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Behind the tapestry Pt. 06

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The switch happens and the queen owns her king.
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Part 6 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/16/2019
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The king led her out of the room and to the bath. With gentle and loving hands he bathed her. The cool water refreshed her and soothed the many stripes that she wore. After drying her, he applied a soft scented oil that soothed her skin once it was applied.

Their walk down to breakfast was silent. She had wrapped her arm within his and held her head on his shoulder. She gently sat down on the chair he pulled out for her then tilted her head slightly as he kissed her neck before sitting next to her.

As the warm days continued, the king and queen would go for walks through the garden, rides across the fields and make refreshing visits to the waterfall. They enjoyed every second of their time away from their many duties and responsibilities. Even when they walked through the garden in silence they were content with just being in the presence of one another. There may have been no words passed from one to the other, but the gentle touches, the love, passion and desire that was seen through their eyes filled each others minds with words of affirmation.

The queen laid in the bed with her back to the king.

"Your stripes and marks are fading my love." He said as he was rubbing his hand down her back as if he was admiring fine china. The king loved feeling her skin, he would take advantage of every opportunity to feel her body. His hands would travel over every rise and fall, every line and crease. Touching each part of her body as if he were discovering it for the first time.

"They are not fading," she said as she turned over to face him. "I am absorbing them. Each stripe, every mark and all of the hand prints prove to me how much you love me. Why would I allow that to fade? I take them in, they become woven into my life so that when I feel like I should not be loved, I feel your love in me. Each time I feel alone when you are away, I can reach deep inside and feel your strong hand change from a hand print on my skin into a comforting hand on my shoulder. They are not fading love, they are becoming a part of me."

She turned back over and he wrapped his hands around her tummy and pulled her to him. He felt her arch her back and present her wet lips to him, inviting him into her. He fully entered her and began to feel her gyrate her hips gently into his body. Unable to control himself, he filled her with his seed. She reached back with her hand and patted his thigh, then grabbed his hand that was on her tummy and hugged it under her chin.

"Goodnight my king." She said as she kissed the tips of his fingers.

"I did not mean to cum so quickly!" He said apologetically. "How can I help you? How can I please you my queen?"

"You have my love." Was all she said.

"But I came too quickly, I should not have done that!" He muttered shamefully.

"I am going to say this, then I will go to sleep. If you decide to beat yourself up for cumming so quickly then get out of the bed and go do it some other place. I do not want you to have an issue with your ego while we are in bed."

Even though it was pitch black, he could feel her eyes peering into his.

"I cannot tell you how much it pleases me that you came so quickly. It proves to me that I can still seduce you. I took from you what I wanted and when I wanted it. That, is my pleasure. I was able to turn you on so quickly and so much that you actually lost control. How could I not be pleased? It is true that actions speak louder than words. You could have told me that I still turn you on, or that I excite you. But, instead, you showed me without even realizing what you were doing. I can tell by the way your body has relaxed and nestled into mine that you believe me. So, good night my king, I love you."

"Good night my queen. I love you too." Was all he could say.

The way she seduced him put a smile on his face as he began to fall asleep. He knew he would meet up with his queen again in his dreams. Feeling her wetness on him as he was still in her and her tight grip as she held his hand comforted him and reaffirmed that she really was pleased.

After breakfast the next morning they sat out on their shaded balcony drinking coffee.

"You know, I am tempted to take you inside and finish what we started last night." Said the king as he looked at her over his coffee cup.

The queen lowered her cup from her lips and sat it on the saucer that she held in her other hand. She did not look at him but kept her eyes facing forward looking at the distant hills. After another sip of her coffee, she placed her saucer and cup on her lap. As she spoke, the king realized that she was a commanding force that knew exactly what she wanted. He felt a slight jump in his tummy as he could see her form her words on her lips.

"Finish what we started last night. Hmmm. I believe that I have a fantastic memory. I do not remember anything being left unfinished last night."

"Well, you know, everything happened so quickly and I came so quickly, and then we both went to sleep without you..."

She cut him off by turning her head and looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"So I am a liar now? I tell you that I am satisfied and you do not believe me? Or is it that you think I can only be satisfied and pleased in the way you approve?"

She turned her head forward once again and lifted her cup to her lips.

"No my queen! Not at all! I know that you are not a liar and I know that you can be pleased in many ways." The king said as he reached for the coffee pot to pour more coffee into his cup. He did not need a warm up or a refill. He just needed to do something to fill the deafening silence that filled the air.

"You claim you know so much, so so much, and yet you still question me." She said between sips.

Oh how the king loved this woman. Her command, her submissiveness, her control, her gentleness, her entire demeanor, all of those characteristics stoked the burning fire within him. He knew she was in control of the entire conversation. It would not matter if he said something as harmless as 'The sky is very pretty today'. Her reply would be bratty and commanding. Such as: 'I was so much enjoying looking at the rolling hills, the greenery and the sparkling lake but now I have to take away from my own pleasure so that I can look at the sky simply because you believe you know what would truly please me.'

He knew better than to say anything at this point, so he sat and drank his coffee. However, it did not matter that she was controlling the conversation, and the morning, he still kept his eyes on her and did not back down with his gaze. Yes, the scenery was beautiful and he would love to look at it, but, her strength pulled all of his attention to her. So he sat there, drank his coffee and looked at her in the light of the rising sun. He loved this woman with a fiery passion. He knew she was being feisty and yes, even a little bratty. But, he loved the challenges she sat before him.

"Did I not please you last night my king? Were you not satisfied with my body? Was I not good enough last night that you think we need to do more so there can be some satisfaction?" She asked as she put her cup down and stood.

"You did please me my queen. But it is I that felt like I did not please you. I feel selfish that I climaxed so quickly." Said the king as he stood and reached for her hand.

She took his hand and turned to him. "You have no idea at how satisfied I was last night. To cause you to cum so quickly with just a little movement. You made me feel so wanted. So sexy. So desirable." She led him back inside then continued talking.

"I did not see you as selfish last night, nor do I see you as selfish right now. But I do see that you need some clarification."

She had led him behind the tapestry and was unlocking the door as she spoke. The king did not say a word but listened and followed her inside. She turned and locked the door then faced him. "Leave all of your clothes in a heap where you stand then come to me." She said then walked past the king.

He did as he was told.

She waited by a short padded bench with her hands on her hips. He walked over and kneeled on the bench without being told. The swat from the crop cracked the air like the sound of lightening during a spring storm. The stinging pain caused him to jump up and hold his hand on the back of his throbbing right thigh.

"Did I tell you to kneel?" She said as the crop landed on the front of his left thigh.

"No! My queen." He managed to say between clenched teeth.

He felt himself drawing in deep and quick breaths. His head bowed and he noticed that he was already hard and had a twinkle of wetness on his head.

"And now you feel that you can stand whenever you like?" The barrage of swats on his cheeks reminded him that he belonged to his queen. She was going to do whatever she wanted with him and he had no choice.


She said it in a breathy way that broke the word into two syllables. "Kneeeee-ulllll."

As he knelt back down, he could feel his shaft throbbing and jumping due to the seductive energy his queen was emitting.

Her energy switched from being felt in the air to the swats she landed to the bottom of his feet. Her crop landed from one foot to the other. Giving off delicious little snapping sounds as the leather tongued keeper connected with the arches and balls of his feet. He flinched and lurched forward but did not raise his knees from the bench.

She put her hand on his back between his shoulder blades and pushed him forward.

As the lock clicked into place she stepped back and smiled, her eyes twinkling with mischief. Her king was exactly how she wanted him. Bound, exposed and hers to do with as she pleased.

Her toy.

Her toy to be used in any way she wanted, merely an object to quench her desires.

Very nice, she said softly as she circled around him, slowly taking in his naked form, on his knees, bent over and contained in the stockade. She admired her toy, took in all of his masculine energy, his delicious body.

As she rounded behind him she leaned in for a quick bite to his left shoulder blade. He groaned as she licked it to soothe the mark she left behind. When she stepped back again she saw how hard he was. Despite gravity trying to pull him down his manhood jutted up proudly, as if it were trying to prove its worthiness to her.

She continued around to the front of him and gave him a deep sensual kiss. His only reminder that what was going to happen this morning would be done in love. In trust.

She held his face for a moment to look into his eyes, ensuring that he was ok before she began. Once she was satisfied by the need she saw in his eyes her evil smirk returned. That smirk was the only indication that he was going to be pushed to boundaries that only the queen knew.

She walked away and stopped at a table a few feet away from where she had him bound. He could see items on the table but was unable to identify what the queen had chosen for this event.

"This morning, I have decided that I want to play with my toys, which is why you are here. At this point, you are a toy. Nothing more. You are to be used as I see fit. An object here only for my pleasure. If you are a very good boy you may just earn the ranking of my favorite toy, but we will see about that. You have some stiff competition toy. You said you wanted me to be pleased.

Well, I will be."

"Yes my Mistress."

"MY Mistress!" She exclaimed.

"I am not YOURS toy. I own YOU, not the other way around. Toys do not own things, and you are merely a toy."

"Yes Mistress, I am sorry Mistress."

"As you will be. 5 strikes should be an adequate punishment, do you not think so toy?"

"Yes Mistress, I think you are right."

In a flash she came back to his face. Holding him by the chin she forced him to look at her before leaning in to whisper in his ear "toys do not think."

She licked her lips as a shiver wracked his body from her statement.

She went behind him then and placed a spreader bar between his knees, forcing him open to her. He could feel the cool air circling around his shaft and balls and got another shiver from the level of exposure.

"Toy, I have decided 5 is not enough. You will get 7 swats, and you will count them out as we go."

At that she went to her table of implements and took her time deciding the perfect object. When her hand reached the cane she knew that was the right choice. Not much of a warm up, but she did not care at this moment.

This was about her pleasure not his.

She reminded him of this as she began canning him, making him announce each number as she went. At number 7 she took inventory of what she had done. He had 7 beautiful lines across his backside, starting to raise slightly. His shaft was rock hard and glistening with drops of precum.

"Mmmm, you are such a good little toy. You have pleased me so far, and it looks as though you are enjoying it as well. I expect you throbbing hard at all times. Otherwise you will be replaced with a toy that can actually please me consistently. "

She kneeled down behind him and gently caressed his buttocks, giving soft kisses all over. She felt him flinch under her touch. She suspected he had anticipated a different touch after her harsh words. She reminded him of his place with a fierce reprimand. "Toy, you do not get to anticipate anything. You do not get to think. You would do best to remember that."

He heard a very quiet tinkling sound as she removed her chain necklace with beautiful gems on it. He had noticed the new piece during breakfast and when he had commented on it she had just smirked. He had no idea she had it specially designed with this moment in mind.

She unclipped each of the jewels from it before she dipped it in the cold water sitting near them. Once she decided the chain was sufficiently chilled she began to wrap it around his genitals. He felt the cold chain circle first around his shaft, then around the base of his sack. His testicles rose a bit from the cold, but she pulled them down sharply to where she wanted them. Her firm grip and the sharp tug caused him to draw in a quick breath and a slight moan.

She continued wrapping the fine chain around his balls creating a beautiful pattern of criss crosses along his flesh until finally securing the end back onto itself. She admired him for a moment. Her beautiful toy wrapped in chain, dripping with excitement. She was glad he was unable to see her because her smirk had changed to a big smile of glee. She did not want to appear as if her heated desire and actions were cooling off.

She leaned in and gave his balls a little kiss and lick to help relax him. Once he had loosened a bit she began to attach the little jewels to any bit of extra skin that was exposed. Each jewel had a small clip that was designed to pinch but not break the skin when applied. Her toy groaned with the application of each clip, encouraging her to continue. Once they were all applied and the queen was happy with her handy work she stood up and gave his balls a slap.

With no warning her toy began to cum. His hot seed poured onto the floor in a seemingly endless stream. The queen had to hide her pleasure that once again, because of her, he could not contain himself in the moment. Secretly, she could feel her own arousal starting to drip between her thighs.

As he came back down from his orgasm he was surprised to see she had moved next to his head and was staring at him lovingly. He had expected to see anger or disappointment on her face, but instead was greeted with a kiss. His head spun from the combination of the rush of the orgasm and the unexpected sweetness he was greeted with. Even though she told him that it excites her to see that she causes him to have that reaction, he still wished he could have waited. Partially because he wanted to make her proud of him for having self control and because he did not know if he would be punished for cumming without her permission.

She leaned in and whispered in his ear "Toy. You have disappointed me."

"Yes Mistress, I'm sorry I came Mistress."

She sat back on her heels and he saw her eyebrow cock up and he knew he was in trouble.

"Toy, you cumming is always a beautiful thing. However, you have wasted that wonderful part of you on the floor. Where does your cum belong? In me or on the floor?"

"In you Mistress. Wherever you tell me."

"Good boy" she purred to him. "I see you are still hard, which pleases me, however I told you to stay rock hard and throbbing which you are not. So I guess I'll just have to find a toy that can actually please me. A toy that allows me to orgasm first, the way it should be. I will show you how a toy should work and you are not to look away."

She walked over to the table, then propped herself on the corner and brought one foot up to the table. She was positioned in a way so that she was exposing herself completely to him. She watched his eyes darken even more as he licked his lips inadvertently.

Her hand moved her soaking panties to the side and reached down to dip her fingers into her pool of moisture. He saw the glint of the object before he saw what it was. She had a beautiful glass toy in her hand and started to lick it while looking him in the eyes. Once it was properly lubricated she slid it slowly down her body until she penetrated herself with it, letting out a cry of pleasure.

"Watch me my toy. See and learn how a toy is to be used." She said between gasps and moans.

She pumped herself hard and fast until she let out a scream and shuddered in pleasure. He watched as her body convulsed and clenched onto the toy.

"Toy, THAT is how toys are supposed to work. I'm going to give you a chance to redeem yourself now. If you do not give me a better orgasm than this toy just did, you'll be replaced by this one. I will put you on a shelf and leave you until I decide if you should be used again. If you do not meet my expectations."

She pulled a chair up near his face, propped her feet on top of the stockade with each leg on either side of his head. She edged herself closer to his face until she could feel his breath on her swollen folds. Without words he went to work, knowing exactly what his Mistress needed.

He started with a slow lick from her opening to the top of her clit. Her moan was his encouragement, his song of praise. He slowly licked back down again, taking his time to enjoy every drop of her sweetness.

After several tormenting licks he began to increase his speed and intensity. He circled her clit with his pointed tongue before giving it a hard suck. By her cry and shudder he knew his Mistress was being pleased by her toy. Him, her own toy.

He opened his mouth and took as much of her into it as he could, kissing and sucking as she writhed in the chair. He wanted so badly to insert a finger into her but with his hands still restrained he had to rely solely on his mouth to please her. He doubled his efforts then, knowing she was close. He heard her moans turn into cries of pleasure mixed with words of encouragement. He felt her body tense and knew she was close. With a solid bite to her clit he sent her into a screaming orgasm and could feel her spasming under his mouth. Her fingers dug into his head as she clung to him through her euphoric ride.

"Mmmmm toy, you did well. I'll keep you around a bit longer after that. In fact I think you deserve a reward."

She walked back to her table of fun and picked up an item he could not see. He heard a giggle of satisfaction with her choice and watched her insert it into her still wet vagina. She came back to him for another kiss, licking his lips as she pulled away. He tensed for a moment recognizing the devilish grin she had as she backed away and went behind him.

His genitalia, still decorated in the beautiful chain and jewels was dripping wet, gleaming in the soft fire light of the torches. She let out another moan of approval at how beautiful he looked in front of her. She gently dragged her nails down his spine, causing his skin to erupt in chills. When she got to his beautifully marked cheeks she grabbed them with both hands, massaging and caressing them before giving each side a stinging slap that made him even harder.


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