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Bed Breakfast & Beyond


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Ava cried, and almost melted, when the Friday of the second week of trial after a quick but intense mating session Jubal said "I've got a surprise for you Ava."

"What...what...tell me," she beamed.

Jubal went into his closet and came out with a box wrapped in flowered wrapping paper and handed it to her. "Something sexy for the sexiest woman in Tennessee," he grinned.

Not used to receiving presents, especially with such a nice wrapping, Ava carefully unwrapped the box and then opened it. It was a slinky dress, with the primary color the same aquamarine color of Ava's eyes.

"I love it," she cried out, and immediately put it on, still otherwise naked from her sexual festivities with Jubal. It fit her perfectly. When she looked at herself in the mirror she started crying even more.

Jubal came up and comforted her. "Why the tears, sexy?"

"I can't keep it; Harrison would never let me wear something like this and would wonder where I got it."

"You can wear it just with me; I'll keep it in my closet; you would be depriving the world of your beauty if you don't wear it," Jubal smiled.

The kiss he got from Ava curled his toes.


After yet another one of their amazing mutually rewarding sexcapdes on the Monday of the third week of trial after they had engaged in scintillating pillow talk for a few minutes Jubal kissed Ava and said "I've got to get up, siren; I have to have a research project for Athena before she cross-examines a witness tomorrow morning."

"Who's the witness?" Ava asked.

"He's a local guy by the name of Barney Beauregard; he's supposed to be one of their star witnesses," Jubal nonchalantly replied, "but so far I haven't found out anything about him in the numerous data bases that I've searched."

"Not one of the Cedar Hill Beauregards is he?" Ava asked.

"I think his mailing address is in Cedar Hill; why?"

"One of my friends, Mrs. Emma Portnoy, knows the Cedar Hill Beauregard clan well. You could talk to her."

Jubal's face lit up. "Quick, get dressed; give her a call and ask if we can come over right now," Jubal excitedly said, jumping out of bed.

Eighty two year old Mrs. Portnoy was always happy to see and talk to Ava who she considered her surrogate granddaughter. Jubal and Ava were visiting her within twenty minutes, after Jubal called a local maid service to come and clean the rooms in Nestled B&B since Ava going with Jubal was a much more productive thing for her to do.

The information that Mrs. Portnoy -- or Miss Emma as she preferred to be called since her husband had passed away ten years earlier -- had was not golden -- it was platinum. In addition to the information she even had a few supporting documents and said that more were in the town clerk's office in Cedar Hill. After Jubal got all of the information he needed within about fifty minutes and texted a preliminary report to Janice, he got ready to go to Cedar Hill.

While Ava was in the bathroom Miss Emma went up to Jubal, stuck her finger in his chest, and said "You need to take that wonderful girl Ava away from that fat old creep Harrison. She's good breeding stock you know, big hips and large mammary glands -- and so sweet."

Jubal was initially at a loss for words, but quickly recovered. "Oh, Ava and I are just friends," he said.

"Bullshit, Jubal Fleming. I've never seen that girl so happy -- she is literally glowing -- and she wouldn't have that glow unless she got it in your bed. Now be good to her, you here!"

"Uh...yes ma'am," was all that Jubal could croak out, fortunately saved from more embarrassment by Ava returning.

Since maids were cleaning the B&B -- at Madison & Cardoza expense -- and Jubal needed Ava, he took her with him to Cedar Hill. It was lucky that he did because the crusty old man who was the clerk of Cedar Hill had no use for the fancy Vanderbilt boy -- but country girl Ava was able to sweet talk him out of anything she wanted. Jubal and Ava giddily returned to Springfield after about 90 minutes in Cedar Hill.

After Jubal paid the maid service, and completed -- with Ava's help -- a comprehensive, documented, report on Barney Beauregard the trial team returned to Nestled B&B, court having ended early that day. Jubal insisted that Ava sit in with him while he presented what they found to Athena. While Ava was awed by and scared of Athena she relished the opportunity to see how a confident intelligent woman handled herself.

When Jubal completed his presentation to Athena -- being sure to credit Ava whenever appropriate -- Athena got a million dollar smile on her face. Not normally one to demonstrate emotion she hugged Jubal, and then to Ava's surprise hugged Ava too. While Athena had been her stellar self in the courtroom some of the evidence had not gone her way and she was grateful for this opportunity to help the case.

"I'd like to come to the courtroom tomorrow when Barney testifies, and bring Ava along," Jubal told Athena.

"Sure -- why not," Athena smiled.

"We'll have to spring for maid service again tomorrow," Jubal continued.

"BFD," Athena laughed. "Bring Ava along."

Jubal insisted that Ava wear her new dress to court, even if it was a little too flashy for a court proceeding. She looked like a billion dollars in it, certainly helped by the incandescent radiance that had characterized her face ever since her first sexual encounter with Jubal.

At 9:00 a. m. the next day Barney Beauregard started his direct testimony, which lasted about an hour and a half. It was devastating to Madison's client's case. After a ten minute bathroom break Athena started her cross-examination about 10:40.

Since documents used solely for impeachment of a witness' testimony did not have to be on Madison's pretrial document list the plaintiff's attorney had never seen them before; and Beauregard had no idea that Athena had them. Athena used the documents and the information from Miss Emma with the precision of a surgeon wielding a scalpel as she destroyed point after point of Beauregard's direct testimony. When she was finished with him about 11:30 he was a broken man, the plaintiff's attorneys were in disarray, and the jurors scowled at the plaintiff's table.

There was no re-direct.

Judge Clement chuckled as he said "I think that we need to break early for lunch today."

Ava was absolutely enthralled by the proceedings. She was concentrating on them so much that she didn't even realize that she had been squeezing Jubal's hand during the entire cross-examination. Jubal had no problem with that and smiled warmly at Ava when she recognized it.

The cross-examination of Barney Beauregard was the turning point in the litigation. The defense concluded its case quickly so that closing arguments were made and jury instructions given out by noon on Friday, so the case went to the jury immediately after lunch. Ava got to see Athena's closing and was even more awed. Ava realized for the first time in her life that a Tennessee woman could be anything that she wanted to be.

While the jury was receiving its boring instructions and the rest of the Madison & Cardoza team aside from Jubal was still in the courtroom, still charged up from her awe of Athena's closing, Ava rode Jubal like she was a $10,000 a night call girl causing them both to temporarily lose consciousness after their climaxes.


Apparently Athena had left no doubt in the jurors' minds as to who should prevail in the trial -- and probably helped by their desire to end their service before the weekend -- since by 3:30 p. m., a mere three and a half hours after getting their instructions, on the third Friday of the trial the jurors came back with their verdict. Madison & Cardoza's client was found not liable on the claims brought by the plaintiff, and was awarded over $4,000,000 on Athena's counterclaim.

The mood at Nestled B&B that night was joyous. Even the normally stoic Athena was totally enjoying herself first at the dinner in the best restaurant in Springfield paid for by the VP of the client, and then after drinks were brought back to Nestled B&B. Harrison was invited to the dinner -- he didn't know that it was because Ava had helped the case immensely -- and didn't even complain when she wore her new aquamarine dress from Jubal, although she lied to Harrison and told him that she had borrowed it from Athena who -- in fact -- was almost exactly Ava's size (except at the chest).

That night Harrison got drunk and passed out in the living room, as did Simon. Janice and Samuel barely made it to their rooms before also succumbing. Even Athena was giddy -- though far from drunk. Jubal and Ava simply nursed drinks all night while partaking in the merriment just as much as the others. They had plans to spend their first night ever together and didn't want to have alcohol prevent maximum enjoyment.

The next morning saw Athena getting up at her normal time of 6 a. m. After a half hour of exercise she did a post mortem of all aspects of the trial. She came to the conclusion that Jubal had -- besides herself of course -- been the most valuable member of the team. His quick turnaround of projects, all of which were completed thoroughly and accurately and written up and documented in a most desirable way, were instrumental in getting the phenomenal result that they had gotten. She wrote up a list of bonuses to be awarded to the team members to be presented to the management group (the management group ALWAYS concurred with her recommendations since she was the biggest rainmaker in the firm in addition to being the most skilled litigator) putting Jubal's at the top.

By 8:30 a. m. Athena had made her way down to the lobby. Harrison was still out of it; Simon dragged himself up to his room shortly after Athena arrived. She was surprised not to see Jubal eating breakfast since she knew that he had not consumed much alcohol and was always an early riser, and she was perplexed as to why Ava had not set out initial breakfast goodies and wasn't available to make omelets as she normally was.

Deciding that Jubal must be awake Athena went to his room to give him the good news about his bonus andto thank him for the splendid work that he had done. She lightly rapped on his door, heard a sound that she interpreted as "come in," and opened the door.

Imagine Athena's surprise when she saw a naked Jubal laying pipe in a naked Ava in the doggy position, reciprocating with alacrity as Ava moaned in pleasure while her prodigious tits flopped back and forth sounding like a crowd clapping.

Athena's initial reaction was jealousy; she hadn't been laid in a month, and it had been a long time since someone as virile as Jubal had fucked her. She couldn't help but admire Ava's sleek body and big tits; although Athena worked out regularly and was a slim athletic woman she considered that her body paled in comparison's to Ava's. No wonder Jubal and Ava had seemed so upbeat the last three weeks despite the pressures of the trial for Jubal, and the pressures on Ava of meeting the team's needs.

Fortunately the lovers were so deep in the throes of passion that neither noticed her; so she gently closed the door, went to her room, and masturbated.

By noon all the team members were again among the living. Harrison was still like a zombie, but that was of no concern. Jubal and Ava were particularly happy.

Athena went around to all of the team members privately and individually and told them what she was going to recommend for their bonus. She talked to Jubal last. After complimenting him on his good work and revealing the amount of the bonus Jubal was justifiably pleased. Before leaving, however, he asked "Can I run something else by you, Athena?"

He and Samuel called her Athena though Simon and Janice called her Ms. Warlock.

"Sure Jubal, what's up?"

"I was wondering if the firm has the need for a new low level employee; maybe someone to work in the mail room, take care of the facilities, or train to be a receptionist."

"Why, do you have someone in mind?"

"Uh...well...yes I do. Ava. She's not educated but is smart and she was the key to me getting all of the information about Beauregard which you've said was one of the four or five most significant events in the trial."

"Are you expecting her to leave Springfield for Memphis?"

"Uh...well I want to ask her to do that."

"Where will she live?" Athena asked, although she knew the answer.

Now Jubal was blushing and turning red. "With me; we sort of have a really good relationship."

"Sounds like it," Athena chuckled while thinking "if what I saw this morning is 'sort of' I couldn't recover from seeing the real thing." Athena paused and then continued "I think that the chances of working something out are good enough -- especially since she has board with you -- so that you could bring her if she's willing."

"Thank you," Jubal gushed as he rose, helped Athena up from her seat, and gave her an impromptu hug. He realized that he may have gone overboard in doing that, but Athena smiled. Before exiting Athena's room Jubal turned to her and said "By the way, Ava thinks that you're the greatest woman in Tennessee. She told me that seeing you makes her believe that a woman can do anything if she's smart and works hard. She'd do anything for you."

"Thanks," Athena laughed.


After his talk with Athena and while all of the team members were getting ready to leave, and when Ava's work was completed, Jubal ushered her into his room. "Ava -- I want you to come to Memphis with me."

Tears welled in Ava's eyes; she kissed Jubal but then turned somber. "I can't let you support me and Harrison will be mad; and where would I live."

"First of all, forget Harrison. He treats you like a servant -- he can hire another one. Second, I won't be supporting you entirely. I talked to Athena and she told me that it's very likely you can get a job at Madison & Cardoza. Third, of course you'll live with me. If I'm not already in love with you I'm a hair's breath away. Please come with me."

Ava started crying more, kissed him again, and then asked "Do you really mean it?"

"I've never meant anything more," he smiled. "By the way, leave most of your clothes behind; I just got a big bonus and we'll get you a new wardrobe in Memphis."

"How long until you leave?"

"I've made arrangements with Janice to drive the van with all of our documents and trial exhibits back starting first thing tomorrow morning. We'll leave at 8 a. m. then."

Ava kissed him passionately enough to set off smoke detectors. Then she said "You may not be sure that you love me, but I'm sure that I love you. There's someone I need to talk to then I'll start planning what to bring with me."

Within the next hour in the firm's van Jubal drove all of the other team members to the Nashville airport. While he was doing that Ava went to see Mrs. Emma Portnoy.

After Ava and Emma exchanged real hugs Ava said "Emma I can't believe it; Jubal has asked me to come with him to Memphis and I'm going."

"I knew that boy was smart," Emma cackled. "Don't waste a minute thinking about Harrison. He never treated you right and you can't miss the opportunity to hook up with a stud like Jubal."

"I hate to leave you though, Emma; you've been a great friend to me."

"Child, I love you like my own granddaughter and your happiness means the world to me. But you've got to get some new clothes; you can't wear those frumpy rags Harrison buys for you if you're with a man like Jubal. Wait a second," Emma said as she walked into her kitchen, pulled out a strongbox from a cabinet, opened it up with a key, counted out thirty $100 bills, and handed them to Ava."

"I can't accept this from you Emma," Ava said trying to push the money back. "What will you live on -- you're too generous."

"First of all I'm a rich old lady who doesn't have anything to spend my money on. Second I can't think of anything that will make me happier than giving you this money. Take it, child."

With tears and the exchange of another hug Ava did take the money.


The next morning as Jubal got ready to leave and took Ava's two suitcases to put them in the van Harrison exited his bedroom with a wifebeater shirt on, making his large gut even more pronounced.

"Where are you going, Ava?" he inquired while scratching an armpit.

"I'm glad that you're awake, Harrison. I'm going to Memphis with Jubal. I don't want anything of yours in the divorce. You can hire someone to replace me as your servant. Goodbye Harrison."

"Why you ungrateful bitch..." Harrison started to say puffing up his chest and moving toward Ava. Jubal stood between them and diffused the situation.

"Thanks for the accommodations Harrison," Jubal said as he shook Harrison's hand despite Harrison's reluctance to do so. "Also, I promise to take good care of Ava -- I'll treat her the loving way that she should be treated. I'll take care of all of the divorce papers, no charge to you."

Harrison was stunned enough that he didn't make another sound until twenty seconds later Jubal was helping Ava into the passenger's seat of the van. Then Harrison started yelling something, but the lovers ignored him.


Except for a stop to make love -- because that's what sex between Ava and Jubal now was -- they made it to Memphis in good time.

Ava started working in the mail room at Madison & Cardoza the Wednesday after they got back. Monday and Tuesday she used $2500 of the money that Emma had given her to buy a new wardrobe, nothing too expensive but everything flattering to her bikini-ready body, or proper for work while still not being too conservative.

The divorce -- which Simon handled gratis for Ava -- went through quickly since Ava wasn't asking for anything. Two months after her divorce Ava became Mrs. Fleming. Within a year and a half she had gotten her GED, the first woman in her extended family to do so.

Jubal went to law school while working part time at Madison &Cardoza while Ava became the best receptionist that the firm had ever had making a good impression on clients, attorneys, and staff alike. Ultimately Ava delivered four Fleming children -- three girls and a boy. Ava taught all three girls that they could be anything that they wanted to be and her teachings took since one became a doctor, another became a state Senator, and the third a concert pianist. Jubal became the top litigator at Madison & Cardoza taking Athena's place when she semi-retired at the age of 65.

If this were a fairy tale you could say "And they lived happily ever after -- forever deeply in love and still joyously copulating numerous times a week -- always grateful for the 'Beyond' in 'Bed Breakfast & Beyond.'"

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GuyfromShadesGuyfromShades5 months ago

Great love story. Thanks for your writing,

IEnjoyEroticaIEnjoyEroticaabout 1 year ago

Too bad the story started with jubal raping Ava. She did tell no several times.

NoTalentHackNoTalentHackalmost 2 years ago

Here's what I really like about this story: you took damn near every one of the Loving Wives tropes: the rich, good looking, seductive lawyer (well, paralegal) from a big town; the wife plucked from poverty by her husband; the hapless husband who ahs no idea about the affair until it's too late; a heavy element of NC in the first seduction; the wife turned almost entirely at first by her sexual awakening; and even more. And then, because of a shift in perspective, you made people love it, or at least like it at currently a 4.14 rating.

Told from the husband's perspective, this is the story of a slick-talking, rich prettyboy that came into town with his big city lawyer friends and seduced his wife from under his nose, a wife that he had pulled up from poverty and ill-education. Yes, they both had to work, but that was just how things were, blah blah blah. There's a tragedy on the other end of this story, and it's one told over and over in the LW stories where the life leaves the husband for "no reason." Nicely done.

Davester37Davester37almost 2 years ago

This is a sweet story and I enjoyed reading it a lot. The characters are interesting and well-developed and the plot makes sense. You write well, and the editing is very good. I also really appreciate the setting and the “southern charm.”

Thank you for writing and thank you for sharing your work.

StrappySandalsStrappySandalsalmost 2 years ago

A good dude finding a hidden gem of a woman... nice!! And I loved the visual of Ava being fucked from behind with her big titties flopping... Iamhapless gets 5- stars for this one!!

dikupinyadikupinyaalmost 2 years ago
until she cheats again.


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