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Before The Fall Ch. 01


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Carol got to be reluctant to get up during the night to pee, because several times, one of her mother's "boyfriends" heard her in there and "accidentally" broke in on her as she tried to do her business in the apartment's only bathroom. Somehow, they were always naked and somehow, they always had prominent erections. She slept in the nude, so they probably got at least a little thrill from seeing her naked on the toilet, but that was about all. No matter what they were hoping, Carol was unimpressed ... it was nothing she hadn't seen before. And these guys were bleary-eyed, middle-aged jerks, smelling of beer and cigarettes, and often with sagging pecs and a flabby belly. Carol begged her mother to get the lock on the bathroom door replaced, but it wasn't high on her mother's list of things to do.

One terrible Saturday night, however, Carol woke from a deep sleep to realize that someone had slid into her bed beside her. Before she could waken enough to assess what was happening, she felt this someone running his hands all over her breasts and down between her legs. This someone seemed to have an extraordinarily large cock, too, and it was pressing into her thigh insistently.

By the time she finally realized what was happening, her body was reacting as she had been training it to do, responding with enlarged nipples, engorging vaginal lips, and ample lubrication. But she knew what was happening now; one of her mother's obnoxious boyfriends was in her bed, hoping to score on his date's teenaged daughter, too, before going home. Carol opened her mouth to yell for help, but she felt a hand suddenly over her mouth and nose stifling her scream.

Carol could feel that this one was different than her mother's usual run of sleep-overs. He was strong, she could tell by the power with which he clamped her mouth and head to his chest, and how forcefully he clamped her bottom to his belly and prodding sex. She could also tell because her own hands were struggling for a purchase to get away, and they felt not the flabby arms and legs that she expected, but well-developed muscles. This one didn't smell of booze or cigarettes, either. He was wearing some kind of cheap cologne, to be sure, but that was a vast improvement.

The two of them struggled almost silently on Carol's bed, only the quiet grunts of their efforts to be heard. Carol was of course, an athlete, in the best shape she would ever be in her life, and her would-be rapist found himself with something much more than a helpless girl on his hands.

But as they struggled, Carol also realized that her body was in the middle of a powerful sexual response. She was not about to let herself be raped. But she doubted that she could get away from this well-developed man holding her and thrashing about in her bed with her, either. She folded her arm behind her back and detected his hard stomach, tensed with his efforts to restrain her. She slipped her hand down and felt what seemed to be an enormous penis. Below that, she encountered a large ball sac, which she grasped in her fingers.

She was at a decision point, and they both knew it She could squeeze his scrotum violently if she wished; he must know that's what she had in mind by now. To defend himself, to wrest her hand away from his jewels, he would have to release either her torso or his hand over her mouth, and then she could either scream or get away.

Or she could succumb to her rising arousal, to her usual sense sexual thrill and curiosity, and simply begin to stroke him there to let him know that she would cooperate, now.

Carol quit struggling. She squeezed a little just to let him know that she was in charge down there right now, but then she began to slide her hand gently up and down over his balls, teasing the hairs there, and feeling them stand up on end as she did. She moved her hand upwards to grasp his penis ... undoubtedly the largest she'd ever encountered, and wrapped her fingers around him as best she could with her arm bent backwards and with him still holding her in a bear-hug.

The man had gone quiet, still holding her tightly, but now lying there silently, letting Carol feel his cock and balls. Slowly, slowly, he relaxed, still unsure if this was just a ploy, and that she might bolt or scream if he relaxed too much.

She convinced him of her intentions by also sensuously licking the palm of the hand that covered her face. She wormed her tongue in between his fingers, and slid it sensuously in and out of the crotches where his fingers came together.

Apparently deciding that she wasn't going to bolt, anyway, the stranger in her bed moved his hand up from her tightly-muscled tummy where he had been restraining her so tightly, to feel her firm young breasts. He noticed immediately that her nipples were standing out prominently ... she was excited by him! He moved his hand lightly from one breast to the other, and Carol sped up her tonguing of his palm and also her stroking of his big dick.

Finally, he released her altogether, and she rolled over to face him. She re-placed her hand on his cock, and proceeded to lick his face instead of his hand. With his other hand now free, he moved it down to Carol's crotch, and was delighted to discover she was shaven bald there. She shaved to keep embarrassing pubic hairs from peeking out of her tight racing suits, and it had always seemed to be one of the favorite things for her dates to discover about her. Now this adult man, this stranger, this man who had been her mother's lover earlier tonight, seemed to revel in her bare pussy, rubbing it sensuously, smearing her ample fluids all over her pussy lips, behind her mons, and back in between her butt cheeks. Carol found that she was maybe wetter than she had ever been before, more excited, and more eager for what came next, in spite of the man's original evil intent, or maybe, perversely, partially because of it.

He rolled over on top of her, and using the hand between her legs, urged her to push them apart. He could no more actually force her powerful legs apart than rape her, but he found that she was more than willing now to let him have his way.

He knelt up between her legs, and threw the covers off of the bed. It was so dark in this room ... he wished he could better see the fine young body spread before him, the body he was about to defile. But he found he didn't have time to contemplate what he was about to do, because he felt Carol's hand grasp his erection and draw it toward her pussy lips. She had never had anything inside of her before but slender fingers, at most two at a time. Carol was lubricated to the point she was oozing out onto her sheets, but her entrance was small and her vagina was very tight inside her muscled lower belly. The man leaned into it, pushing intently, and she didn't resist. She actually pushed up into him as hard as she could, gritting her teeth to get past the pain of this first intrusion into her sex. She had no hymen, but her young body was unaccustomed to having something so large force its way into her.

Up to that point, their struggles had been nearly silent. Someone sleeping in the same room might not have been aware of a disturbance. But now, inevitably, as the man began to stroke his cock into her cunt, trying to embed himself ever deeper into this gorgeous daughter of his "date" for the evening, they began to make small noises, then, as they warmed to their effort, bigger noises.

There was the "fuck, fuck, fuck" sound of his organ pistoning into her previously virgin canal. There were Carol's quiet murmurs into his ear of "push it in, shove it, come inside of me!" There were grunts and moans. And eventually, there were the sounds of the bed lightly tapping the wall.

The two of them picked up momentum. They weren't making love; this had started as a rape, after all. They didn't even know each others' names. They were fucking, and they soon were nearing their climaxes. Carol's hit first. She had had climaxes before while masturbating and at the hands of her dates, but this was much more intense and satisfying; it was her first real orgasm. Her body went rigid under him, her well-muscled back and legs lifting both of them up off of her mattress as her vagina clamped down onto his cock inside of her. She wasn't thinking anything, just totally lost in her primitive, sexual, animal lust. Lost in the pleasure, sinfulness, nastiness, and danger of it.

The muscular man thrusting into her felt her powerful response, and he marveled that this young girl who he only moments before been willing to rape, was TRYING to rape, was willingly, lustfully cumming while impaled on his rigid cock, which was now pushed as far down into her slim, athletic body as he could force it. Her thrust up at him when she spasmed with her orgasm triggered his own, and he shot powerful spurt after spurt of his semen deep into Carol's unprotected vagina. He lunged again, pistoning his cum further into her, forcing it up in through the opening of her cervix and into her fertile uterus. His only thought was a regret that he hadn't somehow just gotten her to go out with him so he could fuck this sexy high-school girl again and again. Maybe he still could?

The room flooded with light. "You fucking bastard!" Carol's mother screamed at the top of her voice. Just as easily as Carol had heard her mother's sexual encounters over the years through the thin wall separating their bedrooms, her mother, once she groped her way out her drunken sleepiness to consciousness, had heard the sounds of their copulation coming through the wall to her. Panicked, she slapped around on the bed beside her and realized that her "boyfriend" of the evening, a man she barely even knew, was missing. Then, waking a little more, she realized who must be in there with her daughter. Who must be in there making those sounds. Who must be fucking her innocent daughter right now!

Mary's violent anger wasn't fueled at all by jealousy. She felt the basal, instinctive fury of any mother whose precious child was threatened. Behind that somewhere was shame and anger at herself for having jeopardized her little girl by her own disgusting habit of bringing home bar-flies to fuck every weekend. Bringing home possible perverts or child molesters (how would she know? She rarely had met these guys prior to that very evening!), bringing them into her home behind her carefully locked doors, right inside her home where they could do what this bastard was doing right now ... raping her beautiful daughter! If Mary had had a gun, or if the kitchen with all of its knives had been between her bedroom and Carol's, Terry London would have been dead at that moment. But he would have died a happy man.

Terry had run naked out of Mary's apartment. Mary threw his clothes in a pile outside her back door, to force the bastard to go around outside and climb up the stairs onto her deck to get them, and screamed through her locked door that she was going to call the police.

Carol was crying. The experience was traumatic. It had been, after all, a rape, even though she had succumbed during the assault; she actually didn't consent to what had happened. That's what Carol told herself at first, anyway, and soon, that's how she remembered the incident. Carol's brother, Jack, was standing at her bedroom door, barely awake, in terror from the uproar, afraid of the naked stranger running out of his sister's room, and terrified by his mother, who was screaming in a murderous rage which he'd never seen before.

Soon enough, Mary, too was crying, holding her daughter in her bed, trying to comfort her, under the impression that Carol had just undergone a painful and traumatic assault.

Things slowly settled down, and by the time the sun was up, Jack was back sleeping in his own bed, and Carol was sleeping in her mother's arms in Mary's big queen-sized bed.

But Mary wasn't sleeping. She was re-assessing where her life was going and what she had done. Mary had no intention of reporting the incident to the police. She knew what kind of grilling they gave to the "alleged" victims of rape in those days, and she was unwilling to expose her daughter to any more pain over this incident.

Mary also knew that if she reported it, she would have to identify the man, and she would be cornered into admitting that she had brought him home and fucked him without even really knowing him. Without even being sure his name was Terry London, like he had said. She knew she had been acting irresponsibly with little kids in her house, and she felt a great deal of pain and guilt over what had happened.

After throwing "Terry" out, and getting Jack back in his bed with a nonsense explanation. Mary had escorted Carol into the bathroom, and run her a hot bath, while Mary prepared an acidic douche. The two women had cleaned out Carol's vagina as fully as they could. They both knew that that was only the weakest of defenses against pregnancy or disease, but they felt that they had to do what they could.

Mary never suspected for a second that what had happened was anything other than rape, and Carol never told her what part she herself had played in it. It was Carol's guilty little secret for the rest of her life, and she would come back to that night as her most cherished sexual fantasy until the day that she died.

The next morning, Mary sent Jack off to hang out with his buddies, and she sat down with Carol and had a much-overdue talk about the facts of life. Carol laughed when her mother began, and simply asked Mary to be quiet and listen while Carol told her what she knew about boys and men, and what kinds of things she had been doing. After that morning, there were no more secrets between these two women as to their sex lives. Well, only a few.

Mary knew of course that her daughter was dating, and that she was a lovely and sexy young woman. She knew that her daughter was going off to college in a few days, and that Carol would be completely on her own concerning her sexual and moral behavior. But Mary was stunned when Carol told her the extent of her sexual experience with the boys she had been going out with.

Carol explained that she almost always gave the boys she dated a hand-job (although she didn't use that term), even on the first date. Carol mentioned she had actually once even given a hand-job to a boy she really didn't know at all on a school outing to a museum in another town. Carol told her mother that once she got to know her dates a little better (and she steadfastly refused to call any of them a "boyfriend" -- she despised that term that her mother had used so casually), they would go 'park', and she would suck them off, always swallowing their cum. Carol said that sometimes, when one of her male friends had their house to themselves, they would go there and take the opportunity to get completely naked, then spend the rest of the day, if they could, feeling, sucking, licking, and stroking one another's bodies. She told her mother that occasionally, she had been able to get one or the other of the boys to lick her pussy until she, too climaxed on their mouth. She said the ones who liked to do that were her favorites, and she went out with them most often.

Carol said that various adult men at the swimming pool had asked her to meet them somewhere, and that twice, she had done so. Once, it was with the pool manager, who just arranged to meet Carol at the pool before the club opened one morning. He was only slightly more adult than she was -- he was 25. They had spent an hour or so naked in the dressing room, enjoying everything but intercourse.

Another time, a much older man had given Carol a ride home from the pool (she didn't have a car, and generally either got rides, walked or rode her bike.) When they got home, he asked her if he could come in , and she agreed, knowing what it was that he wanted. Without him saying anything more, she had stripped out of her swimming suit and he had also gotten undressed, and the two of them had spent an hour or two masturbating one another to several orgasms. When Carol had told him that her brother would be getting home soon, the man had said that he needed to get home to his wife, anyway, gotten dressed, and left, giving her a little chaste kiss on the cheek. Carol said he had been charming and very polite. Carol said she saw both these men many times afterward at the pool, and that they had always been very polite and friendly, never betraying the intimacy they had enjoyed with her.

Carol told her mom that she had never had intercourse before last night. She said she was too anxious about pregnancy, and also a little bit nervous about disease. Mary told Carol that condoms were good protection against both of those things, and Carol said she knew that, but she thought they were gross, and anyway, she hadn't really wanted to "go all the way" yet.

That made her mom cry again.

Mary finally asked Carol how many times she had been so sexual, how many boys and men had she been with? Carol paused, and thought for a long time, looking off into the distance and smiling occasionally. "Including last summer, maybe thirty different guys. Buy, I usually won't go out with a guy more than two or three times, except the guys who like to lick, I'll go with THEM any time. So, all together, maybe a couple hundred times."

Mary was stunned. She realized what a terrible example she had given her daughter, and how lucky they both were that Carol, on her own initiative, had drawn the line at full intercourse. Or they would long since have been discussing what to do about Carol's pregnancies. Suddenly, Mary put two and two together and asked Carol, "Last summer? You were in Kansas all last summer!"

"Oh, sure! Bobby and Donny and Jack and I used to do things together sometimes." Carol said.

"Your own brother, Jack? And your cousins?"

"Well, yeah. Mostly Bobby and Donny, though. Actually, mostly Bobby. He always wanted to fool around. I never let any of them do much until last summer."

"Did your cousins actually have intercourse with you?" Mary asked, a little dizzy with what she was learning of her children's personal lives.

"No, Mom! I told you. Until last night, nobody ever had his thing all the way into me."

"ALL the way in? You mean, you let some of them put it PART of the way in?" Mary asked.

"Well, only one. No, two! Bobby got his most of the way in one day last year before Jack and Donny pulled him off of me. They beat him up pretty good for that, and he never tried that again. We all still fooled around, though, lots of times!"

"Oh, my God, Carol! What if Aunt Laura and Uncle Bob had found out?" Mary asked.

"Oh, Uncle Bob knows! He caught us a couple of times out in the barn. He would just watch for a while, then say 'You boys be careful now, and don't make Carol do anything she doesn't want to do. And for God's sake, don't get her pregnant or the mothers will kill as all!' Then he laughed and left us alone to have fun." Carol said.

"And there was someone else who got his cock 'part way' into you?" Mary asked.

"Yeah. It really scared me ... it actually scared both of us. I had been going jeeping with Dil Rogers from the country club, you know?"

"I remember Dil. He seemed like such a nice boy!" Mary said.

"He IS a nice boy! We used to have a lot of fun bouncing around on old mining roads and up above timberline! Then we'd park somewhere with a great view and strip off all our clothes and just fool around until it was time to come back. It was fantastic! One day, though, we were up on a big, barren plateau, and one of those fast afternoon thunderstorms was coming up. Dil said we couldn't fool around there, because we might get struck by lightning. Instead, we went back down into the trees quite a ways. Dil had brought one of those cute new little dome tents that practically put themselves up, you know? He pitched it right by the car, and we ducked in there just as it started a downpour. We took off all our clothes and spent the afternoon in his sleeping bag feeling each other up and sucking each other! Dil is one of the best ones who licks me, too!"

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