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Being Little

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Barely 18 Athena dives headfirst into DD/lg.
4.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/15/2020
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Athena woke, as she usually did, to the sound of her mother, hollering from the kitchen.

"Neena, darling! Get your sleepy butt downstairs this instant, or I'll feed your pancakes to Snufflesnoot!" she crowed, drowning out the sound of the classical radio station she always had playing.

Athena smushed her face into her pillow, inhaling deeply, and stretched out her arms and legs, sticking her tiny feet out from under her fluffy duvet.

"I'll be right down, mum!" she growled, her voice rough with sleepiness. Her hands reached out, searching for her favourite stuffie, Hooters, a round fluffy owl with great big eyes. She rolled over in bed and looked around her room, pink lacework patterns decorated the walls, and her soft-white furniture looked as if it belonged in a princess' palace. Athena sighed, wishing she could feel so little all the time, the way she did at home. But she had to hide it away everywhere she went, as though being a little was something to be ashamed of. She loved her little side, and so did her mothers, both the Domme, and Sub.

As she slumped down the stairs, her lacy babydoll flounced around her rich, olive-skinned legs. Waiting at the bottom of the stairs was a fluffy grey rabbit, it's tiny nose snuffling with excitement.

"Goodmorning Snufflesnoot!" Athena sang, as she reached down to carefully scoop up her beloved pet. As she strode into the kitchen, she softly caressed Snufflesnoot's neck, petting him gently in his favourite spot.

"It's a Britten morning, darling!" her mother greeted her over the sound of Movements from a Clarinet Concerto.

"Where's mamma?" Athena asked, as she reached into the fridge for orange juice. To differentiate between her two mothers, Athena called her Scottish mother mum, and her Italian mother, mamma. "She's not at the clinic already is she? Or is she asleep?"

"We ran out of coffee beans so she just popped down to George Howell to pick up a fresh bag," her mother explained. "You know she can't handle a morning without a proper espresso. I got a good spanking for forgetting to pick it up during errands yesterday."

"I find it hard to believe that mamma had energy to punish you before she could inject herself with caffeine," Athena giggled.

"Yeah, well my butt doesn't find it hard to believe," quipped her mother, as she handed her a plate stacked with fluffy golden pancakes.

"Are they chocolate chip, mum?"

"Of course they are Neena! I don't think we do 'plain and simple' in this household."

Athena chuckled through a mouthful of pancake at her mother's euphemism.

"So, do we have any plans for this weekend?" Athena began, covertly feeding Snufflesnoot a tiny bit of pancake.

"Well your mother and I are going to a kink party on Saturday night. Why do you ask?" mum inquires, one well-manicured eyebrow raised with suspicion.

"Some friends from school wanted to go out to the movies. Nothing crazy just the regular group, like Gennie, and Ana and stuff," Athena spits out, immediately fluffing up her answer with unimportant information, hoping her mother wouldn't notice that...

"The movies huh?" Athena winced, knowing she's been caught "What are you guys planning on seeing?"

"Oh, just that new, uh, chick-flick" she stammers out, failing her attempts to hide her intentions.

"Oh really? A chick-flick, or are your cool-girl school-friends trying to drag you to 50 Shades of Grey? " her mother quips, her expression immediately darkening. "You know what mamma would have to say about that! You know better than to support a franchise like that, glorifying abuse and calling it healthy BDSM. It's just awful!"

"But mum! I promise I'd-"

"The answer is no, Athena. And you should be ashamed for asking. It's things like 50 Shades being in the spotlight that force us to hide our lifestyle. Absolutely not."

Athena sighed inwardly. She knew her mother was right, that the movie would be as awful as the book, and that it wasn't a good example of consensual BDSM. However, Athena had just found herself surrounded by some of the most popular girls in school, and wanted to keep them as friends; and that meant going to see 50 Shades of Grey at the movie theatre like every other girl in school.

Athena ignored the fact that these girls only began talking to her after last summer. As she rounded the bend from grade 11 to 12, she finally crept past the awkward phases of puberty and became a total knockout, like her moms. Before that however, Athena had let her social anxiety get the better of her, and had spent most of high school alone. Save for a handful of good friends whom she had grown up with, Athena had lived under the social radar for most of her life. It's better this way she always told herself no one will get close enough to out me.

"Listen Neena, hunny. I'm sorry I got so upset about the movie, but you understand right?" her mum began, a remorseful look paining her delicate features.

"Yeah, I understand mum," Athena sighed. "I just don't want to lose these friends."

"Well hun, if they'll ditch you over a missed movie date, they aren't worth enough to lick my heels," she grumbled snidely.

"I know, mum," Athena huffed, tired of the conversation.

"I have an idea!" mum sang. "How about instead, you have a night of real BDSM? Come to the party with mamma and I! You can get all dressed up, it'll be so fun! Then you'll see some real spanking," she said, winking playfully at her daughter.

Athena grinned at the thought. "I can come? Really, really?" she gasped in disbelief.

"You turned 18 months ago, so I don't see why not. Screw Christian Grey, Neena-Bear, come Saturday, you'll be seeing red."

As they entered the sex-club, Athena's breathing began to hitch, becoming shallower as she got more and more nervous. All her memories of low self-esteem came flooding back, and her hand flew to her hair to fluff up the daring curls her mum had spent an hour on.

The club was dimly lit, except for a fabulous stage in the center of the room, above it hung a sex swing for suspension play, its buckles and chains shining beneath the spotlights. She glanced around, the thud thud thud of loud, sensual music rattling her tiny frame.

Everywhere she looked, there were gorgeous, sexy, sensual people clad in leather, lace and latex, or nothing at all. Some Dominants held their submissives on leashes, some showing off their naked sub's bodies like art pieces. All around there were collared slaves serving drinks, acting as furniture, and being played with. Some of the subs were sweet littles, clad in tutus or onesies with pacifiers, their Daddies and Mommies often in suits or dresses, less nude than other Dominants.

Her mothers arrived in their best, Mamma in a tight black corset, thigh highs and glamorous platform heels, her hair tumbling down her back in luxurious curls, her sub's leash tight in one fist, a riding crop in the other. Mum's leather collar was tight around her neck, Mamma had dressed her in see-through lace lingerie, her sweet pink nipples poking through the fabric, her feet bare, with heavy leather cuffs on her ankles and wrists.

Athena's mothers had taken her to Agent Provocateur earlier that day and had her outfitted from head to toe. Her lingerie was pink French lace, stunning, and tastefully frilly to make her feel little. Beautiful strands of gold thread embroidered intricate patterns throughout the lace, making her shimmer. A tutu-like garter belt held up white stockings, with sweet bows on the back of each thigh. She wore delicate pink platform heels, and her curls were pulled back from her face in a pink bow. She couldn't help but feel sexy, and small, and so, so excited.

"Well Neena? What do you think?" asked Mamma, her eyebrows raised expectantly.

"I don't know what to say! It's all so amazing!!" she shouted over the music, practically bouncing with anticipation.

"I knew you would love it!" cried Mum, receiving a hard swat with the riding crop. "Ouch!"

"I told you," growled Mamma, watching Mum rub her sore bum. "Full rules tonight, including no speaking without permission. Did you forget that, my little slut?" Mum nodded, her head hung in shame. "And what do you have to say for that? Hm?"

"Sorry, Mistress." Mum mewled, still not raising her head.

"Good girl. Now Neena, run along and have fun. Your mother and I have some playing to do."

Athena watched her mothers strut away, and felt a wave of anxiety shudder down her spine. What was she supposed to do?

Suddenly, she felt a delicate hand on the small of her back.

"Well, hello little one," a voice purred, with a slight Southern accent. "Don't you look positively delectable in that sweet getup."

Athena jumped at the contact, her head swiveling to see where the voice had come from. Her wide brown eyes fell upon a spectacular pair of breasts, held firmly in place with bondage harnesses. As her gaze wandered up, Athena absorbed the body before her. Flawless skin, the colour of dark chocolate, a long elegant neck like that of a ballerina, and a face to make angels cry. The Domme's eyes were a stunning honey gold, her hair teased into thousands of tight, intricate curls. A decorated septum piercing peeked out from her nose, drawing attention to the full lips below it, painted a glistening blood red.

Athena couldn't keep eye contact, her eyes now staring at her own feet, so intimidated by the startling beauty before her. "H-hello," she stammered. "I'm Ath-thena."

"Athena," the Domme repeated, rolling the name over her tongue. "Like the goddess of wisdom, and battle. A big name for such a darling little girl. Is this your battle armour?" she asked, running her impeccably manicured fingernails over Athena's stocking covered thighs.

"Y-yes Mistress, I suppose so."

"Oh hun, you're so well behaved. But you and I both know I need to earn a Mistress title. You can call me Imogen. Would you like to play?" she asked, indicating the stage.

"Oh, what? I don't think I could. I'm here with my moms and I-"

"Don't you worry about them. Everyone knows Winona and Adeline, they'll be in the scarlet room with the other VIPs tonight, you're on your own here," Imogen purred.

Athena was taken aback, her mothers were VIPs, huh? She realized that they left on purpose so she could play, and smiled to herself.

"Well then how could I say no?" she giggled, her stomach churning with excitement.

"I thought you'd say yes," Imogen laughed. "Come now, little Athena, I want everyone to see you squirm."

As Athena stepped up onto the stage, guided by Imogen, she noticed a crowd beginning to form around them. Dominants and submissives alike were drawn to the stage as the goddess-like Imogen began her scene.

"Rules first, Little One," Imogen began. Her voice was stern, but her eyes gave away her excitement. "We use the stoplight as safe-words. Green means 'Yes! I love this!', Yellow means 'This makes me nervous, let's slow down' and Red means 'No more, I'm not okay'. Does that sound alright to you, Kitten?"

"Y-yes my lady," Athena managed to choke out.

"Good girl. You will respond to questions with 'Yes, Mistress' and 'No, Mistress'. And be mindful of your manners. You will ask permission for every orgasm, and apologize after every spank. Understood?"

"Yes, Mistress," she responded with a grin, feeling the excitement beginning to build.

"Excellent. Then let's begin."

Imogen turned her back on Athena with a theatrical flair and addressed the audience.

"So, everyone. How shall I begin to play with this sweet little doll?"

The crowd erupted with giggles and shouted suggestions. Louder than all the rest were the voices of a few Mommies in a group. "Suspend her!" they demanded, bouncing their Littles in their laps.

"What a wonderful idea!" Imogen declared, as she began her work.

Slowly and methodically, she worked her way over Athena's body with the restraints, taking care to make sure every strap was tight and even. She spread Athena's legs into a split and attached several straps along their length for support. Imogen signalled for Athena to be lifted, and the audience gasped as she rose from the stage to meet Imogen's eyes. Athena was surprised that the bondage was so comfortable. She was so well supported, it felt like she was sitting comfortably in a split, with her arms bound behind her, thrusting her chest forward.

"Now, my Kitten, we can play," Imogen purred. Athena flushed at the sound, and her body began to tremble with excitement.

From a table to her left, Imogen selected a small spiked pinwheel that glinted devilishly in the light. Starting at one ankle, she guided the pinwheel across Athena's legs, applying only the slightest pressure to tickle and tease her inner thighs.

Athena's cheeks grew steadily pinker as Imogen worked her body over with the pinwheel, causing a warm wetness to begin in her lace panties. Imogen took notice immediately.

"Would you look at that! My sweet little plaything is wet already," Imogen cheered, letting her hands cup Athena's breasts, rolling the nipples between her fingers and eliciting a sigh from Athena's lips. "Tell me, Little One. Are you excited for the orgasms I'm going to give you?"

"Yes, Mistress!" cried Athena, overwhelmed by her arousal. As she gazed about the stage, the stares of the audience only made her feel sexier.

"What do y'all think?" Imogen said, addressing the crowd. "Is it time to watch her beg for an orgasm?"

The audience began screaming and chanting at her question, all of them waiting with bated breath to watch Athena fall apart beneath Imogen's hands.

Imogen smiled at Athena, and leaned in to capture her lips with her own. As they kissed passionately, their tongues dancing into each other's mouths, Athena could sense movement around her. And suddenly, the world seemed to fall away.

Only Imogen's musical laughter broke through the overpowering feeling of the vibrator on Athena's clit. Her legs were shaking in their restraints as Athena squirmed on the vibrator, desperate for more stimulation.

"Please Mistress!" Athena cried out. "I need to cum. Please, please let me cum!"

"Oh no, no, no," sighed Imogen. "It won't be that easy," she said, as she snatched the vibrator away from Athena's steadily dampening pussy.

Athena let out a whine and Imogen's head whipped around at the noise.

"Is there something wrong, Little One? Do you have the audacity to think that you've earned an orgasm?" Imogen nearly growled, gesturing to have Athena lowered from her suspension. Once her legs touched the ground again, Imogen moved her into position, her feet shoulder width apart, bent at the waist with her hands on the ground.

Athena whimpered as Imogen pulled her panties down off her bum and began to rub the soft skin. When Imogen's hand lifted, Athena flinched knowing what would come next, but held her position.


The sound echoed through the club and Athena cried out her apology. "Sorry Mistress!"

"Oh, Kitten. You don't know the meaning of sorry yet. You were impatient, and now I'm going to punish you," Imogen purred, the crowd around them erupting in cheers.

Imogen's hand descended on Athena's quickly reddening bottom nine more times, each time accompanied by a whimpered apology, and a wetter and wetter pussy.

Then, standing behind Athena, Imogen grabbed her by the neck, and brought her into a standing position, clutching her small body tightly to her own. Imogen's hand tightened around Athena's neck, and she sighed with ecstasy. She felt Imogen's hand snatch at her panties, pushing them down around her knees and then spreading her legs further apart before teasing her clit with her long, slender fingers.

Athena immediately began to pant and moan, becoming louder and louder until Imogen thrust two fingers into her waiting pussy.

"Please, Mistress!" she screamed, nearly blacking out with the effort of holding off her orgasm.

"Yes, Little One. Come for me."

The orgasm wracked Athena's body in waves, over and over again. She felt herself trembling in Imogen's hands, and her knees gave out. Imogen lifted her by the neck and pussy, only adding to her pleasure, and the audience's cheers and screams blended with her own.

"Good girl."

Legs trembling, Athena took Imogen's hand and allowed herself to be guided off the stage, squinting as her eyes adjusted to the sudden darkness as they moved away from the spotlights. Imogen's slender arms enveloped Athena's shoulders and she leaned in close.

"Now, take a deep breath for me, darlin'" she purred. Athena hesitated, hypnotized by Imogen's ripe red lips. "Breathe, baby," she reminded and Athena obliged, inhaling deeply, and reveling in the Imogen's scent.

"You smell like lust and Prada, Mistress," Athena mewled, leaning her face into Imogen's chest.

"You've got the nose of a hunting hound, honey," Imogen chuckled. "Now come along with me, there's a few people I believe are very interested in meeting you."

Athena said nothing as Imogen guided her through the party. Her eyes widened at all the guests, and she blushed deeply whenever someone recognized her, greeting her with cheers and applause. Arriving at a heavy wooden door, guarded by a burly security guard, Athena's confusion only grew.

"We're not going to the VIP rooms are we, Mistress? I don't really think my mothers want me to crash their party," Athena mumbled, nestling into the crook of Imogen's arm.

"Oh don't you worry little one, I'm not nearly important enough to get into a room with your mothers... yet. Tonight, I want to show off my trophy."

Athena couldn't help but giggle. The thought of being a plaything made her wet, and the thought of being shown off made her even wetter. The security guard swung open the heavy door to reveal a luxurious space, several men and women in sumptuous evening-wear lounged around the room. If Athena hadn't known better, she'd have thought they were attending a gala, and not a lavish sex party.

"Doms, and Dommes," began Imogen in her signature growl. "I'd like to introduce you to our newest guest, Athena!"

All around the room, the men and women began to applaud gently, surrounding Athena with a chorus of welcomes.

"Now darling, I want you to make yourself comfortable. These men and women want to learn all about you, and you may learn about them if you like. Does that sound alright?"

Athena nodded. "Yes Mistress. And what should I call them?" she asked, reluctant to break any rules in the room.

"Sir and My Lady will do just fine, little one."

Athena took a look around the room and spied a plush armchair within view of everyone. As she walked over, she could feel a tremble in her belly -the kind she felt when something began to excite her- and smiled, all these people wanted to know her! The attention continued to soak her panties, to the delight of everyone in the room.

"Look at the little doll," began a large man in a dashing grey suit. His rugged beard and long hair reminded Athena of surfers and lumberjacks. "She's still soaking through those little panties of hers!"

"Mmm, she looks delicious," purred an elegant woman in a slinky red ball gown.

"Take my word for it," shouted Imogen from across the room. "She absolutely is!"

The party guests gave a cheer at this and Athena blushed, wishing she could relieve the pressure in her soaking wet vulva.

"Tell us, little one," called another gentleman in a crisp tuxedo. "What kind of little are you?"

"Well, Sir," Athena began, trying desperately to stay in her big girl headspace. "When I'm little, I always feel like 4, I guess. I love pink things, and fluffy things, like my bunny Snufflesnoot!"

A chuckle echoed about the room at the bunny's name, and Athena continued on. "I love sippy cups and pacis, too!"

"That's all very sweet darling, and what do you like in bed?" asked a woman nearby, as she lay effortlessly across a chaise lounge in a silver gown.


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