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Big Bang Theory Gang Bang Orgy Ch. 11

Story Info
Leonard and Penny seduce Bernadette and more.
20.3k words
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Part 11 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/25/2012
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The gang was once again meeting at Leonard and Penny's place. The countdown was in progress as the Russian spacecraft sat on the launch pad.

Leonard and Penny were holding hands as were Raj and Bernadette. Seated nearby were Amy and Sheldon, they too were holding hands and as the countdown hit double zero. The engines roared and the rocket holding a Russian and two Americans, one who was Howard Wolowitz and the other being a doctor who was added at the last minute to check on the health of the entire space station crew.

After the rocket left the earth's atmosphere and the coverage was complete, Amy and Sheldon had to leave; "Come on Amy, I have to get you home and into bed. I knew you shouldn't have had all of that wine, again we can blame Penny!"

Penny looked at Amy and then Leonard, she giggled; "Yeah, blame Penny, bad Penny!"

Amy hugged onto Sheldon's arm as they headed towards the door. Amy looked at Sheldon; "Have I ever told you you're like a sexy praying mantis?"

Sheldon grimaced; "Yes, every time you drink alcohol!"

"You know, what's wonderful about a praying mantis...they devour their mate, getting any ideas?"

"I have to get you home and into bed!"

"Oh yes, thank you Penny, I think it's working! Bye everyone, I'm getting lucky tonight!"

Raj jumped up; "I'll drive you home Sheldon, Amy isn't in any shape to drive, let's go!"

Bernadette helped Penny and Leonard clean up. As she took the dishes into the kitchen, Penny opened another bottle of wine and as she poured them all another glass, Leonard added a small dose of one of the roofies he got from one of the students at the university. He only gave her a part of one, he wanted her to get a small effect of the stimulant, but didn't want to overdo it the first night.

Leonard and Penny figured two small doses and one larger one. The third dose would be a lot larger and hopefully that one would put her over the top to achieve the way they planned to coax her into bed and more.

Leonard persuaded Bernadette to leave the dishes and the three of them took a seat in the livingroom.

"What are you trying to do, get me drunk Leonard?"

Penny broke in; "Well Bernadette, after all of the issues the three of us had over the past eighteen months, we figures with Howard gone for a while, we could spend more time together and re-connect. What do you think Bernie?"

She smile and took a big gulp of the wine and sat back; "I think that's a great idea Penny. I'm glad we're getting past my misguided actions. I really love your place here Leonard. I'm sure the sunsets are just spectacular. I thought you had two more women staying here Leonard, aren't they here?"

"Alex is on assignment for me on the east coast. There is a large physics convention there and Alex is there in my capacity. Alice is our other roommate and she's working late tonight. As far as the sunset, you're more than welcome to stay around and enjoy it with us. As a matter of fact, we do have an extra bedroom and you are welcome to stay. That way you don't have to worry about driving home impaired, don't you agree Penny?"

She refilled Bernadette's glass and sat back; "By all means Leonard, please stay Bernie. We can order take-out like the old days and kick-off your shoes and relax."

Bernie did just that and it was evident that the Spanish Fly Leonard slipped into her drink was slowly taking effect. Dressed in a full skirt like Bernadette did nine times out of ten, her legs were rubbing back and forth and she began to fidget about on the sofa.

Leonard ordered Chinese food and refilling her glass again while she was in the bathroom, he added another small portion of the drug into her glass.

After dinner they lounged around and watched the sunset and it put Bernadette more at ease, but her sexual appetite was growing by the minute.

Penny slipped behind her and as Bernie lounged on the sofa. She began to massage her shoulders and Bernadette moaned her approval and she urged her on by squirming under her hands.

Leonard came over and laying his head on the back cushion beside her, he turned his head and began to send a steady stream of hot breath on her neck and ear.

Bernie licked her parched hips and closing her eyes surrendered to the duo making her body feel what she so desperately wanted and needed. With her eyes still closed, she turned her head towards Leonard and her lips parted when she felt his lips touch hers. She moaned into his mouth; "Oh Leonard, this is so wrong, but I can't resist it and I need it so, so bad!"

Penny, behind her unbuttoned two buttons on Bernie's sundress and folding back the material, slipped her fingers over the bra covered breast.

Bernadette pressed her back harder against the sofa and thrust her pelvis up against the air; she was mimicking fucking, but couldn't come in contact with anything that could relieve her longing.

Leonard joined Penny and began to maul Bernie's other tit. When he looked at her face it was masked in lust and when she opened her eyes, he could tell the two of them could have her right now if he wanted. He wanted her to suffer the way Penny and he did for so long. He closed the distance between the two of them and she closed her eyes and anticipated his lips once again.

He looked up at Penny and nodded; he got up from the sofa and took Penny by the hand. She followed him and he called back to Bernadette; "You can use Alice's bedroom. I got a text from her and she's spending the night with Sheldon and Amy, see ya in the morning!"

Bernadette looked like a fish out of water as she squirmed around on the sofa, not knowing what just happened, all she knew was she was in desperate need of cumming! She staggered to her feet and shuffled off to Alice's room. When she took off her clothes and slipped into bed, she looked over and saw several toys on the end table beside the bed. She bit her lower lip and reached in and found a thick black dildo, unbeknownst to her, Leonard planted it there for her. She looked around and picked it up and slowly placed it to her lips and licked it slowly up and down.

Her hand came up and squeezed one of her huge tits and pinching her nipple she slipped the black dildo into her mouth. She sucked it like a woman possessed and pulling it out, she threw back the sheet and she spread her tiny legs as wide as possible. She placed the dildo at the entrance to her dripping cunt. Letting out a loud grunt, she slowly, but steadily slid the huge black phallic into her cunt. It made a slurping sound as she began pumping it in and out of her swamp-like cunt as fast as she could. She closed her eyes and letting a loud grunt let out a long sigh; "Oh fuck me Glen, fuck my tight neglected pussy. Her other hand twisted her stiff nipple and scraping the dildo across her aching clit; she exploded and came all over the dildo. She fell back exhausted on the bed and fell asleep with the black piece of fake cock deep in her dripping pussy.

Bernadette fell asleep and dreamed of Glen, her old professor and boyfriend. She thought she was having a wet dream and when she woke up during the night, her tiny hand was clutching the black dildo and she was sliding it in and out of her still wet pussy. She slowly drew it out and started cumming again. She placed the dildo back in the drawer and fell back to sleep.

While all of this was occurring Amy and Sheldon were sitting at the breakfast bar in their apartment. They were having tea after a hard day at the university, they spent too much time at Leonard's place watching the spacecraft launch. There was a tapping at the door and Sheldon went to answer it. When he opened the door, a tiny smile crossed his lips; "So nice to see you again Alice, would you like to come in?"

"Yes I would, thank you Sheldon." She walked in and came face to face with Amy, who didn't look too excited to see someone who captured Sheldon's fancy.

"Well, well Sheldon, who is this?" She knew damn well who she was; she wanted to hear it from him.

Ummmm, ummmm, well Amy, this is Alice. She's a very good friend of Leonard's and if you remember you insisted I go to Leonard's party last week when you were ill. Well Alice here and Alex, my ex-assistant, ummmm well they sort of took it upon themselves to entertain me at the party."

"Mmmmm it seems like you were the one who entertained them, not the other way around, isn't that right Alice?"

"I guess it was a mutual attraction; that is why I came here today. All the time we were having fun together last Saturday, all Sheldon could say was how you would enjoy this or enjoy that. I came here tonight to share myself with him and with you. So if you would, after you feed me, I never give it away for free, no matter how big a cock he has, maybe we can show you what he liked so much. If you like it, I can help you get some of the things I have, up to you."

Amy was beaming from ear to ear and gave over to the tinier Alice and kissing her, it was evident, she was kissing her out of gratitude and not sexually, at least not yet.

Amy pulled out an extra plate and allowed Alice to pick out her pizza. The three of them ate in nervous silence. After they were finished eating, Alice was the one who took the initiative. She slid over to Amy and gently removing her thick rimmed glasses. She placed them on the counter. She leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on her lips. Pulling back she looked Amy in the eyes, her gaze scanned her body and whispered to her, so only she could hear; "Amy, I have a few personal questions I'd like to ask you. Can we go somewhere and talk in private?"

Amy took her hands in hers and smiled briefly; "Come with me to my room."

Alice had a sly smile on her face and she shook her head from side to side; "No Amy, it's still early. I'd like to go to the closest mall, bring your credit card and a large trash bag. We'll have drinks first and then we'll hit some stores, a salon and when we eventually get back here, you, Sheldon and I will make love, fuck, suck and fall asleep exhausted. We'll wake up in the morning and start all over again. For the foreseen future, if it's okay with the two of you'd I'd love to move in with the two of you."

Amy sucked in her breath and didn't know what to say.

Alice closed her lips around Amy's ear and tugging on it whispered; "The two of you can share me. Sometimes we can all be together and all fuck together, what do you say?"

Amy's knees nearly gave way, she sucked in her breath and all she could do was nod.

"Okay Amy, get your credit card, that trash bag and we'll be on our way!"

Amy did as she was told and Amy gave Sheldon a peck on the cheek and headed for the door.

Alice approached Sheldon. She got on her tip-toes and gave Sheldon a hot, opened-mouthed kiss. Her hand drifted down and her fingers closed around his stiffening cock. Pulling back she whispered in his ear; "You better rest up and you may even want to call the university and let them know you'll be taking tomorrow off. When the NEW Amy and I get back here, we're going to fuck the hell out of you and then do the same to one another. We'll want you to watch, so rest up, see ya soon!"

They got to the mall and headed for the first cocktail bar they could find. After two shots apiece and each of them downing a long island iced tea; "You know Amy, I've noticed you are always hiding your body, but from I could see you're really a very attractive woman. We are going to change all of that from top to bottom. Drink up, time to bring out the new Amy!"

Alice led Amy to the Forever 21 store, they were in there for nearly two hours and as they left, Alice took the garbage bag with Amy's old clothes and dropped it in a Salvation Army deposit bin. "Okay now that we got some new clothes, times for your makeover, to the salon we go!"

The hairdresser and manicurist had their work cut-out for them and it took another couple of hours. She came out with Alice and she looked like a new woman. Her mousy straight brown hair was now bit shorter, it had highlights in it and it was curled and feathered.

The last stop would drive Sheldon insane and when Amy saw the shop, she panicked; "Sorry Alice, I went along with the clothes, makeover and hair style, but no tattoos.

"Don't you worry Amy, I swear, no tattoos. Now come on and it will be great for you and even better for Sheldon."

They left the tattoo parlor and Amy was shaking. She didn't have the slightest idea how Sheldon would react to what just occurred.

They walked up the last flight of stairs to their apartment and Amy was nervous to see Sheldon's reaction. She opened the door and Sheldon stood up from his spot and just stood there taking in the "New" Amy and a smile slowly spread across his lips. He put out his arms and she ran into his arms.

'Oh Sheldon, I was so afraid you were going to hate it!"

He shook his head; "Oh no Amy, I love it! How come you're talking funny?"

She cupped his face and gave him a kiss, her tongue swept across his lips and when he opened his to accept her tongue he let out a loud groan.

He pulled back and his face was in shock; "Oh heavens Amy, I don't believe it; you actually got your tongue pierced and have a stud in it? You have no idea how that turns me on Amy!"

Amy let out a squeal and wrapped her arms around him and the two of them were on each other like rabid animals.

Alice sat back and slowly stripped off her clothes, naked she came up behind Amy and slowly drew the zipper down on her tiny, sexy sundress. Sheldon assisted Alice and soon the dress was in a heap about her ankles. Alice popped open her sexy lacy bra and when she went to her knees and pulled down her tiny thong. Amy stood there as she continued to kiss Sheldon dressed only in her sensible heels.

Alice and Sheldon both dropped to their knees. Alice attacked her ample ass cheeks and spreading them, her tongue began flicking at her butt hole

Amy thrust her hips forward to escape her tongue, but in doing this she drove her pussy, now completely bare into Sheldon's tongue.

They both grabbed her hips and attacked her two holes.

Amy had her eyes closed and was jerking back and forth as she raced faster and faster toward an explosive orgasm. When Alice and Sheldon both shoved a finger into the hole they were licking, she couldn't hold off any longer and started cumming. Her entire body went slack and began to collapse.

Alice and Sheldon caught her and slowly lowered her to the sofa. Alice helped Sheldon strip and by the time he was naked, Amy was coming around.

When she saw Alice's naked body, she immediately got turned on once again. "Oh Alice, I love your piercings, I don't think I could ever get them done like that!"

Alice stood over Amy and turned very serious; "You listen to me Amy, each time I catch you dressed in ANY of your old clothing, I will drag your ass back to the tattoo parlor and you WILL get something else pierced, do you understand?"

Amy sucked on her breath; "Oh myyyyyyyy! She nodded; "Yesssss I understand Alice, now what?"

She stepped over to Amy and whispered in her ear; "How about the two of us attack that gorgeous cock of his. With both of us now with tongue studs, I betcha we can get him off really quick!"

Amy scooted over to the end cushion and pulled Sheldon down and Alice took the seat on the other side of him. They both wrapped their hands around his stiff cock and began to stroke him and lowering their heads; their tongue darted out and began to lap at his cock.

Sheldon's head hit the back of the sofa and he sucked in his breath and he gasped when he felt the two studs began to slide up and down his cock. He looked over at Alice; "Ummmmm Alice, I don't know if you know this or not, but you're in my spot!"

Her lips wrapped around the head of his cock slipped off and a trail of spit clung from her lips to his cock. She sucked it into her mouth, she looked to Amy who was flicking her tongue up and down his shaft, then to Sheldon, do you really want me to move, cause if I move, it will be right out that door and out with it will be my tongue stud and any chance of Amy getting any more piercings!"

Sheldon looked at Amy who stopped sucking and looked up angrily at him. He looked over at Alice who was about to get up. His arm shot out and stopped her from getting up and his hand came around the back of her head and guided her mouth back down to his cock; "Alice, how do you like your new spot on the couch?"

Over the next ten minutes Alice and Amy brought Sheldon close to cumming several times. Each time he was about to cum; they clamped down on his cock hard or squeezed his balls and the urge to cum waned. Sheldon was panting wildly like a race horse, he was sweating from every pore of his body and he needed to cum.

Alice looked across to Amy; "What do you think Amy, should we let him cum now?

Amy smiled, her new look turned Sheldon on and with the two of them stroking him harder and licking and sucking his sensitive flesh, she felt his cock pulse in her mouth and hand. She felt it expand and could feel the sperm shooting through it, even before it shot out.

Both her and Alice stroked him faster and placed their faces beside one another and Alice with her brown eyes and Amy with her lighter eyes, they opened their mouths letting go of his cock and waited for him to paint their faces with his thick heavy load. The first shot hit their faces so hard, it stung and they jumped back slightly and waited, anticipating the next and it wasn't long in waiting. Spurt after spurt covered and flew across their faces and dripped down their chin and landed on their tits.

Amy's larger tits swayed and were covered in cum. Alice's smaller; firmer tits were coated completely in his cum. They fell against his slim thighs and after resting a few moments, got up and kissed one another and licked every drop he deposited on them.

Sheldon went and got some tea for the three of them and when he returned, both Amy and Alice were seated on the sofa, they faced each other with their backs resting on the arms of the sofa. He flopped down between them and looking at Alice grimaced; "Um Alice you're getting my spot all wet!"

"So what are you going to do about it?"

Both Amy and Alice had one foot on the floor and the other, each planted their foot on his growing cock. They stroked him up and down and he didn't know where to look. He looked first at his cock and loved the feeling of the two feet sliding up and down his cock. Looking up Alice's legs, his eyes met the dripping wet pussy with that intoxicating ring right above her clit, it begged him to tug at, lick, suck and yes, fuck.

He looked over at Amy and couldn't believe how the change in her hair style and demeanor made her so much more desirable; he had Alice to thank for all of this and would do it in his own way over the next several days. He wondered if Alice could persuade Amy to get other things pierced; only time would tell.

Before he could decide what to do next, the two women made up his mind for him. Amy clamored to her knees and straddling his thighs, she took him into her bare pussy and wrapping her arms around his head, she pulled his head to her tits and as he started sucking on them, he sank deeper and deeper into her tight pussy.

Amy pulled back; she felt Sheldon bottom out in her and her ample ass was resting on his thighs. Her concentration was broken when she felt a pair of hands on her and turning to one side she found Alice standing beside her. Amy didn't hesitate as she buried her head between Alice's slender thighs and her lips, like a magnet came in contact with Alice's pussy ring. She sucked on it and at the same time, she felt Sheldon beginning to pump up and down into her receptive cunt. It wasn't long before she started cumming and she sucked harder on Alice's clit and slipped a finger into her pussy.

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