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Beth does Andy's Bachelor Party

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Beth's at yet another bachelor party.
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The long version. Probably has some typos. I'll fix later.


From the darkened kitchen, I had a pretty unobstructed view of the goings on in the living room. One young guy was seated in a comfy chair against the far wall. On either side of him there was a matching chair and another man sat in each. The chairs appeared to have been arranged for just this night.

I sipped my beer and watched with interest as my wife, Beth, swayed side to side in front of the young guest of honor, Andy, who was seated in a wooden chair in front of her. His back was toward me.

Only minutes earlier, Beth had been completely clothed in her "cheerleader" costume. Now all she was wearing was the short, red pleated skirt and a lacey black bra. Slowly, one by one, she slipped her bra straps down her shoulder until her big titties threatened to pop out.

I couldn't see Andy's face but I assumed he was enjoying her dance. "Like what you see, Andy?" Beth said to him. She leaned in and pulled her left bra strap just enough to free her tit. With her right hand she pulled Andy's head to her exposed nipple. She moaned as he latched onto it. He worked it for a while and she looked up and caught me smiling. Her mouth was slightly open and her eyes were slightly closed. She was clearly enjoying this. So was I. This was not our first rodeo.

She pulled her breast away from Andy's lip lock and replaced it with her right one. Andy suckled it. "Oh, Andy, you do that so well," she moaned. "Your bride is going to be very happy."

Beth pulled away and turned her back to Andy. She looked at him over her shoulder. "Could you get that strap for me, darlin'?" Andy undid the clasp to her bra and Beth let it slip away and fall to the ground. There was a kind of mutual gasp of appreciation from the three other guys seated around the room as her big, beautiful tits came completely into view. She looked about and briefly made eye contact with each one and smiled. "Like what you see, gentlemen?" she asked and then she bent from the waist and allowed her pendulous breasts to dangle and sway slowly. There was a boisterous approval from the guys.

Bending over like that caused her short cheerleader skirt to ride up over her ass which was only a few inches from Andy's face. Andy reached out to touch her ass. It was covered by only a bright red pair of bikini panties. He cupped one ass cheek in each hand and squeezed gently. For her part, Beth had grabbed her own right breast and was now sucking and licking its nipple for the entertainment of her audience. My wife has those abundant, but firm, sort of tits that so many men find stimulating. Not quite "heavy-hangers" but close. She had no problem getting a nipple into her mouth. "Andy?" Beth said, momentarily releasing her nipple. She wasn't facing him and said teasingly, "you still back there?


"I think it's time to unwrap part of your present. Can you slide my panties down for me?" Beth switched breasts and began sucking her other nipple to the delight of the three men. I was picturing what those guys were seeing. This stunningly endowed girl with long, dark hair, bent at the waist, facing them, sucking on one of her own tits while the other tit swung enticingly almost begging to be cupped and coddled.

"Okay..." and Andy grasped the waist of my wife's red panties and pushed them down toward her knees. Beth straightened up and stood before the guys. Her glorious tits sat proudly on her chest as she stood there clad only in her high heel and cheerleader skirt. She brought her legs closer together and the red panties fell down to her shoe tops. She bent to take them completely off and, when she did, Andy and I got a good look at her naked rear pussy. The black hair around it was moistened with dew. Beth stayed bent over.

"Like what you see, Andy?" she said coyly.

"Yes, Ma'am" Andy said.

"Would you like to touch my pussy, Andy?" Beth was being deliberately explicit. Beth knew what guys liked. She now had one hand on each knee as she spoke to Andy but kept switching eye contact with the rest of the guys and smiling.

"Yes," panted Andy and he reached out and touched her pussy lips with three fingers of his right hand. He rubbed her now juicy labia as Beth gyrated slightly against his touch.

"Would you like to put your fingers in my pussy, Andy?" she asked in her best innocent voice.

"Yes," Andy's vocabulary was now monosyllabic.

Andy slipped those three fingers deep into my wife's vagina and Beth moaned. "Fuck me with your fingers, Andy. Fuck me."

I could see Andy pumping away slowly at Beth's pussy with his right hand. Beth's hands were back on her knees and I imagined her tits were swaying to and fro. She was moaning now and I knew she was about to cum. It never took her long to get to this point when she "entertained". She didn't ever have to fake it. "Oh..oh..oh..I'm cumming!" she announced. Hey body stiffened and spasmed and shook and she suddenly pulled away from Andy's fingers and fell straight forward into the lap of the guy in the middle chair.

Her knees were still on the carpet, but her torso was sprawled over the fellow's lap. He had done his best to catch her. She looked up at his face and smiled. "What's your name, honey?" she asked.


"Did you enjoy the show, Kevin?" she asked. I think everyone knew the answer, but Kevin just nodded his head. She sat back on her haunches and placed her hands on Kevin's thighs and looked down at his crotch. Kevin was wearing gym shorts and cock was poking upward. Beth gripped the head of Kevin's cloth-covered penis softly with her thumb and next two fingers and gently caressed it. Kevin moaned. "Hold that thought, Kev," Beth said, "Maybe we can get back to it later." She smiled at him.

With that she released Kevin's cock and rotated around so she was sitting between Kevin's legs looking back at Andy. "How are we doing, Andy?" Beth asked as she spread her own legs wide so Andy could see her juicy pussy. With her right hand, Beth reached down and dipped her fingers into the moistness of her vagina. Then she used her natural lubrication to massage her clitoris all the while maintaining eye contact with Andy.

"Great!" answered Andy. The three fingers that had just been in her pussy now lay glistening on his thigh.

Beth now used her left hand to reach down and rub her pussy lips, too. She looked directly at Andy while she spoke and played with her pussy. "Your buddies hired me to entertain you tonight, Andy. I hear you are getting married soon. Is that right?"

"Yes." Andy answered.

"What's her name, Andy?" Beth asked.

"Debbie." Andy answered.

"Does Debbie know what you are doing tonight?" Beth asked with a grin. Her voice became just a little ragged as she continued to masturbate.

"Sorta", Andy answered. "She knows it's my bachelor party."

"Did she know your friends were going to hire a stripper?" Beth teased.

"I think she suspected it, most bachelor parties are like that."

"Have you been to many bachelor parties, Andy?"

"A few."

"Did they have strippers?"


"Were they as good as me?" Beth said coyly.

"Oh, hell no!" exclaimed Andy.

"What did I do better?" Beth continued to draw him out.

"You let me see your... uh, you let me touch your... uh..." Andy stammered staring at Beth's hairy vagina where her fingers were busily strumming her glistening clit.

"Pussy?" Beth completed his answer.

"Yeah," Andy said.

"I want to hear you say it, Andy. I want to hear you say that I let you see my pussy and touch my pussy and finger-fuck my pussy." Beth coaxed.

"You let me see your pussy! You let me touch your pussy! You let me stick my fingers in your pussy!" Andy exclaimed and grinned ear-to-ear.

"Do you like my pussy?" Beth asked as she lifted her ass up and leaned back steadying herself on Kevin's thighs. She spread her legs wide and pulled her labia apart with both hands exposing the glorious wet pink folds of her inner cunt.

"Yeah," Andy said staring right into my wife's open orifice surrounded by black curly hair.

Beth looked to her right at the blonde, young guy seated in the chair next to Kevin. She smiled, "and what's your name, sweetheart?"

"Dave," he offered as he strained to look at Beth's open pussy.

"I'm up here, Dave," Beth giggled. Dave quickly looked up and met Beth's gaze. "Just kidding, Davey," Beth laughed. Everyone chuckled a little bit. "You can look at my pussy all you want. Would you like a closer look?"

"Sure," Dave answered and Beth stood up and sat on the right armrest of Kevin's chair. With her left foot on the floor, she lifted her right foot and placed on the left armrest of Dave's chair. She made sure her legs were wide open and Dave could get an up-close look at her inner pussy. Once again, she pulled her pussy lips apart.

"Better?" she asked.

"Better!" Dave answered.

"You wanna touch?" she breathed.

"Yeah," Dave said. I could tell he had probably never been in a situation like this before.

"What's stopping you, Davey? Please touch my pussy. Please rub my clit. Please." Beth bit her bottom lip like a naughty girl.

Dave reached out with his right hand, palm up, and let his fingers slip between the folds of my wife's pussy lips. They slipped inside her easily and she moaned. His thumb found her clitoris and gently massaged it in tiny circles. "Oh...oh...I'm gonna cum again, catch me Kevin!" and she fell backwards across Kevin's lap. Her titties were now within easy reach of Kevin and he found her nipples and began massaging them slowly. "Dave!" she exclaimed.

Dave stopped feeling her up and said, "Yeah?"

"Dave, would you eat my pussy?" Beth pouted her lips. Dave practically bolted out of his lowered his face to Beth's crotch and began slurping at her vagina. Beth's hand found the back of Dave's head and she pulled him in deeper. Then she leaned her head backwards over the left arm of Kevin's chair and made upside down eye contact with the guy seated on Kevin's left. "Name?" it was almost a command.


"Chuck, do you eat pussy, too?" Beth was on a roll now.

"Yep!" Chuck said. Beth sat upright and gently pushed Dave's face away from her genitals.

"Thanks, Dave. That was great, but I'm going to share my cunt with Chuck over there. I've been kind of neglecting him. Don't be disappointed, we will see each other soon. I promise."

"OK," Dave said. I could see my wife's juices glistening on his face.

"And, Dave?" Beth added.


"Be a sweetheart and take your cock out for me. You too, Kevin. I want to see you guys masturbate while I let Chuck lick my pussy for a while. Don't cum, though. If you get close, stop. I don't want to waste it!" The Beth stood up and walked over to where Chuck sat. She stretched out on the floor, pulled her knees up, spread her legs wide and nodded to her pussy and said, "All yours, Chucky!"

Chuck wasted no time getting his mouth onto her steaming, soaking cunt. "Oh," said Beth. "Fingers!" and Chuck dutifully inserted some fingers into her pussy and she bucked and humped against Chuck's face and soon she was cumming. Dave and Kevin could only stroke and watch as my slutty little wife orgasmed against their friends face.

When she had caught her breath, she pushed Chuck away and he stood up and helped her to her feet. She pushed him back down into his chair and said, "that was terrific, Chucky. Thank you. Now I would like you to take out your dick and stroke it for me like your buddies are doing." Chuck complied and Beth stood back and looked at three guys with hard-ons masturbating just for her and smiled.

Beth spoke to them as a group. "That's pretty much the end of the first act. I have cum twice and you guys haven't had any release at all. Doesn't seem fair, does it?" she smiled.

"Don't worry," Beth said. "Things are about to change. Who likes porn? Raise your hand." Everyone's hand went up. "Now if you're a typical guy, I bet you especially like watching a girl suck a cock. Am I right?"

"Yeah!" all around.

"Well, since it is Andy's party, I'm going to suck his cock and you guys get to watch...if that's all right with Andy." She turned to Andy. "What do you think, Andy? Have you ever seen a stripper suck a cock at a bachelor party?"

"Uh, no," Andy answered.

"Would you let me suck your cock for your friends?" Beth asked.

"Okay," Andy replied quickly.

"Does Debbie suck your cock?" Beth asked.

"Sometimes," Andy didn't look comfortable talking about Debbie.

"Do you think she would suck your cock in front of your friends like I'm about to do?" Beth was having fun.

"I don't think so," Andy answered.

"It would be hot though, right? Having Debbie suck you off while others were watching?"

Andy's eyes lit up a bit and he answered, "Yeah that would be hot!"

"Does she swallow?" Beth got right to the point.


"When she sucks you off, do you cum in her mouth? Does she swallow your cum?"

Andy looked almost ashamed and said, "No."

"I'm sorry, Andy, I didn't mean to embarrass you. I'm going to suck you cock and you're going to cum in my mouth and I'm going to swallow it and all of your friends are going to watch and you know what?"

"What?" Andy stammered.

"I'm going to do it as many times as you can keep it coming for the rest of the night."

The room went silent and Beth turned to her audience and said, "And that goes for the rest of you, too!"

With that, Beth said, "Stand up, Andy." Andy stood up and Beth took his hands and put one on each tit and Andy started fondling her big firm bags of flesh. He was watching them mush about in his hands and Beth took advantage of the moment to cast a smiling glance at me. She blew me a kiss which I couldn't return because the rest of her audience may have seen and they all thought I was just the bodyguard / escort. I looked down at the stack of 50's and 100's in front of me. This bachelor party business had become quite lucrative, but I had to admit that the cash was secondary. Beth enjoyed being a slut for me and I enjoyed watching her. Ever since that night in Tommy's apartment, we had done this from time to time.

Beth's hands found Andy's belt buckle and she unfastened it and let his jeans drop to the floor. She helped him step out of them. He was wearing plaid boxers and she pushed him back down in his chair.

Andy watched as she dropped to her knees in front of him. His cock was erect with anticipation as Beth reached up the leg of his boxers and caressed his balls. "They feel so full, Andy!" she teased. "So full of cum. So full of cum for me!"

I watched as my wife pulled Andy's boxer's waistband down and his hard-on popped into view. It was pointing straight up. I walked a bit to one side of the kitchen doorway to get a better look. I could see the pre-cum oozing out of the head of Andy's cock just before Beth's mouth swooped down and sucked it up, her lips barely touching his cock-head. Slowly she let Andy's penis slip into her mouth, centimeter by agonizing centimeter.

Andy's hand found the back of her head and urged her on. She took him deep and then let him almost all the way out. I looked around the room at Dave and Kevin and Chuck stroking their cocks as the watched my beautiful wife suck Andy's cock. She repeated the motion a little faster and soon her head was bobbing up and down on Andy's manhood. Beth doesn't really use her hands much to give a blowjob. I think she considers it being "lazy". I lost count of how many times she went up and down on his cock and finally she let it fall away against his abdomen. She grasped his shaft with her right hand as her mouth went to work suckling his testicles. She scooched him closer to the edge of his chair.

She let go of his cock and placed one hand under each of Andy's knees and pushed them upward so that his anus was exposed. Nestling her mouth in under his balls, her pink tongue found his butt hole. She liked and poked and licked and poked. She let go of his legs, but Andy held them up by himself as my wife worked her tongue magic on anus. With her hands now free, she found the shaft of Andy's cock and began to pump it. She took her tongue out of his ass and replaced it with just the tip of the index finger of her free hand all the while pumping his cock.

She looked up at Andy and said, "Do you like having my tongue in your ass, Andy?" Andy could only nod. "You want me to do it some more?" Andy nodded again. "Okay, but you gotta let me know when you're going to cum, sweetie. I want your cum in my mouth, okay?" Andy nodded once more.

Beth went back to work on his anus with her tongue. I could tell she was struggling to get it up into his asshole as far as she could. Suddenly Andy said, "Now!"

Beth withdrew from his anus and quickly got his cock back in her mouth. She slipped a finger from one hand into his butthole and cupped his balls with her free hand. Andy must have started cumming immediately because I could see Beth doing her best to capture all of his semen. Her cheeks were bulging and her eyes were wide open. Andy's body was spasming as he shot his cum into my wife's mouth. Eventually it subsided and Andy collapsed into his chair.

Gently, Beth let Andy's cock slip from her mouth all the while maintaining enough suction to keep his cum from spilling out around it. When she lifted her head away, a long sticky strand of cum stretched from the head of his cock to her pursed lips. It broke in the middle and Beth's half clung to her chin and dangled below.

I looked around the room. All eyes were on Beth and her bulging cheeks. She waited until Andy was looking at her and then tilted her head back and cautiously opened her mouth to show him his cum filling her mouth. She motioned to me with her head and I knew what she wanted.

I spoke up to the rest of the guys. "I think Beth wants you all to gather around here." Within seconds, Beth was surrounded by three guys holding their cocks. She spun around as best she could to give them all a view of her mouth full cum. Satisfied that they had gotten a good look, she opened her mouth more and pushed some of the cum out so it spilled onto her cheeks and chin. With a big gulp, she sent the remainder into her tummy. She showed everyone her now empty mouth and very deliberately took to cleaning the spilled cum from her face one finger at a time and licking it away.

When the last of Andy's cum had disappeared down Beth's throat, she smiled at everyone. Her face glistened with cum residue.

She looked up at the guys looking down at her. "Who's next?" she said.

Kevin, Dave and Chuck all edged closer. They each had a loose grip on their cock as they continued to pump rhythmically. "Easy, guys," Beth laughed as she took in the array of man-meat presented to her. She thought for a moment and said, "Pick a number between 1 and 10."

"Five," said Chuck. "Two," said Kevin. Dave said "Seven".

"Dave wins!" exclaimed Beth. "It was nine. So it's going to be Dave then Chuck then Kevin in that order."

They seemed okay with that so Beth continued, "Here's the way this works. I'm going to take a load of cum from each of you, but I know that guys are different in how they want to get there. So each of you gets to choose. You can stand there and let my mouth and hands do the work of coaxing out your load or you can basically just fuck my mouth if you don't get too crazy. You can also let me suck you until you're close and then finish by jacking off in my open mouth. I see that in a lot of pornos. A girl can get several loads at a time if the guys don't mind and they time it right."

I chuckled to myself. My wife had obviously thought this through. She has always been so considerate of the wants and needs of others and cum guzzling was no exception.

"So, Davey, you're first. What's it going to be?" Beth was so matter-of-fact.

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