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Beethoven Virus Ch. 02


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He stopped when the rounded end of a red crowbar was pushed into his chest. "Watch your mouth, jerk," I said menacingly, "or any one of these Officers will hang you up there with that punk, just on account of your goddamned bad manners. You think you're a big shot, but you ain't shit to me. Ask Mitt Willis what I think of big shot CEOs like you."

Woolsey's eyes widened in both horror and anger at the mention of the revered Mitt Willis... revered by the Swamp Frogs, anyway. "Why you son of a------" he started.

"Ah ah ahhh." I said. "Be very careful, Woolsey... be verrry careful." And with that, I walked away and out of the building, Teresa beside me...

Part 14 - Epilogue: The Curbing of Totalitarian Power

Sunday, April 4th. Director of National Intelligence Brendan Chapel came into his spacious, luxurious office and sat down behind his large mahogany desk. He was furious with anger, and barely controlling it.

His gambit using Charrington to cripple University Hospital and steal the Teresa Croyle Foundation donation had failed, and now Charrington was exposed, defeated, and useless. And to his utter shock, his testimony before Congress was being pilloried not only by Fox Cable, but by the Mainstream Media networks, as well. He had expected full complicity, if not support, from them, but he was not getting it.

One of his staffers had followed him into the office. "I received a phone call from Attorney General Derrick B. Harland, sir." the staffer said. "He's not going to investigate nor file charges against Senator McGill. He said 'Charrington' is so off-books that it wasn't listed as a classification by the NSA nor the Military. He also has been told that it would be much better for everyone if public mention of 'Charrington' just goes away."

"Damn." swore Chapel angrily. "Well, we have to do something about that fucking bitch. She tore the lid off hell for us. And just how in the fuck did she get all that information?"

"From the Iron Crowbar!"

They turned to see that Dr. Robin Isley had come into the office. She said "Commander Troy got onto Charrington and Cerberus when Julie Matheson was murdered and Dwayne Matheson committed suicide in his home County. And I've gotten word that Troy called in some experts that knew enough about Matheson's code to be able to neutralize it and save the Hospital... and Croyle's inheritance."

Isley: "Commander Troy met with Senators McGill and Nunn earlier this week, and he laid out everything about the murder-suicide, the attempted theft of the Lost Greuze, and the Hospital ransom attack. And they used that information to attack you at the hearing yesterday."

Chapel said "I have given a name to my pain... and it is 'the Iron Crowbar'. He has become too much of a threat to me. We're going to have to take action against him------"

Robin Isley interrupted: "Brendan, I came in here to tell you that The Man wants to see you."

Chapel exhaled, then said "Okay, I'll call him in just a minute, when I finish talking with Ted, here------"

Robin Isley: "Brendan, you don't understand. The Man sent his car. It's waiting for you in the underground garage..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The armored limousine pulled up to the Country Club in northern Virginia, one of the most prestigious, and expensive, golf clubs in the world. Only Augusta National Golf Club in Augusta, Georgia was more prestigious.

Brendan Chapel was escorted through the club and onto the back porch. He saw the more elderly man at one of the golf range stations, hitting golf balls with his nine-iron. "Ah, there you are, Brendan." he said, then ambled over to a table. "It's too bad you don't play golf. Otherwise, we'd be out there hitting them long and straight."

"I never was good at doing that, sir." said Chapel. "At least not on the golf course."

The man guffawed, then said "Have a seat. Care for some lemonade? Coffee?"

"No thank you, sir." said Chapel as he allowed the man to sit down, then sat down himself. "How can I help you, sir?"

"That testimony you gave yesterday was wonderful." said the man. "It outlined everything we want to do, especially regarding confiscating guns and packing the Supreme Court if we need to. And, of course, our Climate Justice agenda. And it was very well received by all of the activist groups, and especially our big donors, the Corporate Elites."

"Thank you, sir." said Chapel.

"And then... it all fell apart." said the man. "Those Fox Cable bastards have filled their weekend shows with McGill's exposure of Charrington. The Conservatives are hopping mad, like a disturbed hornet's nest. And we're getting word that too many important Senators and Congresspersons are going to open hearings about Charrington... and your role in it."

Chapel: "So we just get our Media allies to suppress that, and chant our own narratives, especially about McGill's treason. And we go after the Christian Nationalists, have the Media really chant what a threat they are------"

"Brendan," the man said seriously, "you're not reading the room. I must admit that I'm amazed that no one but the 'bitter clingers' are whining about our plans to confiscate assault rifles and outlaw the nine millimeter round. But everyone is going nuts over the Charrington project. I talked to Matthew Willis yesterday. He's ended Charrington, and they're burning every scrap of paper they had on it. When they're done, it will be like Charrington never existed."

"Sir," said Chapel, "I must respectfully suggest that that would be a huge mistake. We are close, so close, to implementing our agenda, and Charrington is a key component of that."

"It's already been discussed, and decided." the man said. "And the reason I brought you here was to tell you that your resignation has been submitted and will be reluctantly accepted. You can decide if it's for the old 'to spend more time with family', or to take a fellowship with one of our big-donor think tanks and get paid well, but you're out as DNI."

Chapel was totally stunned. "Just like that?" he asked, his voice shaky.

"Just like that." said the man. "You know as well as anybody that our Game is a cold, cruel game. Right now, you're on the outs. However, if you just lay low for a while, then slowly begin rebuilding your career... maybe a stint in Congress, then Cabinet posts... you'll be back before you know it."

"How long with that take?" Chapel said.

"You're still young, Chapel." said the man. "You've got time. Play your cards right, play the Game right, enjoy the climb back up the mountain... and in twelve to fifteen years you'll be running for President. And by then you'll have the full power you crave to implement your agenda. That will be a glorious day, though I doubt I'll live to see it."

The man got up, and Chapel did likewise. The man said "You'll make the announcement tomorrow. And don't worry, Brendan... this is a setback, not the end of your career."

"Yes, Mr. Vice President..."


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chytownchytownabout 1 year ago

*****Thanks for the read.

Ravey19Ravey19over 2 years ago

OMG, those final 4 words. Well, at least Chapel's been defeated. For the moment. Who will take his place, Robin Isley?

Another great story 5⛤

WifeWatchmanWifeWatchmanover 2 years agoAuthor
Next story submitted, and comments

The next story, 'Vengeance Is Mine Ch. 01' is submitted and hopefully will be published soon. It is my (first) entry for the 2022 Mickey Spillane Challenge. With the July 4th holiday, I am not sure when it will be published, but it should be soon.

I deleted a comment because it whined about the politics. As always, no matter how complimentary the comment, if you complain about the politics in my stories, I will just *CLICK* delete your message.

Filldirtwanted - Yes, I do write my stories somewhat like a television or movie script.

tranzmany and others - no, this is not the last we'll hear of Brendan Chapel. But I had to temporarily end his story arc.

maonaigh - yes, it was a less-than-subtle comment on the dangers of the digital world. Some of my earlier stories that were written in Word or Wordpad are no longer accessible (I guess I could find a converter app, but that's not the point). Remember old VHS and Beta tapes? Can you watch your old ones today? And so on and so forth...

teedeedubteedeedubalmost 3 years ago

Well, you let the dogs out. There is one thing that needs to be understood: Freedom OF Religion also means Freedom FROM Religion. Don't scream at me for being a white christian old man. I don't own a gun, but i'm glad my neighbors do. And to the Republic for which it stands..........

666iceman666icemanalmost 3 years ago

Great ending and with that the IC will be able to cook BC from the hook and most of the swamp frogs will start to worry with great concern I just love it WW 5* plus double cheese burger.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Ya know, with the recently announced reason Pence DIDN'T run away on the 6th, which to me showed balls of titanium. That VP at the end was chilling. Now for You WW, U Asshole for Starting these chapters like that!!!!! Thnx for All the Entertainment WW

FillDirtWantedFillDirtWantedalmost 3 years ago

Damn, am I watching my TV or reading a story. I'm not sure. What day is it?

Sxualchocol8Sxualchocol8almost 3 years ago

Oof. That Bravo! *applause*

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

And again, I say, WOW!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I dont think the IC has heard the last of the former DNI. Perhaps later on in another episode the comeuppance he needs will be forthcoming

AngusMAngusMalmost 3 years ago

Who would have thought that could happen ?

tranzmanytranzmanyalmost 3 years ago

I highly doubt that's the last of Chapel. Doesn't he show up in a flash forward at a hearing in an earlier chapter. I bet this guy holds a grudge. I wonder who gets put in his place. Cut off one head two take their place.

Nice story WW. I look forward to your next work. Hope all is well!

MaonaighMaonaighalmost 3 years ago

I was already in late middle-age, galloping towards early old-age, when technology began to replace paper. I thought at the time that without great care, the whole edifice could come crashing down. In the last several years leading up to my retirement my workplace suffered three major IT crashes, the last leaving most of the staff in one building unable to do any work for a week because they had no alternative system in place. There was nothing sinister in these cases, just faulty IT equipment. In the past few years in the UK there have been several ransomware attacks on hospitals.

So not only was this an enjoyable crime story but it was also, for those who can read between the lines, a serious warning. Being a UK resident, I can't really comment on the political content---I'll leave that to those more knowledgable than I am. I hadn't come across your work before and was attracted by the title of this two-parter. When I can make the time, I'll certainly look up some of your other work.

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