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Beth's Disgrace Pt. 03

Story Info
Beth continues to unknowingly map out her own demise.
34.5k words

Part 3 of the 8 part series

Updated 07/12/2023
Created 02/10/2020
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Hello all. I thank you all for your patience. I know it has been a long wait. I am trying my best and will continue to do so. Thanks to you all for the feedback. It is helpful and inspiring. Enjoy. As always, this is a work of fiction on a free adult writing site. Which means that most authors here are likely writing something that is fantasy. Which is a nice way of saying wet dreams. My work is definitely fantasy. If I wanted real life, there are other things to read and do. While I have attempted to make my story as believable as I can there are clearly parts that are not compatible with how real life works. No one should treat anyone this way. If a soon to be college freshman that gets her rocks off on public humiliations and happens to find herself blackmailed by people that hate her and want to humiliate her publicly isn't your cup of tea.... then kindly move on. Thanks. There is something for everyone here. And for those that DO dig this idea.. you are my people.

Disclaimer: All characters in this story are 18 years of age or older. All students portrayed in a school setting or otherwise are high school seniors that are about to graduate and are all 18 years of age. And in this world there are only 18 year old students in their classes with them.

Part 3

While Beth agonized in the bathroom over what she was ordered to do with her pubic hair from now on, her 3 tormentors were texting each other with a sense of urgency as to what they should do next to the unsuspecting bitch down the hall now that they have just strengthened their grip on her. So far Kim had been calling all of the shots without much input from the girls. While she was doing a remarkable job in their eyes and they were a bit speechless after witnessing her on the spot creativity as an online dom, they were ready to revolt a little.

While the girls were quickly learning that Kim had a kinky side to her that they never knew about, Amy and Jenna never have had any exposure to sexuality of this nature. They loved flirting with boys at school and at parties and all of the coming-of-age sexual experiences that came with being popular cheerleaders at school. They never even dreamed that people could be into the freaky degrading shit that Beth was into. A week ago, they couldn't even imagine thinking of ways to expose and humiliate another girl. Would have no reason to even want to. But now the girls were out for blood after what Beth had done to them. And after reading the freaky fantasies that Beth had laid out for them, both Amy and Jenna were intoxicated with the thought of being on the dominant end of Beth's humiliation. Their rage and thirst for revenge gave the girls off the charts motivation to come up with sadistic ways to torture the cunt that ruined their senior years. And they were tired of Kim's repeated insistence on holding themselves back.

Amy was tired of seeing Beth walking tall and confident around the house. Even with her protective barriers being chipped away at daily, Beth was getting off on it so much that she seemed to be walking on air despite the new humiliations added to her life. Amy could no longer bear Beth's air of superiority around her and needed their plan to start yielding results. "What good was having humiliating evidence on someone that gets off on humiliation if we were going to just help her get off in her room?" thought Amy.

Jenna had more classes with Beth than Amy and was tired of the way Beth seemed to look down at people in school. Unlike the populars cheerleaders that looked down on the lower classes in the school hierarchy like Amy and Jenna did, Beth seemed to have a way of looking down at the popular girls in a way that could infuriate the school's ruling class. Add to that the smirk Beth seemed to be always sporting on her face now that she was experiencing these new sexual highs and Jenna was ready to go wild on that cunt. Besides being grounded for the rest of her senior year because of Beth, Jenna had another axe to grind. See, Jenna also played intramural volleyball with Beth. Jenna had always loved volleyball and dreamed of making the school team but didn't. It always bothered her because she thought she was good enough and she had to watch Beth and the other girls strut around school on game days with their uniforms on while Jenna burned with envy. Jenna still loved the game and kept at it with intramural games with the hope of improving her skills and maybe walking on the team when she got to college. She desperately wanted to see a change in Beth's demeanor at school and at volleyball games and she wanted it now.

And so, after the customary texts of disbelief and laughter just like every time the naked and horny Beth further debased herself in her room while they spied on her, the subject changed to how they were going to proceed.....

Amy: This is it! I am going to pounce on her once she marches that shaved twat out of that bathroom and down the hall to her room. I want to march her right to our parent's room in that slutty robe with all of her slutty bits hanging out of it. Let them see the real slut that pretends to be their angel stinking of her own cum as her shaved twat peaks out from under that robe!

Kim: Noooooooooooo. GOD DAMN IT NOT YET!!!!. Why do you insist on ruining our plans when we have so much left to do to her? Will you please listen to what I say???

Jenna: Fuck that shit. What are we doing to her?? Yes we are laughing our asses off at what a freak she is and what a naked flailing mess of body parts she continues to make of herself, but at the end of the day we are just helping her masturbate. What are we here, a bunch of voyeur dykes? I want her to pay with misery just like we have and you just seem like you want to get her off!!!

Kim was expecting this but the last comment pissed her off.


Kim took a deep breath and continued..

Kim: This bitch did major damage to all of us. She took away the last month of our senior year, one of the best times of our lives that we can never get back. She took it away because she was horny. That's it. But she ruined my life in a far worse way than yours. At least you got to go to prom. Got to have pictures in a prom dress. Got to ride in a limo with your best friends. Got to dance and kiss your date. I never got any of that. It was taken away from me. Because she was horny. That's it. And my boyfriend broke up with me because of it. Left me for another girl and took her to the prom. Broke my heart. For no reason besides that selfish cunt was horny and didn't want us to catch her while we were living our lives. I want to absolutely ruin her life as she knows it. I want to make her most humiliating fantasy seem like light foreplay by the time we start hitting her hard. And yes, she is getting off right now. She is fucked up. I want her to never be able to stop getting off because of what we do to her. I want it to be public knowledge to everyone who cares to know what she looks like when she gets off, and how low she will sink to do it. I want to make everyone intimately familiar with that sweatsuit hidden body that she is ashamed to show to anyone. Every naked inch of it including her fat ass! I want her showing it to everyone in places she can't imagine being naked. But it will take time. What do I need to do in order for you guys to trust me? I have a plan. A detailed plan. And I promise that you will be satisfied with your revenge beyond your expectations if you just listen to me and don't screw up the end game for a little short-term satisfaction. What do you guys need from me?!

Amy: Well for starters, you need to tell us about this fucking plan. We keep getting told that you have a plan and we need to be patient, so we end up just watching her naked ass flopping around on the floor while she attacks that furry menace between her legs and whimpers like a sex starved slut. While it is funny, it isn't revenge. So, what are you planning on doing that is better than me outing her right now? I want her to know that I know! I want our parents to know why she set us up!

Jenna: Yes. We need to know what we are doing. I have all of the videos on my server here and it would bring me great joy to just broadcast them to the entire school while she is in class! What is to stop me!

Kim: Ok. Ok. Just cool it for now. This is the plan. And I am sorry I have kept this to myself. I want this to be our plan. And I want you guys to come up with as many ways to humiliate our closet masochist slut as you can. I just want you to be patient. I have been busy researching what makes this slut tick around the clock. A lot of this is new to me too. I have poured over her writings, what she read, what she has told us, and more. I have gone into chat rooms and message boards and mined information from anywhere I can to come up with ideas to humiliate her over and over again. My plan is simple in the end. Non stop humiliation that she has brought on herself.

Amy: That isn't good enough. First of all, you said that she is in phase 1. What the hell is phase 1? How many phases are there? How long does this take?

Jenna: And who agreed on these phases? You couldn't have done this shit without me and my surveillance abilities.

Kim: Ok. Ok. You are right. So, nothing is etched in stone but what I have come up with is to start with minor humiliations outside of her comfort zone which is her room. Subtle things that don't seem much from the casual viewer, maybe just a little weird but in the end, people will shrug and go on their way. We do this more and more to her through the end of the school year and the summer months. Now that we are officially blackmailing her, we will be adding rules and punishments to her daily life. This should address your concerns and give you more satisfaction for now. Especially with regard to that smirk on her face. Think about it. Right now, she is horny as fuck while she shaving her pussy on our orders. All she is thinking about is the next orgasm and this humiliation will push her sick mind to make her hornier than she already is. But after she cums it will hit her hard that a real person that lives close by is blackmailing her and has all of her information. That her pale naked body that she is afraid to show off has been seen in the lewdest of possible ways. She is not going to handle that well and that should let a little air out of her balloon don't you think?

Jenna: I guess so, but that is it? We don't want subtle humiliations. We want to own that bitch. Ruin her life like she did ours! What are the other phases? And we need something good now!

Kim: Ok. Ok. Calm the fuck down. Here is the plan....

And Kim told them what she had planned. How she planned to do it. What they were going to do to poor Beth along the way. And in the end all three girls had wicked smiles on their faces. They concluded that Kim was right. And this was going to be a fun summer. But Kim's plan, the latter phases of the plan, the truly cruel and sadistic parts of her plan were going to make the girls' college years even more memorable than they were anticipating.

But Kim knew she had to throw them a bone. And why not? Things were about to ratchet up for poor Beth, why not let the girls have some fun and keep them off of Kim's back?

Kim: Now that we are on the same page, I would still like to address your concerns for right now. So Why don't you each tell me something you want to see done in the short term here and we can implement them into our little slut's life?

Amy: Now we are talking! I know we aren't going to make her live with the consequences of that destroyed robe she has committed to wearing. Too much too early. Although I can't wait for the day that she will be regularly wearing things like that we can't do it now, I know. So you had threatened her with losing clothing privileges on the entire 2nd floor and it seemed to really scare the shit out of my cunt step-sister. I want that. Sooner than later. It doesn't mean I will be hounding her in the hallway. But I want to catch her every now and then and maybe make some remarks about her big ass, but nothing over the top. Many girls walk from the shower to their bedroom naked with a towel in their hair. Just not Beth because she is obsessed with covering those giant pale tits of hers. Not anymore. Naked upstairs. No exceptions. Soon.

Kim: Ok. Done. We will see how tonight goes, but I promise one of the next times she fails a task or breaks a rule or something, naked on the 2nd floor from now on will be the consequence. How about you Jenna?

Jenna: Wow. The naked upstairs thing is a great start and kind of hot. Never thought I would say anything like that but now that we are about to see Beth go through some actual humiliations outside of her bedroom, I am soooo excited! Anyway, I want to see her become more uncomfortable at school. I know you won't be parading her around naked or in super slutty clothes or anything, but something that makes her skin crawl and knocks the confidence out of her. I don't care if she gets off on it, in fact we want her to, but start messing around with her at school. Maybe show some leg. It is just about summer after all. And maybe have her strip in some places at school. They could be private but would still freak her out and knock her down a peg. What do you think?

Kim: I like it. I have a few things in mind that we can implement right away. Now, before we get to that stuff, we have to finish off tonight. She is about to come back to her bedroom crying tears of humiliation. This is what I want to do to finish her off for the night. A rude awakening as to what is in store for the little twat that ruined our lives!!

And Kim proceeded to lay out the rest of the night to the girls.


Beth was standing completely naked in her bathroom. Her right hand was searching through the medicine cabinet for scissors while her left hand stroked her sopping wet pussy. Her bush and the insides of her legs were soaked with a long night's worth of slutty bodily fluids. Slimy pussy juice had been smeared over her tits and stomach and she even rubbed some in her hair to feel extra nasty. She was so horny she could scream out loud. And she was once again terrified.

Her blackmailer had ordered her to shave her pubic hair. All of it. Something that Beth was terrified to do. She always felt a nice bush afforded modesty even though Beth never considered undressing in front of anyone. She knew she would be more exposed and she was worried that her large pussy lips and clit would look obscene without any hair covering them. She wanted to fall to the floor in tears, to tell this MistressK that she couldn't do it. But her pussy was in horny overdrive and any sane thought to stop this craziness was overruled by her desperate need to cum again. She had been on edge again for a while and her hand never seemed to stop rubbing herself between the legs!

Beth found the scissors, took a deep breath while wiping tears off her face with a pussy juice covered hand, and started cutting. Hair started falling to the shower floor as lock after lock was removed from her pubic area. After a lot of snipping her all covering bush was reduced to a lot of short hair that could be taken off by razor. She looked down and cringed. Her red prominent lips were now clearly in view. Her body image issues were about to be hit with another hard blow and she knew it. And she hated that it made her even hornier at the thought of more awful exposure of her body.

She got the cream and the razor and turned the shower on. She couldn't picture how she should angle her body to complete her task. She had read plenty about girls in her fantasies being ordered to shave their twats and it made her cum many nights just thinking about it. But she never actually gave thought as to how she would actually shave it. With the warm water trickling over her over-stimulated body she decided to just sit down in the shower and go to work. This was a mistake for Beth. As revolting as it was for her to step barefoot into her bathroom and shower barefoot for the first time, sitting her naked ass and pussy on the shower floor where people bathed made her shriek with disgust. She started crying again and was about to jump back up when the water started making a direct hit to her pussy. The next thing she knew her legs were pinned open wide against the shower wall while her hips thrust up to meet the water involuntarily to try and get off.

Beth was able to calm herself somewhat and started to lather up her remaining pubic hair. Beth started to slowly shave away more of her dignity with each stroke. As the hair fell off of her crotch and went down the drain she started to see prominent red lips come into focus and they were contrasted by the surrounding pale skin that was once covered by hair. Beth was already very sensitive down there when she got horny and couldn't imagine that right now her lips were twice as sensitive as they normally were. Her clit was standing fully erect and now that it was exposed in all of its glory it seemed to just beg to be touched. Beth started rubbing it and almost came instantly. She had to scream into her elbow to muffle the screams.

Beth thought she was done but then realized that she hadn't shaved all of her pubic hair. There was still some of it around her asshole. Beth lathered up around her ass and flipped over to her hands and knees. Beth didn't even hesitate now. As nasty as it was to be on her hands and knees on the nasty tile floor while shaving the last pubes she had left, she just wanted to finish and get back to her room so she could cum! So she started to shave away. She imagined being watched by someone that hated her and was hell bent on humiliating her. She thought about being ordered to lick the shower floor while she was shaving and wanted to wretch, but she also moaned in ecstasy at the heightened humiliation that would bring her.

Beth rubbed her hand around her newly bald snatch and asshole to check for any stray hairs she may have missed. She didn't want to fail at any rule or task. She was afraid of what MistressK would make her do. She already had a task left to do for the night with some humiliating rules already set by herself to deal with. She didn't want to make it any worse for herself right now. As she rubbed around her hairless crotch she almost buckled in orgasm. Her most sensitive place now felt like an exposed bundle of nerve endings. She got up and dried off quickly. She quickly put the robe on without looking down at the finished product. She was dreading what she would look like in the full-length mirror and was nauseous at the thought of baring it to her blackmailer on the other end of the webcam in her room.

Beth didn't even bother adjusting the nasty tattered robe to maximize what little it could cover. She just put it over her wet body, tied the rope and bolted to her room. Amy wished she could open the door but agreed not to. Beth's tits were swinging back and forth beyond the reach of the robe while the lower half of her ass was exposed as it jiggled with each step. She barged back into the room and looked in the mirror. She was shocked. The robe covered almost nothing. Both tits were hanging out and her pussy was barely covered. No way she could wear this all of the time. She would have to beg. But she didn't have time for that now. She shrugged off the robe and walked naked towards the mirror.

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