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Only By Blood

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Siblings raised apart find each other and grow close.
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Author's Note: All characters over eighteen.


Mal stared at Eve. Eve stared at Mal.

Mal tapped his fingers anxiously on the restaurant table. Eve toyed with her water glass and the ring of condensation it left behind.

"So... you're my sister?" Mal asked.

Eve shrugged. "As far as I can tell. We could get a DNA test to be sure, I guess."

"I mean... you kind of look like me."

"Yeah, that's kind of what I thought too, when I first saw a picture of you. We've got the same eyes. And cheekbones."

"And our parents--"

"Never knew them any more than you did. Was kind of hoping they'd be with you, but it wasn't much hope."

Mal toyed with his fork, then gave up when he almost sent it clattering to the floor.

"Always wanted to meet them," he said. "Thought it might be nice."

"I almost think I'd rather not," Eve said softly. "I mean, I would in heartbeat if someone offered, but either I'd hate them and I'd be miserable, or I'd love them and I think it might kill me."

"I get that," Mal said. "I... god, I have a sister. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. I--"

He was interrupted by their waitress arriving with their food. Neither Mal or Eve made any sudden rush to eat, though they both fidgeted with their food, pushing it around their plates.

"I'm glad you're not an asshole," Eve said. "I was afraid maybe you would be, and I'd just feel stupid for finding you."

"Who says I'm not?"

"I say."

"We just met."

"Yeah, I know. What can I say, I'm a hopeless romantic."

Mal frowned. "This can't be about romance, I--"

"Not that kind. Just, you know, the romance of a big emotional reunion. Long lost family members. That sort of thing."

"... with your brother?"

"Again, not that kind of romance. I'm hopelessly optimistic, is that better?"

"A little. How optimistic are we talking?"

Eve considered. "Optimistic enough that I went looking for family that had abandoned me for twenty years."


"Not blaming you, of course. You didn't know."

"I didn't," Mal agreed. "But now I feel like maybe I should have been looking too."

"Probably not. The odds were never very good."

"Good enough, though."

Eve smiled crookedly. "Yeah, seems so, huh?"

Mal matched her smile, slightly more bashfully. "So, uh, other than being an orphan and all, how's your life been?"

Eve laughed and finally started picking at her food. "Just diving right in, are we?"

"Unless you have a better topic of conversation."

"I, uh, have a somewhat awkward question actually."



"Well ask it, I guess."

Eve looked away for a second, then took a deep breath. "This is a hell of an imposition, but... I don't technically have a place to live currently, and I'm slightly on the broke side. I didn't really want it to be like this, not when we first met, but could I--"

"Stay with me?"

"Yeah. Just for a bit. Thought I might move to the area, find a job or something. I'd really try to be out of your hair again soon."

"You... you're moving here?"

Eve shrank back a little. "Coming on too strong, aren't I? I knew it. Just... I need to get away from where I was living, and... and near my brother seems like a good a place to try as any."

Mal shook his head quickly. "Not too strong. I didn't mean it like that. I... I think it's kind of exciting. I don't know how it'll work, or even if we'll be able to stand each other, but--"

"I've never had a big brother to hate," Eve said, a teasing quirk gracing her lips. "Could be fun."

"I've never had a pain in the ass little sister either. We... we're probably gonna be hella dysfunctional, huh?"

"It's a possibility."


"So... I guess you get the couch," Mal said. "I'd offer you a guest room if I had one."

"Haha, yeah," Eve said. "This'll be fine. I'm really gonna try and move out again as soon as I can."

"Sure. Well, uh, I'll show you the rest of the apartment. You can drop your stuff wherever."


Mal led Eve on the short tour that encompassed his living space. There wasn't much to show, and Eve really only lingered at his bedroom.

"Something interesting?" he asked.

"No, not really. I was just checking for, you know, evidence of girly things."

"Girly things?"

"Like if you had another girl staying over sometimes."

"... I don't have a girlfriend currently. You could have just asked."

Eve shrugged. "Sure, but it felt awkward."

"More awkward than this?" Mal asked.

"Well... maybe not. It's a sister's prerogative to be nosy though."

"Am I going to regret this already?"

"Sure hope not."

They made their way back to the couch. Eve flopped onto it, testing out her temporary bed.

"I'll let you settle in," Mal said. "Then--"

"Settle in? I have like two things I want to unpack. Most of the rest is clothes that'll basically have to stay in my bags for now anyway."

"Still, though. And I was gonna say I can order some food for later, and... do you want to watch a movie this evening or something?"

Eve smiled. "I do. You don't have to be nervous about asking. You're not asking me on a date or anything."

"I know that. You're my sister. Which is still weird for me to say out loud." Mal scratched the back of his head. "I still just really don't know anything about you. I don't know what to do with a sibling I only just met today."

"You could pull my hair and break my toys, I guess. We've got years to make up for."

"What toys? You're too old for...."

Eve smiled wide.

"... you've got a vibrator with you, don't you?"

"Not just one, but yes."

"Aaannnd I'm gonna go for a walk."

"Hey, I wasn't gonna use them right now! Come back here!"

"Still gonna go for a walk. I'll bring food with me on the way back."

"Yeah, well... ok. See you later."

Eve folded her arms and just sat by herself after Mal left.

"That was weird. I was too weird, right?"

"Yeah, Eve. That was too weird. Don't bring up your sex toys when first meeting your brother. Classic blunder."

"Oh shut up, Eve. What do you know?"

"I know not brag about my vibrator collection to someone I just met. Who also is my brother."

"... I hate you sometimes."

"Yeah, I know."

Eve shook her head. "Aaannnd I'm talking to myself already. What a great start."


"Hey, I'm back," Mal said.

Eve was busy on her laptop, but smiled cautiously at him as he walked in with bags of food in one hand. "Hey. Sorry for being weird earlier."


"You know. About the vibrators."

"Oh. No biggie. How hungry are you? You want to start a movie now and eat later, or get food then start the movie?"

Eve frowned. "What are you talking about 'no biggie?' I just scared you out of your own apartment."

"Ha, no. I'm able to handle the mention of sex toys, thanks."

"But you--"

"Eve, I did need to leave for a bit, but that was a comedically timed excuse more than anything. I just, like, truly have a sister today, which is new, and you're living with me now, which is also new."

"Temporarily," Eve clarified.

"Sure, temporarily," Mal conceded. "But still, it was that stuff I needed some time to process. It's... a lot. It's good, but it's a lot."

"Oh. Well... ok then."

"You really think I'm that squeamish?"

"Don't know. Just met you."

Mal nodded. "True."

"And I am kind of you sister and all. Some people might have difficulty reconciling that and me having sexual needs."

Mal scratched his head. "I guess. I mean I don't know what it's supposed to feel like, but what with the whole 'not knowing about you until just recently' thing, I'm not sure I have much for hangups about that stuff."

"That kind of makes sense. You're my brother, but mostly only by blood."


Eve bit her lip softly. "Do you think it's too late to be siblings?"

"No. I don't think it's ever too late. But the relationship is different than if we'd been raised together, I don't think there's any way around that."

"Yeah." Even sighed and put her laptop aside so she could curl up with her legs pulled tight to her chest. "Yeah."

Mal sat down beside her. "If it helps any, I could pull your hair and yell at you to stay out of my room."

"Heh, it might, actually. What do little sisters do? Tell on you and break your shit?"

"I think little brothers break your shit. Maybe... bug me for rides and roll your eyes at everything I say?"

"Ugh, whatever," Eve said rolling her eyes dramatically.

"Yeah, exactly."

Eve started cracking up, and Mal wasn't far behind.

"I think this is gonna work ok," Eve said.

"Yeah. Me too. Food?"

"Yes please."

They ate at opposite ends of the couch while watching a movie. They each glanced at the other from time to time, assessing and evaluating, sometimes just smiling a little.


"Ugh, why is it so hard to find a good job?" Eve moaned.

"That's just life for you," Mal said.

"I'm gonna end up, like, working fast food or something at this rate," Eve said.

"Enh, take a little time. You've only been at it a week."

"Yeah, well, you're the only family I got. I don't want to start mooching off you too badly."

"What do you mean start?" Mal teased.

"Hey! Rude. I'ma get a great job and a way better place than you, then we'll see who's laughing."

Mal chuckled and patted Eve's head on the way by. "That's the spirit."

Eve was quiet and stared after Mal. He turned around and blushed slightly at the intensity of her eyes on him.

"What?" he asked.

"You just patted my head."

"Oh. Sorry."

"No, I don't mind. Just... that felt like such a big brother move."

"Patting your head?"

"Yeah, you know," Eve said. "Like in an affectionate but also deliberately patronizing way."

"Huh. Maybe I'm right for the job after all."

Eve's lips twitched into half a smile. "Yeah, you might be."


It was a couple weeks later before Eve made any progress on her job search. She came home quite excited one day, eager to share.

"Hey, guess what?"

Mal turned around and gave her a thoughtful gaze. "What?"

"Not even gonna guess?"

"You found a job?"

Eve frowned slightly. "Ok, lucky guess."

"Well if you didn't want me to guess, why did you--"

"Guess what kind of job though?"

"... stripping?"

"Ah! You really think I'd do that?"

"I don't know. Probably not," Mal said. "I just didn't want to guess right again and ruin your fun."

"Well you could have guessed something that made me sound better."

"Oh, sorry. Carpentry?"


"It's a solid profession," Mal said. "Though to be honest, maybe we should dive in to your hangups regarding sex work. It doesn't have to be stigmatized, you know. And you could pull it off."

"I'm working part time at a library," Eve said, giving in. "What's this about me pulling off being a stripper?"

"Well just saying. Congratulations on the job, also. That sounds like a better than average place to work."

"That's what I'm hoping." Eve smiled slyly. "You think I'm hot."

"In an objective sort of way, sure."

"Even though I'm your sister."

"Only by blood."

"Haha, you're going red. You do think I'm hot."

Mal sighed. "Well this line of teasing has backfired quite nicely."

"Yeah it has. Oh I'm gonna have such fun with this."

"Could you not, though?"

Eve batted her eyes. "What's the matter, bro bro? Too shy around the hot girl now?"

Mal rolled his eyes, stepped closer to Eve, then abruptly reached out and tousled her hair. He got it mussed up a bit before Eve jerked back and covered her head, making a sharp sound of surprise and disapproval in the process.


"I think it would have been fun growing up together," Mal said.

"Well obviously," Eve said. "I'm a delight."

"And so modest too."

"Might have been awkward though, you crushing on me all the time when we were kids and stuff. Might have--"

"Last time I ever give you a compliment, I swear."

Eve grinned, still trying to smooth her hair back out. "I appreciate it though."

"Uh huh."

"I guess I could always try to be the sexy librarian. That's kind of a fun goal for myself."

"Yeah, you do that," Mal said. "You're such a dork."

"Whatever. You love it."


"I think I might start looking for a place," Eve said.

Mal looked across the couch at her. "What? Why?"

"What do you mean why? 'Cause I don't want to sleep on your couch forever, and I've got some money coming in now."

"You're still only part time."

"Yeah, well, I didn't say the search would be easy. I'm sure you don't want me hanging around all the time."

"Why would you say that? I... it's been nice having you around."

Eve tilted her head. "Yeah?"

"Yeah. I don't know, it's just like... it's a lot less lonely," Mal said. "I kind of miss privacy, but there's a lot less talking to myself around here lately."

Eve snorted. "You think you miss privacy? You have a room at least."

"Oh right. Guess this all kinda sucks for you, huh?"

"Nah. I wouldn't put it that way. I really like having a brother, and I feel like I kinda got to know you pretty well in some ways, but... you know, we're both adults. We need our space."

"You can use my room for masturbating if you want."

"Oh my god! Not what I meant."

"It's part of what you meant."

"Well... yeah, part of it. But just like... I can't take your room for every occasion I need my space."

"Enh, we can try it out. I can sleep on the couch sometimes even."

Eve frowned. "Well you definitely don't need to do that."

"It's not altruistic. It just means I'll feel better when I start charging you rent."

"Ha, whatever. I should be paying some rent anyway. You don't need to take the shitty bed."

Mal scratched the back of his head. "What if... what if we looked for a bigger place together?"


"You know. If you want to."

"You really want me around that much?"

Mal shrugged. "I don't know if you're just teasing, but yeah, I think maybe I do. I know it's still weird sometimes, and we're struggling with privacy, and we don't fully know each other, but... that's all part of having a sibling, isn't it?"

"I think so. Maybe."

"I just think it'd be nice to get more of that."

Eve tossed her hair. "You may come to regret that. Once you're stuck with me for real, I might become intolerable."

"Well fuck it. Then we'll fight and call each other names and storm off to our rooms to sulk."

"... fuck you that actually sounds amazing. Are we doing this?"

"I mean maybe."

"Ok." Eve chewed her lip, then awkwardly moved closer to Mal. "I'm... not actually super used to people wanting me around long-term."

Mal put his arm around her. "We're family."

"Yeah. Yeah we are, huh?"


"This place is actually pretty cute," Eve said. "And in our price range. Especially with the library giving me more hours. They like me there, apparently."

"Guess you were right about being the sexy librarian," Mal said.

"Everyone loves a sexy librarian," Eve agreed, unperturbed. "I like these two bedrooms on one side of the apartment, and then I think it's almost the same kitchen and living room space as your place."

"More counter space though," Mal said. "Definite win there."

"Counter space is what does it for you?"

Mal sighed. "A sure sign of being an adult. It actually really does."

"Ha, big bro's gettin' old," Eve said. "And I'm still young and cute."

"You work in a library. That's like the most adult job you could get."

"Oh that is not true. Young people can work in libraries."

"Sure, if they're old souls I guess."

Eve pouted. "You're just trying to get a rise out of me."

"Well duh."

"That's not nice."

"You started it."

"Did not."

"Did too."

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

Eve and Mal glared at each other a moment.

"So you wanna get this place or what?" he asked.

Eve shrugged. "Let's think about it, but we should definitely start talking about signing something."

"Yeah, agreed."


"This is so freaking exciting," Eve said.

"You haven't got a bed," Mal said.

"Ok, yes, technically. But I have a room. The bed's on its way."

Mal looked around the room that Eve had started setting up. It was fairly bare so far, with a conspicuous hole where she wanted her bed.

"Where are you going to sleep until then?"

"Well there's still the couch. Or I might just rough it on the floor for a few nights."

Mal shook his head. "That just seems anti-climactic."

"I don't have any better ideas."

"Well... why don't you just share my bed."


"Just for a couple nights or whatever."

"... in your bed. With you."

"Not in a weird way. You're my sister."

Eve quirked an eyebrow. "Only by blood."

"Oh stop. It was just an idea."

"It's a good one, actually. I just think... well I don't always stay put while I sleep. You should have seen the number of times I rolled off the couch."

"Really?" Mal asked. "A lot, was it?"

"Well... twice, I think. But it happened, is the point."

"Haha, ok. Well it's up to you. I don't mind either way."


Eve thought about it way too much. She was aware she was overthinking, and aware that she was being kind of a chicken as she padded toward Mal's door, then stopped and turned around, then repeated the sequence.

He was lying in bed reading when she finally got up the nerve and poked her head in.

"That offer still open?" she asked.

Mal nodded. "Mmhm. I'm almost done a chapter here."

"Cool. You, uh, you have clothes on under the covers, right?"

Mal snorted. "Yes, Eve. Lots of times I wouldn't. But I'm not gonna try and, like, trick you into bed with me while I'm naked."

"Such a good brother."

Eve stepped closer, hesitating before crawling into bed, but eventually shrugged and just doing it.

"I couldn't take the couch again," she said, as though needing to explain herself.

"I get it."

"If this ends up being too weird, at least I got one night in a real bed out of it."

"Fair enough."

"Do you even care?"

Mal put his book aside, but didn't turn out the bedside light just yet. "I do, actually. I'm just trying to be chill. I haven't actually, like, slept with someone in a while."

"You mean just slept?"

"Yeah. Either way, really. I don't... I struggle with forming close bonds. I feel like I self-sabotage too easily. And I don't think hookups and stuff are really my thing."

Eve sank a little lower under the covers. "Find it hard to trust people?"

"Kind of? I think I find it hard to believe that someone's gonna keep liking me. Like... like I have an expiry date on how long someone enjoys my company."

"That makes sense."


"No, sorry, not about you. I just meant I feel that way too sometimes. And honestly it's not even totally unjustified. People can be real assholes sometimes."

"That's true." Mal turned out the light and squirmed awkwardly on his side of the bed, getting comfortable while being careful not to reach across the imaginary middle line between him and Eve. "I hope I don't seem too clingy sometimes. I'd really just like to keep you in my life for a while."

"You might be stuck with me, actually. Blood bond and all."

"Yeah. Family. Every now and then... no."


"I don't want to say it."

"Obviously you do," Eve said. "Or you wouldn't have started."

"I mean... ok. Sometimes the thought just pops in my head, no particular rhyme or reason, that I have a sister. And it kind of just makes me smile."

"Aww. That's nice."

"Shut up."

"I'm not teasing," Eve insisted. "That's seriously nice."

"Ok. Well I'm going to sleep before I embarrass myself any more."

Mal rolled over on his side, facing away from Eve. She considered for a moment, then rolled close and hugged him from behind.

"I'm happy to have a brother too," she whispered.

"Thanks. Are you... going to let go?"


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