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Betsy’s Exposure Pt. 08

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The final day, two nude women.
8.5k words

Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 07/08/2022
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It was a sleepless night for Mildred. She was sexually excited to model nude. She wanted to model for her husband's sensual enjoyment, this gave her the incentive to be nude. She was extremely terrified that she won't have the courage to go out into the exhibition room nude. It was a comfort that her husband had his arms wrapped around her protectively, throughout the night even in slumber.

It was just after two AM, she finally drifted off to sleep. The alarm awoke the couple with a start, at five AM. They went about their morning ritual, at quarter to six the phone rang.

John answered it. "Hello."

"John this is Mike. We have to pass your street on the way to Springfield. We are going to Little Georges for breakfast, before we travel to Northampton. Do you want to ride with us, so Mildred will have Betsy for company, to ease her stress?"

"Mildred, do you want to ride with the Ford's?" John asked his wife hopefully, as Betsy could help Mildred relax on the trip, her husband figured.

"Yes, that would be a great idea. Betsy usually has a calming effect on me."

"Pick us up we are ready to go, Mike."

"Good, buddy we are on our way, will be there in ten." Mike said and hung up.

True to his word, the Ford's arrived shortly. John was the first out, and entered the driver's side of the back sea, to see Betsy's nude shoulders. "Do you have anything on Betsy?" John asked with concern that they will be stopped on the Pike.

"No, I'm nude." Was said with a laugh.

Mildred came out of the house, locked it up, and stood immobile when she saw Betsy in the front seat completely nude. "Betsy, aren't you concerned you will be seen?"

"No, the windows are dark enough, and my condition will lead to Mike being a more careful driver." Betsy indicated with a chuckle. She then continued. "Remove your garments and join me, we will be sisters in our birthday suits."

John said. "Yeah right Betsy, Mildred knew you were naked from ten feet away."

Mildred hesitated momentarily, before she entered the vehicle, she debated if it was a good idea to ride with the Ford's.

It was John who made the decision, as she entered and closed the door. He reached over and unbuttoned his wife's sundress, to find she had her bra and panties on. With his wife's help he removed the outer garment and placed it in the 'way back' of the SUV. She stopped him, when he went to unhook her bra.

"How are you feeling today, Mildred?" Betsy asked.

"Very nervous, all night I kept hearing my mother berating me because I want the world to see me naked, for my pleasure, and my husband's." She expressed near tears.

"You are performing a service for the patrons who worship the naked female form. Many painters immortalized women in the nude for centuries. Now you are being immortalized in real time, Mildred." Mike explained.

"You think so Mike? Mildred asked as confirmation her nudity won't be construed as lewd.

"Mildred you will be worshiped and congratulated for your bravery to be nude in public.

"Mildred, you need to remove your bra and panties they will leave ugly marks on your body when you're nude." Betsy explained to the novice nude model when she looked back at Mildred, who still had on her undergarments.

It was predictable, both Mike and John readily agreed with Betsy. The men wanted to see both women, nude.

As Mildred was outvoted, with some hesitation, she removed her undergarments, and John placed them in the 'way back' of the SUV. "I guess I need to be horny to perform in the nude." She surmised, as an excuse for her shyness this morning.

"John, get to work: Strum on your wife's lady bits to get her worked up." Mike instructed her husband.

Betsy was concerned Mildred's shyness has returned. "Hopefully this will not be detrimental to Mildred's ability to perform in the nude today." She thought.

Well, as the group motored to the diner, Mike activated the dynamic cruise on their SUV when he went onto the Pike. The car had a scent of excited female by this time. John has played with his wife's pussy for twenty minutes.

As soon as Betsy realized Mike had set the cruise, she grabbed his hand and placed in on her pussy. "Time to get to work on my lady lips, Mike." She said.

Before they were out of Lee, there came this cry of pleasure. "AAAAHHH IIIIII NNNEEEDDD TTTHHHAAATT, JJJJOOOHHHNNN!" Mildred screamed. She had a contented smile on her face, the look of stress left her features. Replaced by one of sexual need which was satisfied.

Mike witnessed the younger woman's orgasm in the rear-view mirror, as he drove. Mildred had her legs spread wide, and in her husband's lap, as he pumped three fingers in her manhole, to bring her off.

Because Mike had a hard time to bring off Betsy while he piloted the SUV, she took matters into her own hands. Mike used four fingers of his right hand to pump into her pussy. Betsy used two fingers on her left hand, to rub her clit,and the other hand, to rub her breast.

"IIIIIII'MMMM CCCCCUUUUMMMIIIINNNGGG!" She hollered, by the time they hit the Becket line on the Pike, and then with a satisfied smile said. "Mildred, we need to stop, or we won't have any strength left to perform at the exhibition, it is hard work to be a nude model, as you will find out today."

it was a little while before Mike exited the Pike and was in Westfield headed to Little Georges. Mildred was the first to dress.

"Only button three buttons Mildred." John directed his wife. With a smile she complied. If she realized what she showed, it didn't faze her, as she walked, either her pussy or a breast showed. Anyone who wanted to take a close look at the stunning lady received an eyeful.

Betsy was a little slower to cover up, as she has become brazen in her nudity, this astonished the younger couple. Betsy had a long top, she secured only two buttons. The top was cut to the her thighs on each side. It made the older woman presentable in public, but if anyone took the time to look at her outfit, they would realize she was naked, apart from the garment. She showed bits of her breast and pussy as she moved around.

Little George's was a bustling place, but at this time of day there was always a booth or two available for immediate seating. The group walked in, and settled for the booth in the rear, by the restrooms, as they are semi-private. The women slid in first, this opened their outfits, and their spouses rested their hand on the women's naked thighs, with the side of their hand in their woman's slit.

The woman server came over and said. "I see each of you guys are lucky enough to have your hand comfortably placed against the birthplace of humanity." Without smile to indicate it was a pun.

It took the couples a few minutes to understand the server's remark. They ordered their beverages and meals before it hit them. They dissolved into a fit of uncontrollable laughter, as the server left.

"She saw that our hands are placed against our lady's boxes." Mike explained, with a laugh, along with everyone at the table.

"We are going to have so much fun Mildred, just think both of us completely nude with a large group to observe us." Betsy explained excitedly and Mike could feel his wife's pussy growing moist, as she addressed all at the booth. She talked little too loudly, I might add, as the people around looked at them as they overheard Betsy and eavesdropped with interest.

"Betsy, you should probably tone it down, someone may know what you're talking about." Mildred whispered in panic.

Mike could see Mildred tense up. "Are you going to teach twelfth grade this year or still teach tenth grade?" He changed the subject to calm down the younger woman.

"I think I want to teach twelfth this year. I am getting bored with the lower grade. I want a challenge." She explained.

The meals arrived and the server said. "Are you going to eat with one hand, guys, and keep the other boxed up?"

When the servers said that, both men removed their hands and thus both women were exposed, their pussies on view. Mildred covered her nakedness in a flash, as John's hand was removed. Betsy just smiled at the server and leisurely covered her pussy. The couples ate, paid the tab, and left for Northampton.

As they walked to the car Betsy said. "Mildred, I will show you how to properly enter and exit a car." Mike opened the door, Betsy sat facing the group with her legs open her pussy showing, and then slid into the front seat. "Your turn, Mildred."

Mike opened the door for the younger woman. They watched as she sat down, the dress opened, to show her pussy, she spread her legs, and slid into the car. "How did I do?" The woman asked her face red with embarrassment, as she still has issues with her modesty getting in the way of fun adventures.

"I am very pleased with your determination to be more liberal My dear, I loved the show." John praised his wife with love in his eyes and a boner.

"We are proud of you also Mildred." Betsy praised and Mike agreed.

Betsy was the first to remove her garment and ride nude. It took Mildred about half the trip, to decide to strip nude also, and commute the rest of the way in her birthday suit.

Betsy conversed about mundane subjects with Mildred and John as they motored to Northampton. She wanted to keep Mildred's mind occupied, so she wouldn't dwell too much on her nude exhibition to come. Mike had to pay attention as he drove, it was the morning rush, to commute to work.

They arrived at the club a little after Eight. The nude duo was helped out of the car and gave both men a pussy show, for their enjoyment and as a preview of what was to come.

Greg was on pins and needles, he wasn't sure Mildred would actually show up, and the model's were late it was past eight AM. "I hope Mildred doesn't back out?" Greg thought in a panic.

A couple of minutes later the door to the undressing room opened, and two naked ladies came in with their spouses.

"You look worried Greg is there a problem?" Mike asked when he saw the dark expression on his face. Greg's mood brightened immediately, when he saw his two models come through the door, from the private garden. Both completely naked no less!

"No, you're just late, there is a lot to do in a short time. Julia, bring Mildred to pick out a mask and a staff. Betsy, we are going to change your time on the dais from twenty minutes to fifteen and you will circulate the room for fifteen minutes. Mildred will do the same." Greg explained.

"Okay that works, but we need to have security with us at all times, if we are going to spend that much time in close proximity to the patrons, some got touchy feely when I was close to them yesterday." Betsy warned Greg.

"When Mildred gets back here, both put on your masks and we will bring in the wait staff and security, to go through the program one time. You will have to be back here for one PM, as we need to makeup both of you today." Greg explained.

"That means both the woman will receive an extra hour." Mike told Greg.

"Yes, that can be arranged." Greg agreed thrilled to have two beautiful, older women models. Who will be nude for the exhibition today.

Mildred came back with Julia. She had a mask and staff similar to Betsy's. Julia helped both women don their masks. Mike let the employees into the exhibition hall, to act as the patrons. The women didn't have makeup on, but they did a run through.

Greg walked over. "Mildred, I will call you 'Lady-M'. The first to be on the dais. Greg whispered to the naked woman. He walked over to Betsy and whispered. "I will call you 'Lady-B' you will circulate. He continued to explain to both nude women how long they will spend on the dais and on the floor with the patrons.

They did a few run throughs of the program. "Lady-M you will be the first to be totally exposed on the dais with your mask on and shaft in hand." Greg directed.

John was in 'hog heaven' when he saw his wife of twenty-four years nude and spread, for the visual inspection of her lady bits by the employees presently, and in a few hours by the patrons of the arts.

Betsy circulated with a security person at her side. She joked with the assemble group.

Greg instructed. "Time to switch places with Lady-M, Lady-B." Betsy laid herself bare on the dais for the group's inspection, and then went a step further, she opened her pussy to show pink, as the dais rotated.

Mildred (Lady-M) was still shy when in close proximity to the group. She had security by her side and her husband for support. She was red with embarrassment, as she spoke.

They asked her. "Did your husband make you do this show?"

"No, it was my idea when I saw the exhibition yesterday. I just found out he likes to see me nude." Mildred answered and when she saw the look of worship on the faces of the people in the room, she calmed somewhat.

After she answered four questions, she became more accustomed to her nudity in public. Mildred started to enjoy her exposure.

At ten thirty Greg said. "Time to leave ladies, see you back here at one PM for makeup and yes, you will get paid from one on."

The nude women went to the dressing room. Julia helped them remove their masks. John and Mike went out and came in the dressing room through the private garden, to alleviate the possibility that one of the employees may realize they were the women's spouses. Presently everyone though the men were the women's agents.

"Let's go to the casino for an hour and have lunch there." Betsy said on the way out of the dressing room door to the car. Mildred agreed, as she has never been to a casino before. The nude women walked to the car. Mike opened the front door for Betsy, she sat on the seat, spread her legs, and talked with the rest of her entourage, to give everyone more time to observe her moist lady lips, as she asked. "Are you having fun so far Mildred?" As she swiveled her body into the front seat.

Mildred took her next move from Betsy. She sat on the back seat, spread her legs for Mike's and John's viewing pleasure, and answered. "So far so good, that is what the woman said, when she fell off the building passed each floor!" She swiveled into the back seat. There was a moment of laughter, after Mildred's remark.

Both women, rode nude on ninety-one until they exited in Springfield. Betsy donned her long top and secured three buttons. Mildred followed Betsy's lead as Mike pulled into the MGM garage.

The women exited the vehicle, one at a time, as their doors were open, they exited opened legged, which has become by now, their customary beaver show, to the delight of both spouses, and anyone else who happens to be in the vicinity.

"John, the ladies have their garments buttoned, that will never do. What do you think?" Mike asked.

"I think you're right Mike. The ladies should leave their garments unbuttoned while in the casino, so we will get enjoyment as they play the slots. Mildred and Betsy, totally unbutton your garments." John commanded. And without hesitation and a smile, from both ladies they complied.

As they walked to the elevators:

"I am glad we have another couple to associate with who have the same ideals as we have. It has been too long that we lived by our parents' rules. We need to displace the archaic ideals our parents bestowed upon us, and replace them with ours." Mike thought.

"I can't believe I have someone to help me today, and the surprise is, I never thought Mildred would want to do something as radical as a nude in public exhibition. I am delighted we have another couple we know to enjoy our newfound pleasures with. Betsy thought.

"Now I realize the reason I immersed myself in religion. I was bored with life and marriage. I'm glad I talked to my wife, and have come to an agreement which surprised me. I am glad I came to the exhibition and saw how beautiful Betsy looked naked. I am astonished how well Mildred has taken to the nude in public theme of the exhibition. She looks lovely all spread out for all to see. I am very proud of her." John thought.

"I am nervous about the show, and walking around almost nude in the casino, but I am excited by the looks I receive from my husband, Mike, Betsy, and everyone that saw me yesterday and today. I have gone from a woman who blended into the wallpaper to a hot wife. Life is exciting for me presently, where it was total boredom before I went to my sister's house." Mildred thought with a smile.

All is right in the world, as the two couples rode the elevator to the casino floor, and hopefully a fun adventure.

"Ladies you have one hour and five hundred dollars to play the slots." Mike stated as he gave five one-hundred-dollar bills to the two mostly undressed women.

Betsy found an area that was semi-private with dollar slots and sat. "Mike, sit with Mildred, John, sit with me. Mildred, follow my lead." Betsy directed.

Betsy sat on the chair, after she removed the long blouse from under her bottom. Mildred followed. She began to play the slots, and turned to John to show him her pussy from time to time. He always had a view of her breast in some fashion. John had a smile on his face, until today he has never seen another woman nude in real time, and it gave him a boner!

Mike had a view of Mildred and also Betsy's breast as John did. The beaver show that Mildred put on astonished him. The woman he thought was timid showed him her intimate being. She was nude in public. Mike has never seen another woman nude in person before. This gave him a boner!

Betsy won a thousand dollars and jumped out of her seat her top fell off her shoulders and anyone in the vicinity could see her boobs as they bounced, and her pussy on show. This caused a group of men who played the slots next to the two couples to be distracted.

A while later just before the group needed to leave Mildred won twenty-five-hundred dollars. Mildred along with Betsy jumped up and down, their clothes around their elbows, their exposed boobs shook delightfully, and their lady lips were on view for the crowd who applauded their courage to be nude in public along with their luck.

Security came over because of the ruckus, and were delighted to see the two all but nude women, as they jumped for joy at their winnings. Unfortunately, it was time for the group to leave, have lunch and head to Northampton.

The two partially dressed women were escorted to the cash out window by security. They kept their garments unsecured. As they waited in line, many of the people conversed with the women. The men were amazed the women acted as if they were fully dressed, instead of almost naked. The ladies received their winnings and had lunch. The two couples were on their way to the club by twelve thirty, and arrived in the private garden at exactly one PM.

Mike and John exited the vehicle. John opened the door for Mildred she turned, put her feet on the ground spread her legs for the two men, and stood up removed her garment, to leave in the car. She said. "Oh, Mike here is the five hundred you lent me for the slots."

Mike took the money. "Thanks Mildred."

Mildred viewed Betsy's lady lips exposure along with the two men. It was only the second time she saw a woman's uncovered vagina and it excited her. She removed her garment and left it in the vehicle.

The makeup crew were ready for the two nude women. Betsy had her hair done by Julia.

"Mildred, we need to remove the stain on you backdoor to make it white. Please get up on the makeup couch on your knees and spread wide for me." Vance directed the younger woman.

John helped his wife into positions. "She is totally exposed to all present." He thought with a smile.

"I have no secrets from anyone here, they know what I look like naked." Mildred thought,with some embarrassment. It was tough for her to break from the ancient values instilled upon her since birth by her parents.

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