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Beach House Weekend with My Sisters


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I turned my head to kiss my sister, but she used her head to push me back. When she reached the top of my neck, she got off the couch while taking my hand. She had me stand up before pulling my underwear down and off me. Wordlessly, she guided me around the coffee table to the rug on the other side. She pushed me to lie down on my back on the rug. Once I was fully lying down, I realized she had put a towel on the rug. I heard her get down next to me. She used her hands to position my upper body in the center of the towel. I felt her hand slide down my body until it touched my waist, and then she climbed over me while grasping my cock with one hand. I reached out and cupped her ass as she took my cock into her mouth.

I had never done a sixty-nine with a girl before. My sister's pussy was above my head, so I had to bend my head forward to reach her pussy. I parted her pussy lips with my tongue and took a lick. She was very wet. Her pussy had a tangy taste that I liked. I explored her pussy briefly until I found her clit. I gave it some quick licks and then went back to licking the rest of her pussy.

My sister was using a much different style of cocksucking than last night. She didn't take as much cock into her mouth and didn't suck as vigorously. She was using more hand action than what was done last night. Was it a different sister? Or was it the same sister changing things up? The sister last night had wanted me to come as quickly as possible. I was guessing this sister wanted me to come after I made her come.

So I attacked her pussy with gusto while holding her hips in my hands. It was so strange to try a new sex position in the complete dark while trying to minimize the noise. She'd moved her pussy around as I licked her to guide me to where she wanted me to lick. That was the only feedback I got. I tried to picture my sister's body relative to mine. Was this Olivia? She was the tallest of my sisters. But the height difference wasn't much. As I had never sixty-nined with a girl before, I didn't have any standards for judging how tall the sister I was having sex with was.

I pushed my sister forward so I could more easily get to her clit and then started concentrating on it. As I licked it, she moved her crotch around to position my tongue where she wanted it. I felt weird keeping my tongue still and having the girl move her clit instead of me moving my tongue to where the girl told me she wanted it. Her mouth and hand were working magic on my cock, but I couldn't focus on that as I wanted to do a good job of eating her out. I prided myself on doing a good job of pussy eating.

As I continued wiggling the tip of my tongue on my sister's clit, I brought up one finger and slipped it into her slick pussy. I slowly fucked her with my finger as I continued tickling her clit.

Suddenly, I was coming. I had wanted to outlast my sister, but the pleasure had been too much for me. I slowed my pussy licking as the waves of pleasure flowed over me. Squirt after squirt filled my sister's mouth. Her style while I was coming felt different than last night, but I couldn't say how. Was it because it was a different sister? Or was it because we were in a different position? Or was she just using a different style to throw me off?

Once I was done coming, my sister twisted off me. She used her hands to guide me to reverse positions, so I was on top and she was on the bottom. I resumed licking at her clit while slowly fingerfucking her. She gave my cock little kisses as I worked on her.

After a few minutes, I felt my sister shudder. I slid my finger out as I slowed my licks on her clit. Now, I was glad that I was on top. My face was very wet with her juices, but at least they weren't flowing onto me. When my sister seemed to be done coming, I rolled off her.

I heard sounds. I guessed my sister was using the towel to clean up her juices. I sat up next to her. I felt her sitting up. She put her hands on me, eventually bringing a hand up to my shoulder. She then tenderly wiped my face with one end of the towel, hopefully a dry end. When she was done, she gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

My sister stood up. She worked her way around the side of the coffee table closest to the stairs. I stood up and worked my way around the other side of the coffee table. My sister reached for the flashlight, turned it on, and pointed out my underwear. I grabbed it, sat down on the couch, and started pulling it on. My sister walked around the small couch and headed for the stairs. Again, all I could tell about her was that she was wearing a short, dark blue nightshirt and was carrying a towel.

* * * *

The next morning, Meg was in the kitchen when I came in after showering. A glance out the window revealed the rest of my family was at the beach.

"Good morning," I said.

"Good morning. Have any good dreams last night?" Meg asked with a big smile.

"I did," I said happily. "And you?"

"I don't remember. And if I did, it was nothing like sixty-nining with someone."

Was it Meg last night? Or was it another sister who told her what she had done?

I got a bagel, sliced it in two, and put it into the toaster. Meg didn't have any food in front of her and wasn't moving to get some. "What are you doing here?"

"I was nominated to tell you that you aren't to say a word about your dream to Mom. Either of them."

"It'd be stupid to tell her about them."

Meg shrugged. "People do stupid things every day. Tracie told you about Dad disowning his first family because one of his daughters was gay. How would he respond if Mom told him that his children were having sex?"

Something I hadn't considered. "Probably not well."


"Was it your idea to play footsie with me last night?"

Meg asked innocently, "Did someone play footsie with you last night?"

I rolled my eyes. Meg got off her chair and said, "I'll grab some wine coolers and go."

"Can I ask you a question before you go?"

Meg sat back down in her chair. "Ask."

"Mom said that all of you were really hurting. I'm not seeing that. What's going on with you, Olivia, and Tracie that this weekend is such a big deal for you?"

Meg sighed for a bit. "I can't speak for Olivia or Tracie, but I can tell you what's going on with me."

"That'd be great."

"Well, you knew I was engaged."

"Steve. I met him last Christmas. Seemed like a great guy."

"He was. Is. Very funny but could be serious when he should be serious and very romantic when I wanted him to be very romantic."

I was trying to remember everything I knew about Steve. "You two met at a bar."

"Correct. I was there with a girlfriend. We both swiped right and started talking. We hit it off right away. We fell for each other very quickly. Two months later, we moved in together."

"He writes scripts for a YouTube comedy channel."

"He does. Like I said, a very funny guy. It doesn't pay all that great, but he says it beats working for a living. We're both very creative but in different ways. We were very compatible. I got along with all his friends, and he got along with all my friends."

Sounded like a dream come true. "And then something happened."

"Fights. Our first fight was two weeks after we moved in together. It was over something minor. He raised his voice a little. I raised my voice a bit more. And we wound up yelling at each other. He finally went into our bedroom and slammed the door. We stayed separate for about an hour, he came out, we both apologized and moved on. I had never had a fight like that with a boyfriend, and he had never had a fight like that with a girlfriend. We both assumed it'd be a one-time thing."

I was beginning to see where this was going. "But it wasn't."

"After that fight, I got a self-help relationship book and read it. I thought I figured out what led to the fight. I talked to Steve about what I had read, and we felt pretty good about things. And then two months after our first fight, we had a second one. We both quickly escalated to yelling at the top of our lungs at each other. This time, I went into the bedroom and slammed the door when I had had enough. Again, we cooled down separately, I came out, we both apologized and moved on. I got another self-help book, we talked through our issues, and we felt pretty good about things. Steve proposed. I accepted. We started planning our wedding. The fights kept happening."

"In between the big fights, did you have little fights?"

"No. We're both pretty easy people, which made our fights even harder to understand. Each time, it was over something minor. Maybe we had the fights because we're both artistic people?" Meg shook her head sadly. "After each fight, I'd find a new self-help book. I found one that said some marriages were like that; that the couple would regularly have big fights, but then they'd kiss and make up, and everything would be fine afterward. I decided that was the way Steve and I were."

"So what happened to end it all?"

"We had another big fight, and this time Steve said he had had enough of the fights. He went into the bedroom, packed up all his stuff, and left. I was stunned. I waited for him to come back and apologize, but he never did." Tears started running down Meg's cheeks. "When I reached out to him later, he asked for me to give him his ring back." Her voice started cracking. "And that was that."

I stood up, Meg stood up, and I took her into my arms. "I'm so sorry, Meg. I'm so sorry."

I held her for a while as she cried quietly. She eventually pulled away and sat back down. "Breaking up was for the best. The fights were very scary while they were happening. Far better for Steve to walk out while we were engaged than to walk out after we had a couple of kids. But after he left, I was emotionally exhausted. I still don't understand why we fought like we did. We broke up three months ago, and I still don't have the emotional energy to date. At school, I was always excited and enthusiastic for my kids, but when most school days ended, I was a wet dishcloth." Meg sighed and pushed away from the table a little bit. "So I'm glad it's summer. I need to emotionally recharge. That's what I'm hoping to do this weekend."

I hugged Meg around her shoulders before sitting back down again. "Thanks for telling me. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you. Boss me around if it'll make you feel better."

She smiled at the last part. "I'll boss you around even if it doesn't make me feel better. That's what older sisters do." She got out of her chair and opened the refrigerator. "Only two wine coolers left."

"I'll go to the store as soon as I finish breakfast."

Meg thought for a moment. "No, don't go." She flashed me a big smile. "I'll ask Mom to go. You stay here."

* * * *

I followed Meg out to the beach and then kept going, diving into the ocean and swimming for a while. By the time I came back to the chaise lounges, Mom was gone.

"Happy National Penuche Fudge Day!" said Tracie cheerfully.

"What the heck is Penuche Fudge?"

"It's some kind of fudge I haven't had before. We're going to get some after dinner tonight. We'll have a small bite, and you'll eat the rest." Olivia and Meg laughed. Tracie held up a tube of suntan lotion. "Would you please put suntan lotion on my back?"

It was an odd request. "You want me to spray your back?" Yesterday, we had used a spray-on sunblock for our backs.

"I don't think the spray-on works as well as this lotion. It's worked great on my front."

I looked at my other sisters. Meg was working on a crossword puzzle. Olivia looked to be reading Meg's self-help book. Both of them were ignoring us. "Sure."

Tracie laid down on her chaise lounge and then untied the string of her bikini top. She looked so damn sexy lying there. I glanced at my other sisters, and they continued to ignore us. I squirted some lotion onto Tracie's back and started working it in over her shoulders and shoulder blades.

"Your hands feel so good, Craig," Tracie practically moaned.

I thought I heard muted laughter. I looked at my other sisters. Their heads were down over their amusements.

I squirted out some more lotion and started working it in. "I love how the lotion feels on my skin," said Tracie. Her words made my cock stiffen.

Again, I thought I heard muted laughter. Again, my sisters were studiously ignoring us.

I continued applying lotion to Tracie's back, she continued expressing how wonderful the lotion felt and my cock continued to get harder and harder.

When I was finally done, Olivia said, "Do my back now."

I thought I saw Meg snicker. I said, "Okay."

Olivia laid down on her chaise lounge and also untied her bikini top. I squirted some lotion on her shoulders and started working it in. "I didn't realize how strong your hands are," said Olivia in a sultry tone. "I love how you squeeze my muscles. This feels so hot." I thought I heard muted laughter. "I guess the lotion has been out in the sun for a while."

Olivia seemed to try to one-up Tracie in her comments as I applied suntan lotion. Her style was quite different. Tracie had used a higher-pitched, perky tone and her comments were generally innocent appreciation of my applying the lotion. Olivia used a low-pitch, sultry voice and was pretty blatant about how my applying the lotion was getting her hot.

When I was done with Olivia, I wasn't surprised when Meg said she wanted me to put suntan lotion on her back. Meg was very demanding, telling me to press hard at this spot and rub more slowly at that spot. Lots of hearty oh-yeah's and like-that's. Again, I thought I heard muted laughter from Olivia and Tracie as I applied the lotion.

Once I was done with Meg's back, she said, "Now do my legs." If doing Meg's back had been tough on my poor cock, doing her legs was far worse. Meg's bikini showed off the wonderful fullness of her great ass. I didn't slip my hand under her bikini or anything beyond applying lotion to her exposed skin, but she had plenty of great-looking exposed skin. I stayed away from the inside of her legs near her crotch. Meg kept up her constant demands for more attention to her body. And of course, once I was done with Meg's legs, Olivia wanted me to do her legs. Olivia also had a great ass, not as well-rounded as Meg's, but seemed to practically beg me to squeeze it. Then Tracie wanted her legs done. Another great ass, somewhere between Meg's and Olivia's. All my sisters had gotten the great-ass gene from Mom.

Once I was done with Tracie, I said, "I'm off for a quick swim." I could hear my sisters laughing behind me. I swam for a long time. I wasn't going to give my sisters another chance at some mischief.

When Mom returned, I came back in and said, "I'm going for a drive. I'll be back for lunch."

"Where are you going?" asked Mom concernedly.

"It's a surprise." I smiled at her. "Meg isn't the only one who likes to surprise people." I winked at Meg and walked toward the house.

* * * *

When I got back, I started getting out the makings for sandwiches. Mom and my sisters came in. "Where did you go?"

"You'll see after lunch."

They didn't seem happy with that answer. It was fun to be the one keeping secrets for once.

When I was done eating my lunch, I went back out to the minivan. I brought in two kites that I had bought. "Kites?" asked Mom suspiciously.

"Yes. The one time I came here with the youth group, one of the leaders brought some kites. There's always a good, steady breeze off the ocean. They're a lot of fun. For a while."

I assembled the stunt kite and the five of us went out on the beach. With the strong breeze, it was easy to get the stunt kite up into the air. It had two strings; pull on the left and the kite went left; pull on the right string and the kite went right. I flew the kite for a while as my family watched. I thought it was the ideal setup - I was doing something I enjoyed close enough to my family that I was a part of the group, but far enough from my family that they could talk about whatever without me overhearing.

After a while, Tracie came over. "Can I try it?"


I briefly explained how the strings worked before handing the handles over to her. She pulled on the right handle hard, and the kite made a hard right turn and plummeted immediately into the sand.

"Oh, no!" she cried in horror.

I laughed. "It's no big deal." I almost added 'Grace', but thought better of it. I had always known it was a mean joke, and I didn't feel like telling it now. "The sand is soft. Hold the handles still while I get the kite up."

Tracie smiled. I thought she appreciated my minimizing the crash. I threw the kite up, and she was flying it again. I talked with her as she flew it. After a while, I said, "Don't worry about crashing it." I felt she was flying it too passively. "It's more fun flying it if you really move it around." Tracie seemed to relax and pulled hard on the strings. She shouted happily as she made the kite dance. Tracie frequently took a child-like joy in doing things she found fun.

After she had flown the kite for a while, I said, "Mom said that all of you were really hurting. Meg told me about breaking up with Steve. You seem to be in a good mood this weekend. Would you mind telling me what's hurting you?"

"Nothing's hurting me," said Tracie said in a dismissive tone. "I haven't gone through a dramatic breakup or anything."

I wondered if she was not willing to share what was bothering her or if Mom had been wrong when she said all three sisters were hurting.

"But my job..." said Tracie cautiously, like she wasn't sure if she wanted to say this. "My job sucks. I hate my boss. I work way too many hours. It's utterly killed my social life," she said in a sudden torrent.

"Wow. That's awful. I'm sorry to hear it." Tracie glanced at me and then returned to watching the kite. I waited for Tracie to say more. When she didn't, I asked. "Was it that bad from the beginning?"

"Pretty much. In the beginning, my boss told me that they were short a couple of people, and I'd have to work extra to make up for it. He said that the extra work and extra responsibility would be good for me, helping me get a lot of experience quickly. So I was fine with it initially. But..." Tracie made a face like she had eaten something bitter. "There's never a plan. Sometime after three, my boss will give me an assignment and say that I have to finish it before going home. Friday afternoon, he'll give me something massive and tell me to come in Saturday and Sunday to work on it. He's there every weekend. So I can't ever commit to attending anything. No point in buying concert tickets. If it's not your birthday or your anniversary, you need to cancel your plans when he wants you to work overtime. Which is all the time. People constantly burn out because of all the overtime, so people leave as fast as we hire new people."

"So there's always a justification for having you work overtime."

"Oh, yes. And it might be okay if my boss was a really nice guy, but he's an asshole. A total perfectionist. If you make the slightest mistake, he rips you apart. I hate it when he calls me into his office."

Tracie was a happy-go-lucky person. It was tough imagining her being perfect in her work. "So no social life, and you hate being at work."

"That sums it up pretty well," Tracie said as she nodded her head.

"Why not quit?"

"Because it'd look bad on my resume. And I'm sure my boss would give me an awful reference. I want out of there so bad, but everyone has told me that I need to work there for two years before looking."

I thought for a moment. "Haven't you been there two years?"

"Almost. I started the Monday after the Girl's weekend two years ago. So I've put enough time in. It was really hard to update my resume because I was so beat whenever I got home. But Meg and Olivia got me through. Olivia gave me a lot of advice on what I should put on my resume. Meg proofread every individual word and checked every fact. She pushed me hard to finish my resume before this weekend, threatening to not let me come unless I did."

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