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Battered Ch. 01

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A day in the life of Hallee.
2.4k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/24/2022
Created 07/16/2009
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"Shh. Shh. You gotta be quite. If Daddy comes home and finds you like this, he'll get me," Hallee warned her three year old son, Santana.

It was their routine. She would warn him, he wouldn't listen, and she would pay the price. She began to cry at her son's defiance. Was he secretly plotting against her? Did he do this purposely? Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard the front door open and slam shut.

"Hallee! How many fucking times do we have to go through this? Are you retarded?" he screamed once he entered Santana's bedroom.

"I'm so sorry Jeremy. I think he's sick or something. I was going to take him by his doctor's but you had the car and I didn't want to call you while you were at work. I know how much you hate that," she tried to reason.

She tried her best, but the weak attempt didn't pay off.

"Put him down," he commanded.

Hallee did as she was told, and she immediately threw her hands up to protect her face, and flinched. She did her best to shield herself from the series of blows she knew were coming. She had almost become immune to the beatings. Almost. He would beat her until she was trance-like. If she tried to hold it in, he would yell at her about trying to act tough and beat her even more. If she cried, he'd beat her harder and tell her to shut up.

"Stupid bitch! I told you, didn't I? Didn't I tell you? Answer me, Goddamnit!"

"Yes! You told me! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" she cried out.

"Shut up! I told you to keep him quiet, didn't I? I can hear him screaming all the way outside. You're the worst mother ever. I ask you to do one thing. One simple thing. Take care of the kid and the house, and you can't do that? CLEAN THIS SHIT UP!" he yelled before tossing her onto the floor.

Hallee lied on the floor crying until she heard the front door slam shut. This was only round one. This was part of the routine. He would leave after beating her to get together with his friends and colleagues. He would come back home either angry, drunk, or horny. Sometimes all of them. She didn't know which was worse. Neither turned out too pleasant for her. She would be left either used or abused. Most of the time both. Hallee got up and cleaned up her face. She was used to fixing bags of ice to soothe the swellings to the parts of her that grew victim to that man. At least he never hit their son. Better her than him.


Hallee was double checking everything. She wanted to make sure everything was perfect to avoid another brutal beating.

Maybe he's in a god mood today, she thought. She was about to sit down and take a break when the phone rung. Sabrina.

Sabrina was Hallee's best and only friend. They had been friends since high school. They were like sisters. Sisters who were nothing alike.


"Hey Hal. What you up to?"

"The usual."

"Oh." Pregnant pause. "Well. If you aren't too busy tonight, maybe we can hang out. There's this little joint downtown I wanna take you to. My friend's performing."

"I don't know, Sabrina. I have stuff to do" she said looking around her spotless house.

"Like what? Slave all day in a house and try your damnest to please a man who's only gonna overlook every good thing you do to point out the negatives? And then beat you senseless? I don't know how and why you do it. You're too young for that shit. Twenty-one and stuck at home playing house in a loveless relationship."

"I do love him."

"Does he love you?"


"Exactly. Have your mom pick up Santana and I'll swing by and pick you up around 7. Okay?"

"I don't know..."


"I'll have to ask Jeremy. He hates it when I make plans and not inform him about them."

"Right. Ask Massa' Jeremy to sign your permission slip. Is he gonna give you lunch money, too?"

"Sabrina. I really don't feel like listening to you rant and bad mouth my and Jeremy's relationship."

"And I didn't call to do that. I called to ask my best friend in the whole wide world to go out with me. Live a little. Come on. We won't be out too late," Sabrina reasoned.

"Okay," Hallee said defeated.

"Alright Babe. I love you."

"You too."

Hallee hung up. She had already cleaned the house and Santana was sound asleep in his room. Oh he's quiet now. If only he would stay like that when I need him to. Hallee picked up her phone and dialed her mother. Her mother was oblivious to the fact that her baby girl was a victim to abuse. That was because she rarely saw her mother. Jeremy always liked it better that way.

"Hey Mama."

"Hey baby. How are you? Ain't heard from you in a while."

"Yea. I know Mama. I've been busy. But I was calling to see if you could come by and get Santana. He hasn't seen you in a while and he misses you."

"Aww of course! I miss my only grandbaby."

"Okay mama. Swing on by and pick him up. I'll have him ready in say, fifteen minutes. Okay?"

"Alright baby. Bye."

That was over. Now all she had to do was cook and ask Jeremy if she could go.


"Something smells good" Jeremy said once he got home. The aroma from the meal Hallee cooked filled his nose. "What's cooking good looking?"

She loved when he was in a good mood. When their home was actually a happy one. She padded her way over to him, stood on her tip toes, and placed a chaste kiss on his lips.

"Your favorite, roast beef."

"What's the occasion?" he asked eyeing her suspiciously.

"No reason."

"Where's the boy?"

"My mom called earlier and wanted to spend a little time with him. She hadn't seen him in a while and she missed him. I thought it would be okay" she said quickly. Liar.

"Oh. I guess it's okay. Well look, dinner looks great and everything, but the guys are having a little something for Tom. He's getting married. I'm gonna shower and change and head on out" he said walking into the bedroom while undressing.

"So you're not gonna eat?"

"When I get back."

"Oh...well, I'm not really that hungry either," she said nervously. "Sabrina called earlier and asked me if I wanted to go out with her." His movements stopped and he stilled.

"Go where?" he asked sternly.

"I don't know. She said something about a book club meeting at her friend's house. Asked me if I wanted to go and sit in...that's if it's okay with you."

"Book club meeting, huh? That all she do in her free time?"

Jeremy wasn't too fond of Sabrina. She was Hallee's polar opposite. Hallee was nice and soft spoken, while Sabrina was loud and sassy.

"You do everything you need to around here?" Hallee nodded. "Whatever. Just be back at a reasonable time. I don't want you hanging around her too much. She'll rub off on you."

"Yes Massa'" she mumbled under her breath.

"What did you say?"

"Huh? Oh. I said I gotta go wrap the food up and put it away."



Hallee got dressed in no time. She waited until Jeremy had left to put on a pair of jeans and a blouse. It was very humid outside, but Hallee wanted to wear something to cover all the marks, cuts, and bruises on her body. She had applied foundation to her face before her mother had arrived earlier. She didn't want her mom to see her scars on the outside, though nothing could mask the ones that lie on the inside. She let her dark drown hair down around her neck, and applied cocoa butter to her milky, brown skin. She gave herself a once over and sat on the couch waiting for Sabrina.

"How did my life get to this point?" she asked into the darkness.

She had met Jeremy her sophomore year of high school. She was the smart, shy girl, and he was Mr. Popular. A senior on the varsity football team. Big and strong. Smooth brown complexion and a smooth talker. He talked his way into her heart and her panties. A year later she was the pregnant black girl. He had promised her everything. She would never have to lift a finger. He would work a nine to five and she would stay at home to raise their son. Everything he said sounded like music to her seventeen-year-old ears. Now thinking back, she should have ran for the hills when she had the chance. She didn't regret her son. She loved him with every ounce of her being. And he loved her. When he saw her cry, he would toddle over to her and rub her eyes and say, "Mommy. No cry." He was her little man. The only man she needed in her life. She could leave whenever she wanted. If only she could convince herself that. I need him. I have nothing without him. Who would want me? Who would want me and a kid? He would find me if I left. He'd say I kidnapped his son. I'd go back. He'd kill me. Maybe it's best I stay. It'll get better. He loves us. She was so deep in thought, she didn't see the headlights come to view.

"Open up, Hal. We gotta go." Hallee opened the door and was greeted with her friend's radiant...frown?

"What are you wearing?" Hallee looked down and fumbled with her clothing.


"Go back and change into something else."

"I don't have anything else."

"The jeans will do, but that blouse. Come on. Let's run by my house. I'm sure I have something for you."


They arrived at the bar a little after eight. Sabrina gave Hallee a long, teal, flimsy shirt to wear. The front was halter-like and the back involved lots of golden loops and chains. It put her scars on display for all to see, and she felt like everyone was staring at them. Sabrina had convinced her no one would be looking at her scars because they would be too busy looking at her gorgeous face.

Hallee had to admit that the place was nice. There was a bar, lots of tables and chairs, a stage and instruments, and a large television and speakers.

"And coming to the stage, the one and only....Lucas!" the announcer spoke. The crowd went wild. A man came on stage wearing dark blue jeans, a green t-shirt, and a blazer jacket. Hallee's jaw dropped. HE was gorgeous. He was tall and had dark, curly hair, and the fiercest pair of green eyes she'd ever seen. He walked to the piano, sat down, and opened his mouth. He put his spin on Daughtry's "What About Now". Precise finger work. Beautiful voice.


"Yea, whoa. He can sing can't he?"


"That's Luke. My friend."

When his song was over, Luke took the steps down the stage and walked over to Sabrina.

"Hey, Sabrina. How'd I do?" he asked after placing a chaste kiss on her cheek.

"Good. Hey, Luke, this is my friend Hallee, Hallee this is Luke." Hallee shook his hand.

"Hi, Luke. Call me Hal."

"Hal. I like that. Sabrina's told me a lot about you, Hal."

"All good I hope."

"Yea. She talks about you all the time. You have a son, right?"

"Yes. Santana."

"Sweet. I love kids."

"Sit down Luke" Sabrina said motioning to the chair beside Hallee. "Have a drink. How are things?"

"Good. Things are good."

"How are the kids?"

"They're good, too. You know the show's in a few weeks."

"Hal, Luke here is a music teacher."

"Oh? How long have you been into music?" Hallee asked.

"Since I could remember. My mother, Sage, threw those piano lessons on me at an early age. I found the singing on my own."

"Oh. I always wanted to learn to play either the guitar or piano, since I can't sing a lick" Hallee joked.

"Everyone can sing something."

"I couldn't sing my way out of a brown paper bag."

Lucas laughed. "I'm sure you sing beautifully. I can hear it in your voice" he said staring at her. "And I'm sure I can help you with the instrument thing, as well."

Hallee couldn't remember the last time she was able to hold a decent conversation with a man without Jeremy looking on or pulling her away. "Speaking of, its time for us to go, Sabrina." Sabrina and Lucas looked at each other confused.

"Nobody said anything about leaving, Hal," Sabrina said matter-of-factly. "Besides, we just got here good."

"But I have to get home" before Jeremy beats my ass, "so I can get up early and get Santana," or that's another ass whooping.

"Well okay, see you later Sabrina," Lucas said rising from his seat and giving Sabrina another kiss on the cheek. "Nice meeting you Hal. Hope to see you again soon" he said before placing a kiss on her cheek.


Scrub, scrub, scrub. Hallee was standing in front of the bathroom mirror trying to erase any evidence of the kiss she received on her cheek. She had already changed into her pajamas, hanging the jeans in her closet while throwing the shirt in a bag and throwing it under the bed. She ran into the bedroom and jumped in bed when she heard the front door open.

"Hallee! Hallee," he yelled.

"I'm in bed!" she yelled back. Jeremy stumbled into their bedroom and threw himself on the bed. He smelled of cigarettes, liquor, and something else she couldn't put her finger on.

"Thomas...Thomas is... one stupid son-of-a-bitch...marrying that gold-digging whore...he should marry...marry that fine ass stripper he got...oooh weee!"

Sex. That's what he smelled like.

"Jeremy? Did you...?" Hallee felt the tears welling up in her eyes.

"Listen, Goddamnit....don't start...with....if you knew...if you did what I wanted you to I wouldn't have to get it from someone else...but I swear...if you leave....if you try to leave me....I'll....."

Jeremy passed out on top of the covers, leaving Hallee in her misery. She knew Jeremy had been cheating on her. She doubted if he had ever been faithful to her. Why was she so stupid? Naïve? "kill you."

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fluerfluerover 11 years ago

Poor Halle. She doesn't know her worth. She stays with Jermy because she belives his crap. Jeremy takes his anger out on Halle because he is not a real man. He can't tell the boss where to jump of to... Nor can he deal with no longer being the football star.

Lucas seems like an interesting guy.

Alpha_MarmAlpha_Marmover 12 years ago
When do women wake up?? Time to whup his sorry ass............damn!!!

She made one mistake..marryin' the asshole...ok. Time to move forward. How many ass whupping does it take to get the message.

He's drunk now...time to write his sorry ass a check to be cashed IMMEDIATELY!!!

No muthafucka pullin' that shit and getting away with it... hell no!!!............ok? Battered does not work for the Marm...oh no...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Thank you for having characters that seem real and are flawed. Keep up the good work.

PepperPacePepperPaceover 14 years ago
Scared for her

I can't wait to see what happens next. So realistic, almost hard to read but too good to put down. Good job!

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