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She's seduced into acknowledging who she is.
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He held her legs apart, then quickly cuffed each ankle to the corner post of the bed. Spread eagled as she was, he now had total access to her body, the knowledge bringing his own body to full excitement.

He moved up towards her head and looked down at her. Her eyes were wide with anticipation, but fear also lurked there serving to heighten his lust. He watched her face, her eyes dropping to stare at his hands as he moved to his belt, unfastening the buckle then pulling it from the loops of his trousers. He let the leather run through his hand before tossing the belt to the side chair. His fingers worked at the buttons of his fly, but instead of letting his jeans fall, he reached inside and ran his thumb over the tip of his cock. He heard her gasp and watched as her hips began a subtle thrusting.

"Slut", he whispered as he withdrew his thumb, now wet from the pre-cum gathered on his tip. He leaned forward and gently brushed his thumb across the fullness of her lower lip, the gag in her mouth not allowing her to yet taste him. She whimpered her distress, all the while continuing the gyrations of her hips, a part of her so eager to allow this man liberties with her body, another part of her anxious to acknowledge his control of her – yet she could not voice her desires.

He stepped back and moved out of her range of sight, quickly disposing of the confines of his clothing. He needed to slake his thirst for this slut, but on his own terms; he would not be pushed by her need to give in to him.

He sat back in his chair and took his cock in his fist, beginning a slow rhythmic pumping, watching her as she strained to find him in the room. Her moans of frustration angered him. "Enough slut", he yelled. "My belt longs to sting that pretty flesh of yours. Do not tempt me to heed its wishes."

As he leisurely fisted his cock, he closed his eyes and let his mind wander back to the beginnings that brought this wanton whore to his notice.

It had begun innocently enough, a chance meeting in a chat room – domestic politics of all things. They had begun a heated debate, keeping the other chat room occupants amused with their strongly opposed views and intense exchanges. After that first night, they had agreed to disagree, but each visited the same room a number of times over the coming weeks in the hopes of enjoying further discussions to promote their views.

As they got to know each other, they found that while their politics would always be at different ends of the spectrum, they had other views they could discuss calmly and rationally, even agree upon. They also found that they lived within 100 miles of each other. This "closeness" encouraged them to open up further and they soon moved to more personal discussions about their lives.

He was a good listener, very perceptive and soon she was telling him about failed relationships, hopes for her future, desires unfulfilled. And he quickly grasped that one of those desires was something she could not yet acknowledge even to herself. To bring her to that acknowledgement, he knew he would need more intimate time with her, not the sterility of a chat room. So he suggested that perhaps their conversations would be more fulfilling over the phone – inflections and modulation of the voice offering each a better understanding of the other's view. She readily agreed, especially as he didn't push for her number, rather offering his own for her to collect call.

Their first conversation was stilted in the beginning but as he warmed her to her topic, he heard ease and comfort seep into her tone and knew he would quickly have the measure of this woman. Their call finished sooner than perhaps she expected, but he wanted her confident that he was not pushing for more than she was prepared to give. But he immediately emailed her after the conversation:

"You know, we never did get around to describing ourselves. Now that I've head your voice, I want to see you in my mind. Paint a picture for me."

She replied: "LOL – I'm not a very good artist, but here goes. I'm petite, only 5'2". It's not an issue for me though. I have long dark curls – natural.. actually, I'm only just starting to appreciate them! *sm Um, I have green eyes and pale skin thanks to Scottish parents. But I tan at the salon. Naughty, I know, but hey."

She wondered about offering more information but as he'd kept their conversations to quite a factual level, she wasn't sure that that was what he wanted. So she ended... "Your turn...".

His response was immediate: "Sm* You sound very pretty. I'm imagining a Boticelli angel with dancing eyes and a wicked sense of humour. Am I right? -Me, I'm 6'3", dark hair, blue eyes, Spanish background but distant. Fairly muscular, I like to work out. A natural tan – saves on those salon $$$s you're dishing out!! Sleep well, my dear. We will speak again."

She read his message with an unexpected thrill – something in this last email triggered a response in her that she couldn't quite identify and it left her oddly unsettled.

That night when she went to bed, she couldn't stop her hands from drifting to cup her breasts. Although the sheets were cool and she was naked between them, her body was throbbing with a desire she didn't fully understand. She twisted her nipples between her fingers and spread her legs wide, lifting her hips as if she were fucking an imaginary lover. With her eyes closed, her lover began to take form, with dark looks and piercing blue eyes.

She pictured him watching her, taking in her rounded breasts and their pouting pink nipples, her softly curved belly and the pussy she liked to keep perfectly bare. She imagined him readying himself to thrust between her thighs, and with a high pitched cry of release, she pinched her nipples hard and allowed the friction of the top sheet against her clit to bring her to orgasm. Her breath came in quick gasps as she came down from her climax; she had never cum so quickly and her blood burned as it raced through her veins. but while it had been an enjoyable experience, she felt strangely unfulfilled.

She rose from the bed, and returned to her computer and logged in. She wanted to email him again but was unsure of what she was going to say. While the computer logged her in, she began reading through their past emails, not sure what she was looking for, or how it would quench the thirst gripping her. When she came to that last email, the words "my dear" jumped out at her, causing an uncontrollable shiver of desire to snake through her body. What was this? Why would two words bring such an unbidden response? As she gazed at the words, another email flew into her inbox... It was from him. He was obviously logged in too, and must have seen her come back on line.

She opened the message... "Can't sleep, huh?"

Quickly she typed back, "No, not quite ready yet." She had a feeling he knew how she had satisfied herself only minutes before, but she wasn't quite prepared to share that with him, so she tacked on, "I have a report due on Monday and I don't think I've got it quite right. Thinking about it is keeping me awake." The she added, "Want to chat on MSN?"

"No. Why don't you call me and let's see if I can help you get to sleep. If you can take your phone through to your bedroom, crawl into bed and we can have a late night chat."

She pondered his reply... did she want to talk to him again tonight? She wasn't feeling uneasy but she sensed that this phone call would change the direction of their friendship. Was she prepared for that? Would she be losing a friend or gaining something far more special. Deciding it was worth the risk, she quickly replied with a "yes, I'll call"... and logged out.

She went back to her bedroom, shimmied out of her robe and slid back between the cooling sheets. Fluffing up the pillows behind her, she dimmed the bedside lamp and picked up the phone. The sheet and duvet were pulled up over her breasts, tucked in under her arms and her knees were bent, forming a tent in the bedclothes. She took a deep breath and dialled his number.

"Hey there, beautiful." The warmth in his voice made her smile and her misgivings were quickly forgotten.

"Hi yourself. You couldn't sleep either?"

"No, but I had a brief to finish anyway. I was just emailing it to my colleague for his input when I saw you come online again. What were your plans? Going to surf or chat?"

"Oh, I just thought I'd surf around – no, that's not quite true. In all honesty, I was going to email you again but I'm not quite sure what about!" She sighed, shifted a little in the bed and patted down the covers with her free hand.

"So, what would you like to talk about? Politics, hmmm?"

She laughed, "Lordy no, not at this time of nigh!"

His tone lowered as he replied, "I like it when you laugh... very sexy."

She flushed, warmed by his comment. "Oh well, I've heard laughing is good for the soul."

"Ah the soul. Life is always good when the soul is nourished." The timbre of his voice lulled her into a warmth she had long forgotten, and they continued their conversation in hushed tones, exploring their philosophies and sharing anecdotes of their lives.

She snuggled into the bedcovers and hugged the phone to her, wishing instead that it was the tenderness of his embrace rather than the plastic of technology that pulled them together. She must have expressed her wish to be close to him out loud, as he came back with a desire of his own.

"Ah my dear, if I were there right now, I would be happy to warm your flesh with my body." She gasped, embarrassed that she had let slip with a comment she thought she only had in her mind.

He lightened the mood a little, understanding that she had not meant to impart her longing in such a way. "It's ok. I'm not going to rush out and try and find where you live. And I must tell you, I have been lying here thinking the same thing myself. You have a beautiful voice, and I am imagining your body will match it perfectly"

She smiled again, relieved.. "Thank you. I love listening to you too. And I guess that wouldn't be so bad, to maybe meet sometime."

"I would like that very much. Now, I think I may have to let you get that sleep you're needing. But before you go, I want to share something with you – I hope you won't be too shocked."

"Sure, what is it."

"Well, when I hang up from you, I want you to know that I am going to allow myself the pleasure of inviting you into my dreams. And in those dreams, I am going to allow us to find delight together. Will you mind?"

Her breathing hitched as she closed her eyes and let the image of the two of them together flicker through her mind, his thoughts reminiscent of her earlier self satisfaction.

"Are you there, sweetheart? I've shocked you."

"No, no, I... I was just thinking about what you said."

"Ah, and you like that idea...?"

"Yes, yes I do... "

"Well maybe one day we might enjoy together, hmmm? I'm going to tell you something else... but stop me if you don't want me to go on..."


"Over the past few minutes, while we've been talking, I've taken the covers off my bed and I've allowed the breeze of my open window to drift over my body. I'm imagining that it's you, your soft breath caressing me as you speak."

Her pulse started to race and she too imagined leaning into him, allowing her breath to skitter over his flushed skin.

"I like that image..." He heard her move restlessly in her bed and knew from the increased noise of her breathing that he was arousing her with his words.

"Will you do something for me, little one."

"Um, maybe..."

"Hmmm, you little tease... I can almost see the wicked glint in those lovely green eyes. You have captivated me, you know that?!"

He could hear the smile in her voice when she replied, her attitude emboldened by his compliments..."So, what would you like me to do for you?"

"I would like to take my pleasure now, with you listening on the phone. Would you like to do that for me?"

A groan of desire involuntarily passed her lips and without thinking she quickly responded,.."Yes, please..."

"And will you follow my instructions?"

"Yes, yes... "

"Good girl. Then let me tell you, I am lying naked on my bed with my phone tucked into my left ear. The window to my right is open and the curtains are rustling slightly with the breeze. My cock is very hard, and my hand is cupping my balls, but in my mind, it's you whose hands are on me.

Now tell me, how are you lying, what are you doing?"

Her voice came to him shakily. "I'm lying on my bed, my phone's in my right shoulder. Um, I'm, I'm not wearing anything either... It's warm here... I've just let my sheet fall to the end of the bed."

"And are you touching yourself?"


"Then we must rectify that. Open your legs wide for me, little one, and lift your free hand to cup your breast. Tell me when you have done that?"

"I am, I mean I have... "

"Good girl... now while I satisfy myself for you I want you to think of this. I am at the end of your bed, watching you, and you know that soon, I am going to take my pleasure from your body. But not tonight... tonight you will keep yourself open for me to watch you and your legs will be spread for my satisfaction.

You will lightly rub your nipples for me, and when I say pinch... you will pinch them until the pain makes you cry out. And my pleasure will come from within our shared thoughts. Do you understand?"


"Ah, another thing... When I ask you to comply with an instruction, you will answer 'Yes, sir '... Is that understood my dear?

She hesitated only for a moment, his request finding the response he knew had been hidden within - "Yes, sir."

Unknown to her, her response caused a surge of lust to course through his body and he had to stop himself from quickly fisting his cock to completion. He knew that she was not entirely sure how they had made this move in their relationship, but he also knew that she was finding something in herself long hidden. He revelled in being the one to open this up to her and he wanted her to feel a certain amount of responsibility for their actions.

"Good girl. Then know this... your acquiescence pleases me greatly. You have driven me to such a height of desire that one touch of my cock and I know I will be spilling myself over you... Will you enjoy that? Knowing that your body pleases me in such a way?"

She felt the effect of his language deep within her stomach, and quickly responded, "Yes, sir".

"Then touch yourself now, sweetheart. I am at the end of the bed and I wish to see pleasure on your face... pinch your nipples for me..."

As he listened to her moans down the line, he could imagine her violated nipples turning ruby red from the pressure of her fingers.

"Good girl, let me hear you... ahhh, yes... Exquisite... I can see your gorgeous pussy, your clit is so plump and erect, your cunt so inviting... pinch your nipples, good girl...let me hear you"

"Oh god, oh yes..."

"Here it cums little one, my orgasm is yours... ah, pinch, pinch your nipples, yes, yes... I'm going to shoot my cum onto your pussy... feel it, feel it!!!"

She heard his command to pinch and screamed as she heard him cum, almost imagining she could feel his hot cum dripping onto her clit... her hips thrusting upwards as her pussy spasmed open and close.

As her screams rent the air, he allowed his own orgasm to wend its way though his body all the while revelling in her agonised yells. The sounds drove him to achieve his own satisfaction and he flicked the head of his cock, watching as his cum began to spurt onto his stomach...

"Nnnnggggg, yes, oh god... yes... I'm cumming...cumming on your pussy, ah yes... bliss, oh fuck, fuck... you're making me cum!!!!!"

His ragged breathing and shouts of pleasure reached her ears, turning her on even more, and she began whimpering as she begged him to allow her her own release... Listening, he gripped his cock and pumped the tip a couple of times, savouring the shivering effects of post orgasmic bliss, feeling his cum coat his still hard penis but not yet giving in to her pleas.

"Ah, baby... so good, so good... you sound delightfully frustrated... you want to cum, hmmm... you want to feel the pleasure you just gave me?"

She was shivering with anticipation "... Yes, please... sir".

He laughed... "Good girl... Keep those legs spread nice and wide... let your nipples rest dear... we will take more pleasure from them another time...

Close your eyes, and let your hands drift down your sides... That's it... let them rest at your hips...

I'm watching you, little one, my eyes on your breasts, your beautiful nipples... I want to take them in my mouth and suckle them gently, take away the hurt of your pinching... can you feel my mouth gently laving them, circling them with my tongue...?"

He listened as she moaned in reply, her mind lost in the hypnotising tone of his voice...

"Ah yes, baby... suckling those gorgeous breasts, letting my tongue travel down your rib cage... Sucking your skin up into my mouth... my hands skimming over your hips...beautiful, beautiful soft skin...

I'm moving between your legs now... Kneeling to look at you... Oh, yes... so pink and hot and juicy...

You want my touch there don't you, little one. You're aching to have me take you, yes...?"

As he described what he was doing to her, her breath hitched again, soft little gasps escaping as she waited for that ultimate touch – for him to allow her the release she craved. Her hands clutched at the bed sheets, her legs remaining wide spread, the movement of her hips more pronounced.

"Are you still with me, little one...?"

"Yes, sir" she whispered...

"Then tell me where you want my touch... Tell me what you want"

She groaned in frustration... "Please touch me, I need, I need..."

"What do you need, baby?"

"Please, let me cum... I need to cum... please..."

"Ok sweetheart... then you will have your wish... I want to taste you, baby... feel your juices coating my tongue... I'm dipping toward your pussy, inhaling your scent...ah, you are delicious...

"My tongue flicks out, skims along your lips... flicking gently...barely dipping in and out of your cunt..."

Each word made her gasp... but the thought of his tongue inside her nearly brought her to the edge and he heard her breathing become ragged and laboured...

"That's it, little one, reach for me... strain towards me... you want to cum for me, let me hear you..."

"Sir, please, please... I'm nearly there... please let me cum..."

Her automatic acknowledgement of who he was pleased him greatly, and he knew that when they finally met, their pleasure in each other would be intense. But for now, his wish was to bring her to orgasm and to again slake his lust for her, his cock twitching as he waited to join her in ecstasy.

"You will, my dear, you will... Your taste is magnificent... and I want more... My tongue is ready to grant you your wish... Lift your pussy to my mouth... Show me how much you need to feel my touch..."

"Oh yes,... please, suckle me, suck my clit... please...I need to cum, pleeease"

"Mmmmmm, yes... my pleasure... as my tongue reaches out to lave your clit, be ready to take your finger and plunge it into your cunt...ah, yes... your nub is so mouth reaches down to you and ahhhhh, I capture your clit between my lips... Rubbing it before lightly scraping my teeth across the hood... That's it, I can feel you pulsing... Oh yes... sucking it hard now... Cum for me, little one, let me feel you cumming on my tongue..."

As his words penetrated the images in her mind, she thrust her finger deep into her cunt, cumming as he suckled the nub of her clit...screaming her orgasm down the phone...

Her fingers thrust violently into her pussy and she could feel the warmth of her flesh close around them as her orgasm coursed its way through her body, a wail of excruciating pleasure leaving her lips.


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