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Best of TV Show "Mom" Pt. 02

Story Info
Christy & Baxter; Bonnie & Rudy and Christy Too.
7.2k words
Story does not have any rosa-blanca.ru

Part 2 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/16/2021
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Mom Season 1 Ep. 10, 12,

Baxter (Matt Jones) was recently thrown out of his apartment and was now living out of his van. He went over to see Christi and her mother, Bonnie (Allison Janney) answered the door, "What the hell do you want?"

I was wondering if I could park my van in the driveway for a few day and maybe hook-up to your power so I can run my appliances?"

"Let me think about it....NO!"

"Aren't you going to run it past Christy?"

"What do want me to say to her?"

Just then Christy came out of the bathroom in a bathrobe and her wet hair wrapped in a towel, "Hey, what's going on?"

"I was just explaining to Baxter that he can't live here."

He pointed to her living room, "Not here, but there!" He pointed to the driveway. "With bathroom privileges."

Bonnie added, "I told him your life had enough problems without him adding to them."

Christy rolled her eyes, "Thanks Mom." She looked to Baxter, "You can stay."

He bowed, "Thank you, Christy."

She slammed the door after he returned to his van, "Why would you let that loser stay in your driveway?"

"As opposed to you on my living room couch?"

Sunday morning came around and Bonnie took Roscoe, Christy's son out for pancakes and Violet, Christy's daughter went to church with her boyfriend Luke. With nothing to do for once, she was bored and went out to Baxter's van. She knocked on it and he called out, "Hold on, I'm not decent." He opened the sliding door, "Oh yeah."

"I was gonna make some coffee and wondered if you wanted to join me in the house?"

"No need, I just made a fresh pot, wanna join me?"

"You have a coffee maker?"

"I have everything, want some Belgium waffles?"

"No thanks." She climbed into the van and slid the door closed behind her. She sat down, "Wow, bean bag chairs from our old apartment."

He poured her a cup of coffee and handed it to her, "I saw your mom this morning."

"Yeah, she's living with us now."

"Since when?"

"Since she lost her apartment."

"Oh wow, seems like you're running a homeless shelter. Are you two getting along better?"

"She's been a real help, the kids love her, I got no complaints."

"Good for you."

"Yep, we're cruising along." She put her coffee cup down, "Not a cloud in the sky."

He looked to her, "I just wanted to say, I'm really appreciative of your help and I'm not here to complicate your life."

She smiled at him and placed her hand on his knee, "Thank you!" She let out a long sigh and looked around the van and turning back to him, she leaped off the bean bag chair and dove into his arms.

He wasn't expecting it and fell flat onto his bed taking Christy with him. He pulled her lavender sweatshirt up and over her head and he was happy to see she wasn't wearing a bra. He pulled at her and she allowed him to guide her firm tits to his bearded face.

She let out a squeal when she felt his lips close around one ripe red bud. She loved how his beard tickled her sensitive flesh. Her hands were active too, finding the zipper on his pants, she made short work of it and had they down around his ankles.

Earlier, she caught him off guard when she arrived, he neglected to put on any underwear and she was now fisting his cock. She twisted and guided her other tit to his mouth as she caressed his sperm bloated balls. She managed to break free and began planting wet, hot kisses on his chest and belly. She inhaled his manly scent as she reached his swollen cock and closed her lips around the large, fat head. Her tongue flicked out and began licking up and down the entire shaft and when she reached his nuts, she pushed his cock against his belly and sucked avidly at both of his balls.

Baxter arched his ass off the bed and kicked at his pants and freeing his legs from them, he gently caressed her pretty face, "Wow, you've always been one of the hottest cocksuckers I've even known."

She glared at him as she licked him from asshole to the tip of his cock and began again. His grip tightened in her ponytail and didn't need to guide her, she was on a mission and she wanted him good and wet before she fucked him.

Baxter somehow managed to spin her around and as Christy continued her assault on his cock, he removed her jeans and panties. He grabbed hold of her tight, tiny ass and pulled her slick cuntlips down to his waiting mouth.

Christy felt his hot breath and hairy face before his tongue. She drew in a deep breath and waited. She was rewarded with his hot tongue dipping in and out of her juicy hole. She squealed around his cock as she felt the release she so badly needed coming on strong. She doubled her efforts on his cock and she felt his cock surge and suddenly her mouth was full of his creamy cum. Unprepared for the sudden load of cum, she swallowed as fast as she could, but it was just too much, too soon and pulling back, she felt the next several spurts coat her face.

Baxter was in heaven as he felt his hot load shooting all over his ex-wife and he licked her faster, shoving three fingers into her. Christy, just like him, lost it and began painting his face with her creamy cunt cream.

She pulled off of him and as she licked at her lips, she felt a flash. She stared at him and giggled, "So you just had to ruin it, huh?"

He winked at her, "I just wanted a reminder of what a great cocksucker you were."

She grabbed the camera and snapped a couple of his face, his beard covered in her milky cunt juices, "Right back at you Baxter." She climbed off the tousled bed and slipping into her pants, leaving her panties off for now. She pulled the sweatshirt back on and moved to the door, "Thanks Baxter, I needed that. You can call that payment for the use of my electricity and bathroom privileges."

He sat back on the bed, "What, that's all, just a little bit of foreplay and you're done?"

She chuckled, "I little more than foreplay Baxter, it was nearly out of the park. Maybe next time, you can hold off long enough to fuck me."

He growled out, "Oh, so there is going to be a next time, huh, great, can't wait."

She slid open the van's sliding door and hopping out, she slammed it shut and went into the house for a nice, soothing shower.

A few nights later, she went to an AA meeting and told them how she had to hide from Baxter, sneaking into her house through the back door, "All he keeps on saying, are we getting back together? Are we gonna do it again tonight?" Ugg, he's driving me crazy. So that's about it with me. If anyone wants to go for coffee after the meeting, I'm game. I don't want to return home till he's asleep."

She got home and found her mother had replaced her furniture with a lot of new stuff from her storage unit. It was way better, but she was upset because she wasn't consulted on it. She stormed out of the house and knocked on Baxter's van.

There was a lot of rumbling around and he yelled out, "One moment, please!" He opened the sliding door and smiled up at her, "What's going on?"

She threw up her hands, "I've lost my house."

He grinned at her, "Been there." He moved back and reached out to her, "Come on in."

She climbed in and closed the door behind her. She flopped down on the bean bag chair again.

He sat down beside her, "I just made cocoa, want some?"

"You have cocoa?"

"You don't?"

She looked back at him as he poured her a cup, "No!"

He asked her out on a real date, but she shot him down, "I don't think it is such a good idea for the two of us to go out."

"Really? After I thought the other day when you and I sorta, you know."

She shook her head, "I know, I know." She put her cup of cocoa down and looked back at him, "I'm very sorry, I shouldn't have done it. It's just that things have been going so well lately."

"So what, you messed it up by sleeping with me? "

She shrugged, "That's what's messed it up all the time in the past."

"So how's your life going now?"

"It's going great."

He smiled wickedly at her, "So what are you going to do about it now?"

She shrugged and looked to him and just like last time, she leaped off the bean bag chair and was on him again. This time they stopped long enough to remove all of their clothes and he flipped her over and had her flat on her back. He rained kisses all over her and she was squirming, aching for him to give her what he failed to give her last time.

He did not disappoint and after bringing her to climax with his talented tongue, she grabbed hold of his cock and guided it into her juicy, hot hole.

Her tiny hand clutched at his shaft and her ass came off the bed as she felt him sink into her tight channel. Her legs came up and immediately wrap around his bulky body. Her heels kicked at his flexing ass as she felt him plunge in and out of her pussy. She was raking her nails all along his back and she nibbled at his neck and shoulder as she finally was getting the missing part of the puzzle she was looking for. She knew without a doubt it would all end horribly, but for the brief few moments, she was in bliss and she allowed him to have his way with her, just as she was doing the same with him.

Baxter rolled them over and had her straddle him and he stared up at the gorgeous blonde sitting atop him. He watched as she removed her ponytail holder and allowed her long, silky blonde hair to float all over her upper body. He reached up and began toying with her gorgeous tits.

Christy rotated her hips, grinding her aching clit over and over again against the thick root of his cock. She was close to cumming and with her arms raised, she planted her hands flat on the roof of the van and pushed off, grinding even harder against him. She shook and trembled as her orgasm overtook her.

Baxter pulled her down to him and as they kissed, he lost it too and began pumping his hot, creamy load of cum deep into her overheated pussy. She clung to him as she lost it and an even stronger orgasm coursed through her lush body. She finally rose up, "We are impossible for one another, but when it comes to fucking, we are a perfect match."

She fell against him and before long they were both drifting off to sleep. In the morning, she woke up, naked against Baxter and she knew she fucked up. She untangled herself from him and slipping into her shorts and t-shirt. She was barely decent but was desperate to get out before he woke up. She grabbed her clothes and hopped out and as she turned to the house, she saw her son, daughter and mother smiling at her through the large window. They waved to her and she made the walk of shame to the door, but found it locked. She knocked on the door and Bonnie, her mother called out, "Who is it?"

She finally got into the house and showered and as she sat at the kitchen table, sipping coffee, Bonnie returned and Christy looked up at her, "Thank you for taking Roscoe to school for me."

"Not a problem."

"Did he ask you about his father and me?"

She nodded, "He did."

"What did you tell him?"

She chuckled, "I told him even though his mother and father are divorced, they love having hot monkey sex together."

She rolled her eyes at her mother, "Mom!"

"What! Kids love monkeys. Just kidding, I told him that the two of you were camping out together."

"How about Violet?"

She's okay with it, she just thinks her mother is a godless fornicator."

A couple days later, Bonnie and Christy were at the diner having lunch, when Chef Rudy (French Stewart) comes in and seeing Christy joins they. He is immediately attracted to Bonnie and starts hitting on her. "So what kind of naughtiness is the mother-daughter duo up to this afternoon?"

Christy rolled her eyes, "Don't go there."

He chuckled and raised his hand, "Too late. Click, mental snapshot."

Bonnie smiled at him, "We just came from the drug store and brought...you know, girl stuff."

He raised his hand, "Click!"

"What are you up to today?"

"Just blowing dust off my Spyder."

"Beg your pardon?"

"I own a vintage Porsche Spyder and she is very high strung and impulsive and if I don't ride her really hard once a day, she misbehaves."

Bonnie chuckled, "I'm the same way."

He looked to her and raised his arm again, "Click!" He got up and left.

Bonnie looked to Christy, "Tell me you haven't tapped that yet."

"Of course not."


The next day Chef Rudy caught up with Christy in the restaurant kitchen, "Can I ask you a personal question?"

She stared at him, "Yeah, sure!"

"What are the chances of me bedding your mother?"

"I really don't want to get into the middle here, but I have to say, she was quite taken with you."

He raised his hands, "When I left that coffee shop, my testicles were on fire."

She rolled her eyes, "You may want to have those taken a look at."

"That's what I want her to do. Be a dear and get her on the phone for me."

"Okay, but I have to warn you, she's a little crazy in those darn hills."

He scoffed, "Like they say, nothing soils the sheets like crazy."

She shook her head, "How are you allowed to touch food?" She got her on the phone, "Hi mom, it's me, and I may regret this, but he's right here." She handed Rudy her phone.

"Hey you, been ridden hard yesterday?" He made a date and went over to the house to pick her up.

Bonnie came out of the bedroom dressed in a skin tight royal blue dress with zippers all over the dress, making it simple to remove. It ended a few inches from the juncture of her thighs and her long light brown hair rested atop her firm breasts. Her super long, shapely legs were encased in sexy black stockings.

Rudy stared at her, "Yum, yum, there is my tasty morsel." They left and headed back to his place, but not before taking her grocery shopping.

He let her in, "I think it is important to feel and smell things that we are about to put inside our bodies."

"So what are we having?"

He turned to her, "It's something I call, seven small explosions in your mouth."

"Seven huh, let's see, salty, sweet, savory, sour.....help me?"

He replied with a straight face, "Crunchy, creamy and Rudy."

"Oh, what does Rudy taste like?"

"Pistachios, I've been told. The real magic is when we begin to combine several flavors together." He took a cherry tomato and injected a shot of balsamic vinegar into it and handed it to her.

She took a bite, "Wow, not sweet like a tomato and not sour like vinegar."

He chuckled, "Exactly it's a third like when one is driven deep inside another. And yes, I know what I just said." He handed her a blindfold, "Okay i have a few things for you to taste."

She put it on and he came around beside her, "Are you ready?"

"Do it!" She opened her mouth and he popped a morsel into her mouth, "Mmm, fig?"

He smiled, "Very good, now taste this." He leaned in and planted an open-mouthed kiss on her mouth.

She pulled back, "Eel?"

He chuckled, "Here comes the pistachio!" He kissed her again and his hands quickly worked at the several large zippers on her dress and before she knew it, she was sitting on the stool in only her thigh-hi stockings and a tiny thong.

Bonnie's long legs immediately wrapped around her waist and she found herself being carried to the bedroom. She was soon on her back and her shoes came off along with her panties.

Rudy stood beside the bed and stripped off his clothes and she was staring at one of the largest cocks she ever seen. She wanted to see if he really tasted like pistachios and reaching out, she yanked him to the bed. She scurried around and hovered between his outstretched legs and licked him from kneecap to inner thigh. Her hand clutched at his straining shaft and she released a gasp when she realized her fingers didn't meet. She moved upward quickly and dipping her head, she showered his upper thighs and belly with a mass of thick, curly waves of hair. Her tongue darted out and worked feverously around the large red helmeted head. She used all of her skills to tease and excite him and she worked it to perfection. She was soon rewarded with several large pearly drops of his pre-cum. She licked them all up and swirled it around on her tongue, "Mmm, you were right, exactly like pistachios. You're lucky I'm not allergic to nuts of any kind." Her hand drifted down and fondled his swollen nuts and she chuckled, "Of any kind!"

She opened her mouth as wide as she could and was barely able to take his shaft into her mouth. She used every trick she knew and soon had his entire shaft coated in her slippery saliva. Her fingers glided up and down his shaft as her tongue worked its magic on him.

Rudy was gasping for air and realized he finally found his match. His hands fisted her thick hair and pushed on her head, sending more of his thick, stiff meat into her mouth. He felt the head brush against the back of her throat and knew he was cutting off the supply of air into her lungs. He released her head and she pulled back slightly, but continued to savor every inch he had for her.

Bonnie stroked his cock harder and faster and before she knew it, he had her flipped off his cock and onto her back. She watched as he guided her long, shapely legs to his shoulders and she let out a shriek when he dropped his head and began licking, sucking and tongue-fucking her dripping cunt.

Rudy was feasting on her gorgeous pussy and his hands ran up to her incredibly firm tits for a woman of her age. He tweaked and twisted her puckered nipples. He felt her pussy flutter the harder he punished her tits. He released one tit and returned to her pussy. He replaced his tongue with his fingers and as he sank two fingers into her tight hole, he felt the heat and how talented her cunt muscles were. He felt her clutch at his fingers and he picked up the pace, fucking them harder and deeper into her overheated pussy.

Bonnie was trembling. Her ass came off the bed and matched his intensity. She humped his fingers and suddenly she released a gush of cream as she came without notice. She rotated her hips and her climax grew stronger when Rudy focused on her clit. His thumb ground into her clit as he shoved a third finer into her tight hole.

Bonnie clutched at his head as she felt his tongue lapping away at her slit and she let out a gasp when he quickly pulled his fingers out of her and instantly shoved his tongue back into her. Her ass came off the bed as her cunt tried to swallow up his head. She let out a squeal when she felt his slime covered fingers found her puckered hole and shoved them deep into her ass.

Rudy used his expertise to make her cum a second time and had yet to shove his huge cock into her well satisfied pussy. He slowly drew away from her leaking holes and left a string of wetness up her quivering body.

Bonnie welcomed him and as he settled between her widespread legs. She quickly wrapped her arms and legs around him and she kissed him hard, tasting her creamy juices all over his lips, cheeks and tongue. She drank it all down and she let out a loud grunt, "Oh fuck yeah Rudy! Shove that fucking cock deep into my pussy!"

He was swooning from her intense kiss and as he slid his tongue into her mouth and his cock into her pussy, he invaded her body at both ends at the same time. He had fucked countless women, but none with such a talented pussy. He had to slow as he felt her clutching and releasing his shaft, milking him like a experienced whore. He knew he had to break her rhythm or he was going to lose it and cum way before he was ready.

Bonnie felt his cock swelling and she knew she was about to be filled with his pistachio flavored cum. She let out a shriek when she suddenly found herself being rolled over and was astride his sweaty body. She recovered quickly and planted her hands on his chest and began riding him like a world class jockey. She bounced up and down and the sound of wet flesh slapping against wet skin echoed throughout the entire room. She was spurred on by the intoxicating scent that filled the air in the bedroom.


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