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Bed Intruder

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He wakes up with his friend on top of him - and she's naked!
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AUTHOR'S NOTE AND A WARNING TO READERS: Please read the rosa-blanca.ru and make sure you are comfortable with all of them before proceeding. Note that this story is about anal sex, and that there is no vaginal penetration included. You have been warned.

All of the characters in the story are eighteen or older.

All of my stories are copyrighted, including this one.


Amandus woke up - startled - feeling the weight on top of him.

"Relax, relax.. It's just me.." Zara said, her voice low and unexpectedly shy.

"W-What are you doing in my apartment..? And why are you on top of me..?" Amandus was completely perplexed. He had been friends with Zara for ten years, ever since they were children - but to wake up in the middle of the night with her on top of him felt bizarre, to say the least. He had just recently moved out to live on his own, giving one of his spare keys to his parents, and the other to her, seeing as they were the closest of friends. But what was she doing here at this hour?

"Please, just.. Let me stay here.. Don't make a fuss.." She sounded vulnerable, a tone Amandus hadn't heard from her for years now, and it sent an involuntary shiver down his spine. But the way she looked at him in the dimmed light of his bedroom, under the same covers as him, staring at him so intensely - it made it hard for Amandus to find the proper response.

"Are you.. Naked?" he asked, the word nearly getting caught in his throat..

Zara exhaled a small, embarrassed chuckle, before answering with a breathy whisper: "Yes..."

Amandus had to swallow. "Uhm.. And why is that?" he asked carefully.

"Look, just.. Don't question it.." Zara sighed, looking away from his eyes, and seeming somewhat ashamed of her confession. Amandus felt his throat go dry at those words. His mind was reeling, trying to make sense of this whole situation. "I'm not asking you to do anything.. Just.. Let me sleep here, on top of you. Just cuddles. Please." Her voice came out needy, filled with a certain desperation.

"Uhm.. Okay," he stammered, completely bewildered, while she shuffled around a bit to make herself more comfortable, resting her head against his bare chest as if it was her new favourite pillow. He was only wearing his boxers and was otherwise nude as well. "But let me get this straight.." he said, hesitantly. "You went over to my place in the middle of the night, with the spare key, then undressed yourself, and crawled into my bed?"

Zara's breathing turned shallow and her fingers played with Amandus' chest hair as she whispered: "Yes.. And? I said not to question it.."

They were both quiet for at least a minute, but Amandus could not relax at all. Her naked body on top of his had been distracting, but not in a bad way. Now that his eyes were getting used to the dark, it felt even more forbidden somehow. The feeling of her bare skin against his sent chills up his spine - it was very strange, but pleasant at the same time.

"Just go back to sleep.." she murmured, sounding sleepy already.

"Listen, you're welcome here at any time. I'll always be there for you. But.. Did something happen? You can talk to me.."

He could feel Zara's lips twist into a small smile as she whispered: "Thank you, Amandus.. But nothing happened." He could feel her soft breathing against his skin, which combined with the pleasant weight of her body made him feel warm and fuzzy all over. Then, she placed a little kiss on his chest. It felt incredibly intimate.

"Is this.. I mean.. Are you trying to seduce me in some strange and unique way? You've always been a weirdo, you know.." Amandus tried to crack a joke, hoping it would make her relax more. But he was feeling a bit nervous at the prospect. They were friends, but neither of them had ever really expressed a sexual interest in the other. They had been friends for so long, it just felt like their relationship dynamic was pretty set - and neither one of them had any desire to change it. Or at least, that's what he thought until tonight.

"... Do you not want me to sleep here? Would you rather have someone else?" Zara sounded wounded and there was a hint of frustration in her voice. A soft kind of sadness, as if she really wanted Amandus to say that he wanted her there.

"You can stay here, it's just.. Very strange." He played with her hair a little bit as if to show her that he was interested in keeping her there. "You never acted like this around me before."

Zara sighed. "Yeah, I know," she said quietly. "My mistake."

There was a small pause before Amandus dared to ask: "Does this mean anything..? Or are you just lonely and had a hard day or something..?"

Zara huffed a little. "Well, yes, my day was awful. But that has nothing to do with the fact that I'm here.." she answered, not moving. "Now go back to sleep. It's late and I'm tired." She grabbed one of his arms and put it on her back, then reached out for the other and did the same thing, so that he was holding her. She squirmed a little bit, attempting to get comfortable once more, and then let out a satisfied sigh. Amandus found this behaviour very cute and amusing, and for some reason it made his heart feel light in his chest.

"You're so weird.." he said softly, but he was smiling now, and he tightened his grip around her a little bit. They went quiet again for another minute or two, Zara seemingly listening to his heartbeat, while he listened to her breathing.

"Amandus?" she asked after a while.

"Hmm?" he replied lazily. He was tired too, but this whole situation felt so surreal and strange that he couldn't quite relax.

"You can touch my butt if you want.." she said quietly. Amandus was silent, not sure how to reply. Was she serious?

"Why would I do that..? Does your butt need a massage or something?" he chuckled, still amused by her weird behaviour.

"No! No," she laughed a bit as well, sounding slightly embarrassed. "You just.. It doesn't really matter. Just pretend like I didn't say anything." She sounded defeated. Another moment of silence, and then she added: "But I've seen you look at it sometimes."

This made Amandus laugh out loud. This whole conversation was just very silly to him - and the fact that she had been thinking about his lecherous glances while she was naked and in bed with him only made it all even more surreal and bizarre. But, at the same time, he kind of liked that she saw him look at her body and found it hot enough to come over and seduce him. She was really a very attractive girl, and Amandus wouldn't have minded a night with Zara, but it felt too strange right now to go through with it like this. Under these circumstances.

"Why are you laughing!?" she sounded annoyed, so he held on to her even tighter.

"I'm a young man, Zara. Of course I'll look at your butt sometimes. I can't help it." He stroked her head gently as he spoke.

"...So, does that mean you want to do something to it? Touch it? Kiss it? Make love to it?" she asked curiously, and there was a hint of shyness in her voice. "I know what you like."

Amandus hesitated. He had enjoyed holding Zara like this and feeling her naked body pressed against his, but he didn't really know how to answer her. "You should be more careful who you say these things to, or they might start taking advantage of you," he replied in a warning tone.

"Well, you wouldn't take advantage, would you?" she asked innocently. "You'd treat me right. You're the nicest guy I know." She placed another kiss on his chest, burrowing her face there. "And I wouldn't say that sort of thing to anyone but you.." she mumbled.

Amandus hesitated before speaking again. "Is.. That what you really want, Zara?" he asked.

She seemed confused by the question. "Listen, I told you to go back to sleep.. If that's not good enough for you, then.. Then I offer you my butt. I know that's your kink - you've told me before that you look at butt stuff in porn, remember? And if that's not good enough either, then you can find someone else to hold you.." her voice came out quietly. It was as if she was upset now.

"That's not what I meant!" he replied quickly. "I'm just trying to figure out what you want."

She sighed deeply. "To go to sleep on top of you. I've told you that." Her voice was cold, but there was something in it that Amandus couldn't put his finger on - perhaps sadness or desperation? He wanted to hear what she really had to say.

"Then tell me how you really feel about me. I'm here, I can handle it. Tell me, please," he pleaded softly, caressing her back with his manly hands.

She took a deep breath, and then she whispered: "I.. I love you, Amandus." There was a short pause. "Is that what you wanted to hear? You want me to give you my heart just so you can reject me and crush it? I can't handle it, you know.. It's not fair of you to ask that of me.." She started to weep quietly, shaking a little bit. "I just want to be near you, all the time, like this."

Amandus certainly would not have seen that coming before tonight. It seemed completely uncharacteristic of her to act in this manner. But when she got upset, he instantly felt horrible. "H-Hey, hey.. It's okay.. You don't have to be sad over that!" This was getting too much for him too - she had always been such a good friend to him, and now he felt guilty for putting her through all of this. But he had never really seen her in a romantic light before.

"It's not fair," she repeated, still crying, pressing her face against his chest. "I'm here on top of you because I like being with you. And if I get a bit weird sometimes, it's because I feel happy when I'm with you." She sniffled loudly. "You're the most important person in the world to me.. Just let me sleep here with you. Please.." Her words made Amandus' heart ache.

He held her in silence for a moment, before saying quietly: "Okay. You can sleep here, don't cry." He kept stroking her back, trying to comfort her as best as he could. She sniffled some more before kissing his chest again.

"You really are the nicest guy I know, Amandus.. Thank you," she whispered, sounding exhausted.

"Don't cry, Zara. It's okay.. Just go to sleep," he pleaded.

"...Mhm.." she mumbled. She started shifting around a bit, before settling down comfortably against his body again. Then, after another minute of silence. "Is that just for tonight, or.. Whenever I want?" she asked quietly.

He took a deep breath. "Whenever you want. But please text me first next time, instead of entering my bed like a thief in the night.."

"Yeah, okay.." she mumbled tiredly. "...You really are a sweetheart, Amandus.." She gave his chest another small kiss and nuzzled into him. "Goodnight..." she said quietly, and it sounded like she was about to drift off already.

"Sweet dreams, Zara," Amandus replied softly, continuing to play with her hair. He really felt bad about how distraught she had become, and confused about the fact that she loved him, apparently. They would need to talk about that in the morning. He really did not want to hurt her feelings. In many ways, she was his closest friend. Certainly, the one he trusted the most. Maybe he'd be able to see her in a romantic way if he just gave himself some time? Despite all the questions spinning around in his head, his tiredness won in the end, and he fell back asleep, with the petite little Zara on top of him, her warm body pressing against his manly form.

--- 2 ---

When he woke up in the morning, the sun was already up, soft rays of light flooding in from the window. He could feel her on top of him even before he opened his eyes, though she was hovering over him a bit, and when he opened his eyes to look at her face, he noticed she was looking down towards his crotch. That was the moment he realized that he had a massive case of morning wood.

He shifted, and her eyes darted up to his, her expression guilty. "I didn't touch it, I promise!" she said with a frightened tone to her voice. "Don't be mad at me!" She looked as if she was afraid he would punish her.

He snorted a little, smiling. "Calm down, I know you didn't touch it.. Don't worry, I'm not upset with you." He looked her over with his eyes, still finding it strange to see her naked body. She didn't seem to make any attempts at covering herself up, and welcomed his gaze. Her skin was pale, and very smooth, her breasts were small but perky and held firmly on top of her chest, and her tummy was flat. She was undoubtedly very attractive.

"It's really big.." she commented in a very quiet tone. "Like, the biggest I've ever seen.." Amandus couldn't help but laugh at her reaction, and she blushed a little. "N-Not that I've seen many.. I mean.. You know I'm still a virgin right?" she muttered awkwardly, clearly flustered now.

"Yes, I know. You tell me pretty much everything that's going on in your life. I don't think you have a secret boyfriend or something.." he replied teasingly, shifting his hips a little again to make himself more comfortable. The way she looked at his crotch was cute. But it was also kind of awkward. He suddenly noticed that she wasn't wearing any underwear and felt his member stir a little.

"Oh, but I do have a secret boyfriend.." she giggled, and climbed up so she could place a quick peck on Amandus's lips. "I just don't think he knows yet!" Her expression turned sly all of a sudden and Amandus chuckled.

"Right, right.. So the secret is kept even from him.. Very clever.." he joked, then paused before raising an eyebrow. "Just so we're clear, you're talking about me, right? I don't want some guy to barge in here thinking you cheated on him or something.."

"Yeah, dummy. I'm talking about you.." Zara chuckled at Amandus's concerned expression. "I'll win you over. You'll see!" she teased, booping him on his nose, before lying down on top of him again, wrapping her arms around him as best as she could, and resting her head against his chest. She was obviously quite happy with herself, and with being there, but there was a hint of sadness too.

Amandus caressed her hair, watching her for a moment while thinking about what had happened last night. Her words had stirred up a lot of emotions within him, and it was not something he wanted to deal with right now, so instead he asked her: "So.. What was that thing with your butt? That you said I could do?"

She froze instantly and her cheeks started to redden, looking very embarrassed now. "Oh come on," he said with a slightly exasperated voice. "Don't tell me you actually have a thing for that.. How did I not know about this!?"

"W-Well.. I didn't use to.. But.. You look really hot when you stare at it sometimes.. And you keep giving me nice compliments about it, like that time we went swimming together. Plus, I know it's one of your biggest fantasies. So now I do very much have a thing for it," she answered in an embarrassed voice.

Amandus laughed. "You got turned on because of the swimsuit comment?" he asked teasingly. He noticed that she had shifted herself a bit on top of his shaft, which sent a jolt of pleasure through his body. His manhood was still stiff and eager to go.

"Noooo!" she protested, her eyes darting away from his face and down towards the blanket covering them both. "That's not why! It's just.. You made me feel beautiful. And you also made my butt feel beautiful. I just really wanted to be your girlfriend.." she muttered quietly, with a little pouty face.

"Okay, okay.. Well, as your secret boyfriend, I promise to really consider your proposal, and if I should choose to accept, then I also guarantee that your butt will forever be loved and cared for. Does that make you happy?" he replied teasingly, stroking her cheek.

"Yes it does," Zara replied without hesitation, her gaze meeting his once again. There was a short pause. "But I don't want to pressure you into anything. So instead I'm going to prove to you that I would make an amazing girlfriend! I'm going to make you breakfast! And I'm going to impress you! And when we're finished eating, then you can tell me what you think about me.. And my butt.." She paused, smirking, before continuing in a suggestive tone. "And maybe you could give it a little kiss too.."

With that, she sat up and started getting out of the bed, climbing over Amandus to do so. She moved in such a way that the whole length of her naked body passed right over his crotch, brushing against him softly. He gasped, and grabbed onto her, pulling her back into the bed, before flipping them both around so that she was pinned underneath him. He leaned down over her and started kissing her hungrily, their tongues meeting with a sudden eagerness, as if the kiss was long overdue.

Zara responded by wrapping her legs around him, holding him tightly against her body, her fingers intertwining themselves in his curly hair. When they broke apart for air, he could see that there was a huge smile on her face. "So.. My butt is ready, now what are you going to do about it?"

"Zara.. Don't you need to.. I mean.. Prep for that sort of thing? And besides, you're a virgin.." Amandus tried to sound calm and collected but his heart was pounding hard. It seemed to be beating much faster than usual. "You know, like, getting some lubrication and stuff?"

"Oh.. Yeah, I brought that.." She giggled and reached out for her purse which she had left on the nightstand last night, opening it up to pull out a small bottle of lube. "A-And I haven't eaten anything for a long time, to make sure I'm definitely clean.." she mumbled, blushing again. She had obviously planned this little excursion very well in advance, and Amandus couldn't help but feel quite baffled again.

"Wow.. Uhm.. Okay. I'll take care of your butt," he said softly, accepting her offer. There was no way he could say no to that cute little girl looking up at him with those big doe-like eyes. "B-But.. You're sure that's what you want to do first?" he asked again, not wanting her to feel rushed into anything.

"Oh, 100% super sure! If I'm going to get you to fall in love with my tushie, then I better start on the right foot.." she grinned, her hands stroking his arms. "This is my secret seduction plan! And it's clearly working.." she teased, and kissed him again.

Amandus could not deny that it felt good when she held him like this, but he was starting to get concerned. He wasn't exactly experienced with girls either - he had only been with two back in school - and this was all very new and a bit overwhelming to him. He had certainly never tried anal sex before. "I.. Uhm.. Wow, I really had not expected this from you."

Zara chuckled softly. "Well, yeah.. Me neither, honestly. B-But.." she averted her gaze. "I've been wanting to do this for a long time.. So it was about time I finally found the courage.." She paused for a moment before continuing in a small voice: "Also, I can't believe how much your cock is throbbing.."

Amandus blushed too now and smiled awkwardly. His shaft was pushing against her body, though still uncomfortably constrained by the fabric of his underwear. "So, how do you want to do this, exactly..?" he asked carefully, having a feeling that she had dreamt of this many times, and wanted things done a certain way.

"W-Well," Zara began. "First you should get completely naked.." She was blushing very hard, her gaze not meeting Amandus's as she spoke. "And.. Then you can take me from behind.. And just.. Have your way with me until you make a mess inside my butt..? Sounds good?" She looked at him expectantly, biting her lip and waiting for his approval.

Amandus couldn't believe how naughty she was being, nor how adorable he found her in this moment. He pulled back, and finally slipped out of his underwear, freeing his thick and throbbing shaft. His cock sprang up instantly, pointing upwards a little bit, and Zara's eyes went wide as she stared at it. "Wow.. You really have a monster there.." she whispered in awe. "Y-You have to push it inside me before it explodes, okay!?" she exclaimed excitedly.


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