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Behind the Mask Ch. 02

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Monday. Lexi gets engaged.
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Part 2 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 01/26/2023
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All characters are at least 18 years old.


Charles Rochester scrutinized me, bringing back bad memories of childhood. Memories of never being good enough. Memories of always doing the wrong thing. Memories of... loss. And I refused to squirm under his gaze.

"I don't remember giving you a passcode," I said airily as I strode to my desk. While I seated myself, he remained standing. He probably wasn't used to being on the wrong side of a desk and refused to sit in a guest chair.

"I don't need permission to visit my daughter," he said scornfully. "Least of all from that oaf of a butcher you call a doorman." He began slowly pacing the room like a newly caged tiger. Because God forbid he sat in the smaller seat.

"You should at least have some courtesy, though," I remarked. "And I'll have you know that Tony is perfectly capable. Properly vetted, trained, the whole shebang." I leaned back and shook my head derisively. "All I'm saying is you should give a girl a holler before showing up. It's just uncouth, considering you swore you'd never set foot here in this particular establishment. How did you describe it? You said something rather good the last time we spoke."

"A repulsive cesspool of degenerate freaks," Charles supplied.

"There you go, poetry."

"And it has only devolved further since then," he sneered. "The kind of perversity you let in here. It's shameful."

I rolled my eyes. "It's only a hop, skip, and a jump from your own empire. I might have even seen a couple of your elite buddies swing down here once or twice. Or a dozen times, depending on how often the mood hit."

"We at least stay on the right side of the law, Alexandria."

"Easy when your friends are writing the laws," I scoffed. "Don't act like you getting in good with certain clients wasn't to expand your influence. Remember that guy you suicided last year?"

His head snapped to glare at me. Finally, a decent reaction. "That wasn't me," he said stiffly.

"Exactly my point." I leaned forward and weaved my fingers together. "The others, who had too much to lose if the guy talked. They're the ones who gave the order, and you still accept their business. So don't talk to me about lawfulness."

"And isn't that what it's all about with Senator Barnes?" Charles shot back, arching an eyebrow. "Influence?"

"It's a blind eye," I corrected.

He pondered it for a moment, then chuckled. "I thought you more ambitious than that."

"What, you thought I was collecting a cabal of sympathetic politicians to help change the law in favor of my clientele? Why would I do that?" He raised his brows as an indication to continue. "If that happens, and the niche I entertain becomes mainstream, I lose my selling point. I mean, I doubt it'll get that far; what is lawful and what is considered moral are still miles apart. But still, seems like a fruitless gambit."

He stopped pacing to look at me again, and for a second, the disdain in his eyes seemed to waver. My eyes saw a glimmer of respect, but my brain didn't believe it for a second. The only way this fucker respected anybody was in a Machiavellian sort of way, and even then, you never saw it in his face.

Then the second passed, and he spoke. "I didn't come here to debate your clientele or practices."

"Why not? It's been pretty fun so far."

He sighed impatiently, then clasped his hands behind him.

"You're getting married."

I stared at him, waiting for the punchline. When I realized that was it, I began laughing, almost maniacally. He maintained a solemn expression, and it just made me laugh harder. This bitch really thought he could marry me off like we were in the Middle Ages or something.

Wondered if I had a dowry. Wondered how much it was.

I had to hand it to him, he was patient as he waited for me to collect myself. Probably expected that kind of reaction. Eh, I'll entertain him, I thought. I wanted to see how far he was ready to take this. "When?"

"Whenever you and this boy deem appropriate."

"Ah, okay." I nodded with fake amicability. "How about... never? That seems appropriate enough."

"You will not drag this engagement on forever. I was being generous before." That cold look in his eyes. It was making my blood boil. "You will be married by year's end."

"God, this is so weird. Usually it's the mom pushing for her kids to settle down, 'cause she wants grandkids or something. Did mom put you up to this?" He sighed again, and I tittered. "Nah. Mom just does whatever you tell her.

"So help me out here. Can't be for connections, since you already have plenty of those. Unless he's a prince or something. Is he? No, didn't think so. Hm, you have enough money already... What's left? Progeny?" I snapped my fingers in epiphany. "You want some pure blood master race kids."

"Are you finished?" Charles bit out.

"Yeah, I'm stumped. Why don't you tell me his name, at least I'll have some clues to go off of."

His nostrils flared and he ground his teeth, but at least he obliged. "August Nova."

"Sounds like a fighter jet in a video game," I commented. "'Lexi Nova.' Hm, actually sounds pretty cool. Maybe I will marry this guy after all."


"You know I hate being called that," I said, shaking my head. "If you're here to convince me of something, the smart move would've been to stay on my good side, at least."

"You will marry him, one way or another," he announced, and I felt myself lose my temper. He wasn't somebody I was playing games with. I didn't have to listen to this shit, or keep my composure. I could just sweep all the chess pieces onto the ground if I wanted. But we were adults. Besides, nothing would please him more than for me to act childish and prove him right.

"Good joke. Now let me tell you what's actually going to happen." I lowered my arms onto the desk, affixing him with a humorless stare. "My friends and I are going to community college together in the fall. And I will continue to run this business alone, without you or anybody else interfering."

"Community college," Charles scoffed. "That's beneath you."

"It's for optics. You, of all people, should understand that."

"You're a Rochester."

"Oh God, we're getting into family pride now? It's not like we plaster our name on our buildings. That would defeat the purpose, don't you think? Because I thought being a Rochester was about being invisible."

"You enjoy generalizing when it suits you," he noted.

"I do anything when it suits me. And right now, it's kicking you out of my club."

"I suppose that suits us both. I was just here to deliver the message." He turned and began walking away without even a goodbye.

"Demoted to messenger, now? What a tragic decline," I quipped, but he was already gone. I ground my teeth.


I let out a breath of relief, wiping a bit of sweat from my forehead. I would have preferred dealing with five more Senator Barnes than one fucking Charles Rochester. My eyes stung, and I threw my head back to watch the ceiling as I gathered my thoughts. I was just... so tired.

But the work never ended. I had to be ready for whatever came. I had to prove the old man wrong.

I picked up my phone and dialed Alain. Before I chewed him out for not warning me about my father visiting, I said, "Background check for August Nova. August, like the month. N-O-V-A."


"Then he said all life is a gangbang," Drew said.

Stef burst out laughing, while Brie groaned and facepalmed. Cherry just looked confused. My friends and I were sitting at lunch at school, talking about nonsense. And they were all patrons of Taboo, I thought with a grin. I was delighted to find that they all shared a common... 'interest,' shall we say. One after another, I had discovered and helped them realize their fantasies, and now it was no exaggeration to say we were the best of friends. My best friend Brie was sat together with her twin Stef, holding hands under the table. Drew was animated as ever, telling a story of some crazy discussion he had online. Cherry, on the other hand, was still pretty shy, especially when it came to sex stuff. All we were missing were Drew's mother and Cherry's father, and we would have three lovely incestuous couples sitting together.

And me. I suppose I was the odd one out. Couldn't be helped though. Nobody else could walk the path I walked.

"Wait, what?!" Stef laughed, bewildered. "What the hell does that mean?"

"He was talking about sperm and eggs," Drew explained.

"Jesus fucking Christ..." Brie groaned. Cherry looked questioningly at her, as if to ask her if she got it. Brie went on to explain, "I think he's talking about how there's a whole bunch of sperm trying to get into one egg--"

"Oh my God, Drew!" Cherry squealed in disgust.

"Hey, I wasn't the one who said it!" Drew chuckled.

My phone pinged, and I checked the notification. It was from Alain, and contained a dossier. The requested documents on August. I flipped through them as the conversation continued around me.

August Nova, age twenty two. Joined the Marines at age eighteen, transferred to Delta Force at age twenty one. Earned a Medal of Honor eight months ago for falling on a grenade for his comrades. Medically discharged after his recovery. Currently on probation for FBI SWAT.

I rolled my eyes. A fucking boy scout. Out of anybody Charles could've set me up with, he chose somebody who'd likely be sanctimonious as all hell. A babysitter for crazy little Lexi. I wouldn't be surprised if this August was on Charles's payroll for just that.

"You okay?" I looked up to see Stef watching me carefully. He was trying to appear cheerfully casual, but he was worried. "Seem a little out of it."

I supposed feeding him a little truth wouldn't hurt. "My dad's back in town," I sighed, and his brows hopped in surprise.

"I don't think I've ever met him before," he pointed out. His eyes widened. "Oh shit. Should Brie and I move out?"

Stef and his sister had unofficially moved into my guest room. And he was adorably unaware that the house was in fact not my father's, but mine. It was sad how little my friends actually knew about me, I mused. I'd hooked them all up together, and introduced them to Taboo, but they still had no idea that I owned the club. Nor did they know much about my history. The closest to knowing the truth was probably Drew's mother, Coco. In a moment of weakness, I had given her a clue to my past. I wondered if she still remembered.

"It's fine, he's staying at a hotel," I replied.

Stef frowned skeptically. "Why would he stay in a hotel when he has a perfectly good house to come back to?"

"Because I make for really shitty room service," I said with a grin, and he chuckled.

"If you're sure. What am I saying? Of course you're sure. If Brie and I left, you'd lose your nightly entertainment."

"Must you think so lowly of me, Stefan?" I said as Brie's head whipped around at the sound of her name.

"What entertainment?" she asked.

"Our little eavesdropper over here," Stef explained, and Brie's expression immediately turned playfully sour.

"I suppose as long as you're not taping us," she muttered, and I chuckled.

"Whoa, y'all are taping yourselves?" It seemed we'd drawn the attention of Drew and Cherry as well.

"No, no, we were just..." Stef looked to me to lead the conversation, in case I didn't want to disclose my private matters. But fuck it. They were my close friends.

"My dad's back in town," I sighed.

"Ugh, fucking dads," Drew spat.

"Hey! My dad is perfectly wonderful, thank you very much," Cherry said defensively.

"What does he want?" Brie asked, now serious.

"To ruin my life. What's new?" I dropped my phone on the table and shook my head. "I know it's not that simple, but it's very difficult to see how else the situation could be interpreted. I'll need some time to do some research."

"Lexi always has a plan," Stef said proudly.

The words felt like lead plunging into my stomach. It made me emotional that my friends believed in me so much. It was already more than I'd ever gotten back home. And now, as vain as it was, I couldn't bear the thought of them finding out that Charles had thrown me off my game.

I was Lexi Rochester. I think each of them, and even Drew's mom and Cherry's dad, looked up to me in their own way. Cherry practically worshipped me as her role model. For the past five years, I hadn't allowed myself to betray a hint of weakness unless it was part of an act. The only time my guard dropped was around these guys. But now? I had to be strong for them, maintain the idea that I was untouchable.

Fucking August Nova, and fucking Charles.


Stretching out at my desk at home, I chewed on the tip of my pen as I stared at the screens. If anybody looked in my room, they'd think I was secretly one of those girls who streamed video games online while wearing the least amount of clothing required to pass the censors. Just a smokescreen, naturally. I had more important things to attend to.

Take, for instance, Drew's estranged father. Andras Narai had abandoned Drew and his mother before Drew was even born. After eighteen years, he had broken the silence by coming after the two of them, with a huge debt to the cartel in tow. Drew had come to talk to me about the various ways he'd planned vengeance on the man, and even the sweet Coco had threatened Andras with a particular brand of bodily harm. I had decided to play Santa and deliver on both.

Now Andras Narai was wasting away in a federal prison, eyeless and cockless. He had to be kept separate from the other inmates in case he was fucking killed, but I felt he'd already paid for his sins. Besides, I thought with a chuckle, I wanted to keep him alive in case Drew lost his mind and wanted to make amends with his father.

My phone rang. "Yes, Alain?"

"Mademoiselle, the young man, Monsieur August, 'as arrived in the city. I believe 'e intends to meet with you."

I took a deep breath. "Fine. Make contact, give him a guest passcode."

"Oui, mademoiselle. Bonne nuit."

I sighed and hung up, rubbing my eyes. It was getting late. Where was that nightly entertainment the twins had promised?

A girl's moan came from the room next door, and I grinned appreciatively. Rolling my chair over to the adjoining wall, I leaned back and pushed my panties to the side. Stef was being rough tonight. I think they both secretly got off to the fact that I could hear them, and were just too shy to admit it, even to each other. But Ol' Lex knew.

Stef threw his sister against the wall, the very wall I was sat back against. There was some muffled scuffling, likely them making out and pushing at each other, and then Brie cried out as Stef entered her. My fingers slid down to my arousal, nudging the glistening nub. Stef's stamina was improving, and it allowed me to take my time with myself. Based on how Brie's hips were hitting the wall, they were facing each other. My favorite.

I teased myself as the twins made love. Brie was on birth control, courtesy of yours truly, and that meant her brother was balls-deep in his sister, raw. Just the thought alone sent a jolt up my spine, and my fingers rubbed back and forth across my lips as wet slaps resonated through the house. Brie was soaked. She was soaked and taking her brother's whole cock inside her. I bit my lip and closed my eyes, my other hand moving under my t-shirt to fondle one of my breasts.

"Make her pregnant, Stef," I whispered. Their movements were getting more fervent, and so were mine. "Pour all your hot cum inside her and breed her."

Brie was screaming in ecstasy now, and suddenly Stef's furious pace skipped a beat before receding into long, powerful strokes. I clenched my teeth as I finished, twitching in the chair while I imagined the thick seed being pumped into my best friend. Being pumped into me. I wanted him. I wanted to be happy with him.

"Jordan..." I gasped. "I love you..."

All my friends looked up to me, and here I was, borrowing their happiness so that I could relive meager projections of the past. Tears came to my eyes as I pictured how pathetic I looked. But simply letting him go was too painful. If I was the very last person who still thought about him, then there would never be a fear of him being forgotten.

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Xzy89c1Xzy89c19 months ago

Delta force at 21 lol. Don't write about military topics like that. You look dumb and rest of story is dragged down

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 1 year ago

Powerful chapter - well done! 5*

Bronco56Bronco56over 1 year ago

Please. Definitely continue. This is getting good. 5stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Just have them both killed and be done with it.

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