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Belle: Steamy Georgia Days & Nights


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I felt the side of the coffee pot and said, 'Oh, the coffee is cold."

He ignored that for what it was worth. "Now I have slept on your hammock nearly all night, I need breakfast, then a shower," his eyes grew dark with the memory, "and possibly a nap."

I got up from the picnic table. "I'll make breakfast."

I didn't have to think about cooking as I prepared breakfast so I had time to ponder what just transpired. He had made several things perfectly clear which gave me a different outlook on our relationship.

"You are the best cook, Belle," he said, tossing his napkin on his empty plate. "You are lucky to have found something you love in the food truck."

I cleared the table. "Are you happy at your job?"

He shrugged. "It's a job. Don't love or hate it. I put my technical degree to work there, so that's a good thing."

I leaned against the counter and looked at him. "What would your love be? Career-wise I mean."

"I don't aspire to be a CEO if that's what you mean."

"No, I didn't mean that at all. If you could do anything at all for work, what would it be?"

"I guess I never thought about it." He looked uncomfortable so I didn't push. It was just a get-to-know-you thing anyhow. "Now about that shower..."

He knew the way this time and was stripped and ready by the time I got there.

"Anxious are we?" His cock hung heavy and thick. I pulled my shirt over my head, baring my breasts. "Now about that date."

"Anytime anywhere!"

I hooked my fingers in the waist of my sleep shorts and slowly pulled them off.

"You know," I said, moving close enough my nipples grazed his chest, and I heard his low growl. "I never put the cart before the horse." His hands went to my ass and he pulled me into him.

He nuzzled my neck. "What do you mean, darlin'?"

I tipped my head to give him better access and sighed. "Means you usually don't get milk from the cow without a little sweet talkin', or in this case, a date."

He stopped when it sunk in. "So, you mean no nookie until we go out on a date?"

"Darn tootin'!"

"But it's okay if we shower naked together?" I nodded. "But you wouldn't leave me with blue balls right?"

I laughed. "That line only works with a blushing girl on prom night. I reckon most of us wise up after that." He looked sheepish but laughed. "But no hot-stuff, I wouldn't ever leave you hanging. Maybe begging for more though." I smirked.

Later when we were all slick and soaped up with our bodies sliding together and hands roaming each other, he said, "Y'know Belle, you're killing me here."

"Bless your heart," I whispered against his lips and I kissed him while I took his hard cock in my very talented hands.

I had planned on making a few new recipes today but didn't expect the homey background of football and a man hollering at the refs. If I wasn't careful, I could be sucked right into this cozy domestic scene. Especially since we hadn't even gone on our first date yet.

He padded into my kitchen, barefoot, bare-chested, and jeans unzipped. Damn but that man could steam my panties.

"Can I help you with anything darlin'?"

Help me? Oh, you have no idea.

"I think I'm okay. I just wanted to try a couple of new ideas."

He rubbed circles on my back and I could feel his breath. "I was thinking." His hand came up my neck and his fingers ran through my still-damp hair. "How about taking a ride on the bike tomorrow?"

Phew. I thought it was going to be something sexual for sure.

"Sure, sounds good, Billy."

He turned and left the kitchen, but popped his head in and said, "Hey! Does that count as a date?" I threw a dishtowel at him as he laughed and ran.

He stayed all day, helping me taste test and with the clean-up. He took my old Jeep into town and picked up a pizza, so dinner consisted of pizza and beer on the sofa watching football. And like a pig in mud, I wallowed in it.

He put his arm around me and I leaned back into his chest, enjoying the vibrations of his chest when he'd yell at the game. I even liked his beery kisses during commercials. I hadn't realized how much I missed a man being close, just doing everyday things. This was my high cotton, I thought.

I almost gave in and led him up to my bed after dinner, but I think the heightened sexual arousal made us feel like a couple of trembling virgins that were excited for their first. In a way, that was for us. Our first time. I wanted to make it good. Memorable. Hot and steamy. It may be all we have, or we may look back on it from our front porch rockers. Who really knows.

It was late when I shoved him out the door with a promise of breakfast before our ride.

A more perfect day couldn't have been ordered. The summer heat and humidity granted us a short reprieve. The canopy roads were cooling and refreshing as we rode through. He stopped at an overlook that I wanted to remember to visit again for autumn colors. A deck overlooked a series of falls that thundered the water over outcrops of rocks and down the river.

"This is gorgeous, Billy!" I said, leaning over the railing.

"I thought you'd like it," he said, brushing at my hair that the helmet smashed.

"My hair must be a mess." Even on a good day, my hair was a mess. About twenty years into my life I had given up on it, quit fighting, and let it have its way.

He smiled. "I love your hair. Always have," he said softly, still smiling and touching my hair. "It's so sexy." I laughed. "Really. It has that wild indecently suggestive look like you just had a night of racy sex."

"What?! Get outta here!"

He shrugged. "Not just my opinion." Good gravy, that means they were discussing me. I didn't even want to know and dropped it.

We stopped down the road for ice cream. It was still warm enough that I had to fight the heat to get in down before it melted all over me. I quickly licked and bit at the cone at the same time trying not to wear the drips that were falling. I turned the cone, licking and sucking. I giggled when I got down to the cone and look at Billy.

His eyes were dark and lusty. He leaned over and kissed me, licking the ice cream from my lips. "You're killing me, Belle."

We weren't out late because I had to prep for tomorrow's gig. I got a mess of sweet potatoes and had some pies to make. Billy made himself indispensable and we were done in no time. All I would have to do is tote it all out to the truck in the morning.

I walked him out to his motorcycle. "I had a lot of fun today," I murmured, kissing him. "And you're spoiling me with all the help you know."

His hand was on the back of my neck and the kiss quickly turned hot and steamy. "So, about this date. Are you free next Friday, or have you make plans with the other guy?"

"I have no plans and would love to go out with you." He nodded, kicked his bike, and roared off.

That varmint was weaseling his way into my life and knew he was doing it too. He was becoming important in my life, in all ways. He fixed things on my truck, tasted new recipes, helped me prep, made my house a home again, but most of all made me lust after him.

Billy sat in the truck eating his burger and red slaw while I served his coworkers.

"Save me some of that banana pudding, woman," he said. I stabbed him with a look and he raised his eyebrows and shrugged. I pushed a dish of pudding down the counter to him.

During a slow down, I said, "So can I have an idea of where we're going so I know how to dress?"

He looked me up and down, taking in short denim cut-offs, plaid sleeveless western shirt, and cowboy boots. "'Bout like you are now."


"OK, like that but jeans maybe. I don't want everyone ogling those sexy legs but me." I rolled my eyes.

"Hey remind me that I had a couple requests for cobbler," I said and he nodded.

"Okay, darlin' much as I love being here with you I got to get back to work." I walked to the back door and we kissed. He slipped and hand under my shorts and squeezed my ass. "Just checking those bows."

"Bad boy," I mumbled and went back to the grill.

Friday came and I still was clear as mud on how to dress, so I did choose jeans, boots, a blue t-shirt, and jacket. He came rolling up in his pickup so I felt relatively comfortable in my choices.

I saw a cooler in the bed when he held the door for me. "You're looking right sexy tonight, Belle," he said giving me a quick kiss before closing the door.

We drove quite a ways further out in the country and I could see the glow of bright lights in the night sky. Football maybe? As we neared, rolls of dust billowed and moved through the lights dispersing into the night sky. Then the sound of throttle acceleration, off, then on, then off and I knew we were going to the dirt track races.

He looked at me and I grinned. "Okay?" he asked.

"Yes! I haven't been to the dirt track in forever!"

He backed the pickup on the dirt mound overlooking the track. I hopped on the tailgate and watched the stockcars. He came up and stood between my legs and held my face between his hands. He studied me for a moment before giving me the sweetest kiss I've ever had in my life. He shook his head and slid on the tailgate next to me, touching knee to hip.

When there was a break in the action, we raided the snacks and grabbed a couple of sodas from the cooler.

"I wasn't sure you'd like this," he said.

"Oh yeah. My Daddy used to take me to the roundy rounds every Saturday night. Before I got married, I dated a guy that drag raced. I loved that because I could be in the pits and even took his car down the quarter-mile. Good memories," I said, smiling in remembrance.

"You are my kinda woman, Belle. But then I've always known that" he added, putting his arm around me. I rested my head on his shoulder.

We got back to the house covered in dust. My hair was full of grit down to my scalp, I could even feel it on my teeth. I went into the bathroom, bent over, and fluffed the dirt out of my hair as best I could. He walked up behind me and I looked in the mirror.

"I found my first silver hair the other day. Since then I've found more. I'm getting old."

"Stop it!"

"Maybe I should dye it."

"Stop it, Belle. You don't need to dye your hair. I like you just as you are. Silvers and dirty teeth and all."

"Lawdamercy!" I leaned in the mirror and smiled to inspect my teeth.

I grabbed my toothbrush and paste and started scrubbing. Billy sat on the toilet lid watching me, not even considering he should leave. He found the toothbrush I gave him before and did the same. We made big toothy grins at each other and nodded that all was clear.

Which didn't cover the grit in my hair. It's pay-up time, Belle, I thought. He followed up on his end of it, now it's your turn.

"I think I'm going to need help getting the rest of this dust and grit off of me though," I mused.

"Really. Anyone in mind?"

"Nah, I'm still thinkin' on it."

He jumped up and grabbed me around the waist and I squealed because he startled me and then I started laughing.

Holding my chin between his thumb and forefinger he said, "I better be the only one up for consideration." I nodded. "What? I can't hear you."

"Yes! You're the only one in my shower and in my bed."

It took a moment for what I said to sink in and he smiled. He pulled my shirt over my head and unhooked my bra. My tits spilled out into his hands. I worked his shirt off and unsnapped his jeans. I scratched his hard rod through the denim and he moaned.

"I need you, Belle," he murmured, nuzzling my neck. Neck kisses drove me wild and I think he was on to that. "Let's get rid of this track grit."

He adjusted the shower and I followed him in. I used the shower heads to rinse out the sandy dirt first, and he bent over so I could do the same for him. We soaped and scrubbed each other more efficiently than the other times. He ran his finger through my rosy pink folds and found me wet for him. We quickly toweled off and I stretched out on the fresh sheets I'd changed that afternoon.

He put a knee between my thighs and held himself over me looking down at me. "I've waited for this a long time."

I stretched my arms above my head and twisted my torso, and he moaned. He brushed his lips over mine and trailed them down to my tits. He captured a nipple with his teeth making me gasp and arch. He sucked onto my nipple and pinched it between his tongue and teeth while my pussy got wetter.

He trailed his tongue around my nipple and down, circling my belly button. I gripped the sheets when I felt his breath between my legs. My lips were always shaved soft and smooth and I know they were wet with my juices. His tongue drove through the folds and teased my clit. I sucked in a breath and rocked my hips.

His hands were on my inner thighs spreading me wide. He sucked on my lips and nibbled with his teeth. He sucked on my clit and moaned, vibrating it and I mewed loud and long. He began doing that rhythmically while he kept up the vibrations. My toes curled and my body arched and I trembled and moaned my way through an orgasm.

I needed to be filled. I had to have him inside me. "Fuck me, Billy. I need you inside me."

He supported on his elbows and we locked eyes and I held his cock and guided him in. He pushed in slowly. His eyes were dark blue liquid. I mewed as his cock stretched my tunnel and conformed around his hot shaft. He filled me then. We were locked together.

"Oh darlin'," he breathed, grinding in deeper.


I pushed up and there was little movement. As though he would slide out and the feeling would end. Finally, his eyes closed and he stroked in and out. I could tell he was trying to stay in control. I squeezed my cunt muscles around his cock and he moaned.

His mouth was near my ear. "Darlin' you do that again and I won't last." I squeezed his ass and ground up against him and dropped, riding his cock. Suddenly he rolled. Somehow he stayed in me and I was now astride him.

I ground down, taking him as deep as possible. I rocked slowly. His hands covered my tits. He already knew what drove me crazy. I raised and supported myself on my arms and watched his cock disappear in me as I rode him.

He moaned and cupped my dangling tits in his hands. I began to ride faster with longer strokes. His hands went to my waist as he thrust up to meet me. Our bodies pounded together. His cock rubbed my clit into a high-flying orgasm. My cunt pulsed and gripped his cock rhythmically. He grimaced, shouted, drove up, and held me down. His heat filled me along with the hard throb of his cock.

He pulled me down on top of him and rolled us on our sides. He scissored his arm around my head and buried his face in my neck. He held me close and tight and his thigh came over me and pulled me close.

"I can't breath," I mumbled. "Big hug."

"Sorry darlin'," he said, easing up. "I don't think I've ever cum that hard before." He smoothed my hair back and kissed me. "Be right back!" And I saw his bare ass disappear down the stairs.

He brought back a tray heaped with food. "I wasn't sure what you wanted so I brought it all."

I laughed. "I see that!"

We sat cross-legged on the bed and made salami and cheese sandwiches. Of course he found the red slaw. I ate an egg roll with the Carolina mustard barbecue sauce which was my favorite of the new stuff. The whipping cream on the coconut pie ended up on me more than the fork, but he liked licking it off me mostly.

I snuggled in next to him in bed, knowing it was the right thing. No matter how long it lasted. I needed someone in my life like this. Before I drifted off, I realized how tonight changed my feelings.

I smelled bacon and tensed for a moment. It had been a long time since I awakened to someone in my house. Not that I was bothered by it now. Not by a long shot. I let him into my life with the likelihood that he would leave just as quickly. A man his age isn't going to be interested in someone my age for very long. Once he had a hint of the future reality with an older person, the sooner I would see him zooming out the lane.

I threw an oversize white t-shirt on and went down to the kitchen. There was a pile of french toast staying warm in the oven along with a platter of bacon and pan of cheese grits. He was just finishing up two bowls of fresh fruit.

"Mmmm, this was nice to wake up to," I said, wrapping my arms around him and peering over his shoulder. "You had a real hankering for breakfast huh?" I chuckled.

He looked over his shoulder. "Yes, ma'am but my hankering was really for you but I didn't have the heart to wake you up."

"I don't mind if it's you doing it."

I took the butter and maple syrup from the refrigerator and set the table. He set the loaded platters down the middle.

"What do you think?" He sat down across from me.

"Are we having guests I don't know about?" I laughed. "This is a lot of food, Billy." I cut into the french toast before adding syrup and I was glad I did. Whatever he did to it gave it enough flavor that only butter was a good addition. "Mmmm, this is fantastic!" He grinned. "You never said you were a cook."

I dove into the tall pile of french toast I loaded on my plate. "I like to cook. Never get a chance to do much, and it's not much fun just for myself." I nodded in understanding.

"You'd do wonderfully with a breakfast place."

"What I'd really want to do is smoke."

"You mean like barbecue? Chicken? Ribs?" He nodded. "Wow, that's pretty awesome. The truck across town that does it for me has a pretty lucrative business. He has a permanent place to park his truck and gets lines waiting around the block."

"I've been there. His is really good."

"Right, that's why I use it on the truck when I have a barbecue special. I can't do it often because the markup from him that I have to pass on makes it a little pricey for my stuff." He nodded.

"I order a mustard-based barbecue sauce out of South Carolina that is well-liked. I use it in the egg rolls... But you've had them," I said, laughing.

He grinned. "That's okay, you should be excited about your food."

He cooked and I told him I would clean up. He still dried the dishes and learned where everything was in my kitchen at the same time. He was driving me crazy bumping against me, as he walked by.

I just finished up at the sink when he came up behind me. I felt the heat radiate off his body. His arms came around my waist and he started doing that neck thing. I gripped the edge of the counter as his cock pressed into my ass. He pulled my panties down and ran a finger between my pussy lips.

"So wet," he murmured. I moaned.

I heard a rustle of clothing and felt his cock stroke through my pussy lips. I pressed my ass out and back. Wanting. He kneed my legs apart and moved in. The head of his cock slipped in, then he rubbed it over my tingling clit. My knees were rubber. The slick tip rubbed circles on my clit. I leaned further over the sink, clutched the faucet, and trembled a low moaning orgasm.

While my pussy was still pulsing he pushed in deep. He held my hips and thrust into me fast and hard. For a flash, I was glad I let the water out of the sink because my tits were hanging in there jiggling around and jerking each hard thrust.

He grunted over and over sounding almost desperate to cum. Right then he locked deep inside me and pumped his hot seed deep.

He stepped back and I hated when his cock left me. He turned me around and took me into his arms. I had my arms around his neck while he softly rubbed circles on my bare ass.

"You're killing me, Belle."

"What did I do?"

"Just being you."

"Oh, okay. You had me worried for a while."

"You always have me worried."

"I do? Why?"

"Because I think any minute you could walk out of my life," he said with a slight frown.

"I don't want to do that, Billy. I have no intention of doing that." He zipped his jeans, sat at the table, and pulled me into his lap. "In fact, I was thinking what a great team we would make if you started smoking. You could sell through my truck. Or get your own. Or wholesale it."

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