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Ben Repaired

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What happened next for Ben the Builder.
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No one underage, not a lot of sex in this one. Follow up to Ben Broken.

Ben Repaired

As I lifted the lintel into place I noticed a suit watching me work. He got up the courage to come over and speak to me.

"Ben Thompson? May I have a moment of your time?" I was in the middle of fitting and leveling the five hundred pound stone lintel, so it was not a good time for idle chit chat.

"You will have to wait a few minutes here. Mortar is setting up as we speak." I finished with the huge stone block, and dressed the joints evenly. Level in this direction, level in that direction. Height is ok. Braces were solid. Was I a perfectionist? Maybe so, but lintels were a very, very important part of the structure, and had to be installed correctly. I wiped off my hands, and turned to the suit. I extended my hand.

"Ben Thompson," he shook my hand with a decent firm grip. He had some muscle, apparently he was not just a pencil pusher. I like that.

"George Babcock. Great work. Do you always check your measurements five times?" He seemed genuinely interested.

"Absolutely. Sometimes six times. Gotta be right."

"Well, it's very nice to meet you finally. May we go somewhere to chat? Cup of coffee?"

"Sure, I have to check with the bosses anyways." I took him to the trailer. We walked in and I bent over to kiss Marsha. Marsha was a voluptuous, gorgeous black woman. She was my right arm. She really ran things around here. I was more muscle than brains. Everyone underestimated her intelligence because of her big chest, but I knew how smart she was.

"Marsha this is mister... Uh what was your name again?"

"George, George Babcock, my pleasure, Marsha," she grinned and shook his hand. He was looking at her G cups like everyone did.

"Ok George, it's your show."

I prompted him.

"First off, the county board of supervisors asked me to give you this. This is from the excellent repair work on the county jail you did two years ago. I trust the amount is ok?" He spoke, then handed over a county check to me.

I was in shock that the county board had done a damned thing, much let alone pay me for my work.

"This should go to the old business creditors, not me."

"This was from a handshake deal with the warden, who is my uncle by the way. He says 'Hi' and 'Thank you for a job well done'. You worked alone, and did terrific repairs that were sorely needed. If you had not shored up the building, well... It could have been a tragedy! Your old company had nothing to do with it. You did the whole thing, soup to nuts! And amazing as it sounds, all by yourself. Fine job by the way."

"My engineer?" I know Bill Ramsey worked on it too.

"Paid Bill Ramsey the engineer separately. Again, a handshake deal, nothing to do with your old defunct business. His specs were better than the original builders. Great job all the way around." He was effusive in his compliments and that was making me very nervous. Why all the compliments, and the long overdue check? This was a set up for something.Two hundred thousand dollars was a big hook.

"Won't the creditors have a cow over two hundred thousand dollars in my hand here?" I asked. "Who wants a lawsuit?" I went to hand back the check.

"Sir. I represent 90% of the creditors. The other ten percent of the creditors is ah... You." He looked at me kinda in an appraisal. Like I did something naughty. Which if truth be told, I kinda did. Naughty, but 100% legal. Hell, I had the IRS scoundrels look it over and they approved it for tax purposes anyway, way before I executed the plan. Better safe than sorry. I suppose I was a bit underhanded in the way I went about it, but considering what my ex had put me through... It was a small enough price to pay! I had done nothing illegal.

"You knew all the time that your ex-wife was going to fuck things up, so you got out, took out a bunch of contracts that you knew she couldn't fulfill, you knew what would happen. And then waited for the bankruptcy. By our estimates, you got about $1.3 million from the court."

"It was only $1.1 million after the lawyers took their pound of flesh. Nobody at my old company was forced to sign those work contracts. If they chose to, all they had to do was say no! ...All nice and legal. I did get $700 k in the divorce. So you win some and you lose some. What is your point? You guys mad at me? Go talk with the ex. She got the company. I certainly did not put a gun to anyone's head to sign those very, very real contracts. Each of those contracts was to a real person, for a very real job. If Betty had done the work, I would have made two million dollars, not just one, and you know it."

"Betty was in a mental ward for some time. Not sure she's going to be much help. I guess she's out and waitressing now. I'm not really sure about her mental state." He saw the upset look on my face. "Let's talk about something more productive. Like making money. Actually... You making a great deal of money!" I swear his bankers eyes went "ching- ching!"

He looked me in the eye. "Everyone we have spoken to recommended you. All of your former employees and subs said the same thing. Every single customer ageed: You are the best man for the job. You are the only one crazy enough to try to resurrect your old defunct business. We want a 50% cut on proceeds 'till the debt is cleared.." He smiled like a wolf. Well there was the opening shot.

I suddenly realized what this was all about. The creditors saw no return from a dead horse, so now they wanted me to saddle up again. Guess who the horse is? Yeah right. Fuck them. This horse is not letting anyone ride.

"No thanks."

"How about 30% cut and flexible terms?"


"How about we get a 20% cut and some form of payment until the debt is cleared times two. That is court ordered four million as the current debt is two mil. What do you think?" He was throwing out the bait. That was like free money, but of course there is always a catch. A huge catch.

"Why should I? I have my own business again. What's in it for me?" I did not want to get back in the big game. I was in the game in a very small way, not like the multi-million dollar jobs from before. All that was gone for good now.

"Negotiated, signed, very real contracts. You had twenty-two million dollars in business...all lined up and ready to go. All that good will, and with bank pre-approved dollars. All of it is still there. For some reason folks like you and the good will is still there. Some of the contracts have slipped or gone, but most still very, very viable. We spoke to the banks. We spoke to the customers. Everyone is on board. It is still doable, but only with you driving the bus. Every single one of them wants me to beg you to come back to your old business." His real purpose was finally apparent.

Finally! We get to the truth. Folks wanna make money, and money on my skills. I was the man who could do it all. They saw me like a modern day Midas because of my track record. Every single building or job I took was completed on time and under budget, with many very happy customers. I used to get many bonuses from very happy clients. I always split these with my workers, or just gave all of it to them. Nobody ever quit on me, ever! I tried to treat everyone with respect, and in turn, I was treated with respect and loyalty. That meant a lot to me.

Too bad my ex wife killed the goose that laid the golden eggs. Her divorce stabbed me in the heart, and the fucking lawyers finished the job, not counting the judge from hell who gave me the coup de gras, and gave her half the business. My business.

Fucking cheating, ex wife, bitch... I said "Fuck it!" and left. I was... I am the business. Without me... It failed very miserably.

And I took my share of the corpse, and went on vacation in the Caribbean. I felt so bad about that! Yeah right. The draft horse finally revolts. I hated that all my former employees got hurt, but there was really not much I could do. So... Fuck it! I quit. Little fanfare, and I doubt she was prepared for the reaction from my old colleagues. They saw the handwriting on her wall and everyone bolted from the company like it was on fire. I wonder if she ever understood that in large part, I WAS the business, not to take a thing away from my talented and able workers, but I was the driving force that made it all work. I took what we "negotiated" in court and left.

I did make a few bucks by contracting a bunch of very real outside projects. I was at the bankruptcy court almost first in line, with ironclad contracts. So I made back a few of the dollars that I was screwed out of. So what? All very legal, thank you very much. And I could have made much more if she had not reneged on those very same contracts. Really, I saw what was going to happen even before I was out of the door. I was just in a pretty good position to capitalize on her upcoming mistakes!

"What about my ex-wife and her new guy?"

"Well she is out of the rubber room, she is waitressing now, her dumbass boyfriend got run off by multiple death threats. Apparently she was not the only wife he stole! She doesn't have too much to do with what's going on with the business. All the lawsuits and the bankruptcy took a huge toll on her." I wondered if she had fucked him? He knew something else. I could see it in his eyes. He did fuck her! I'll bet on it. I wonder if he knows about the diner?

I wonder if she knew about her ex boyfriend. Rumoured to be dead from a deal gone bad.

Now he comes to me to get the gravy train reopened. I saw him for the snake that he was. But the deal was still there, still may be feasible if I could raise some cash, and get the old gang back together. A lot of very big "Ifs". I would need to discuss a strategy, and if it came to fruition, tactics. But certainly not with the greedy banker here, trying to make a bunch of money for himself. This guy had to be held at arm's length for sure. He would make a play for my girls for sure. If he had not already.

"What about those same lawsuits? I can't fight a battle of lawyers. It would be hard enough to just get back on track to where we were. All my guys are gone, I imagine the tools have all been sold, we don't have a pot to piss in." I marveled that none of that was of consequence, as long as I called the tune, and we could get a band back together. A band of real builders.

"The big lawsuits are gone. Can't squeeze blood from a stone. Bankruptcy took care of a bunch of stuff. Dismissed almost all of them. Wiped the slate clean for the most part." He was very happy, like a fisherman who got a hit on the line. He was trying to reel me in.

"Here is my counter proposal. Creditors get ten percent. Plus an equity partnership stake worth another ten percent. And they have to scratch up two million dollars for start-up...doesn't have to be their cash, maybe as a bond with seven year maturity, market rate. This gives them some real skin in the game. If we make it work, they win big. They would have first loan position, if things went south. They get all the money back and then some... in seven years. Put in some protections for both of us! If the terms are too stringent, deal is off. Call them and see if they are willing, otherwise we just let it die. Call me. And thanks for the check. I better cash it before county changes it's mind." We both smiled. He thought he won. I knew it was a huge gamble, damn if I was going to use my limited funds on this huge crap shoot. The creditors could make back all the money and then some, if they were willing to wait for the business to grow back. The start-up money was non-negotiable. I had put a deal together in five minutes that might fly, maybe. Who knows? Now I was the fisherman. See if the devil in the suit took the bait.

He looked like he was just thinking and recalled something. What a great actor this guy was. "Oh I forgot. County has ten structurally deficient buildings they need fixed. They want you." He smiled again. Ching-ching.

"When is the bid date?" I knew how the county tried to operate. Squeeze the contractors if they could. Bid things to death with big bonds for surety. Not my thing anymore. I'm not going to tie up cash that I don't have on a bond, or buy one from a broker, and then get squeezed at the table by the bid process. No thank you.

"No bid contract. County engineer seems to think you walk on water since you fixed the jail. Two buildings are about ready to fall down, so it's all emergency funding only!" George had that banker's look, the one that goes, "CHING-CHING!" in his eyes again. He only saw the up-side, and I doubt that he would listen to reason. I knew the truth was, it was going to be a difficult repair. This was true without even looking, or they would have fixed it themselves already. I just wondered how he was making money on that deal. Finders fee maybe? Betcha. Weasel. Fuckin banker.

Why should I care if I can make a barrel of dollars? 'Cause I still do. Pain won't ever go away, cause she was a part of me for such a long time. I know, she's a cheating cum bucket whore but she used to love me... Or so I thought. Now I just want to throw up. Yikes. Betty drove a stake through my heart.

"We will talk about it. One last thing. You guys need to have my ex sign a total quit claim. I sure don't want to work for her, or work for free! So that is vital. Maybe get your guys to cough up fifty k to get her to sign off, or no deal... This is non negotiable. Without her sign off, I won't agree to anything. Well. Thanks for stopping by." I extended my hand, I needed him to get going, so I could speak to my boss. He shook my hand with a passion. He was stoked already, and I had not even said anything yet! Would they take the bait? Time will tell.

"Thank you so much for your time. I hope that we can make it work. I'll find out about the waiver she needs to sign, and I think fifty k is very do-able." He left on a cloud. You could see the dollar signs dancing in his head! Money guys! The original eternal optimists. True gamblers. Especially when they were gambling with other people's hard earned cash!


"He is pretty much pure evil and he is some kind of asshole. He thinks that you are going to work for him. He is going to go after me and Carol too. You are aware of this right?" I stood passively. Marsha was giving me her first impression. Not a great one either!

"Well?" Marsha said as she pulled out my cock and started to suck it. She loved sucking my cock, and I loved her doing it. Her black skin was so perfect and contrasted with my white hide. Her lips are like heaven on my cock. She had predicted this meeting quite a while back, and she was right again. She was not prescient, but was just incredibly smart. I watched her watching Jeopardy and she said the answer before any of the contestants. And she was the only one who got final jeopardy. None of the panelists did! She routinely beats me at scrabble, does the NY Times crosswords in ink pen, and she could easily be a mensa person if she chose to. She spoke seven languages. She played piano and guitar and the violin. People always underestimated her because she has huge hooters and a gorgeous big butt. I have learned better. She is a real force to be reckoned with, for sure. The fact that she loves ME is almost beyond my limited comprehension! She was great in bed on top of all that, except she was super shy. She might have a mild case of Asperger's Syndrome. She had been taunted all of her life, and it took a terrible toll on her psyche. It hurt her self image. I was constantly reminding her of her desirability to me, and that's no lie. What a fantastic woman, and she was mine. I try to make love to her every day, or at least make sure she knows that I want her. Was that adolescence speaking in our relationship? Perhaps, but I don't care. I love her.

"You predicted this. That's why you are the boss." I told her. She was very good at sucking my dick. I wanted to eat her pussy, but she would not do it in the office. She was very professional and wanted me to come in her mouth. That and her shyness would dictate what we did in the office. And she loved making me come!

"Not because I have your pretty testicles in my hand?" She squeezed them gently for emphasis. She loved my balls.

"Yeah, I've heard that if you have them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow." I gently squeezed her mammoth mammaries. They were huge and just wonderful.

"Oh fuck yeah!" She said breathlessly, her huge brown orbs were so great to touch, suck and even just watch them jiggle! Her big plump lips were going to make me cum, and cum hard. I felt that feeling as the cream came to the top. She sucked down every drop of my semen with a big smile. I loved her so much. Marsha made me so happy. I endeavored to do the same thing for her.

We got home to our condo and continued our make out session as we made supper. I made a pot of my chili, she made a nice salad and some corn. We had a nice glass of red wine and I fucked the voluptuous black woman right there on the counter. Just then, Carol walked in, surprising us.

"You bitch!"

"What?" Replied Marsha.

"You yelled at me for me fucking him on the counter, and here you are banging the shit out of him! On the damned counter!" Carol bent over and kissed the black beauties full lips. They kissed each other for at least ten seconds.

"I yelled at you for fucking him on the counter..."

"-just said that!" Carol interjected.

"-Because there were still five couples in the living room from your damned cocktail party! They were all out there laughing and giggling because you screamed when he made you cum. They were all peeking around the corner of the dining room to see you thrashing around on the counter stark naked. I was kinda embarrassed. I may be black, but that day I was five shades of red. We were going to do him together, after the party, when you pretty much practically raped him. And those were your guests, not mine!" Marsha was on a roll. She was right of course. I can't help myself around these two women.

"Ok, I'm sorry I jumped the gun a little bit. He had an erection, and I saw it and..."

She was smiling stupidly.

"You guys never blame me for fuckin' up. Not once." I ventured. I wondered if they would accept my apology.

"Your cock can't wait, and we understand you. Have we ever left you high and dry?" Carol said to me.

"Never. How come you give Marsha a kiss, but not me?"

"You! Who knows where those lips of yours have been? Probably kissing Marsha's ass! Come here big boy. Give your white wife some sugar. If you haven't given all your kisses to Marsha already." I kissed her hard with passion. Her top had magically vanished and she was struggling with her bra. I was still inside Marsha and I felt that feeling and shuddering and Marsha came. Hard. She was very quiet when she came, at least sometimes. She held me like a vice as she climaxed.

"Oh yeah, fuck yeah." She was not expecting that orgasm. Neither was I. Carol, moving stuff out of the way was naked next to her co-wife and next thing, I was fucking her tight little cunt. She was grunting as she had a bunch of little orgasms, and I could feel her building up to a big one.

Marsha was sucking on one of Carol's double D tits and her hand was on Carol's hard clit. She came hard like a rocket. Carol screamed like a banshee. I spurted wildly into her tight cunt. They were both fuckin' wonderful!

"Honeys I'm home! That was a very nice welcome home. I hope you made enough food for me too! I love you both so much." She kissed and nuzzled us both. She did love both of us.

"I have some great news. You were right Marsha. Spot on prediction about most of the clients." Carol was speaking mile a minute. Money did excite her. More than sex I think!

"Wait, let's eat first and you can tell us after. So the child doesn't get cold." Marsha seemed never to take a compliment well. Always deflected.

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