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Mother knows best.
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Chapter One

Felicity had just stepped out of the shoe shop.

"Fliss, I haven't seen you in ages!"

"Oh, hello Daphne. You're looking well."

"Buying shoes I see."

"Yes. I came in on the morning train; there's more choice in the city."

"Well there are more shoe shops in this part of the mall but try Clarksons last -- they've got a sale on."

"Thanks, I'll do that."

"I'm only here to pick up a couple of magazines. Why not meet me in Angelo's when you're done? We can catch up over a coffee."

"I will."

It was late morning when Felicity arrived at the coffee shop. She ordered an espresso and a second latte for Daphne.

"How's Natalie?" asked Daphne.

"Sadly, she's still with that moron she married. I'm surprised they've stayed together so long. You can tell he's got a roving eye. I did warn her, but she wouldn't listen."

"Oh dear."

"How about your Samantha?"

"She's still with Jamie. He's a lovely lad. And they're making me a grandmother soon. She's so big I think it might be twins!"

"Lucky you!" said Felicity.

"You'll never guess what Nora has been up to." said Daphne. "She's only gone and screwed Philip in a divorce!"

"Never! Do tell!"

"She set him up with the chance of an affair, and he walked right into it."

Felicity was entranced with the story so they finished their coffees and adjourned to a nearby restaurant for lunch. It turned out their mutual friend Nora now lived up in the Midlands and her husband Philip travelled to the city on business, usually stopping overnight. Nora had heard of a nearby agency that used honeytrap style escorts. They seduced businessmen and procured divorce evidence for the suspicious wives. Philip had been approached by such a woman -- and succumbed.

"I think it sounds a bit sneaky, don't you?" said Daphne.

"Not at all." replied Felicity. "Nobody forces those men to stray. I've heard they often do this in America. They call them fidelity tests."

"Sounds like you might be interested, Fliss."

"I might."

"But your Charlie's long gone. Don't tell me you're courting again. Checking up on the fiance?"

"No. I was thinking of helping someone else."


"Is this the right place? It says Bates Placements."

"We're an employment agency madam." said Martin. "We place people in jobs. I take it from your question that you're not looking for one."

"I'm not. But I heard you also provide ladies to accompany visiting businessmen."

"We do. Nothing underhand of course -- we're perfectly legit. Bates Dates is a registered company. We just don't advertise it here at street level. Please call me Martin."

"I'm Felicity and I wondered if you can help me Martin."

An hour later, they had gone over the details.

"So, Martin, what you need to complete this ... our arrangement ... is a potential date, time and location."


"Will you excuse me if I step outside a moment? I need to make a phone call. I may be able to provide you with those things in a few minutes"

Chapter Two

"That was a long phone call; must have been your mother. I've finished the weeding on my own now." complained Barry. "So, how is she?"

"Like you care!" replied Natalie.

"No need to be like that. I was only being polite."

"Sorry. It's just that I know you don't like her."

"I think what you mean is - she doesn't like me. She's always made it clear I'm not good enough for you."

"That's a bit of an exaggeration." countered Natalie.

"I don't think so. You're over thirty and she still calls you her princess!"

"Come on in the house, misery. I'll pour you a cold beer and tell you all about it."

('Actually,' she thought, 'I'll be telling you hardly anything about it; just enough to set you up.')

Barry kicked off his shoes and washed his hands. The garden was becoming harder to maintain now; time to get some help perhaps.

He downed half his beer.

"I have a business trip to Guildford next Friday."

"Yes you told me."

"Well, usually I get back soon after six if the traffic isn't too bad. But this time mum wants me to stop overnight."

"Why? She usually just meets you for lunch."

"Aunty Alice is visiting and stopping over too."

"I don't remember an Aunty Alice." said Barry.

"You've never met her. She's not really a relative; I just call her that. You know my dad died when I was seven. Well Aunty Alice always picked me up from school, and looked after me while mum was at work. We'd have been in financial trouble if she hadn't been so kind."

"Fair enough; is she coming far?"

"She's travelling down from the Lake District; going to a reunion with her graduation class. They're meeting at a hotel nearby, and bringing partners. But she doesn't have anyone to go with, so said she'd prefer to just show her face, leave after the dinner, and stay at mum's place. She asked if I would like to spend the evening with them; open a couple of bottles and chat about the old days."

"Sounds like fun -- for you anyway -- I don't suppose they'd want me there."

"I knew you'd understand. And Fridays, you usually drink at that music night, after you've been to the gym."


"I've never really understood your Fridays."

"It's simple enough. The Docklands Hotel always has a local band on Friday nights. And there's an open mic in between sessions. It's good fun."

"I don't mean the venue -- I have been there with you and it's a nice hotel." said Natalie. "I mean I don't understand why you do something so healthy, like working out, then go and undo all the good work drinking beer."

"You don't understand because you're seeing it from a female perspective. Women would probably indulge with alcohol at the end of the working week, then compensate with salads, and jogging, and Ryvita crackers; ruining their weekend. But from a man's perspective, I'm going to listen to the music and drink beer anyway. So I do it the other way round; paying it forward."


"I won't stay on too long mum." said Natalie. "Barry's in the shower."

"Did he go for it princess?"

"Yes. I told him I'll be staying at yours; I doubt if he'll phone to check. So now you have the details you need for the agency. It's next Friday evening at the Docklands Hotel. If he strays he can do it there or, as our place is empty, bring his bit of fluff home."

"I'll let them know."

"But how are you so sure he's going to cheat on me?"

"When I saw Daphne this lunchtime, she said her daughter Samantha recently went to that music night, and saw Barry dancing and flirting with some floozie; they were all over each other. So all he needs is an opportunity."

('OK, it's a lie.' Felicity thought, 'But all in a good cause.')

"The bastard!" said Natalie. "Maybe I shouldn't come to yours Friday night. I'd like to be closer to the action."

"Be careful then love."

"In fact, I'll stay at Docklands."

"What? Barry may see you!"

"No he won't. I've been there on music night and the action takes place in the big ballroom; where there's a dancefloor. On my way back from the loos, I looked into another bar. It was smaller, and much quieter. He'll never go in there."

"Well, all right. If he calls here, I'll tell him you've just slipped out, and let you know to call him back."

"Perfect. I may even go and buy a new dress; something he's never seen before. And get my hair done differently, just in case."


"Hello Mrs Fielding. Everything's set up at this end. Don't forget, if it doesn't work out this time, it will be half price if you want a second attempt."

"I understand."

"I just need you to confirm your daughter will be with you in Guildford on the night in question."

"Actually she won't. She's staying at the Docklands Hotel. Don't worry; she'll make sure her husband doesn't see her."

"She'd better. I can't be responsible if this goes wrong because he spotted her. Tell her not to book a room though."

"Why shouldn't she?"

"We can't be sure her husband will go to his house. He may be worried his wife may come back for some reason. If they all end up at the hotel, that's asking for trouble. She should only plan to stay overnight once she's certain her husband has left."

"I hadn't thought of that. I'll let her know."

"We have her phone details. The escort can keep her updated on progress. But, wherever she spends the night, she must stay well away from her house; she's supposed to be with you."

Chapter Three

"Why don't you go to the pub?" said Natalie. "You always get in my way when I'm preparing Sunday lunch."

"Only trying to help." said Barry. "But I suppose I could drag myself down to the Red Barrel if you insist."

He'd just got outside when his phone rang, and he listened for a moment before replying

"How about we meet at the Red Barrel? I'm on my way there now."

"Cheers." said Martin.


They clinked glasses and took the top off their pints.

"You've never judged me have you Barry?"

"Why would I do that?"

"I don't know -- everyone else from our class at school does. I know they look down on me, which is outrageous in some cases. Several of those guys have used my services, and a couple of them are married."

"I'm guessing you're not talking about your job agency."


Martin Bates and Barry Greene had been in the same class at the local boys' grammar school. From the first day, most classmates teased Martin; callimg him Master Bates, which inevitably evolved into Wanker. Barry never joined in. After graduating, Martin had set himself up as a small employment agency: Bates Placements. He worked out of a modest office and employed one permanent assistant - a well preserved widow in her fifties. Later, he added another string to his bow: Bates Dates. Obviously this was an escort agency -- but squeaky clean and ignored by the police. After that, the employment side of his venture picked up. Martin seemed to have a knack for placing the right person in the right position. Many local businesses started to use him.


"No, I'm talking about the dating side. You know many of my girls have sex with the clients."

"Sure. But I've also heard your ladies are very discreet."

"They are. And there's a strict rule that they don't do anything they're not comfortable with. Sex is never part of their actual contract. Businessmen come to the city to do deals, and they're usually on their own. Naturally they want to celebrate if they sign a big contract. But, believe it or not, many aren't after sex; they just want a pretty girl on their arm when they hit the West End. In every case my girl is only contracted to work until midnight. After that, if she likes the guy, she can agree to him paying her overtime, in cash."

"But only if she likes him."

"Exactly." continued Martin. "And she's not allowed any contact with the client once the date is over. A lot of my repeat business is from men visiting the city and asking for a particular girl. I'm sure some of them are not on business trips at all. That's fine by me; as long as everyone sticks to the rules."

"Yeah, that's how I imagined it works. I can't say I've ever heard of any complaints."

"You won't. My ladies are very careful, and all the clients are warned beforehand that their payment does not include 'extras'. But that side of the business is working so well now; it's making more than double the job placements. So I've branched out again."

"Good for you. But entertaining as that is Martin -- I don't think it's the reason you wanted to meet me."

"Correct. I just wanted to reconfirm you're still one of the good guys, before I break my discretion rules."

"Sounds interesting." replied Barry.

"The thing is," Martin continued, "this is all done with extreme caution -- secrecy even. So it's difficult for me to broach the subject."

"Whatever it is mate, my lips are sealed."

"Well these days, I've developed a spin-off from the escort work. My people occasionally get involved in a kind of private detective role. Think in terms of fidelity tests."

"Ah! I've heard about these. The suspicious wife or husband employs someone to try and seduce their spouse. I've always been curious about that. Do they film themselves fucking? Or is going to a hotel room proof enough?"

"It depends on what the customer specifies. But yes, unlike the escort side, all operatives must go all the way if required. And there are countless methods of getting proof these days. Of course, I have to pay them more for that side of the business. If they're trying to trap someone, there will be no chance of getting any overtime from the client. They can turn up the charm but they have to deliver in the end."

"So, what's the story mate? Don't tell me - you want my Natalie to seduce the husband of one of your clients?"

"You could hardly be farther from the truth Barry; much as I'd love to have someone as beautiful as Natalie on my books. No; I'm being paid to check up on you!"

"What? Natalie suspects I'm playing away from home? I bet her old dragon of a mother put her up to this -- she's never liked me!"

"Spot on again mate. It's a Mrs Fielding who's footing the bill for this, not Natalie. She says she's trying to protect her daughter."

"I thought so! Did she see you in person?"

"Yes. She doesn't know me of course. But apparently one of Mrs Fielding's friends recently got a handsome divorce settlement, and recommended my services. That was her story anyway. It was just turning out to be another honeytrap job, till she told me you were the target. I didn't let on we know each other. And Natalie doesn't me. So whatever you decide to do from here on in -- be discreet."

"Sure, and thanks for telling me mate. I'll have to think about how I'm going to handle this."

He sipped his beer.

"I have an idea." said Martin. "How about you start thinking about it right now? If I know your plan, I might be able to help. A good starting point is next Friday. I understand my girl should make her approach at the Docklands Hotel. Natalie is away that night, right?"

"Yes, she's staying at her mother's." confirmed Barry.

"Then you clearly do need my help. I'm informed she's going to be at Docklands."

"What, right under my nose? That's crazy!"

"I can't say I was keen on the idea myself. But it seems there's a smaller bar where she'll be out of the way."

"What's the point? Does she plan on bursting into the room and catch me in the act? She doesn't even know if I'll be staying there. Anyway, I thought your girl would keep her up to date"

"She will. I guess Natalie wanted to be close to the action."

"Your escort doesn't know about this, does she?"

"No. She'll play it straight as normal."

Chapter Four

For Barry, Friday was a long time coming. He kissed Natalie goodbye, as he left for work.

"Drive safely today and call me after work from your mum's. You know how I worry about you."

"I will. I worry about you too."

"No need -- I'll be having a great time."

"I don't doubt it."

He kept to his routine as normal; knocked off work a little early and went to the gym. A couple of the guys went to Docklands with him, and they met up with more friends when they got there. The band had just started. His phone warbled and it was Natalie saying she was at her mum's and Aunty Alice had brought extra wine. Barry couldn't tell if she was calling from Guildford or a room nearby. But it wasn't important; he would not go looking for her. As they began their second round of beers, people were filling the dancefloor. Most of the other guys were up dancing when an attractive woman approached him, and asked if he'd like to dance. One dance became two, then three, then a slow one.

"Why did you ask me?" queried Barry, holding her close.

"Your friends are a bit young for my taste." she purred. "I prefer a man who looks like he's been around the block a few times. A man who knows what he's doing."

"And that's me is it? I know what I'm doing?"

"Yes. You're certainly a sexy dancer."

She pulled him closer and his erection began to put in an unbidden appearance.

"Tell me." she continued. "Do you think you might be able to tear yourself away from your mates for a while? Maybe buy a lonely girl a drink?"

"I think I can manage that. What would you like?"

"I'll have a Campari and soda to start with, please."

"To start with?"

"Later I think I'd like something else."

They found a quieter spot away from the stage and Barry brought the drinks to the table, and sat next to her.

"And what would you like later?" he asked.

"I was thinking: maybe you. But not on a table; on a bed would be better."


"May I join you?" he asked.

Natalie looked up from her dry white wine. A handsome man hovered near her table; also holding a glass of white.

"It's all right to say no, if you'd rather be on your own."

He had a lovely smile and looked as bored as she felt. Coming to the hotel had been a mistake. Natalie couldn't go home now, and couldn't even book a room till she knew what Barry was doing. She was both bored and tense, and didn't really want to be on her own.

"Yes, some company would be nice." she said.

They chatted and Natalie learned his name was Marcus so told him hers; he was staying in the hotel. He had been here before but there had been a snag at the business he was visiting, and he had to go back in tomorrow. He'd never stayed overnight on a Friday before, and asked if she knew when the music stopped, as he might find sleeping difficult.

"About ten thirty, eleven, I think."

"You're staying here as well?"

She wasn't sure how to answer that, and was rescued by her phone pinging. There was a photo of Barry, sitting at a table with no visible male friends. It had to have been taken by the escort. There was also a message.

'Making progress; he's definitely interested in me.'

"I know this sounds evasive but I'm not sure yet."

"Oh, I got the impression they had plenty of vacancies."

"I'm sure they have, it's just that ... well ... I live near here, but I'm not sure if I'll be going home tonight."

"Sorry to make you uncomfortable Natalie, I sound like I'm quizzing you. Let's talk about something else. Look, we're both drinking white wine -- how about I get us a bottle? It's all on expenses of course. That's unless you have to drive."

"Sounds like fun" she said. "That would be lovely."

('And it's not as if I've got anywhere to go!' she thought.)

An hour later she was feeling less tense. Marcus was witty and charming. He seemed to have a knack for making her feel important, and the alcohol was making her frisky.

"I suppose you're used to all this." she said. "Hotels in different cities, and chatting up married ladies."

She was aware he'd looked at her wedding ring.

"There's some truth in what you say." he replied. "Some hotels do have ladies looking for some fun. But I hate lying, and always let be known I'm single."

"And that's a problem?"

"It can be." he said. "Don't get me wrong; I certainly don't disapprove of people seeking uncomplicated sex. But married ladies seem to prefer married men. No romantic entanglements, no passionate phone calls when it's over. Men with as much to lose as them I suppose. And it's not like I'm trawling for a single Miss Right or anything. I simply prefer lonely nights on my own, to complications and lies. I haven't had sex in a hotel for a couple of years now. Though having said that, I haven't met anyone as pretty as you for years either."

Natalie blushed and was saved by her phone pinging again. This time it was a recorded conversation.

'Do you live very far from here?' a female voice trilled.

'No, I'm just a short taxi ride away. Why do you ask?'

That was clearly Barry.

'It's just that I'm enjoying your company so much. I'd prefer to be somewhere quieter with you; somewhere more intimate. Could we go to yours? I have a proposition.'


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