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Beth's Disgrace Pt. 04

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A day at school and Beth likes it more than she should.
24.4k words

Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 07/12/2023
Created 02/10/2020
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Ok. So here is part 4. I originally intended this to tell the story of a complete day but this is already long. The Friday night between the girls is going to be heavy with dialogue and could take a bit so I figured it was best to submit what I had and keep going in hopes of getting part 5 out a little quicker than I normally do. We will see. Enjoy. As always, all are 18 years old and older.              

Beth cried in front of her computer for a good long while after she was duped by her online blackmailer. She was so desperate to cum that she would have masturbated in the middle of the street if MistressK would have let her. There she was, her hips still slowly moving involuntarily, hoping for an orgasm that wasn't coming. She was drenched with sweat from head to toe with her own arousal smeared on her skin and dripping from her bald swollen cunt.

She just didn't know what to do. On one hand, it was silly to pretend to be "denied" anything by someone online in a make believe scenario. But by now Beth had come to realize that this was more than just make believe. This person knew her name, where she lived, phone number, email, school, and who hated her the most. And Beth has been giving away humiliating leverage by the minute. No one besides her doctor or mother had so much as ever seen a glimpse of her naked body, and this online stranger now had hours of her completely nude and masturbating like a maniac. If someone saw these videos, if you edited out the tearful begging she would come across like some crazy slut who loved being naked. Someone who got off on making her life worse by piling on humiliation.

Although she could easily sneak to the bathroom and cum her brains out, she was legitimately afraid of being caught in a lie. For good reason. Beth could lie and bluff when her normal strong self was in charge, but her pussy wouldn't let her lie very well or at all once it took over. She was so stupid. She was so screwed.

Despite her anger in herself and MIstressK, she had resigned to the fact that this was her predicament. Besides not being granted the orgasm she was desperate for, she now had bigger problems. She wanted to clean herself up and go to the bathroom, but her new rule insisted that she would be making that walk naked from now on. She couldn't really fake that one without turning off her computer since the webcam could clearly see the door and what she would be wearing when she walked out of her room. And turning off the computer would surely lead to bigger problems for her.

But she felt disgusting. She was wet and sticky, her hair was soaked and sticking to her face. She smelled like the sweat and arousal that covered her body. She looked in the mirror and gasped. Her legs were still spread wide and her newly bald twat was like a flashing beacon that couldn't be ignored. No longer hidden by pubic hair, her sex was beat red, swollen, and dripping with need. Her clit was clearly visible and she felt like she could count her heart beats by looking at it throbbing in her mirror. And she knew that she had been filmed looking like this for hours. What if someone saw her right now. She snapped her legs closed and cried some more.

Back to the problem at hand, she still felt disgusting but needed to get to sleep. She couldn't comprehend leaving her room naked again tonight. She was terrified to do it before but she was promised an orgasm she desperately needed. Although she was at least as horny again now, no such relief was granted. But she also thought about how disgusting it would be to crawl into bed in her disheveled state, smearing her own sweat and juices all over her sheets and pillows and having to sleep that way. While she didn't have to pee too bad, she knew that if she didn't go now she would have trouble making it through the night without having to use the bathroom.

But she was also still over-the-top horny and her masochistic mind was still in control. She thought that it might score some points of redemption from MistressK if she made her predicament worse for herself in light of being punished. But she thought about how disgustingly delightful it would feel if her mistress ordered her to sleep all night feeling like this... So that is what she did. She crawled her naked, soaked, and stinking body into bed, covered up, and lay down for the night in her own disgustingness. She began to cry. Not because she was sad about what she was doing, but more a desperate whimper that she couldn't play with herself all night.


The girls were watching Beth closely to see what she would do in the wake of their latest move to push Beth further down their sadistic plan for vengeance. In what now has become a strange routine, the girls were ready to compare notes after watching Beth unknowingly perform her naked antics in front of them so they could discuss what to do next.

Tonight found each girl in a different mindset as they looked at their screens to see what Beth was up to. Kim was looking on with a mixed expression of determination and lust on her face. She was seeing how closely Beth's actions reflected what she guessed would happen with each push. She was carefully planning each step and was thinking of how to get the girls to buy in for tomorrow's plan. But she was also pretty horny. The girls had given themselves a crash course in kink and Kim had started to take to the role of being a dominant mistress. The thought of Beth serving her in real life was starting to peak her arousal.

Amy was watching along laughing at every humiliation that Beth revealed about herself. She imagined what it would be like when she caught Beth while in some extreme form of naked debasement and finally had her way. She really started to open up to all that she could do with a real life naked live-in play toy that she hated. As the thought of this becoming a reality became more and more, Amy's thoughts started to get mean. She couldn't wait to be in charge of Beth's every move in her house.

Jenna found herself imagining things a little differently than the other two. See, Jenna by now was completely naked in front of her computer with her left hand rhythmically going in and out of her pussy. She had already cum twice tonight and by the time Beth was smearing her bodily fluids on her bedsheets, Jenna was nearing a third orgasm. At first Jenna didn't know what to make of this kind of sexual activity. None of the girls did at 18 years old. But after her own crash course in Beth's sexual deviance she started to be intrigued by a couple of stories in particular involving girls that were both dominants and dominated.

Something called a "switch". While she desperately wanted to see Beth humiliated more and more to get her revenge, she started to imagine herself doing some of the crazy things in Beth's fantasies. She remembered one story in particular where a Mistress had two subs but one was a switch. And whatever humiliations the switch had to endure, the other sub had to be made to do an even more humiliating version of a task or rule. The switch was an exhibitionist that enjoyed being made to show her body somewhat and the second sub hated it. The switch girl rode a fine line between enjoyment and humiliation so she could get off on how bad she could humiliate the other sub, sometimes going too far for the both of them. Jenna started to see herself in this role as she explored these new sexual feelings and wondered how she could make them a reality without making it too weird with the other girls.

As all three girls started to come to terms with how they would handle their revenge, Kim reached out to the girls by text as they watched Beth end her night. Although there were the same exchanges of disbelief and laughter at Beth's expense, they were shorter than usual as the girls seemed more determined to push further down the path.

Kim started to outline what she wanted Beth to do the next day. They all laughed at her idea of how to start Beth's morning and thought it was a good idea. It seemed a little strange but Kim explained that it was another way to keep Beth uncomfortable. On the top of the sexual deviance, part of Beth's humiliation was being uncomfortable and Kim was paying attention on how to remove Beth' comforts.

Kim then explained that while Beth was not going to have to perform many tasks at school tomorrow, she was still going to hate it. And then Kim explained that since it was Friday night and the girls were robbed of their social life thanks to Beth, that they were going to make their own fun with Beth and give her a "night off" in order to let her guard down. While the girls were skeptical at first and didn't want to let up at all, they started to laugh when Kim asked Amy if there was any alcohol in the house that her parents weren't going to miss!

  • -

Beth had a fitful night of sleep to say the least. She felt even more gross when her sheets and pillowcases got wet after she crawled into bed. She went to bed as horny as can be which kept her awake. All that she managed to do was nod in and out all night while her perverted mind dreamt of deeper depths to explore than she had already imagined. Thoughts of obscene clothes, forced nudity, sucking dick, licking balls, eating pussy, licking ass, wearing cum on her body, and worst of all, being exposed as a sexual deviant to all that she knew and being forced to live that way. These thoughts did nothing to stop the wetness between her legs and she was starting to lose her grip. And now she had to pee.

Beth had been battling the urge to pee now for a couple of hours but kept rolling over to get it out of her mind. She wasn't ready to start walking down her hallway naked yet. She was still hoping for a way out. She even considered peeing in an empty drink bottle but couldn't bring herself to do it, camera watching or not. She started to cry as she realized she had to go and couldn't fight it anymore. Just as she uncovered her naked body and the cool air hit her exposed skin the computer started blaring its alarm again just like the day before!


Beth jumped out of bed, her bare feet hitting the floor and causing her to cringe once again. She ran to her computer as her tits bounced wildly in all directions. She sat down at her computer chair and found it still damp from last night's adventures making her cry out in disgust. She desperately started clicking anywhere she could to silence it to no avail. She then swore out loud as she thought of the day before. She knew what she needed to do to silence the obnoxious sound before it woke everyone up. She cried openly now as she realized that once again she was about to put on a horrible show for her blackmailer.

Beth leaned back and spread her legs as far as they could go. Then, against her will, she started to finger herself just like MistressK made her do yesterday. After an agonizing minute of debasing herself the alarm was still going off. She started to attack her pussy harder as she began to lick her nipples. She looked like some sex starved freak as she cried frantically while continuing her lewd performance. The urge to pee never went away and now she was afraid she would piss all over herself, bringing her to a new low. She started to beg as she whimpered.

"Please, please. Let me stop. Please. I'm begging. I am going to cum. I need to pee!!"

Kim let her go for another agonizing 30 seconds while she looked on with sadistic amusement. She was tempted to let her cum without permission just to give her some more rules to follow. She hadn't thought about the added bonus of making her piss herself. Still, she stayed true to her plan. She laughed at the fact that she needed to be reeled in just like the others. Beth debasing herself for them just made it very tempting to want to see her groveling naked before her in person.


The beeping stopped finally. Beth was moaning out loud with each rapid breath as she fought off the pending orgasm and her full bladder with all of her might. She felt like the piss was going to burst out of her at any minute.

MistressK: Good morning slut. I hope you thought long and hard about your mistakes last night. You will start paying for them today. I bet you don't even want to cum any more do you?

Beth: Noooooo. Please. Let me cum. But first let me pee! I really need to go bad. I am going to burst!

MistressK: Really slut? Well how bout I make you edge for me 5 more times and see how you feel then?

Beth: Nooo. Please no. I beg you. Let me pay some other way. I can't go anymore. I can't touch myself again with cumming or pissing. Please. Let me pee. I don't care what I have to do. But please. Now. Need to go.

Kim very much wanted to make her piss all over herself and the floor. But she saw another opportunity for fun..

MistressK: Ok slut. We will make a deal. First, and I don't want to hear any arguing, you will go out to your car right now as you are, turn it on and crank all of the car's heat settings up as high as they can go. And I mean all of them. Air vents, heated seats, all the way to ten. Then what happens next is up to you.

Beth was already whimpering. This was it. Naked outside. She knew it would come to this and it was her nightmare. This was the humiliating nightmare that she craved in fantasy only. To be naked in public. Even if it was her yard at 6am. She couldn't believe that she was going to leave her house naked. But she had to do it or it would get worse. And all she thought about was her bladder.

Beth: Please just let me pee first. I will do it. Whatever you ask.

MistressK: No slut. You will do this first. Make it fast and you can pee before you make yourself even nastier. But you have a choice of where you do it. You can run right inside and pee after you adjust your car. But if you do that you can kiss that orgasm you have been begging for goodbye. Should make for a long day at school. Or, you can pee outside before you come in. Of course you must film this to prove it. If you do that, you can go inside and cum if given permission. You will wait outside until I let you know if I like the video or not. If I approve, then you can cum. If not, no cumming, and no showering. Now go slut!

"Noooooooooooo" Beth cried out quietly. She had been crying so much her voice was slightly hoarse. But as she cried out, she grabbed her phone quickly and bolted out of her bedroom door as naked as the day she was born.

Beth could only focus on going as fast as she could so she could pee. But this was bad. She was running naked through her house with reckless abandon. Her tits were putting on a show bouncing everywhere and making Beth cringe with discomfort. Her ass was jiggling with each trot. She looked like hell. Her body was covered with a new sheen of sweat, her hair was once again stuck to her face and she smelled. And she was horny. Her nipples were painfully erect and angry looking. Her bald pussy was pouting with need, her thick juices glistening her lips and covering her thighs and lower ass. How could she explain this?

Her feet slapped the floor with each step. She started to tiptoe quickly to be quieter. She almost slipped on the kitchen tile because her feet were slick with sweat. She grabbed her keys from the hook by the door and headed to the garage. The dusty floor felt cold and nasty on her bare feet; damp footprints were left in a trail behind her. She had her hand on the doorknob and started to twist when she stopped suddenly. Out of her fear of going outside naked, she almost forgot to disable the alarm which was ironic. Unbeknownst to her it was that very alarm that is the reason she is naked at her front door and about to go outside!

Beth disarmed the panel, took a deep breath, and opened the door. The sunlight made her squint and she couldn't believe she was about to enter that sunlight bare ass naked. She gingerly stepped out the door and with a whimper and some tears she walked forward. The sidewalk pavers felt so rough on her bare feet. Until recently Beth had gone absolutely nowhere without protecting and covering her feet so they weren't used to the abrasive surface below her. It made her feel even more naked and she hated it.

While her feet made her aware of her nudity with every barefoot step on the hard surface, it paled in comparison to the effect the cool morning air had on her skin. It felt electric and she quietly moaned with delight. The cold fresh air shot bolts of arousal through her huge throbbing nipples and her pulsating clit. She thought she might cum right there in the driveway without touching herself.

She bolted across the driveway as her feet slapped the blacktop and her tits flopped up and down in broad daylight. She quickly unlocked her car door, turned on the car and adjusted the heat settings. She thought for a brief second that this was weird and wondered what the point was, but she was too scared, horny, and bursting at the bladder to dwell on the details. She cranked the heat and closed the door.

Later on Beth would lament that the sane person would have run back inside right away 10 times out of 10 in this situation. In reality, the sane person wouldn't be standing in her driveway naked right now. But being this horny for so long, Beth was not a sane person at the moment. There was no question which option she was going to choose, no matter how much she hated the risk of her naked body being seen by anyone. She had thought about MistressK's instructions about her having to approve of the video to be allowed to cum. Shower too! What if she had to go to school in this condition? It was clear that MistressK was daring her to make this more humiliating for herself to pass the test.

Beth propped her phone on the car and started to record. She backed up slightly as the cool breeze brushed against her ass cheeks. She felt a chill as the cold air hit her soaking pussy and thighs. A bit of pee had now breached her pussy and was leaking down her legs which mortified poor Beth. She stood in the front shrub bed where the camera could see her fully. She crouched down so she was between a row of shrubs and started to let go. The warm sensation of relief almost made her cum in her hyper aroused state. Her piss splattered off the leaves and ground splashing everywhere. Some of the splashes hit her bare legs and feet which made Beth want to wretch. Time seemed to stand still as her piss went on forever out of her exposed cunt. How the hell could she explain this if she were caught?

Finally her piss ended in a large puddle between her spread legs. She hopped toward her phone to avoid stepping in any more of the piss. She quickly sent off the video and ran naked towards the door. She stood there for a long 2 minutes awaiting her instructions. Kim wanted to make her roll around naked in that puddle of piss and then deny her orgasm once again but reverted to her plan.

MistressK: You may cum, but it must be done before you go back upstairs and not in any of the bathrooms. And I want a video.

Beth barged in the door and reset the alarm. She set the phone on a shelf to record and started fingering herself for all she was worth right there. She didn't think about strategy, just the orgasm that had been denied to her for several hours. She was subconsciously running her tongue all over her sweaty tits in no time as her hand was wheeling around her clit. Within seconds she shrieked as she came hard, her orgasm gushing out of her, down the inside of her legs with some spraying on the floor. She almost collapsed in her own puddle but was able to spare herself that indignity.

After she caught her breath from the mind blowing orgasm she just endured in her garage, she quickly grabbed her phone and bolted through the garage and the kitchen and hurried up the stairs. Her tits swung everywhere and made a light slapping sound when they bounced off her chest and each other. She quickly closed the door behind her in her room and collapsed to the floor with tears. She would stay there for nearly 30 minutes before she made her way back to the computer. She wanted to make sure she wasn't missing any instructions. "I can't take things getting worse than this" she thought as she padded her shapely ass across the room.

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