick-sized."


"Anything else?" Jackson asks.

"Oh, just saying again how jealous everybody is. And... oh shit... they also heard those rumors about the Florida trip through the grapevine. Jacque says the same thing that Janice did last month -- they're claiming you lost your junk in the melee. Gawd! Wait a second. She sent a link to one of the rumor posts. It's a music video. Fuck."

"What is it?"

"Detachable Penis."

Jax sighs, "Stupid. Just stupid. But you can't push back on that shit. Who do you push back to?"

Steve chuckles, "I know crap like that is awful, but you know what?"

"What's that, Steven?"

"You're a marketable commodity now. At least within the lifestyle community."


"Yeah. When there are opportunities to play with other groups, your name is unique enough that you will be asked if you're 'the Jackson we heard about from Florida'. They'll crave to see what's supposedly missing. You'll pretty much be able to have anybody you want."

Emily can't figure out if she should be cringing or laughing, "That's morbid, Steven!"

"Yes it is! But I'll bet you a blowjob that was going through your mind, too!"

"Open that robe, asshole!" she laughs as she gets up from her chair, disturbing Solomon. She grabs a kneel pad from the bookshelf and goes down on Steve to settle their bet. Not the first time.

"What was the bet about this time, guys?" Cyan chuckles, holding a dishtowel she's drying her hands with. "I put the dishes away, Steven."

"Thanks. Oh, Em heard from a West Coast friend with all sorts of interesting news. This one was about the Florida trip again. Somebody was passing around that rumor, that Jax got circumcised the hard way."

"Okay... the bet?"

"I was musing that Jax could now get all the pussy and whatever else he wanted in any group that heard the rumor and connected it to him."

"Because they'd want to see 'it'. What was the bet?"

"I was first to say something about it, but Em was thinking the same thing while calling me 'morbid'. I called 'er on it."

"Mmmmm mmm," Emily confirms.

"Any excuse!" Cy laughs.

"Mmm MMMM!"

She breaks away to laugh along with everybody else, and chuckles, "Keep going?"

"Oh, I dunno. I haven't had my shower yet. Wanna do that instead? Jax? Cy?"

"Let's go!" Jax laughs. "We'll try not to run out of hot water this time!"

Steve helps Emily up from her kneeling to him.

"Sounds like a project in the making, Jackson. Everybody up for a Menards trip later?"

"Lunch at Sandy's?" Em proposes.

"Deal! We can give her and Debbie grief about the all-girl puppy pile last night!"

"Yep! They started it! Ohgawd!"

"You guys had fun, didn't you?"

"Uh huh. I lost count. Cy?"

"Nope. Not sayin' a word."

Lots of laughter as the foursome makes their way down the hallway to the big master suite and the capacious shower in there.


Usually, Sandy spots her friends as they find a parking spot at her restaurant, but today Debbie beats her to the punch at welcoming the fourple for lunch.

Deb's "Welcome to Applebee's!" seems a little weird when it's backed by a leering grin in recollection of their extreme carnal activities not but a few hours previous. "Will there be four today?"

They crack-up.

"Wow! All four at the same time!" she muses. "I take it Anna's looking after the dogs."

Steve confirms, "She is. She and her new friend were happy to come over. Anna was going to call us to see if she and Phoebe could use the hot tub, and we beat her to the punch."

"'Phoebe?' isn't that..."

"It is! The chick with a dick."

Wow, did that get startled looks from the folks at the table next to the foyer!

"Do they?"

"I don't know, Anna being butch and all that. Not gonna ask, but not going to be surprised if we catch 'em in an intimate moment when we get back home."

"Always something interesting going on at your place, Stevie. Usual bar table?"

"Why not? But no messing around this time."

"Yeah, I see. Cy? Em? Jeans?" as Deb sees them to their seats.

Emily answers, "Working trip. Steve and Jackson have an idea about fixing the hot water situation."

"Good!" Debbie heartily approves. "Damn shower last night with Stevie! I was just about ready for another goodie from 'im, and dammit if the water didn't turn cold on us!"

"You think I was happy about it, Deb? Took me a half-hour in the hot tub to get the guys to un-shrink!"

"And that's why we're in town, Deb!" Jackson interrupts. "Modifying the water heaters for continuous flow."

"'Bout time! The usual?"

Head nods all around.

"Be right back!"

Even though this diner is a usual haunt for the foursome, the menu's been changed yet again, so everybody is poring over the listings to see if their favorites are still available.

"Hi, guys!" as the manager approaches their table.

"Sandy!" Cyan enthusiastically greets. "Recover yet?"

"Ohgawd, no! I'm still trying to peel myself off the ceiling! Who started that mess?"

"I think it was Ellie!"

Emily laughs, "I thought it was you and Debbie! I swear my tongue has a charley horse!"

"You were workin' all of us pretty good, girlie!"

"Seemed like the moment for it!"

Steve and Jackson are just grinning and shaking their heads.

Sandy asks, "What's the plan for tonight? Two nights in a row for Rick and me."

Steve answers, "Yeah. We invited a few of the semi-regulars to let 'em know we haven't forgotten them."

Jackson adds, "Mostly couples where the guy is bi, which explains wanting Rick there. Every once in a great while I get mine, too, you know."

Jax glares at Emily and sticks his tongue out at her. The group cracks up.

Debbie approaches the table with their drinks and is smiling knowing what a train wreck her friends can be. "What was that about?"

Cyan chuckles and answers, "Oh, Jackson here is seeking recompense for the girl orgy last night."

"Oh? A sausagefest?"

Other customers in the restaurant are now staring at the source of the raucous laughter. Nothing could be that funny, could it?

"Guys," Sandy chuckles, "I guess we need to tone it down. I'll check on you guys later." She steps away to tend to business, shaking her head and smiling to herself.

"I don't mind," Steve grins. "While Jax and the guys are pulling on each others' ropes, I'll suffer with keeping their wives occupied. I sorta like that deal."

"I'll bet!" Debbie chuckles as she sets their drinks on the table.

"What are you doing tonight, Deb?" Emily inquires.

"Nothing on the agenda. Why?"

"Even though Ellie can't make it tonight, it would be nice if you slept with me and Steve. You don't need to be there for the entire party."

"I think we can arrange that." Debbie bends down to kiss Steve on the cheek and reaches out for a tender touch with Emily. "You guys ready to order?"


"Can I help y... oh. It's you guys. Keeping our pants on today, I hope."

"Sorry about that," Steve apologizes to the department manager. "We were cutting up with each other and she was feeling pretty impish. We have our parents with us today, so they're keeping us in check... Emily."

Cyan and Jackson glare at Steve, and Em slaps his shoulder, laughing. They're in the plumbing section at Menards, and are looking to solve their long shower situation, browsing the water heater aisle. Steve is working hard to avoid puns about "hot water".

And failing.

"As you can see, we're interested in getting into hot water."

"Like you weren't the last time you were here?" grimaces Ruth, the plumbing department manager. "What can I help you with today?"

"Adding continuous to our current water heaters. We're thinking that putting a whole-house tankless ahead of the regular tank heater might give us a steady supply."

"That might work, but that doubles the demand for energy. Natural gas or electric?"

"Current tank is an 80-gallon electric. We have access to gas we're not using for water heating or cooking. Just the furnace."

"Then you're in luck. What is your demand?"

"Two showers simultaneously, sometimes a third."

"That's unusual. All continuous?"


"Then I see why you're wanting to do this. Over here is our best tankless. They rate it for 'four bathrooms', but in reality that would be pushing it if your showers had more than one head."

"They do."

"Then your hybrid approach would be the best bet. Sounds like you already figured that out."

"We did. But I think what's going to happen is a bypass on both. The high demand is situational."

"Interesting." Ruth points to a display model. "We have this one in stock."

"Okay. Set us up, then. Is it complete, or is there a separate valve manifold?"

"You'll have to build your manifold. Don't forget the vent kit."

"Oh, yeah. Thanks. We can do the manifold. Jackson? Go over to fittings and pickup six three-quarter-inch brass ball valves and two unions. We have everything else we need in the stash."

"What about gas fittings, Steve?"

"Did you look to see what we have in the heater closet?"

"One-half-inch stubbed out."

Ruth jumps in, "This one takes three-quarter."

"Damn. That means we have to run one-inch to the meter. We'll go ahead and get the heater." Steve redirects to Cyan and Emily, "You guys want to shop? This is going to take us a while."

"Mr. ...uh?" Ruth interrupts.

"Steve. Yes?"

"We don't carry one-inch black iron or the fittings for it. You'll need to go to a contractor plumbing supply for that."

"Naturally," Steve grimaces. "Everything to start a project, nothing to finish it. Jax, you and I will plumb it in on the water side, and I'll have to handle the gas stuff while you're at work."

"Okay. I'll get those valves."

"Don't forget the unions!" Steve calls after Jackson.

Ruth informs, "We'll have that water heater and the vent kit up front for you in a few minutes. Sorry about the black iron situation."

"That's okay. Certainly appreciate your help. You didn't happen to notice where the girls wandered off to, did you?"

"Towards paint, I think."


Paint department is not that far away, and Steve manages to find Cy and Em perusing sample chips. This is interesting. Emily is facing away from the service desk lifting her top to compare a paint chip to...

"What in the hell are you doing?" Steve half-chuckles, half-scolds. "I can't take you anywhere these days!"

Emily laughs, "Trying to find a match for my nipples!"

"You're being silly. For what?"

"Jax and my bathroom."

"No pinks! Why?"

"Aw. To tease guests, mostly."

"Well if you're going to do that, go for your clit," Steve jokes.

Emily of course responds to that by starting to undo her pants.

"Not here!" Steve laughs.

"I wasn't. But gotcha, anyway!"

Cyan is rolling her eyes at their silliness.

Steve advises, "Okay. Find some close samples and compare them at home. Lighting makes a big difference."

"Yes it does," Cyan confirms.

Steve's phone rings. It's Jackson's ring tone. Steve answers.

"Uh huh?"

"Where are you guys?" Jax asks.



"Em has some hare-brained idea to paint you guys' bathroom."

"Tittie pink is my guess."

"How'd you know?"

"Been married to 'er a little longer than you have."

"Yeah. I see you now. Hanging up."

Steve turns to Emily, "Jax ratted you out."

She just grins back.

"Steve?" Cyan requests. "We're low on vitamins for Sky. We need to run by pet supplies."



"Well, crap," Steve complains, mostly to himself. They're in the van on the way back home.

"What's wrong?" Cyan inquires.

"Oh, that gas plumbing stuff. It's all under the house. You know how much I hate doing that."

"Hire it."

"You think so? I figure about a thousand to have a plumber do it. Pipe and fittings will run, oh, about two hundred or so."

"We have the means. Give yourself a break."

"I agree, Stevie," Emily says. "Especially with Jax and me kicking in. We're well-off, you know."

"I know, sweetie. I'm just so used to not having to pay for stuff I can do."

"Cy's right. Hire a plumber. Let a pro handle the gas stuff. You can make some calls on Monday, okay?"

"Okay, I guess. Who's on tap for tonight?" Steve wonders.

Cyan answers, "Well, I was planning on it as a surprise, but Sergio, for one."

"Oh? Have you had him here before?" Em is curious.

"A couple of times. He's bi, so I invited him over for the sausagefest, if that's okay."

"Hmm. Don't know why I didn't remember that. Who else?"

"Blair and Jennifer, and Rick and Sandy."

"Oh, yeah. We talked about Rick at lunch."

"Like we said, mostly for him this time. The sausagefest. The guys like playing with it, and he doesn't mind, of course."

"Anybody else?"

"DJ and Wanda."


Steve jumps in, "DJ and Wanda. He's mostly gay; Wanda is more or less his beard. We don't hear from 'em very often."

Jackson is alarmed, "I sure hope he's not like that clown we ran into in Montgomery, Steven! Tony or something like that."

"I hear you! Don't worry, buddy! DJ is really, really good about limits. He knows that the Albertson household is a strict 'No anal!' zone. They're a nice couple."

"Yeah," Cyan chuckles. "Steve likes fucking Wanda, and he tells me she fucks back pretty good. Last time they were here, those two were chasing each other all over the living room, fucking here, fucking there, just nuts with it."

"Steven? Really?" Emily smirks.

"Well... yeah. She gets a little crazy wanting attention from a hetero guy. Can't question her enthusiasm, that's for sure."

"So let me get this straight..."

"Pun not intended, right, Em?"

She reaches over to slap his shoulder, laughing.

"Tryin' to drive here," Steve chuckles.

"Okay, you! So whose idea was the sausagefest?"

"Mine," Cyan admits. "Jax was moaning this morning about 'Why do the girls get all the fun?' So I made a few calls."

"So tonight's puppy pile is going to be...?"

"Jax, Sergio, Rick, Blair, and DJ."

Emily questions this. "And nobody's going to poke anything into anybody's butthole? Seems weird for an all-guy orgy."

Steve furrows his brow, "Them's the rules, Em. It's bad enough that Jax and I drain and scrub the hot tub after every party. Gawd. We've talked about it! The double-disinfecting to deal with E. coli and the other nasties that go along with it? Adds a half-day of draining and refilling."

Cyan adds, "Besides, of the guys tonight, only Sergio and DJ are into that. If they want to do it anyway, they're banned from the tub until they shower and scrub thoroughly with disinfectant soap. They know the rules."

Emily muses, "A puppy pile with guys? I dunno, Cy. We'll have to take that potted plant out of your bedroom."


"Puppies? Guys? They'll all need to lift their legs on it."

"Emily!" Steve laughs, and the others just groan.

Steve announces on pulling into their drive, "Okay, gang, we're home. Let's say 'hi' to Anna and Phoebe. Jax or Em -- who wants to go the grocery store with me? We're running low on a few things. We'll take the EV."

"I will!" Emily jumps at the invitation.

"You promise to stay out of trouble? That lady at Menards was none too happy with us."

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