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Being Special

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She tried so hard, would she still be special after he knew?
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Ivy, Lee's wife, had gone to a bachelorette party. He had few worries; Ivy had been the most faithful wife a man could have for a blissful decade. Lee knew Ivy would be one of the most responsible ladies present. Ivy shepherded the younger ladies away from really bad trouble, as the point of the evening was to find some fun trouble.

Lee understood his job from his post at home was to be mindful of what assistance his wife might potentially need. That started with the clock. He joked with himself that he had to be a clock-watcher to protect the ladies in their cock watching. If the gals got in at ten that meant trouble: something had gone wrong quickly. If they got back at one or two then they found their relatively benign, albeit adult themed, adventure. Arriving later than two there was probably some sort of bad trouble, the magnitude of which increased as the clock continued to tick. The possibility of the trouble jumping from adult themed to adultery also rose with the passage of time. Then again, that was precisely why Ivy was going along; to shepherd the weak or impaired away from trouble, especially that kind.

Lee knew Ivy would be escorting the others home, so she would be quite late. Being later did not necessarily mean something dastardly occurred. Perhaps the gals just needed to be sobered up. As it was after 2:30 now, he began his mental checklist of what he might need. A car, water, blankets to warm, conceal, and cover. A credit card for bail and plastic sheets for the car for the inevitable vomit also made his list. He tried to smile as he forced himself to rest.

He glanced at the clock at three. There was no call for help yet. Damn he was tired. Staying up half the night without an emergency to focus your energies was tough. He drifted off.

At 3:20 he started hearing noises: bumps in the middle of the night. Lee roused himself from his very light sleep. Reflexively he reached for Ivy beside him just because. She wasn't there. His groggy mind ran through likely explanations: she's in the bathroom, etc. as he roused to a higher level of consciousness.

Lee heard scuffling downstairs. Was that furniture moving? He was instantly awake. Now he heard plodding steps on the stairs. Was there someone in the house that was not supposed to be? The footfall did not sound like someone comfortable with where they were going, or perhaps how they were getting there.

Lee rose staying in the shadow of his bedroom reaching into the hallway to flip on the hallway lights, temporarily blinding himself with the sudden brightness. The plodding person on the steps was in even worse shape. His wife, Ivy, almost fell backwards, the illumination hitting her like a physical blow. Lee was instantly flying down the stairs and had her in his arms, keeping her from toppling. Lee's sudden appearance and actions startled her again. Ivy looked at her husband, her concern and shock relaxing into an honest smile. Then she saw his reaction to her, his face wore concern, probably because he had to rush to her protection. Ivy smiled again; Lee was her protecting knight. Now she had to put him at ease.

"Slorry honey, I'm pretty dunk!" Ivy slurred happily. Seeing his growing concern, her face had shot to fear then horror in a split second. Seeing her husband's resulting happiness at the crisis passing, with the added bonus of finding herself in his arms, Ivy relaxed. Lee assigned her emotional display to her inebriation. He felt his worries melt after the back-to-back issues of a possible burglar, his wife falling down the stairs, and her impaired state. Now that Ivy was home and safe it seemed humorous. Except, had she driven like this? He felt his concern rise again. He asked her directly.

Ivy smiled up at him, "Nooo. The limo drivvver may have made as muschh as the ssstrippers!"

Ivy smiled up at Lee beaming while cuddling herself into his arms letting out a contented mew. He hugged her harder producing another sigh.

"So baby, want to get lucky?" Lee asked with a wink in his voice.

"I'mmm already lucky, I've got you, but I NEED a shower." Ivy answered running her fingers through his hair.

Lee escorted her up the stairs more by his strength than hers. He kissed her and enjoyed it, pulling back with a wrinkled nose. She saw it and asked, "I'm so slorry honey, did you wait up or did I wake you? My hair shmells like schmoke. I am sshweaty, a-and may have puke on me."

Lee looked down to where they were still tightly joined. He did not feel any wet spots pressed against him.

"Did you get sick?"

"No, it's from a couple of other girls. I schtill need a schower."

"It's after 3 AM."

"I know. I'm slorry. We had to get everyone home and si-tuated. Some were slick!"

Lee was only reasonably sure his wife meant sick.

"I felt like a chaperone on a high school field trip." She paused, "Some had some romantic strife." She winked up at him, "I had to vouch to a couple of boyfriends that they had really wasted, but still faithful girlfriends, when we returned them."

"I'm not sure you put them at ease in the shape you are in. If the chaperone is this wasted the regular party goers must be down for the count."

"Nooope! Did this after dropped them off."

She looked up, an odd look on her face, real emotion brimming. She asked her husband, "Why do gals think it's fun to get others drunk and try to corrupt them? Especially brides-to-be? They could destroy lives." Ivy completed her thought with only a slight slur evident.

Lee stiffened up concerned. Ivy smiled, shaking her head as he asked, "A rough trip then?"

"Yeah, friendly competition becomes drunk fueled bouts of "I'll show you...""

"And we had a problem with the bride to be?" Lee asked.

A terrible look flashed across Ivy's face. Then it was gone, which made Lee's concern leap a full valence. "Is she okay?" Lee asked more seriously, considering the context of what his wife had said a moment ago.

"It will be a little dicey," his wife answered glumly.

"Oh," he said guardedly.

"Yeah," Ivy looked down. "Some of the drunk ones lied to those of us keeping our heads. They were all gone for a few minutes before we realized two ladies had both told us the other was going to take the bride to be on a potty trip. You know, typical little kid stuff to throw off the parents. The little minxes had set the bride to be up for a private dance."

Ivy looked down again, her face darkened, "She was out of her head drunk."

'Damn, he wondered, was this "is the wedding still on" sort of serious?' He thought it best to let Ivy unfold the tale at her own pace. It would roll out more cogently that way. Lee wondered how bad things had gotten that Ivy ended up drinking this much.

Ivy looked down again as Lee sat them on the edge of their bed to rest her weary wobbling form. She continued to explain, "We realized the bad girls had set up the blushing bride to have their kind of fun. They had whisked her away. We found her alright; she was wasted with the private dancer's dick in her mouth."

Ivy stopped, steaming at the thought of doing that to one's supposed friend. Then she softened terrible sympathy and sadness controlling her countenance, "I don't know her husband's views on such matters. I know she doesn't make a point of cheating. She didn't get, you know, compromised in a way she could be pregnant." Ivy suddenly looked up at Lee, almost desperate for him to understand, "The poor girl hardly knew what she was doing, in fact I question she did know. It had to be orchestrated by those bitches! Even if she didn't initiate, even if she's not responsible, hell, even if she doesn't remember it, most guys would still not like the fact of it. And damn it, that's not trouble she made for herself!"

Ivy looked pointedly at her husband, "It probably wasn't her fault. Her friends got her too drunk. Why, why, push it that far? Why set this up? I really don't know that she will even remember it!" Ivy was impassioned, mystified by the acts of some women. A flood of emotion raced across her face.

Lee was suddenly out of any sort of romantic mood and in full protect mode. Ivy felt the jolt go through him as he held her startling her out of her revelry. Lee could not help but wonder; Ivy had such a strange expression.

"Oh honey, I'm sorry, I was gone for a bit there," Ivy added, looking defeated though noticeably sobered. She realized her husband was reading her face. She was startled and went beat red. For a second Lee thought he saw something. He suddenly felt ill. He wanted to ask if his wife wanted to tell him anything. He felt tremendous sadness course through him.

Ivy watched his face and gasped wondering what had he spotted? She shook her head tears flooding her eyes and finally flooding her voice. "No honey. I would never ever. You don't have to worry about me." There was something in her voice, was she speaking out of panic?

Ivy faltered, searching for words while growing more upset. Lee felt the ground crumble under his feet. 'How about that', he thought, 'That's an actual sensation.'

Ivy spoke clearing some of the depressing mist, "No honey, no. Don't worry. I have been a dutiful, proudly loyal, wife. The idea of another man with me... oh my God it's horrific. Terrible!" She started to tremble. Lee noticed. The sensation seemed completely genuine.

Ivy steadied herself. "The limo driver was an off-duty cop. I thought that was tremendously helpful. She could steer us clear of any improprieties on the returning of the gals to their bewildered boyfriends. She, the cop, was female if I didn't mention it." Ivy looked at Lee nervously, "It was a dramatic situation with the bride to be. There was wine left after we dropped her and the others off. The other chaperone and I, we killed it! We had a chauffeur; we had a heck of a night. We sat in front of her house and her husband came out and the three of us sat in the back of the limo and drank and talked it out. We earned it."

Ivy saw Lee thinking, 'He knows I don't drink like that without him, he's trying to make it add up. I need to help him.'

"Baby, I smell of sweat and smoke. But could you..." she held her arms out in invitation.

Lee hugged her more tightly than previously. He thought that she would not want him that close if she was guilty of something. He thought of the situation. She did need a shower, so she hadn't had one. All the evidence was still there, he told himself. He found himself trying to subtly check inventory as he disrobed her. No marks on this side of her neck. Bra? Yes, and in place, the clasp was perfect. Panties? Check, all seems well. He cursed himself for doing this. He reminded himself it was both their jobs to guard their union.

Ivy stopped them just short of the bathroom with a new pronouncement, "Take me to your shower!" she said with false drama. Lee was still supporting her in a powerful hug, which she evidently loved.

She moved to peer directly into his eyes. Oh, they were so green, like the color of the ocean. She could lose herself in his eyes. Ivy had to snap herself out of it, she had to put Lee first here. "Let me help you take inventory." She nuzzled into his chest as he removed her jacket and began to take off her shirt. She fell even more into his arms somehow, as Lee laughed at how bad a job he had done at his surreptitious inspection.

Ivy knew she had pushed her wonderful husband to the point of checking her veracity. She felt terrible. She tried to choke out, "I'm sorry," but stopped herself. Composing what she should say instead. She stood, pulling back enough to face Lee, but careful not to break his grasp.

"No, love, you never have to worry. You h..." Ivy changed linguistic direction. "Baby, the idea of losing you, of not having your love..." She shook as she imagined it, tears flowing from her eyes. "I w-would never do that to you. I took my wedding vows ultra seriously. You have given me so much. I... I actually adore you."

Lee felt Ivy's adoration now and had their entire married life. Ivy seemed to palpably love him even more since their wedding than when they dated.

Ivy still peered deeply into his eyes, "I was not the primary sentry for this party. I didn't know the bride-to-be as well as the others. But baby some friends, hah, will push others to do things like this. Some guys and gals don't care about a little grab ass. Some don't mind the guys rubbing themselves on the girls, even gland-case dancers. But I'm pretty sure most guys would not like their finance sucking another guy's cock. Almost all the guys don't want their girlfriend, little less fiancée, fucked by some stud."

Lee looked at her. Ivy could read the unasked question in his face, "Did that happen?" She shook her head with a rueful smile, "No, we kept that last one from happening. But the hurtful girls got her way too drunk!"

Ivy pondered a mystery she could not answer. When she spoke, she was taking a different tack, "Some gals give head and like it." She had been staring at the floor while she thought, now she looked Lee right in the face. "I-I like giving you head." She looked down, she said more quietly, "I love giving you head. The poor girl, if she's like me..." Ivy started trembling. "I mean, I don't know. I had only done that for you."

Lee couldn't help but see his wife's hesitation. Her speech was slightly slurred but clear, her syntax was mostly correct. Did it mean something when it wasn't correct? So, what had she just said...? Had only, not have only?

"The notion of doing it for someone else is sickening to me." Ivy's words forced Lee back from his thoughts.

Now she shook worse and hugged him more tightly. Speaking softly in his ear Ivy changed tack, "As drunk as she was, you put a dick near her face and her default may be her boyfriend. If she likes sucking him, well, she sucks, maybe she doesn't even realize she did it for someone else. I'm not sure if he forced it there or if she opened her mouth willingly, she's out cold now. If it was willingly, she may not have realized it was for anyone but her intended. She may have a tough time dealing with this tomorrow morning, I don't know. If she's a wild thing and did it because that's what she wanted at the time, then it's really all on hubs-to-be as to what he will put up with. If she's not wild, then whether she took him willingly or not this could make her suffer the rest of her days."

Ivy clung tighter, "Why do you think I go on these damn things?" Without a break she answered her own question, "To keep this sort of thing from happening." She sighed loudly and with a depth of emotion that surprised Lee.

"If I had been "first chaperone" it would not have happened. I wouldn't have ever let her out of my sight. I was tending to some of the other girls when word broke that we had lost sight of the bride.

"Our stopping what we found put the kibosh on the evening. A lot of guilt is picked up by context. Everyone knew the night was shut down abruptly. That will make them feel bad for being part of something that went wrong. That context will make it worse for the bride.

"I sprung into action Lee, and stopped what was happening. For all the speed, there was no panic. I had to evaluate quickly. I think it all gave me a pretty honest picture of what was happening. If she were less drunk and really liking it, then that's her deal. But she was plastered and I just don't know. I swear the poor girl did not seem to know what was going on. She really could be innocent, just misused by some of her friends. The worst of them or the false ones always seem to get the upper hand in these situations."

Ivy looked back at her husband, "I'm feeling really guilty about that poor girl. Last night could be the end of her life as she knows it tomorrow morning. When she wakes up and remembers or is told what she's done..." Ivy stopped her comment as if about to enter a toxic territory.

She shook it off saying, "Baby, it's after three, I have awakened you. I need a shower. Badly." She smiled. Looking at him appraising Ivy quietly offered, "Do you want to take it with me?"

He really didn't. He was tired but she did reek. Lee was sure he smelled of cigarettes just from holding her. His wife didn't smoke. Wow, they must have needed a gas mask in that place! He sure didn't want to make the bed smell like that.

"I might take you up on that shower," he said wearily.

Ivy had him nervous for a moment thinking she was initially confessing her own indiscretion. Now he didn't want her to think he had suspected her. Thankfully she smiled an invitingly wicked smile. As usual she was already ahead of him.

"I'm happy to pay the piper!" She winked. Then her face reddened again. She had heard the reticence in his voice, "Uh baby, maybe you don't want to but, uh, w-would you take my shower with me? You don't have to do a thing. You're tired, but I don't want to be without you. The idea of losing your love, it's horrifying to me. And that poor girl -- she's facing all my worst fears!"

At the midpoint of her words, Ivy saw a look on his face. She bit her lip and her eyes teared, reading his thoughts again.

"Baby, I haven't our entire married lives, I promise. I wouldn't. Even a rapist would have to beat me senseless in order to take me. I'm certainly not giving it away; I'm yours. I mean it: you have given me more than my portion. My cup runneth over, in and out of bed. But I've clearly made you nervous. Come baby, and don't you ever feel bad about it. We need to respect and jealously guard our marriage! You inspect me: I'll pass. You have a completely faithful wife." She smiled "I'm smitten baby."

He tried to back pedal. "I-I trust you."

She gave him a smile of adoration, "I know. Now verify. This is part of how we earn each other's trust. If one of us is feeling less than positive the other helps them over come it." She smiled again, putting her open palm on his cheek, "I invite your, uh, eyes, and hands on me, and then... anything else. But baby, as odd as it sounds check my, er, femineity first."

Lee looked quizzical.

"My, oh damn, my pussy, check it first. The, um, inspection process, if you are doing it... will probably turn me on. I told you that I'm smitten. A doctor doing it? Yuck! But if you are doing it, no problem. I don't want you thinking bad thoughts." She pulled close, "That I was... drooling for another. I only become a desperate slut for my master." She smiled laughing two octaves lower than normal indicating she was indeed getting turned on. She let herself fall against him again. "So, check that first before I drool for you, so you know I haven't been for someone else, and that I only do for you." She seemed warmer and almost purred.

Ivy put a tongue in his ear, "Let's get me and my clothes in the bathroom. It's like the last bastion of big tobacco in those nightclubs. The dancers must all have lung cancer."

She pulled Lee into the bathroom. She started the shower to let it warm. She wanted to do a strip tease quickly deciding against it. She needed to relieve his fears, not provocate.

"Yeah, bad idea seducing you. That will get my motor running too. Besides I'm still pretty drunk, I'll take a header. I stayed at the last house of my chaperone counterpart for twenty or thirty minutes as we talked about what we will have to do for the poor girl. We also drowned our sorrows at our failure with one last drink sitting in the limo. That drink was a bottle split three ways."

Ivy hurriedly pulled off her tight jeans while still supported by Lee's strong embrace. She made a point of displaying what she wore for her husband. For visiting a strip club, tight pants were feminine, with a sign that said, "hands off". Her underwear was sexy but not slutty, just keeping with the mood of the evening. And Ivy was no prude.

Ivy pulled down her undergarments over average length but nicely toned legs. She was a beautiful woman, Lee so loved his wife. She looked embarrassed looking at her panties. She held them out for her husband.

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