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Click hereBest of Blue Bloods Part 15
Season 5 Episode
Jamie and Eddie arrest a man who was going off the deep end. They took him to the hospital to have him checked out. He butt heads with a new doctor.
Jamie was getting antsy because they were waiting and he finally had enough and went over to try and cut the line.
Eddie piled on, "Why don't you go flash those baby blues of yours at doctor Lamb Chop over there?"
He stared at Eddie,"You think?"
She shrugged, "It's worth a shot. How long do you want to be here?"
He got up and moved over to the doctor, "Excuse me."
She didn't even look a him and replied,"I'll get to you when I can, officer."
She walked away and he followed., "Uh, doc. we've been waiting here for over two hours."
She scoffed, "And I've been here for over 26. and the day before that, 32. Do you see where I'm going with this, officer? My days have been more than 24 hours in them. How is that even possible?" She turned to him, "I'm sorry, that was weird."
He stared at her and he liked what he saw. She was about his age, petite and slender. Her long dark brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail and from what he sew hidden by her uniform, she looked rather nicely built, He stopped her, "Oh, I'm sorry. I was rude. Um... I shouldn't have spoken to you that way."
She was stunned, "Wow!" and she chuckled
He had a confused look on his face, "What?"
That's the first decent thing another human being has said to me since I've arrives in the city." She extended her hand, "Jennifer Bennet, M.D." She broke out in a huge smile and giggled, "Sorry, I'm still not totally used to saying that yet."
He pointed to his name tag, "Jamie Reagan, P.O. Uh, New Yorkers can seem a little rough at first, but you'll see, we come around." He handed her a card.
She took it, "What's this?"
"Police courtesy card. It's like a get out of jail free card. Use it anytime you get pulled over inside the five boroughs."
Eddie was watching their interactive and she was looking a little jealous.
Jennifer smiled at him, "Thank you." She grabbed his hand and wrote down her number on the palm of his hand, "Use that if you ever want to get a drink."
He smiled at her, "Okay."
She turned towards the ward, "Let's see about your guy."
He turned and they headed down the hall after he replied,"All Right."
The next day on foot patrol they were checking cars for expired registrations. Eddie was on the street side, "So, you gonna call her, Reagan?"
"Who?" He saw her give him a disgusted look, "What, you mean the doc?"
"Yeah, the doc?"
"Well, why you asking me about that?
"Why you being weird all of a sudden? We're partners, we talk about pretty much everything."
"We don't usually talk about that stuff."
"We don't? Is that, like, a new rule?"
He was defensive, "No, it's just that, that one time when we, uh..."
"Where we what?"
"You know, I just don't want things to get weird."
"Well, then you need to stop making things weird."
"How am I making it weird?"
"Because you're acting like a typical guy. I mean, look, we spend a lot of time together. We get along. A few nights, we went out, we had a few drinks, and we ended up fucking. It happens all the time,"
He shrugged, "Okay."
"Do I look like I'm carrying a torch here?"
He shook his head, "No, no"
"Well, then you need to get over yourself."
"You're the one who started this conversation, not me."
"I thought we were friends, who slept together on a few occasions."
He threw up his hands, "We are"
"Well, that's what friends do, Reagan. They share with each other. Things that are going on in their lives."
He finally gave in, "All right, fine. You want me to share? We went out last night"
She was stunned. She wasn't expecting that, "You and the doc, y-you already.... You went out?"
"Yeah, met for a drink."
She was shocked to hear it, "Oh..... Good....That's....Good, you know, good for you, you know." She found a car with an expired registration and began writing it up. She had her head down, inwardly, she was crushed.
Once back at the precinct Jamie came looking for Eddie, "You see tomorrow's roll call? Renzulli's got you riding out with McKenna. You want me to straighten this out?"
"No, Jamie. I did that."
He was blown away, "You did?"
"Yeah, McKenna was asking around for someone to ride with, and I just thought to might be a nice change of pace."
He stared at her, "Okay."
She turned, "What? It's just one ride. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right?"
He shrugged, "Right"
She stood before him, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing." He began walking away.
"Come on, something's on your mind."
"Over a year together, and I can count on one hand the number of times we haven't rolled out as partners,"
"What are you saying?"
He shrugged,"I'm saying, it's some coincidence. I'm saying maybe you're upset because I went out with Jennifer."
She chuckled, "Uh, well,for your information, McKenna is running a decoy unit tomorrow, and he needs a female to pose as a hooker. That's why I agreed to ride with him."
He took a deep breath, "Janko, I'm sorry, I didn't know."
She blew up, "Yeah, I know you didn't know, but I appreciate the conclusion you jumped to." She turned and walked away, "Jackass."
The next night, Eddie was at the bar, shooting darts.. She was wearing a low cut black camisole. Her large tits were trying their best to escape. Her long blonde hair was down and the waves flew about her chest. She headed to the bar, "Hey, can I get three more beers?" She got them and turned and was staring at Jamie. "What are you doing here?
He was dressed in a dark shirt and sports jacket, "Looking for you."
She swept her hair back, giving him a glance at her chest, "Yeah, well, I'm off duty"
"Okay, well, I only need a minute. I just want to apologize."
"For what?"
He shrugged, "I misread you. I though you were, like... Acting jealous or something. So...My bad."
She looked down, "Why would I be jealous?"
He replied,"You wouldn't be."
She licked her lips, "What if I was?"
"I don't know, this... thing we have, here, is... Kind of undefined."
She nodded, "Mm-hmm"
"And we're flying without the instruments. At least I am."
She smiled at him, "Well, you didn't misread me completely. I asked McKenna if I could ride with him before I knew he needed a female for his decoy unit. But I'm not calling it jealousy."
He shrugged, "Neither am I."
She chuckled., "We're good?"
"Yeah, we're good."
She flashed him a sexy smile, "Okay, um, let's shoot darts. Drink beers,"
"Uh, another time, I'm booked."
She stared at him, "Oh, fancy. Paging Dr. Lamb Chop?"
"Come on Eddie"
She chuckled., "It's a joke, Jamie. Remember jokes?"
"It's just dinner."
"Well, you don't need my permission. This is your third date, right? You know what that means."
He stared back at her, "You know, you could join us. Well, at least after we start. How about I text you when we get to my place. Give us a half an hour and come over. I'll leave the door unlocked."
She wet her lips, they were glossy and he felt a twinge in his loins, "Okay, I'll think about it. Don't be upset if I don't make it. There are a bunch of hot cops here, you know."
He stared at her, "Try and make it, I'm sure Jennifer would be down with it. She said you looked amazing."
She scoffed, "Of course I am, now go."
He left and picked up Jennifer at her tiny apartment. When she opened the door, Jamie's jaw dropped. She was stunning. Her long sable brown hair, normally poker straight was wavy and curly. It cascaded over her shoulders and rested on her firm, high standing breasts. She was wearing a cranberry, silky wrap-around dress. It had scalloped hem. showcasing her shapely legs. The tiny belt about her waist was tight and it again helped showed off her tiny waist and shapely hips.
Jennifer was smiling at him. Her lips were painted to match her dress. Her dark eyes were twinkling as she saw how he looked at her, "Would you like to come in for a few minutes before dinner?"
He chuckled, "Oh Jennifer, that is a loaded question. If I did, I'm afraid we'd never make it to dinner, so no, let's go. I'm starving., but I know I wouldn't be able to resist you if I came in."
She chuckled, "Well said, Officer Reagan, we'll have to pick up on that later. I too am hungry, and not just for food."
They traveled to the restaurant, talking about mundane things, but once seated, the conversation grew more intimate, in more ways than one.
She smiled back at him between bites, "So tell me Jamie, what's between you and Officer Janko?
He stopped chewing and gave her a sly smile, "What do you mean, Jenn?"
She giggled,"Oh, I think you know what I mean. Is there something going on between the two of you?"
He put his fork down, "Well, we are in a squad car over nine hours a day. We've grown close, but nothing serious."
She took a sip of her wine, "I know about things like that. I have colleagues at the hospital where we are close, but we don't..." She leaned over and whispered, "Fuck one another!"
Jamie turned red and nodded, "Okay, I guess you dragged it out of me. Yeah, Janko and I have had a couples sexual encounters between the two of us."
She knew he was holding something back, "Okay, but what else have you two done?"
He let out a deep breath, "Yeah, we have. Are you sure you want to heard about this?"
Her eyes lit up, "Now you have to tell me!"
He made her wait. He took another bit of his steak and after swallowing it, he wiped his mouth with his napkin. He took her hand and caressed the back of her hand with the pad of his thumb, "We have had other encounters. We had three very, very erotic threesomes. Always with two women, one was even another female cop."
Jennifer was smiling from ear to ear, "Wow, I would never have thought the straight laced Jamie Reagan would be into such things?"
He snickered, "I doubt there is a man alive who wouldn't want to have two females, especially when one of them was Eddie Janko."
She squeezed his hand, "Mmm, do you think she's be open to trying something with the two of us?"
He chuckled, "It just so happened that I spoke with her just before I left to pick you up. She wished me luck, seeing this is our third date. She put it out there, she saw you at the hospital and thought you were very,. very attractive."
Jenn's lips were parted as her breathing grew heavier, "So why was she talking about a third date? What happens after a third date?" She giggled and waited for a reply.
He rolled his eyes, "Okay, you may be from Ohio, but I still believe what happens after the third date, at least in most cases."
She giggled, "Yeah, I know. I just wanted to pull your leg."
He scoffed,"Oh, I have a leg you can pull. So I told her, if you were down with it. I wouldn't want the three of us to try anything until we had a lot of alone time together. I'm wanting to explore your gorgeous body first. I may sound selfish, but I don't want to share you with someone else. There is so much I want to sample and don't want someone else getting in the way."
She gulped down her wine and winked at him, "I'm getting so wet right now. I'm thinking we need to get our dessert to go and get over to your place before I change my mind."
He called the waiter over, "We'd like our dessert to go and please bring the check with it, we're in a hurry."
The waiter looked over and saw the sparkle in Jennifer's eyes, "Right away sir." He was gone and returned in a flash.
Jamie gave him a larger tip and they were out and on their way to Jamie's place. He made sure not to break any traffic laws, but pushed it to the limit. Before long they were back at his place and as soon as the door closed, Jamie pinned her against the wall and he kissed her. His hands were traveling all over her slim, petite body.
Jennifer broke free and pulled him into his living room. She pushed him to the sofa and immediately sank to her knees. Her nimble fingers worked at his belt and zipper and she got them open and tugged at his pants, taking his shoes off as she removed them. She pulled aside his boxers and she let out a gasp when she stared at the sure length and girth before her. Jenn's warm hand encompassed his hard cock.
Jamie stared down at the gorgeous brunette as he saw and felt her warm mouth close around the swollen head. She stuck out her tongue as she moved her lips slowly up and down over the shaft. At the same time, she used her other hand to massage his shaft in time with her head movements.
He reached down and gently swept her hair away from her cheek, "Oh fuck, Jenn, you're very, very good at that." He stroked her long hair pulling gently on her curls as he let out a groan as he tried to hold it back.
Jennifer giggled, stopping for a moment looking up at him with a smile. She had one hand on his cock and saliva was dripping down her chin. He stared at how gorgeous and lewd she looked at the same time. Her dark eyes sparkled as she looked up at him with anticipation of having that huge cock buried deep in her pussy before long.
Jennifer struggled to her feet, never releasing his cock. She tugged at him and he knew he had to get up quickly. She stroked his cock, "Which way to the bedroom?" He pointed over her shoulder and she tightened her grip on his cock and led him to the bedroom.
She released his cock and pushed him to the bed. He flopped down and worked on his jacket and shirt. He sat there naked and watched her.
Jennifer reached for the tie holding her wrap-around dress secure. She got it open and quickly found the inner tie and soon had it open. She parted the dress and it exposed her tiny, slender body, curves and all. She shrugged her shoulders and she smiled as she saw his cock take a leap seeing her near naked body.
Jamie reached out and pulled her to his parted thighs. He immediately reached up and unhooked her bra. He licked his lips as he stared at her gorgeous tits. They were not as large as Eddie's, but they were perkier and the tiny nipples were pointing upward. His mouth watered and he couldn't resist. He pulled her towards him and closed his lips around one, extremely firm tit. The nipple was rock hard and he sucked, licked and nipped at it.
Jenn's head rolled about as she pushed her chest tighter to his lips. She dropped both hands and she stroked his stiff shaft as he manipulated her tits and he alternated from one nipple to the other. His tongue flicked over them and she let out a groan. Jenn used her fingers to spread the pre-cum around the head of his shaft, mixing with the half-dried saliva from her earlier sucking.
Jenn broke free and taking a step back, she skimmed out of her tiny panties and kicking off her heels. She stepped forward and straddled his lap and she clutched at his head and offered up her tits to him once again. Her head fell back as she felt his warm lips and tongue adoring her luscious mounds once again.
She pushed him back and she had him flat on his back. She loomed over him and she raised herself up and she was poised over his hard cock.
Jamie stared up at her as his hands traveled all over her soft, silky flesh. He moved from her firm tits then down her sides to her slender hips. He could feel her warm wetness touching the head of his cock as their eyes were locked together.
Jenn rocked her pussy back and forth over the head of his cock, enjoying the sensation. Her eyes closed as she released a low groan, slowly rubbing faster and faster. All of a sudden, she stopped and bit her lip. She threw her head back and let out a shriek as Jamie gripped her hips and pulled her down to him. She was so wet, he slid into her easily
Jennifer's eyes shot open and her jaw dropped and she released a squeal. At the same time, Jamie released a loud groan. He couldn't believe how hot, wet and extremely tight she was. He was inside her and he felt her cunt muscles tighten and release him again and again. He couldn't move for a moment, just savoring the sensation of her warmth enveloping him. Jamie continued to pull her hips downward until her pelvis was pressed tight against his. He tightened his grip on her hips as he enjoyed every sensation of her tight, wet pussy.
Jennifer leaned back until she was upright and she began to gyrate her hips with his cock buried deep in her pussy, "Oh fuck Jamie! You're hitting areas of my cunt I never knew even existed. And I'm a doctor!" Her moans grew louder as she continued to grind her cunt against the root of his cock.
Jamie lay there just staring up at the gorgeous brunette. He loved everything about her. He couldn't believe how this tiny woman could take his cock with such ease. He saw her concaved belly moving in and out as she thrust her hips back and forth. Her tits barely moved, they were that firm. Her thin thighs parted and closed as he worked her tiny body up and down,. He saw her pink pussy, open and mean looking as it was stuffed with his huge shaft. He tiny clit was winking at it and he knew, Eddie would love sucking it.
He loved how her long hair fell about her shoulders and chest in dark waves. He knew she had the perfect hourglass figure, even though it was a tiny hourglass.
Jennifer placed one hand on his chest as she raised herself up and down on his cock. Her pussy was so wet, her mouth fell open and her eyes were squeezed shut. She was moaning constantly. Her dark curls bounced about as she picked up the pace.
Jamie was so close and all he could think about was how great it would feel to fill her with his hot cum. He rose up and wrapped his arms around her. His lips captured hers and he could taste her sweetness. Their tongue danced back and forth and he felt a surge of energy. He scooted to the edge of the bed and tightening his grip on her, He slipped off the bed and he stood with her impaled on his cock.
Jennifer wrapped her arms and legs around him as she rode his stiff, thick spike. She leaned back and her hair danced down her back and she let out a shriek when she felt his lips once again close around one of her stiff nipples.
Jamie's cock was so stiff, it supported her as he turned around and placed her back on the bed. She slipped back on the bed and she let out a groan as he slipped from her tight hole. She grabbed hold of a pillow and crushed it to her face as she felt his hot mouth close over her sopping pussy.
Jamie attacked her clit. He sucked at it and his tongue flicked it back and forth. He felt her groan into the pillow and she came hard, bathing his mouth with her creamy cum. He lapped it up like a starved kitten. He was gone just as quickly as he was there.. He gathered up her legs and thrusting forward, buried his raging hard-on balls deep into her sopping pussy. He thrust into her and she groaned even louder. This encouraged him and he pumped harder and faster. He wanted to fuck her so hard, she would never forget him. Jamie could feel himself losing control of his movements, fucking her wildly and as hard as he could. He slowed and saw the pained look on her face. He stopped and gasped out, "Oh Jenn, I hope I'm not hurting you, am I going to hard or too fast?"
She giggled and shook her head, "No, no way Jamie. I want you to fuck me as hard as you can. I can't get enough of you."
Hearing this spurred him on. He slid in and out of her, the wet slapping noised surely escaping the apartment. He reveled in her body, smelling all of her and caressing her slick skin. He could barely believe this tiny woman could take the pounding he was giving her.
Jennifer's eyes popped open when she suddenly felt him withdraw from her tight pussy. She noticed his legs shaking with tension. He took her by the hand and stood up, pulling her out of the bed. She let out a shriek, but did as he guided her to her feet. He spun her around and applied pressure to her shoulder, "Bend over, Jenn. I wanna fuck you doggy."