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Best of TV Show "Mom" Pt. 01

Story Info
Christy has several sexual encounters.
7.6k words
Story does not have any rosa-blanca.ru

Part 1 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/16/2021
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Mom Season 1 Episodes 3, 5, 6, & 8

This is a first of hopefully many episodes of yet another comedy with a few very sexy women. I hope you enjoy this new series.....

Christy Plunkett (Anna Faris) is a dysfunctional waitress and she had the pleasure of waiting on a bother and sister at the restaurant where she works. The guy, named Adam (Justin Long) hit on her and she fell for it. He asked her out on a real date and to his surprise, she accepted.

Once at home, Christy, was freaking out because all of her clothes were from a time when she was a slut. She chose a bright pink dress and her daughter told her she looked like a slutty highlighter. She went to change, but her pregnant seventeen year old daughter persuaded her to wear her black dress she couldn't wear because it wouldn't fit her until she had the baby.

They ate at a nice restaurant, but Christy was awkward when she told him she couldn't drink because she was a recovering alcoholic. She went on and on about it and suddenly realized how weird she was acting. She saw how the waitress and Adam was staring at her.

She hopped up and blurted out, "I don't think I can do this!" She ran out of the restaurant. Adam looked up at the waitress and chuckled, "It's our first date. He left the restaurant and found Christy sitting in her car. She was beating her head on the steering wheel, she cried out, "Oh my God, I'm gonna die alone." Adam knocked on her car window and she looked up, teary eyes, "Please let it be now!"

He called out, "Open the door?"

She reached across and unlocked it. He got in and looked at her, "I hope you're hungry, because I got two to go boxes."

"Really, that was so sweet."

He chuckled, "I really want you to like me."

She flashed him a smile and looked at the boxes.

"I got some kind of chicken."

"Oh wow, I love chicken."

He handed it to her and I got some pasta, looks like Bolognese."

"Oh, I like that too."

He looked to her, "You wanna switch?"

She gave him a look with puppy dog eyes, "No, no, that's okay....Yeah, I really do."

He handed her the other one, "Sure, have at it." He looked in the bag, "No utensils."

"No problem, check the glove compartment. I eat a lot in my car."

As they ate, she swallowed, "Here is a question for you."


"What is wrong with you, to chase a crazy lady out of a restaurant."

"Why does something have to be wrong with me to like you."

She rolled her eyes, "Nice try! Answer the question."

"No, Seriously, I thought we were hitting it off and we made a connection."

She shook her head, "Answer the question!"

"Okay, I just got out of a relationship."

"Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Tell me about it."

"Well, she was really, really nice. Our problem was she could never tell me how she was feeling. You on the other hand, can't stop telling me."

"I'm sorry, I feel terrible."

"See, you did it again."

"Sorry, but in my defense, I'm emotionally all over the place.

"Wow! There it is again."

She began babbling on and on about her issues and he stopped her by leaning over and kissing her.

She kissed him back and breaking the kiss, she stared at him, "Now that shut me up! She kissed him again and smiled, "Nice!"

She started the car and drove to a quiet area of the parking lot, right next to his car. It was dark and she stared at him, "I'm an emotional wreck and can't jump into a relationship based on sex. I really like you." she reached over and placed her hand over the lump growing in his pants. She squeezed lightly, "I won't have sex with you, but I hope an incredible blow job will hold you until our next date."

He arched his hips and after slipped his pants and shorts down to his ankles, he grabbed her light blonde ponytail and closed his eyes as her lips closed around his stiff cock.

Christy played lightly with his balls as she inhaled his manly scent. She began bobbing up and own, taking more of his stiff cock into her mouth with each downward movement. She released his shaft and her tongue flicked out, teasing the leaking head, "Mmm, a perfect after dinner dessert, banana souffle with whipped topping." She lapped at his pre-cum and ran her pink tongue up and down his shaft.

She took him deep into her mouth and she heard him let out a groan, "Oh Christy, you better slow down, or you're gonna have a large dose of that cream you were liking so much."

She double her efforts, using one of her tiny fingers to tease his puckered hole.

He clutched at her gorgeous blonde hair and fisting it, he let out a grunt, "Hold on Christy, I'm cumming!"

She tightened her lips around his shaft. She didn't want male sperm on her daughter's dress. she sucked hard and swallowed every spurt and very drop he had to give. She finally released his shrinking cock and raised her head, "Wow now that was some after dinner drink." She smacked her lips and felt his hands on her bare thighs.

She pushed them away, "I said no sex until I get my head on straight."

He chuckled, "I thought you were talking about my head and I thought you got it really, really straight!"

She kissed him again and she knew he could taste his cum on her tongue, but she liked it didn't deter him."

"You know Christy, you're not as crazy as you think you are."

She giggled, "That has to be the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. RUN....!"

While waiting for Adam to ask her out again, Baxter (Matt Jones), her ex-husband came over and told her that he had a scheme to make a shit-load of money. He sent a pharmacy in Mexico for three thousand knock-off Viagra. He was going to every golf course and sell them all for ten dollars a pop, to all the old golfers

As always, Christy thought it was a bad idea, but let him do it. It was already a done deal and the upside was like Baxter said, a shit-load of money.

The next week, she was sitting in her kitchen, pulling her hair out staring at a table full of bills and saw no way of paying them.

Suddenly Baxter came in the backdoor, "Hi Christy, remember that deal I had with the knock-off Viagra?"

She grunted, "Fell through huh?"

He pulled a huge wad of money from his sweats and tossed it to her, "Sold them all before i got out of San Diego, that is your share."

She stared at it and was so excited, she hopped up and through her arms around his neck, "Oh Baxter, you are a lifesaver. I don't know how to thank you."

He chuckled, "I took one of those blue pills before coming over, wanna try it out?"

She grabbed him by the hand, "Hell yeah, sounds like a plan." She led him to the bedroom and stripped off his shirt and dropped to her knees and had his sweat pants around his ankles in a flash. As he kicked them aside, she took his already stiff boner and began sucking on it. She always loved Baxter's huge cock, it was the rest of him she hated.

Baxter struggled to get rid of his sweats and shoes and he reached down and swept her pullover blouse up and off her slender body. He looked down at her and saw those gorgeous blue eyes staring at him as she ran her lips up and down the sides of his shaft.

He was already close to cumming and didn't want to waste the blue pill. He reluctantly pulled her to her feet and tossed her tiny body on the bed. He worked feverously at her jeans and took her tiny panties with them. He buried his face between her tiny, slender legs and began licking at her tight folds. He slipped two fingers into her juicy hole as he attacked her clit.

Over the years, even though she hated Baxter, he was a expert at eating pussy and before she knew it, she was cumming all over his incredible tongue and fingers.

She tugged him upward and she struggled out of her bra. She guided his bearded face to her tits and she allowed him to feast on them as she stroked his still stiff cock. She guided him into her tight hole. She thought about Adam, refusing to fuck him because she was unsure about their relationship. She chuckled thinking she knew her relationship with Baxter was on the rocks, but she needed a good fucking. She bit at his shoulder as she felt him sink deep into her tiny hole. Her legs came up and wrapped around his bulky body and she kicked at his ass as he plowed relentlessly in and out of her slimy cunt.

Baxter lover her tits and could not believe how such a tiny frame could support such gorgeous, firm tits. He moved from one to the other and he was close to cumming. He slipped out of her and rolled to his back.

Christy always loved riding him and planted her hands on his hairy chest, she began bouncing up and down. The sound of wet flesh slapping against wet flesh filled the room and the scent of sex turned her on even more. Her long, silky light blonde hair that was in a bun, came undone and floated across her shoulders and rested on the tops of her bouncing tits.

Baxter reached up and began plucking away at them and it turned Christy on even more. He stared at her, "I just love how gorgeous you look with those sexy bangs and your hair flying all about." He pulled her down to him and they kissed like two long lost lovers, which they were.

She felt him swelling and knew from past experience he was about to cum. She wiggled her ass, creating greater friction on her clit and as she felt him biting at her neck, she lost it and came all over his cock.

Baxter was at wits end and feeling her bathe his cock with her juices, he lost it and began pumping rope after rope of his hot, creamy cum deep in her quivering body.

She clung to him, "Wow, you need to bring a wad of money over more often, Baxter. That was incredible. Oh and if you do, take another one of those blue pills first."

He closed his arms around her and held her tight, "You can bet on it Christy."

A couple days later, Adam called Christy for a date and after the date was over, Adam drove her home. He took a detour and Christy looked at him, "This isn't the way to my house."

"Yeah, I know, I wanted to show you the stop sign I had installed."

"Wow, I knew you has clout, but having a stop sign, that is impressive."

He chuckled, "That's what us civil engineers do." He leaned over and kissed her and it got steamy in the car. They headed back to her house and he looked to her, "Question, do you like to hike? Cause was thinking on Saturday I could take you to this beautiful trail, about an hour north of here."

She nodded, "Yeah, sure."

"Just a heads up, I'm sorta nature buff. Kind of my thing. Camping, fishing, rock climbing, and things like that, anything outdoors."

All of a sudden, Christy made him pull over and they were locked together, she was so turned on by his activities outdoors. She was just about to show him what she liked to do indoors. She straddled him in the driver seat. He yanked at her pullover sweater and worked at her bra. He began sucking wildly at her gorgeous tits and he felt is cock about to explode, he knew he hit the jackpot. She dragged him into the backseat and was about to mount him when he put the car in park and called out, "We're here."

She shook her head, and stared at him, "You were amazing!" It was all a dream. She visualized fucking him she kissed him goodnight and she knew as soon as she got in the house, she was going to bed and use her over-sized dildo to get herself off.

Saturday arrived and Christy was wearing hiking boots, jeans and a red plaid shirt. She had her long blonde hair braided and she looked hot, even though she was going hiking.

They were hiking for a while and they stopped at a big rock and began making out. He pulled back, "We're still taking it slow, right?"

She nodded, "Yes we are and if we weren't, I'm not doing in the the fucking woods." They went back to making out and suddenly there as a loud thunder and he looked up, "That's not good."

She pulled away, "We have to get back, don't we?"

All of a sudden the sky opened up and it began to pour, he sat there, "Um, no!"

They made a mad dash down the trail and came upon a cabin. They were both soaked to the bone. Adam knocked on the door, but there was no answer. He turned to her, "I don't think anyone is home."

She hopped off the porch, "Stay here!"

"Where are you going?"

"Just wait!" She ran around to the back of the house and suddenly he heard a crash of a window breaking. She opened the front door from the inside. "Come on it."

"I'm not really comfortable with breaking and entering."

She giggled, "For you, it is just entering."

He rushed in, "Good point." He removed his backpack. "You're luring me into a life of crime here."

They stood there freezing from the sudden downpour and she looked to the fireplace, "Do you know how to make a fire?"

He scoffed, "Do I know how to make a fire?" He picked up some logs and began piling them in the fireplace, "You got to admit though, cabin in the woods, rainy night. It's kind of romantic."

She rolled her eyes, "Yes, yes it is!" She went and found a couple blankets. She stripped to the waist. She kicked off her boots and wiggled out of her drenched jeans. She was wrapped in one blanket and as she put a couple more logs in the fireplace, her blanket slipped off her shoulders.

Adam removed his boots and pants and was sitting on the floor before the fireplace with a blanket across his bare lower portion of his body. He had his shirt off and was just there in a black t-shirt.

Christy spread their wet clothes across the hearth to dry and she looked to him, "Too bad we don't have any marshmallows."

He chuckled, "Oh, but we do."

She turned to him, "We do?"

"Oh yes, a good scout never leaves for a camping trip without a s'mores kit. Want some?"

"No maybe later." She moved over to him and as she went to sit on the floor beside him, he reached up and grabbed her by the hips and guided her between his legs. Adam wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back to his damp shirt.

Christy took her wet hair out of the braid, it was in earlier and now her hair was practically dry. Her usually straight was now kinky and hung down in sexy waves.

She sat up quickly, "My, your chest is cold, you need to remove that t-shirt and let it dry."

He willingly stripped it off and tossed it towards the fireplace and immediately pulled her back to his now naked chest.

Christy wiggled her hips, feeling the growing lump pressing against her butt. She let out a gasp that turned into a moan when she felt his lips nipping at her neck and tugging at her earlobe. She released the blanket she was holding together around her naked chest. Her moans turned louder when she felt his hands close around both of her firm, excited tits.

Adam knew she wanted to take things slow, and he was in no hurry. He tweaked both cherry red nipples and his thumbs ran around the perky aeroules where tens of tiny bumps pimpled up and screamed for firmer attention.

Christy threw all caution to the wind and turning slightly on his lap, she kissed him. Her lips parted and she instantly drove her tongue deep into his mouth. She pulled back and turning a little more, he dipped his head and licked at her stiffening nipples and she felt his cock pressing lewdly against her panty clad pussy. She stared up at him with those dark blue eyes and whispered, "I know I said I wanted to take it slow, but if you don't fuck me now, I'll go insane."

He turned her back away from him and throwing back her blanket, he watched as she smoothly stripped away her tiny panties and he inhaled her scent, "Mmm, I know we were going to take it slow, and I will, but after I make you cum, I'm going to lick this juicy pussy of yours. I've been dying to see if it tastes as good as the rest of you looks."

Christy rose up just high enough and reaching down, she guided his straining cock into her already sopping pussy. She let out a gasp as she felt his parting her lips and slide deep into her quivering hole. She leaned back and as she rested her head on his shoulder, she turned her head and their lips met once again.

Adam began guiding her up and down, now that he was totally seeded in her, he loved how wet and how extremely hot she was.

Christy knew she wasn't going to be able to last much longer. Waiting as long as she did, she wanted him and wanted him to cum in her. She began bouncing up and down, taking him in as deep as she could. She ground her pelvis against his cock and her ripe clit scraped repeatedly against his shaft. She felt him tighten his hands on her hips and attacking her neck once again, it sent her over the top. She shook violently as she came, coating his cock with her creamy cum.

Christy was gasping for air as she rolled her head around on his shoulder, "Wow, that was intense. I didn't realize how bad I needed that. Sorry I couldn't wait for you, but you did say you wanted to sample it. It is a lot tastier without a load of semen in it."

He chuckled, "That is yet to be seen, Christy. I intend to find out both ways." He slid a little lower so now just his shoulders were touching the cushions of the sofa. He grabbed hold of her hips and guiding her upward, he dipped his head and she was now sitting on the sofa, her legs straddling his shoulders. He straightened up slightly and grabbing her arms, he tugged at them.

Christy let out a shriek and she fell forward and he slid lower so just his head was resting against the cushion. Her body was extended downward and her firm tits scraped against his chest, then his belly and her silky blonde hair spread out along his belly and she grinned as his pussy juice coated cock was swaying before her eyes. Before she could react, she felt his hands on her tight ass and she growled out, "Oh fuck yeah, Adam, eat my fucking pussy!"

Adam held her steady as he licked at her entire groin region. He couldn't believe something this tiny could be so fucking sexy and desirable. He licked at her from asshole to clit and back again. He felt her squirm each time he flicking his tongue over her blood red clit. He stopped and now it was his turn to release a groan.

Christy loved how he was licking her pussy, but staring at his cum coated cock was just to much to ignore. She dipped her head and lying flat on his half sitting body, she enveloped his cock with her plush lips. Her tongue licked up and down the entire shaft. She loved how he tasted before, but now, coated in her cunt cream, she loved how incredible he tasted. She felt him jerk in her mouth and she licked at his swollen nuts.

Adam moaned against her slippery slit and in doing so, the humming sound made her close in yet another orgasm. He tightened his grip on her tight ass and as he fingered her puckered hole, he shoved his tongue deep into her pussy.

Christy arched her back and she nearly slipped off his shaft. Her tiny hand tightened around the base of his cock and she took him as deep as she could into her mouth and throat.

Adam wanted this to last a lot longer, but when he felt her tight throat muscles squeeze and release him, he shoved two fingers into her hole and finger-fucked her. It did the trick, he felt her mouth pull off his shaft and she screamed out, "Oh fuck yeah, I'm cumming again Adam, finger me just a little bit more."

He did just that and sucked at her clit and he was rewarded with another gush of her savory tonic. He lapped up all she expelled and went back for more.

Christy was gasping as she felt as if she was being torn apart and she was floating through space, extremely satisfied. She slumped against him and licked avidly at his saliva stained cock. She felt blood rushing to her head as she was still flat against his body with her knees on the sofa and her head on the floor feasting on his cock. She needed to get up and catch her breath.

She struggled to get free and she was glad when Adam released her and helped her to slip off the sofa and flop her gorgeous ass on the carpet beside him. She rested her head on his chest, "Wow, if I knew you could fuck and eat pussy as good as you just did, I never would have waited."


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