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Beth's Disgrace Pt. 07

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Beth starts her final week of school digging herself deeper.
19.2k words

Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 07/12/2023
Created 02/10/2020
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Hello all. Sorry once again for the wait. I intended to go further into the school week but felt I needed to cut it off to get something posted. I will be adding the list of rules at the beginning of every chapter from now on to keep them straight and not forget them. Although I will surely screw something up at some point and ignore a rule in a situation, I will try my best not to.

Once again thanks for all of the feedback: all of the positive and even most of the negative. Except for the person that called the story stupid. Feel free to move on and not read if this is not for you. Why would you read something that long that you thought was stupid? As I mentioned in the comments for people that are asking to keep the story realistic (as if any of this behavior or Beth's continued compliance is realistic), at some point we will be suspending belief. I am going to do my best to keep it far-fetched at best from now until the end of Beth's summer but after that things will be ratcheted up and things will stop being believable if they even still are at this point.

If enforced-nudity public and private, tiny outfits and altered clothing that doesn't cover her adequately, extreme humiliation both public and private, public masturbation, and unbelievable tolerance of parents and a college of these behaviors aren't for you, that is where we will be going. I hope everyone stays here for the ride and all suggestions are welcome, but I am going to write the story I want to write. This is a site for erotic fantasies for the most part. Things that can't happen in real life. This is mine.

I hope you enjoy this chapter, not my best in my opinion but it moves the plot along.

Current Rules:

No clothes on the 2nd floor of her house including the bedroom. (subject to change)

Must dress in her bedroom doorway with the door open. (subject to change)

Shave pussy every day.

Shoes come off in the house they stay off

Heat on full blast in the car at all times with windows up.

No towel after showers. Dry by fan in bedroom.

Naked when using bathrooms no matter where.

Must be granted permission to cum.

Bare ass and pussy on her car seat at all times.

Don't wash the car seat or air car out under any circumstances.

New dress code at home and clothes don't overlap when standing up. (subject to change)

As always, all characters including the students at Beth's school are 18 years old or older.

Beth awoke about an hour before dinner in her bed. At some point she had peeled her naked body from the sticky floor after cumming like a lunatic for the camera once again and crawled into bed. Beth started to shed some more tears at the thought of yet another video of her begging to cum while naked, then the display she put on when allowed to cum. She didn't need to use her imagination because the video was playing in a loop. She watched it in horror as she was also reminded of what she had promised to do to be granted that orgasm. On top of that her new dress code was about to debut. She cried more as she realized that her night was far from over.

She stood up and looked down at her pale bare skin in disgust. She was a mess and she smelled. Her skin was sticky with dried soda from the theater incident, sweat from the car and non-stop masturbation, and cum in various spots. She smelled of sex and body odor. She needed to shower before dinner. She couldn't go down there like this. She was already worried about the attention she would get from her sister with her new dress code.

She tearfully padded her naked body across the cold floor, stepping in more than one sticky spot, reminding her she really needed to clean this room. She stopped at the door and instinctively looked for her bra, panties, sweats, long tee shirt, socks,robe, and shower shoes that she would have normally worn to the shower until just recently. At least until her masochistic desires and poor judgment put her in a position to be blackmailed by a stranger. Now she wouldn't be wearing any of that. Not even her thick pubic hair that she used to have. She wouldn't be wearing a single thing besides the dried fluids on her body, lines her mom drew on her legs as a slutty wardrobe guide, smeared lipstick writing on her big ass cheeks, and a bald pussy that had been rubbed red and raw.

Beth whimpered some more at another risky naked walk past Amy's room to the bathroom in this condition as she opened the door to see if the coast was clear. With nobody in sight she bolted across the hallway and into the bathroom and shut the door. She was nearly hyperventilating over the fact that she was going to get caught doing that soon if her lot in life didn't change for the better.

Unbeknownst to Beth, Amy had set up another one of Jenna's hidden cameras in the hall on the opposite side of Beth's door so they could see Beth coming and going from the bathroom and stairs. While this angle didn't catch anything close to the incriminating shows that went on in the bedroom, it served the girls' own personal amusement as they watched Beth's full pale naked body flail and jiggle as she ran back and forth in terror and removed even more privacy from Beth's life.

Beth found herself once again in a familiar place; standing in the shower crying as the water ran over her naked skin. Once again she stood there regretting everything. While she has been experiencing higher sexual highs every day than she could have imagined while rubbing herself off in her chatrooms in her previous life, she started to fully regret the places her sick mind and needy twat were taking her. She was out of control. For one orgasm she had committed herself to numerous humiliations. Minutes of bliss were going to cost her infinite agony. She was going to walk to the street naked tonight. Sit bare assed in the car. God knows what she was going to do in this upcoming video considering that the last one was beyond awful and she pledged to make this one worse. And she shuddered at what she would be promising, no begging, to do to herself in that video when she was drunk, horny, and completely out of control and ignoring the consequences of her action.

Beth was losing control and she knew it. And if something didn't change soon her life was going to fall apart before she graduated. Beth cried some more at the thought of how useless it would be to ask her blackmailer for mercy. And she cried even more in regret that most of this shit was her own sick ideas. But part of her liked her humiliating new life. And she was scared that she wasn't sure if she could give it up. How could she go back to masturbating in her sweatpants reading erotic stories and going to chatrooms after feeling the orgasmic humiliation she was getting for real now?

Beth finished her shower and whined again at the no towel rule as she stood there wet and shivering. At least she was clean and didn't smell anymore, she thought. Beth let herself drip dry for a while while standing there freezing then cracked the door open again. With the coast clear she scampered her naked self back down the hall while being careful not to have her wet bare feet slip on the hardwood floor. The new camera provided the girls for a laugh as Beth's tits gave them a full-frontal bouncing show as she hurried across the hall.

Beth made her way into her room and over to the dreaded fan which was way too close to the window. She turned it on and started the agonizing process of drying by a powerful fan as she stood there naked and shivering. She especially hated when she had to turn around and spread her ass cheeks to dry between her ass and the powerful gust blasted directly on her exposed asshole.

"Showers are supposed to make you feel warm and comfortable," she thought. She couldn't have felt more in the opposite at that moment. She cursed at how this could be her life right now.

And it was about to get worse as she looked at the time and the dreaded shopping bags in her room. It was almost 6 and time to eat and she had to pick her fist revealing outfit in her new dress code. Not only that but she had to pretend like nothing was different to her hated step-sister, and pretend that she was enjoying this and trying to build self confidence about her body to her annoying mother. She figured it was a tie: she hated both ideas equally.

She cried some more as she went through the bags. She quickly decided that she would be starting out as conservatively as she could while staying within the rules. She picked a t-shirt as most of them were the same. This was no time for a tank -top. And she chose the beginner level shorts. She wasn't ready for a skirt and for now she pretended the shorter ones didn't exist. She didn't even want to think about what would happen when her mom's sewing machine came into play.

She stood in the doorway and opened it per her rules, feeling even dumber for dressing in the open while sorting out her new gateway to slutwear. She put on the clothes as she sobbed out loud before realizing if she was too loud she might be heard by Amy. While this would still be considered conservative outfitting by any girl's standard her age... this wasn't her. Her shorts were denim and came to 3 inches above her knee, shorter than she had worn since her early high school days when she still tried to fit in with the girls. For her, there was a lot of pale skin showing from her toes to her thigh.

The t-shirt wasn't anything crazy except that it was thin like t-shirts are and she never wore a single layer like this, always multiple baggy layers to hide her body that she was ashamed of. This was a thin t-shirt that fit and to her it looked like her boobs were standing out like mountains. She hadn't come close to showing them off like this since her body filled out and she turned into the non-conformist that she was. On top of that, she was horrified by the centimeter of midriff she was now showing between where the shirt ended and the shorts began. While she wasn't fat, she didn't have what would be considered a tight stomach and with her larger frame she felt like a cow.

She was hyperventilating at the thought of walking around like this at home from now on. And she knew it would get worse. And to top if all off she looked like trailer trash with bare feet in this outfit. She gathered herself and resolved to do what she had to do because for now she had two things to be thankful for: her bra and panties. She knew if she fucked up she would lose them and she couldn't imagine what her top would look like with her large nipples poking through this thin top, or what her slickening pussy would feel like against the denim as the humiliation fueled her arousal.

After a minute of self- loathing she walked out the door and closed it behind her. On shaky legs and rapid breath she descended her newly exposed pale legs down the stairs to join her mom and step-sister. When she could see them both and they both had smiles on their faces for different reasons. This was going to be a long night.


Dinner was agony. Beth felt eyes on her every movement as she walked down stairs and moved about the kitchen until she sat down. Even though this was a modest outfit by an eighteen year old girl's standard, with her boobs pressing against the thin t-shirt with no baggy sweatshirt to cover them, along with the skin she was not used to showing she felt almost as vulnerable as when she was naked.

Amy did her best to play it off like there was nothing different to go along with the girls' plan to sink Beth further and further, but she couldn't help from flashing the occasional smirk when she looked at Beth. Not because she looked ridiculous; The shorts were only a bit shorter than Beth's volleyball shorts she wore once a week, and it was a t-shirt with a bit of pale skin showing below the hem. And although Amy enjoyed the sight of Beth's larger frame and thicker build jostling and jiggling as she humiliated herself on camera, she didn't think Beth should be ashamed of her body like she was, although she would never tell Beth that. It was how painfully uncomfortable these clothes made Beth that amused Amy. Adding to her smile was how uncomfortable Beth would be when they start to dress her how they really want to. As far as Amy was concerned, Beth was dressed like a nun right now compared to what they planned to do to her wardrobe over the next 6 months.

Beth's mom kept looking at her with a sense of motherly pride that made Beth sick. She hated that she now had to pretend to have this close relationship with her mother and pretend to have a sudden interest in dressing like the bimbos her age. Yes, this was a long dinner for Beth.

Beth participated in small talk the best she did, then worked with Amy to clean up in silence as had long become their routine as they drifted apart. As soon as she could she went upstairs and closed the door in relief. Relief to be out of anyone's site in these clothes, but sad resignation that she would be dressing like this and worse going forward. Then she laughed. Here she was losing her mind the last hour wearing just-above the knee shorts and a t-shirt when her next task was going to be to take a garbage bag to the curb naked!

After standing inside the door thinking for a minute she frantically stripped off her clothes. She couldn't afford any rule infraction right now as her mind was hanging on the edge as it was. She couldn't handle things getting worse. Once again the feeling she would never get used to returned as she stood there completely naked as she prepared to casually move about her own bedroom knowing the camera was always rolling. Once again the constant humiliation and exposure, big and small, had her at a state of moderate arousal and extreme disgust with herself as she felt warm and wet between her legs.

Beth thought about what to do next and then grabbed a garbage bag. She started to pick up some garbage around her room including the wine bottles from the other night. She shivered when she grabbed the one she had rammed in and out of her pussy while making her drunken horny video.

As she did some much needed cleaning up to fulfill her self-inflicted task she was set to do she heard Amy's door slam shut. Beth sighed in relief knowing that she was likely in her room for the night and she would only have to deal with her mother who would be sacked out on the couch watching a movie like she did every night when Amy's dad wasn't home.

Beth thought of the best time to make her move and she regretted doing this at the end of June when the days were the longest. While she dreaded this she wanted to get it over with. She would have to wait until 9 until it was dark. She certainly wasn't going to do this in the daylight. While Beth was absolutely terrified about walking outside to the curb naked and hated herself for suggesting this stupid venture while chasing an orgasm, she was strangely not worried about her mom being mad if she was caught. Since their "talk", Beth figured as long as she didn't get caught doing something lewd like peeing in the bushes, her mother said a quick jaunt outside naked for a thrill was "normal" in her fucking weird world.

Beth looked at the time and it was now 8:45. Almost time to make an ass of herself again and risk utter ruin. She remembered what she was told by MIstressK and went to her closet. Beth had thought about how she had lost quite a few garments lately and was thankful that her mom, while not exactly her biggest ally, had always given her the green light to buy a lot of clothes. While so far she has lost 1 sweater, 1 bra, 1 pair of panties, a pair of sneakers, 3 pair of socks, and the jeans and shirt she has altered for school tomorrow (eek!), there were still plenty of clothes left and Beth had plenty of clothes left in her closet where it didn't make much of a dent.

Beth still had plenty of long sleeved baggy shirts, different colors of every band she liked, and stuff like that. But while she didn't need to worry about running out of clothes anytime soon, it was the act of losing another garment that got her naked body humming. She thought of her favorite stories and pictured her standing next to an almost empty closet while naked and explaining to her mother how she lost all her clothes and had to wear clothes she had outgrown 2 or 3 years ago. Beth felt her nipples starting to throb as her hands involuntarily started rubbing them, making her moan out loud as she started to go down the rabbit hole again.

Beth was ready to get naked now, hoping she would get to cum again. As always, it was always about the orgasms. She looked over at the computer to see if there was anything from MIstressK, secretly hoping there was something filthy and degrading for her to do on there, but the screen was free of any messaging windows. The girls were merely spectators waiting to see how their naked toy carried out this daring task she set upon herself. They would continue messing with her after she finished her task. If she finished it.

Beth grabbed an older long sleeve t-shirt that had some holes in it and put it in the bag. She made sure she videoed the act just in case the webcam didn't pick it up. She didn't want to have to go back to the curb to prove she threw out the shirt, as she knew she wouldn't be allowed clothes to do it.

She made her way to the door, opened it,and redressed in her new not-so-favorite outfit. She laughed again as she would hate going to the curb wearing what she had on, and she was about to do it completely naked. She had to laugh. Because all she wanted to do was cry. But she was horny now and after looking out the window to confirm night had fallen she went out the door and headed downstairs.


Beth's mom was in her usual spot on the couch with her head away from the stairs. The way the room was set up there was a wall between the living room and the way to the garage. So she could barely see Beth coming down the stairs and would not see her coming and going out the door. But she could hear her, and it startled her.

It startled her Beth's mom had her hand snaked down her pants and was leisurely playing with herself as she watched her movie. Between the fact that her husband traveled all the time, and their sex life wasn't much these days as they grew into middle age, she was lonely and found herself masturbating more than she used to. She didn't love it and had to work very hard to bring herself off, but it was better than nothing. And usually, as of late anyway, nobody bothered her once the girls went upstairs after dinner.

So when she heard the door open, then footsteps on the stairs she jumped and yanked her glistening hand out of her pants. She thanked her stars that she had clothes on, as that wasn't always the case. Mrs. Johnson wasn't a prude like her daughter when it came to sexuality and showing skin. .

When Beth made it downstairs once again on bare feet and shaking legs both women looked at each other with preoccupied looks. Beth wanted to get by her mom, and her mom wanted Beth to finish whatever she had to do so she could resume her self-love in private.

Mom: What are you doing, honey?

Beth: I forgot some garbage and I am going to bring them to the curb before bed.

Mom: Er.. um.. Ok.

Beth thought her mom was acting strange but was glad to be on her way. She was also glad she didn't get wrangled into some hellish heart to heart about her new wardrobe.

Beth made it to the door to the garage and looked longingly at her sneakers. She wished she could put them on right now. The garage floor was cold, and the driveway was rough. Both were extremely unpleasant on her bare feet.

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