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Betrayal--A Riff On February Sucks

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Husband returns from a long trip abroad. Things have changed.
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Can a wife's betrayal strengthen a good marriage?

This is a riff on George Anderson's wonderful story "February Sucks."

Dipping the toe into the LW category again. Couldn't be too precise with the rosa-blanca.ru or I'd give the plot away, but this is a play on the February sucks theme. There's no btb, humiliation, or raac here. It's a story about a good relationship and a wife's attempt to make it better and the husband's reaction. I don't have an editor, but I try hard to eliminate mistakes...there will be a few. I hope they don't spoil your appreciation of the story. I know this deviates quite a bit from the plot of the original George Anderson story, but I want to thank you Mr. Anderson for inspiring me. This is a work of fiction. All participants in the story are over eighteen years old and any resemblance to individuals living or dead is purely coincidental.


"Ok babe. I better shut my phone down. The flight attendant assures me we'll be wheels up in just a few minutes. Love you."

"Love you more!" Kate replied as she always does. "And we'll be pushing it. I'll lay out your clothes so you'll just have to grab a quick shower before the party."

"Aw, do we have to go? It's been four months babe. I need you more than cheap chardonnay and rubber hotel chicken." I was so frustrated that my flight yesterday got canceled and Kate and I couldn't have a night all alone to rediscover each other after four months in that shithole.

"Tim, you know we have to go. Jake is making the big announcement tonight. Plus it's your time to shine. It's just a few hours and then we'll be alone. Just think, no more long trips after he announces your promotion!"

God I love my wife. And I miss her so much. It's been four long months since she dropped me off at O'Hare and now I'm just a flight from LaGuardia to being in her arms again. The trip was a shit show. Delays in production. An attack from who knows which group of idiots that was trying to rip us off. Finally bad weather in the North Atlantic. At least I had a day off in London to visit with Tim, Jr., and his beautiful, pregnant wife Elise; but I'm so horny for my wife, that I don't think I'll even be able to dance with her tonight without cumming in my pants!

Fortunately, the flight went off without delay and we landed on time. I caught an Uber home and got there in time to grab my shower. On the ride I thought about my pretty wife of 25 years.

Pretty yes. Not hot. Not beautiful. Pretty in a casual All-American way. At 5'5" with her lithe runners body, still nice, but frustrating to her because she never seems to work off the last 10-15 lbs. she thinks she needs to get to her ideal weight. I love her cute body though. Curves in just the right places. Since Jr. was born the extra few pounds seemed to fill out her 34 Bs just right for me. Kate wears her hair in a sensible off-shoulder cut that can be dressed up or down easily. Mostly down. She's a casual girl, more likely to don a Braves baseball cap (I'm a Cubs fan, but sheesh, she looks so good in that thing that I can live with it) than a tiara. Her sparkling blue eyes and fair skin are accentuated by perfect teeth and when she smiles, her cute little dimple on her cheek makes her look like a perfect little cutie. I'd rate her a 7 everyday and an 8 to 8.5 when she dresses up like she surely will tonight. Just thinking about her in the Uber gave me a woody.

Kate's car was in the driveway when Kamala dropped me off. When I entered the house, my sense of stability and balance washed over me. I was home. I could hear Kate fumbling around upstairs in our bedroom and bounded up the stairs to my love.

Ack! What was I looking at???

Kate was in her terrycloth bathrobe and curlers. I hugged her from behind, but when I spun her around for a kiss, I noticed her face was covered in some sort of green pasty substance.

I recoiled and she laughed. "What, you don't like my beauty mask?"

She explained that the mask was some sort of skin treatment that was supposed to rejuvenate her "aging skin."

"Oh babe, you don't need it. Your skin is perfect like everything else about you!"

"Aw" she replied, "you think everything about me is perfect babe, but Father Time waits for no one and as long as I can cheat him, I'll do whatever I can to battle these crow's feet. Now SHOWER! The limo is coming in an hour."

I dutifully stepped into our bathroom and turned on the water. Jeez it felt good. No matter how posh your traveling accommodations are, and mine are first class--unless I'm in a tent in the desert (yeah, I have a special set of skills, many actually), you never tire of the familiar feel of your own shower, bed, and, to be honest, toilet.

After rinsing all my nooks and crannies and getting a close shave I dried off and went back into the bedroom to don my duds.

"Hey! Did you buy me a new suit?"

"It's a Zegna, cost a fortune, but we can afford it now and you need to look sharp. Wait until you see my ensemble" Kate giggled.

I suited up and went downstairs and made a light G&T. Soon I heard the hairdryer going and Kate walking back and forth across the room.

Half and hour later I heard her heels on the stairs.

Holy fucking shit! Did I say she was an 8-8.5? As she came down the stairs I was looking at a 17!

Her new blue silk dress accentuated her curves perfectly. Clearly, she'd been working out and had achieved that "ideal weight" that she so longed for. The necklace I gave her for our 25th completed the look along with her perfectly styled hair and make up.

I got a woody.

"Oh Dear! Kate giggled. We can't walk out to the limo with that thing tenting your suit."

As she dropped to her knees she whispered sexily "here, baby, let me help you with that."

Kate quickly unzipped the trousers of my $5000 suit and dropped to her knees. She took me in her mouth. To my surprise she swallowed me whole...deep throating was never in her repertoire before and I made a mental note to ask her about that, but her ministrations distracted me at the moment. Soon I told her "babe, I'm almost there."

She'd never swallowed in the past, but she looked at me purred, her vibrations sending me over the edge. For the first time in our long relationship she swallowed every drop of my load. Again, I thought "WTF! Where did she learn that?"

As she got off her knees she smiled and said "ooh, let me go fix my face. She clacked off to the guest bath off the den in her heels and I soon heard the water running as she brushed her teeth and gargled.

When she came out I was about to ask her, where she learned to do that. But before I could get the words out the doorbell rang. It was the limo driver. Not wanting to discuss our sex life in front of a stranger, I determined to get to the bottom of this behavior after the party.

Kate can practically read my mind so she whispered in my ear "I love you and have missed you so much. I know what you're probably wondering about and I'll explain later. Just understand that I've missed you so much and I want to make this weekend special for us."

The limo ride into the city took about twenty-five minutes. We got to the party, our company's annual Xmas soiree, and it was just beginning to get underway.

Kate and I work for Vandelay Industries. Its owner and our boss Jake Vandelay's dad, Art, started it as an architectural firm, but later branched out until it became and international conglomerate, you know, Fortune 500 and all that. When Jake inherited, he even bought our local football team!

I'm a "fixer." That's all I'm going to say about my job. Just know that I enlisted in the Marines after high school and got my college degree thanks to Uncle Sam. During my career I served with the RECON unit and later with the Marine Raiders (their special forces). I have a degree in computer science and an MBA. Hence, my special set(s) of skills.

Kate is the Associate VP of Public Relations for Vandelay Industries. Yep, we're a bit of a power couple, but we like to keep a low profile.

After the dinner the wait staff began serving a rather fine champagne for our company gatherings and Jake went to the bandstand and got behind the mic to make his annual speech. He kept it short, as usual, but at the end, he called me up to the bandstand to announce that I'd been promoted to CFO and would now steer a desk "instead of a helicopter or whatever the hell else he has to drive. You all should know that Tim will be based in the home office and will not be traveling that much in the future."

I was well liked at the company, so a round of cheers rang out.

With the formalities out of the way, Jake ordered us all to have fun as long as we wanted, and the band resumed playing.

I dashed back to our table and grabbed Kate. We like to dance. Tim, Jr., likes to joke that we "have the moves like Jagger."

After a few hot numbers, the band slowed it down playing "I Will Always Love You" and a beautiful love song written by the lead singer.

Kate melted into me and it was all I could do not to ravish her right there on the dance floor.

The next song was a Jason Aldean tune that was hot on the radio, but since we're not into bro country we wandered back to our table for a break.

Our friends all complimented us on our moves and we happily finished the bottle of bubbly that Jake had sent to our table.

One thing I've learned in my training and my job is to be aware of my setting in all times.

To my astonishment, I noticed the tight end for our team, Marc LaValliere heading toward our table.

When he first joined the team I became a big fan, but after a few months horrible stories started circulating about him in the papers and online. It seemed that he liked to steal other men's wives away from right under the husband's eyes. I detest that sort of thing. Not only did I begin to despise LaValliere, but I also kept up with the news about him since we worked for the same boss.

I quickly thought that he must be heading toward Kate to ask her to dance since she was clearly the hottest looking woman in the room, hell, probably on the planet. Immediately, I decided "not gonna happen." Before he reached the table I'd already planned his unfortunate demise. I was going to play it cool, but if he pulled any macho shit on me, he'd regret it. Hell, his whole offensive line, who were watching him from the bar, would regret it. I'd taken down tougher, armed, guys in my time. This would be a piece of cake.

To my utter surprise as he approached our table, Kate stood up to greet him with a big hug and kiss on his cheek. After she kissed him she pressed the side of her face against his in the way that she does with our dearest friends and family.

"Kate! I saw you dancing before, please do me the honor."

Ruh Roh!

Kate giggled and responded in her exaggerated Georgia accent "why Mr. LaValliere where I come from, unlike you Yankees, we have mannahs. A gentleman always asks the lady's escort for permission to ask her for a dance."

LaValliere laughed and said "oh please forgive me. I assume this is the famous Tim, your husband."

Kate nodded.

LaValliere turned to me as I stood up. He reached out to shake my hand."

I decided to keep my cool as the whole scene was rather confusing to me, so I thought "let's see where this goes." If he was going to pull one of those monster macho grips on me, he'd regret for the rest of his miserable life, but he didn't. He looked me in the eye with a genuine smile (not a smirk) and introduced himself. We shook hands like men.

He then said "Tim, I'm Marc, may I please request a dance with your beautiful wife."

Still playing it cool and wanting to see how Kate responded, I mean did he have something to do with her new sex skills? So I said, sure buddy, it's up to Kate of course. I don't own her, so she doesn't need my permission, but I appreciate the courtesy.

Marc turned to Kate and repeated his request only to have her shoot him down. "Dear Marc, no, sorry, Tim's been away for months and I want to have all my dances with him tonight."

LaValliere looked dejected and answered "sure thing Kate, but promise me two dances at the New Years Eve bash." Kate smiled and said, "sure, in fact you can have three since you've been such a gentleman tonight."


Kate sat back down and we resumed our conversation with our friends. Some of the ladies asked Kate how she could turn down a dance with such a famous hunk. Kate chuckled and repeated an old joke "why order a hamburger when you have filet mignon at home." We all laughed.

For the rest of the evening we mingled and danced.

As things were winding down I asked Kate if she should call for the limo. She simply said, no babe, I've got a surprise! I booked a room here in the hotel for us! I want to do all the things we missed while you were away and show you a few more tricks that I have up my sleeve!

I smiled hungrily, but still, I wondered where and how these "tricks" were acquired. Would her good friend Marc have something to do with that?

We took the elevator up to our suite. Kate removed her phone from her clutch and pressed it against the lock. As soon as we entered she attacked me. Our lips and tongues danced. I thought fuck my questions I'm going to enjoy this ride. Even though I had a spectacular blowjob just a few hours before, Woody was standing at attention and raring to go.

Normally, we're pretty vanilla in our lovemaking. I usually go down on her to start and make sure to give her an orgasm. She usually returns the favor. On special occasions she lets me cum (and rushes to the bathroom to spit it out), or she just makes sure I'm good and ready. When we fuck it's usually missionary or doggie or a combo of both. Sometimes she rides me slowly. We normally both cum, sometimes together, and then cuddle the night away.

Tonight was different. She bent over a desk chair and said "fuck me baby, I've missed you so much." Since she rarely talks dirty, it was a real surprise. A surprise that I was more than willing to enjoy.

I knelt behind her and let my tongue roam he length of her wet slit all the way up to her rosebud and back a few times. As I licked her hot, wet pussy I kicked off my shoes and removed my slacks. My 7 1/5 incher was hard as a diamond and oozing precum. I stood and rubbed the tip of my dick up and down her ready lips. Kate moaned. As she moaned, I slowly slipped my cockhead into her velvety pussy.

"Oh Gawd! Yesss baby fuck me! Fuck me hard with your beautiful cock."

I was a bit puzzled because Katie rarely talked dirty during sex, but it turned me on and soon I was furiously fucking my hot little wife.

We fucked like rabbits for hours. To my pleasure as well as puzzlement we managed to contort ourselves into a variety of positions finishing up with Kate riding me reverse cowgirl (a position I didn't even think she knew about) and rattling the windows as she screamed through and impressive series of orgasms.

Again, I wondered WTF??

With no limo awaiting, after I caught my breath, I asked her "where did this sex goddess come from?"

Kate just smiled and replied "I told you I had some new tricks up my sleeve."

"Yes you did!" I exclaimed, but where did you get these ideas baby?

She just smiled and said coyly "let's not talk about it now, I need some more loving. Make love to me Tim."

How could I refuse?

We made sweet love missionary for another hour, both proclaiming our love and saying how we missed each other. We came together beautifully.

After that session we were both sated and completely worn out. We drifted into a deep sleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night with her spooning me. To be honest, I was troubled and suspicious. How had my Katie become so uninhibited?

An evil thought crossed my brain...LaValliere! I'd read about how he cuckolded women in front of their husbands by promising them the best sex of their lives with the insinuation that they would learn so many new things from him that they would appease their husbands by becoming sex goddesses.

I tossed and turned for an hour with these thoughts running through my head and finally fell into an exhausted, troubled sleep.

Next morning I woke up to the delicious feeling of a mouth on my cock. I watched as Kate swallowed me whole--deep throating again! When she got my cock head and a few inches into her throat she started to swallow, tightening her grip on my penis until I unloaded. Again, she swallowed every drop.

What. The. Fucking. Fuck?

As she smiled at me I had to ask. Honey, where and how have you acquired these new skills and become so inhibited?

"You don't like" she answered with a pout.

"No! I love, it's just that you've done some things in the last day that you've never done before."

Kate smiled and said "I'll tell you all about it hun, but right now I need a good shower and dashed off into the ensuite. I heard the toilet flush and she popped her head out and said, I'm going to take a bath instead.

As I heard her singing in the bath there was a knock on the door. It was room service, apparently, Kate had ordered breakfast for us.

I served the food on the island counter and set places for us on the nearby table. I opened the chilled bottle of Dom and set it back in the ice bucket. Wow! Kate had gone all out for this reunion.

Just as I was finishing laying out breakfast Katie emerged from the bath clad in one of those luxurious terrycloth robes provided by the hotel. Her hair wrapped in a towel.

"God I'm so hungry!" she said as she plopped half a croissant into her mouth.

"Ok, so now spill it babe" I commanded, "what's gotten into you?"

Kate just giggled and answered "in due time hun, I'm starving, I think I must have run a marathon last night. Let's chat after breakfast."

I agreed and dug into the eggs and bacon on the tray.

We grazed for about half and hour until we both pulled away from the table. Kate looked so cute as she rubbed her tummy.

"OK," I said with authority, breakfast is done and you've got some explaining to do.

Kate smirked at me and said "not yet, there's something I need you to do for me."

She dropped the robe and pulled the towel-turban off of her head and bent over the chair.

I noticed the end of a small crystal-like object protruding from her anus.

"Honey, you haven't finished taking all of my virginity from me. I need you to do that now" she giggled as she pulled a butt plug from her sexy ass.

Who was I to turn that down? In the past, Kate had always insisted that her bung hole was for exit only.

I walked over to her and kissed her neck as she handed me a bottle of lube.

As I lubed up her pinky winky she moaned and said, "oh baby I want this so bad."

I poured a generous amount of the lube in my hand and stroked it on Woody."

Approaching her, I began to rub the tip up and down her crack, finally ending up with it next to her formerly forbidden hole.

Kate whispered, "go slow honey. I want this so bad, but I'm a little scared."

I pushed the head in gingerly and found that it went in pretty easily (thank heavens for butt plugs).

Katie moaned sexily, "yess baby, that feels so good, give me more."

As a Marine, I understood how to take orders, so I pushed the entire tip in feeling her ring open and inviting me to enter.

Katie mumbled something unintelligible, but it sounded like encouragement so I slowly increased the pressure until I had mounted her completely.

"Oh my Gawd!" she squealed. "I feel so full!" "Give me a minute to adjust baby."

I patiently waited until Katie said "go on sweetie, I'm ready."

Slowly, I withdrew and pushed back into her.

"Yess," she moaned "that's it baby fuck me, fuck my ass."

Again, I was surprised by her lusty language.


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