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Click hereShe remained perfectly still and silent for a moment, as if contemplating what had just happened or what to do next. Her breathing was rapid and I could feel her breasts pressing harder against me with each breath she took. Just a moment later, I felt her finger move up and down my pussy, and then directly on my clit, slowly rubbing it. My body shook, and I drew in a sharp breath, making her stop.
"Oh, was that ok?" Marianne asked, her forehead against mine.
Hell yes that was ok, I thought, fighting the urge to plunge her head between my legs right at that moment. Biting my lip softly, I responded, "Very, very ok, yes yes. Keep touching me."
Her finger began massaging me again, giving me the impression that this is how she fingered herself while masturbating. While somewhat rudimentary, her technique was effective, bringing me closer to the edge of my first climax of the evening. For Marianne, it would be another kind of first, her first time making another woman cum, crossing yet another proverbial line.
I moaned and gripped her tightly, holding on for dear life, wanting to keep her inside the experience, deepening the connection I knew she was feeling with me. It felt incredible, and knowing it was her first experience heightened the thrill for me beyond belief. While I had occasionally felt the delight of seducing a straight girl, this was different, more powerful, and exciting.
All at once, I felt a rush erupt from where she was touching me, and I felt unable to hold on to her as a strong orgasm washed over me. My body fell back against the pillow, facing up towards my straight lover, fighting to keep my eyes open and locked with hers. As a second and third wave passed over me, my eyes closed involuntarily and my body arched upwards, thrashing a bit, and falling back to the bed several seconds later. I felt my legs trembling and twitching for a short time afterwards, and I tried to catch my breath as the sensations finally began fading away.
When I opened my eyes, I saw Marianne hovering over me, face concerned, but with her skin flushed all over as well. "That was...the most beautiful thing I have ever seen...amazing." she said, her voice cracking.
I could tell by her body language and lack of composure that just watching me cum had turned her on a lot. Like before, her body was in control much more so than her mind, making it at least possible that she would consider venturing into things that she might not have even considered before. I reached up to touch her face and she kissed my hand. Taste me, I thought in my mind, but feared to say it out loud.
I pulled Marianne's sexy face between my breasts, which made her sigh contentedly, which I took as a positive sign. She kissed the valley between my breasts gently, even licking the spot and the sides of my breasts a bit, all of which felt amazing. Testing the waters a bit, I gently pushed her head down an inch or two and felt no resistance from her. So far, so good.
With the greatest care, I guided her face lower, and she began kissing my tummy over and over, apparently enjoying the softness of the skin there. I could explain away everything up to that point as playfulness, but the second I continued the game my intentions would be quite clear. I admitted to myself that I truly felt affection for Marianne, and genuinely liked her, and that even with all that had taken place that she was not simply a thrilling conquest. But I also wanted her, wanted her between my legs, wanted her long blonde hair on my legs as she ate my pussy.
I almost spoke again, but opted for silence, save that of our shared gasps and moans. I began pushing her lower once again, leaving no doubt as to the destination I had in mind for her. Any second now and the reality of it all could hit her and she might run away. Gently I nudged her lower and lower until she was firmly planted between my legs, face to face with the most intimate part of my body.
Marianne's eyes were wide, particularly as I saw her detect my scent, which seemed to mesmerize her, keeping her perfectly still. I suspected that the heat emanating from me might have felt overpowering, but she never moved.
"Never...been this....close.....before. So..delicate."" she said in a loud whisper.
As she continued to stare, my patience began disintegrating, making me feel the urge to give her a final push, an impulse I could no longer contain. Marianne let out a surprised gasp as her virgin lips came into full contact with my soaking wet pussy. "" I managed to utter through the thick cloud of lust wrapped around my mind.
Marianne's tongue pushed against my wetness as I gently held her trembling head to me, sending shockwaves through my body. Looking down, I saw her face wedged between my parted legs, her eyes closed, given over to what she was doing. The sight alone nearly triggered another orgasm, her tongue now sliding inside of me, taking in my taste and apparently loving it. She seemed to like the playful talk I had used on her earlier and it seemed appropriate in that moment as well.
"Mmmmmmm good girl, you are doing such a good job licking my pussy." I said approvingly. At this point, I seriously doubted that some sexy talk would trigger a negative reaction in her. Instead it seemed to spur her on, as her tongue got even busier once I said it. She was finding her way, trying different things with her lips and tongue until I reacted.
Marianne was clearly far from an expert, but it amazed me how quickly she figured out what worked. This wasn't a tentative lick or half-hearted effort, she was giving herself into it completely, which by itself was beyond sexy. "Oh fuck yes...just like that. Mmmmm yes eat me. Oh gawd you are doing so well." I said, now void of any shred of self-control.
Just a few gyrations of her tongue sealed the deal for me, unleashing one of the best orgasms I could ever remember. Tingles ripped through my entire body, making me twitch uncontrollably, lifting my midsection off the bed as my back curved upward. The only conscious thought I could manage was to hold on to Marianne, which I hoped was not too aggressive. I wanted her to stay there, for us to remain literally connected in a physical way. No one else mattered, nothing else was more important than that, than her. My climax lasted so long that I lost any sense of time, and it took me a full minute to regain my senses.
As I looked down at Marianne, we both broke into unexpected laughter, not of amusement but at the profound level of enjoyment we felt together in that moment. Her face was slick with my juices, her hair was a mess, but she was the most gorgeous thing I had ever seen.
"Now it's my turn to say thanks doesn't do that justice. And wow, for a straight girl? The stuff of legends!" I said, still giggling a bit.
Marianne was quick to whip out a playful reply. "Yeah, there's no straight girl here at the moment, please leave a message at the beep." she said before we both howled with laughter.
I eagerly pulled her up next to me and wrapped myself completely around her, kissing her and tasting myself in the process. "So be it. I am not even sure at what point that became true, but who fucking cares." I said, tucking her head into my shoulder.
"Well I..." she began.
"Shh!" I scolded, putting my finger to her lips.
Marianne giggled again as I pulled the covers over us, kissing her on the forehead."Sorry that was so quick, it only took us a couple of hours." I said, giggling in return.
"Mmmm" she replied, snuggling into me, contentedly closing her eyes. To my surprise, her breathing deepened shortly after, clearly giving in to sleep after our passionate lovemaking.
"G'night, good girl." I said playfully, falling into slumber not long after.
I was jolted awake sometime later by loud and seemingly angry bangs on the door, making me sit up quickly. Marianne whimpered something and pulled a pillow over her head to block out the noise from the door and the sunlight flooding through the windows. I squinted and looked at the clock, which if it was correct, told me it was mid-morning by now.
I jumped up and grabbed one of the fluffy robes hanging near the bathroom, tying it securely and heading to the other room to open the door. Fortunately, the suite layout hid the view of the bedroom from the entrance completely. Turning the lock with a loud click, I opened the heavy wooden door several inches to see what asshole had the audacity to disturb me.
Charles was standing red-faced, with some underweight security guard at his back, fists clenched as if trying to prove his physical prowess. "Where the hell is my wife?" he demanded.
Honestly, at that moment I wanted nothing better than to throw the door open and let him see his neglected bride asleep in my bed. My bed. Where I had given her the greatest sexual experience of her life, something he apparently never could or would give her. Would it have been thrilling to rub it in his arrogant face? Absolutely! Would I do it? No, that was the kind of game that toxic masculinity was famous for, the endless bragging of sexual exploits, and I didn't have the stomach for that.
I sighed and shook my head. "Chuckles, I know you despise me, but what on earth would make you think I know?" I asked.
"This security guard saw the two of you talking at the party last night!" he said, getting even more angry.
I knew how to handle bullies, that one in particular, so I opened the door and came out very quickly. The motion intimidated him and forced him back several steps to avoid me crashing into him. With one hand on the door, I looked him in the eye fiercely. "You have got to be the dumbest guy walking the planet. I talked to dozens of people there last night, does that suggest for even a second that I know where any of them are right now?"
The scrawny security guard, dressed all in black, and sporting a name tag that read Randy, spoke up. "With all due respect, ma'am, I saw the two of you afterwards, and you headed to the elevators."
"Hmm, and you followed us upstairs and witnessed both of us unlock this door and walk into this room?" I scoffed. I was actually enjoying the exchange, though both men were clearly clueless.
"Well, no." Randy said, looking at the floor.
"Enough of this bullshit!" Charles bellowed.
"Quiet!" I snapped, not wanting Marianne to get up. On the one hand, it would be fun to watch him have a nuclear meltdown, but I respected the girl's privacy too much to let that happen.
"I know she's in there!" he said, in an angry whisper.
I smiled. I knew how I wanted to play this. "Well, truthfully I did meet a delightful young woman last night, and we did come back to my room. Before you ask, yes, we did have delightful lesbian sex that lasted for hours. But no, your pretty little straight wife isn't here."
Charles stood stupidly for a moment, suddenly at a loss for words. "B--but I was--" he stammered.
"Wrong is the word you are searching for, Chuckles. But bedding your wife would be a hell of a lot of fun."
Charles lunged forward to presumably attack me, but undersized Randy somehow managed to keep him from following through. "Sir, you heard her, and if you don't leave now I will call the front desk and they will drag you out." he said, suddenly sounding more confident. Defeated, Charles stormed off and I smiled at Randy as he followed.
About a half-hour later, I was sitting on the balcony with Marianne, who also had donned a robe, and we sat eating a delicious room-service breakfast and sipping coffee. Looking at me with her big green eyes, she swallowed a bite of her breakfast and cleared her throat. "I heard your little exchange with my husband by the way. Thanks for covering for me. Sorry you had to lie." she said with a warm smile.
My eyebrows went up. "First of all, a lady doesn't kiss and tell. And secondly, for the record I told him the truth." I said, sticking my tongue out at her. It delighted me that even in the light of day, we had a wonderful dynamic, and no regrets.
"Ummmm you said I wasn't here." Marianne said in a scolding tone.
"Like hell I did. I said his pretty little straight wife wasn't here. Yes, she came to my room, but she isn't here now." I replied with a wink.
I watched the wheels turn in her head and she broke into a momentary fit of adorable giggles. "Wow, nice one. And yeah, I did say that didn't I?" she said in a shy tone.
"You said it, but you also ended up making sure it was true. And you decided that on your own" I said as I raised my mimosa glass up.
Marianne picked up her glass in response and took a quick sip before clicking it against mine. "What are we toasting?" she asked, incredulous.
"To a wonderful night and an even better morning!" I said.
After drinking half of the glass, Marianne looked over at me. "So...what now?" she inquired.
"That, my dear, is up to you. But I am here for you, whatever you decide. Friends? Lovers? Something in between? All your choice." I said, hoping that would make her feel more empowered. There was no question in my mind what I wanted, but she was the one making the leap into my world.
And that was the start of an amazing relationship. Maybe I will share more about our times together someday. Who knows?
Amazing writing turned what could have been a run of the mill lesbian seduction fantasy into something very touching and very special. Sensual and sexy, with realistic characters and impeccable timing.
Brilliant And Totally Realistic. ๐
Hallo Christa!
You're story "Bedding the Trophy Wife", is brilliant! ... Queen Jackie and I, absolutely loved it,,, yes!
Honestly, this is one of the best if not the very best sapphic--lesbian love stories, we have ever read.
And we would love to read chapter two, and maybe find out what Marianne told her prick husband Chuckles about herself and Desiree?!
Thank you so much, 5-Stars and 5-Orgasms, Yum Yum.
From your two kinky dyke friends,
The Black Queen ๐ฉ๐ฟ and Gay kat ๐ฉ๐ผโ!
As an after thought, how was Marianne going to explain to 'Chuckles' were she had been all night
wonderfully written, great lesbian seduction, of a straight woman. The best that I have read on this site, It is wrong that I can only give 5*, I have given good stories 5 in the past and they were nowhere near as good as this.
I love how you bring a 1st time experience into this story. Really great writing.
Whilst Iโve got fairly strong views on cheaters, Iโve got even stronger views regarding overly entitled, homophobic, misogynistic bullies, who quite frankly deserve to reap the whirlwind imho. Any spouse unfortunate enough to be hitched to one of them deserves all the happiness they can find, cheating or not. Good story, not my first time, but itโs still as good as the first time I read it. 5โญ๏ธ, cheers, Ppfzz.
Part II? Exploring the journey as Desiree & Marianne are now a couple; she has changed companies as the fallout from Chuckles very public implosion/self-immolation making it untenable to stay...