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Big Bang Theory Season 03 Ep. 19-23

Story Info
Sheldon consoles Penny after breakup, Dr. Plimpton & more.
15.9k words

Part 18 of the 177 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/18/2015
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Author's note: The series resets with this episode. Remember that as this story progresses, many times they resume the storyline as if never having sex before with each other. So is the case in this episode.

One of my readers requested adding pictures of the new characters, but this is not allowed by Literotica. When a new character is introduced, I will put in parenthesis the character's real name so you can look them up on the internet.


Leonard and Penny were in bed, Penny is flying high, she got Leonard off twice and she too came several times.

Leonard was lying flat on his back, panting heavily as Penny rose up on one elbow and tenderly caressed his heaving chest, "Aw is my hunk of a man having a little trouble catching his breath, here?"

He smiled from ear to ear, "No, I'm good, if my P.E. teachers had told me this is what I was training for; I would have tried a lot harder." He started laughing harder.

She planted a hot kiss on his lips and looked at him, while her hand slid down under the covers to try and get his cock hard yet again, "Do or do not, there is no try."

He was stunned, he twisted around and stared into her green eyes, "Heh, did you just quote Star Wars?"

She smiled back at him and gave him a peck on his nose, "I believe I quoted The Empire Strikes Back!"

He was happier than ever before, he hugged her and pulled back, "Ha, ha, oh my God! I'm lying in bed with a beautiful woman who can quote Yoda." He kissed her several times and cupped the back of her head and looking into her eyes, he exclaimed, "I love you, Penny!"

She blinks what seemed like a hundred times and she panicked, pulling back she stared at him, "Uh...Heh, thank you!" She patted him on the chest.

He looked at her, disappointed he didn't hear it back and replied, "You're welcome...I just wanted to put that out there."

She stammered, "Oh, yeah, no, I-I'm glad!"

He was about to cry, "Yeah-Oh, good. Good, glad is good!"

She stammered, "Yeah...No-Um..." She looked at the clock, "It's getting pretty late. We should, tsk, go to sleep!"

He tried to hide his disappointment, "Yeahhhhhhh!"

"Okay, good night sweetie."

He kissed her, "Good night!"

She flipped over and put her back to him. When her head landed on the pillow, her eyes shot open wide in disbelief of what just occurred.

Leonard lay there, he knew he put his foot in his mouth and just hoped it wasn't the beginning of the end of their relationship.

Leonard was sulking around for the next couple of days. At the comic-book store, his three friends noticed it and confronted him.

Raj was first to question him, "Maybe he's having a spat with Penny."

"No, there was no spat."

This peeked Howard's interest, "Oh, but something happened."

Leonard continued looking at the comic books, "I don't wanna talk about it."

Sheldon added his two cents, "I sense you're going to and I don't wanna hear about it, excuse me!" He turned and went to another part of the store.

Howard continued to push, "What'd you do, Romeo? Did you pour maple syrup all over your body and ask her if she was in the mood for a short stack?"

Leonard just gave him a dirty look.

Raj tried to get it out of him, "Think it would be funny to put on her panties and jump around, but it would up just creeping her out?"

He looked up at him, "What? No!"

Raj continues, "Just asking dude. It happens.

They kept up on him; Howard leaned in, "Did you ask her to start waxing?"

He shook his head, "No! I'm walking away from you now."

That evening was bowling night, Penny was their anchor and Leonard was feeling self-conscience about her being out with him, especially after his declaration of love. Once there, things got awkward, and there was a confrontation between the two of them.

Leonard had some food and turned to Penny, "Would you like some chili-cheese fries?"

"Oh yes, I looooove chili-cheese fries." She grabbed a couple and began eating them.

He saw an opening, "Oh really? You love them?"

She licked her fingers, "Yeah, why?"

"No reason, just glad to hear you're comfortable saying you love something."

It ticked her off, "You wanna get into this right now?"

"Get into what? Why wouldn't you love the chili-cheese fries?" They've been in your life a long time. They make you happy. They deserve to know!"

She was getting upset now, "Okay, look, you caught me by surprise last night. I didn't know what to say."

He nodded, "Okay, now you've had time to think about it. What do you wanna say?"

She was getting pissed, "I'm not sure."

"How can you not be sure?"

"This isn't the place to have this."

"No, the place was in bed after I said, I love you and you said, "Thank you, good night!"

"Don't push it Leonard."

"I am not pushing anything!"

"You are! You don't get to decide when I'm ready to say "I love you!" She got up and stormed out of the bowling alley.

Raj looked to Howard, "Ah, the premature "I love you!"

Howard nodded, "I guessed premature, does that count?"

The next day, after forfeiting the bowling bet to Steward and Wil Wheaton, Sheldon went over to Penny's to try and get her to play in the rematch. He gave her ice cream and she put in the freezer, "Did Leonard send you over here?"

"No, we haven't spoken since your abrupt departure last night, caused us to forfeit to Stuart and his dastardly ringer, Wil Wheaton."

She nodded, "Yeah, I'm sorry about that."

"Not too proud to admit that I cried myself to sleep. I engineered a rematch against Stuart this evening."

"Oh, honey, I don't know. Things are a little weird with Leonard right now."

"You want me to remove him from the team? I'm the captain, I can do that."

"No, no, that's okay. Just let me talk to him and I'll get back to you.

As always, Sheldon continued to push, "When are you going to talk to him?"

"I don't know."

"He's in the laundry room now. Now would be a good time."

"You're not gonna leave me until I do it, are you?"

"Oh, I think we both know the answer to that question."

She got up and headed to the laundry room and when she got there she saw him folding clothes, "I think we should talk now."

He didn't want another confrontation, "What? No, it's okay. We don't have to talk because there's nothing to talk about. Everything's good!"

"Really? So you didn't get snarky because I said something nice to a bowl of chili fries?"

He nodded, "All right, maybe I overreacted. So we're in two different place; emotionally. So what? And maybe I'm a little ahead of you, and that's fine. If fact, it makes sense because let's face it, I've been in this relationship two years longer than you."

She felt horrible, "Look, Leonard, you have to know how much I care about you. It's just that I've said the L word too soon before, and it didn't work out very well."

All the time Penny was speaking, Leonard couldn't look at her; he continued folding his clothes and sort of tuned her out. He finally looked up at her, "Really? I wouldn't know what that's like."

She felt horrible, "I'm sorry! You know what I'm talking about."

He wanted this conversation to end, "Yeah, I do!"

"So we're good?"

"Yes, that's what I'm telling you. We are good, we are great!"

Later that evening, they were back at the bowling alley and Wil Wheaten heard Penny and Leonard's problem last night. He was going to use it to his advantage and while Penny was sitting there, he put a bug in her ear, "I'm glad you patched things up with your boyfriend."

She looked over at him, "Yeah, me too."

"It's always tough when the L bomb gets dropped and you're not ready for it."

"Tell me about it!"

"I dated this one girl and I told her that I loved her and she said she wasn't sure. She strung me along for almost two years, it was brutal."

Penny looked concerned, "Oh, I'm sorry."

"Thanks, I just wish she had broken up with me right there. Put me out of my misery."

She looked to him, "Really?"

"Yeah, would have been kinder."

Penny was on edge after hearing that, she was up and Leonard started to cheer her on, "Penny, you're up. Oh, we really need a strike here."

"Yeah I know!"

"Take your time and concentrate."

She was getting more and more upset, "Leonard, stop pressuring me!"

He pulled back, "I'm not pressuring you!"

She screamed at him, "You are, just back off!"

"Okay, I'm sorry, I'll shut up!"

She turned and threw her hands up, "I didn't mean shut up."

He stood up, "Fine, just tell me what to do and I'll do it!"

She let out a deep sigh, "No, this isn't fair to you, Leonard. I'm sorry!" She started crying and ran from the bowling alley.

Leonard just stood there stunned, he turned to Sheldon who was trying to get her back, "No, let her go."

"Are you insane? If she leaves, it's over."

Leonard was broken; he looked to Sheldon and groaned out, "I'm pretty sure it's already over."

It was!

A couple days later Penny was at the mailbox, she was upset her Visa was cancelled, but she got a new Master Card. Sheldon came in and struck up a conversation with her. "I wasn't sure of the protocol now you and Leonard are no longer having coitus."

"God, can we please just say "no longer-seeing each other!"

"Well, we could if it was true, but you live in the same building. You see each other all the time. The variable which had changed is the coitus."

"So how have you been?"

"Well, my existence is a continuum, so I've been what I am at each point in the implied time period."

She looked at him, "You're just coitusing with me, aren't you?"

He smiled, "Buzzinga!"

"How's Leonard doing?"

"He seems all right, although he does spend a disturbing amount of time looking at photographs of you and smelling the pillow you slept on, although, now that I think of it, he asked me not to tell you that."

"I'll pretend I didn't hear it."

"You know Sheldon, I'll have you over for spaghetti some night and we can talk further."

He turned at his door, "I'm hungry now."

"Oh, um, okay, why don't you give me an hour and come over?"

He entered the apartment and Leonard was unpacking the food from take-out, "Hey, where have you been?"

"I was talking to Penny."

Howard jumped all over him telling him he shouldn't be talking with the ex-girlfriend of his roommate.

Sheldon felt bad and ate his food, but still had to fulfill his commitment with Penny, so after his meal, he told everyone he was going for a walk and headed over to her place. He was already full, but forced down the spaghetti Penny made for him.

Penny started quizzing Sheldon, "So was Leonard okay with you coming over?"

"Oh, yes. In fact her said, "I'm fine, I don't care". In no manner which would lead one to believe that he was covering up feeling of anguish or betrayal."

She raised her eyebrows, "Well, good!"

"I'm also pleased to report that he's all cried out over you."

Now she really felt bad, "He's been crying?"

He stopped eating and looked out across the room, "Oh, I believe that was something else I wasn't supposed to mention."

She put her head in her hands, "Oh, God, I feel terrible!" She was feeling bad, she knew she hurt Leonard, but right now she needed to be comforted. Dressed in a loose fitting Nebraska t-shirt and short athletic shorts and her hair pulled up in a ponytail, she stood beside the table and looked down at Sheldon, "Would you do me a favor Sweetie and give me a hug."

He stood but didn't move any closer, "If I must, come on, do what you must."

She wrapped her arms around him and pressed her lush body against his. She knew he felt something because after a few short seconds, she felt his big cock pressing against her belly. She hugged him tighter and all of a sudden she felt the urge to get busy with him. She had her head resting on his shoulder; she turned it and allowed her hot breath to tantalize his neck and ear. She smiled when she felt him shutter and felt his arms come up from his sides and begin running up and down her back. She knew he felt her bare back. She didn't bother with bra or panties after showering and getting free from her waitress uniform.

Sheldon felt a stirring in his loins and knew he should stop this from going any further. Even though Leonard and Penny were no longer an item, he felt like he'd betray Leonard if things went any further. He was just about to push back when he looked down at Penny and she looked up. Their eyes met and he was lost in those gorgeous green eyes. The next thing he knew, he was kissing her. It was gentle at first, but it grew hotter by the second.

Penny clutched at Sheldon's back as her lips parted and all of a sudden, her tongue was tracing his lips. When she felt them part, she darted in and out, fencing with his tongue. She moaned lightly when she retreated and his tongue slipped past her lips and into her mouth. She had to make a quick decision, but when she felt Sheldon's hands slip beneath her loose fitting t-shirt and started up her bare back, all was lost. She began walking him backwards and they were soon at the entrance to her bedroom.

Sheldon pulled back slightly and with one swift movement, he pulled her t-shirt off and gripping her shorts, pushed them down. He stopped and stared and Penny's beautiful, naked body standing before him, "Oh my, I now see why Leonard loved having coitus with you, oh sorry, I meant to say intercourse."

She giggled, "Why would you say that Sweetie?" She was looking for a complement, Sheldon was the wrong person to seek that out from, she was wrong."

"Well Penny, not that I'm an expert with the female anatomy, but from a laymen's prospection, your body is every pleasing to look at. Your breasts and very symmetrical, they look very firm and sit high upon your chest. Your waist is tiny, your belly is rather flat from all of the exercising you do and your hips are just wide enough, perfect for child bearing." He turned her slightly and gazed at her ass, "Oh my Penny, your buttocks is also very firm and nicely rounded. Overall you are a very luscious looking specimen of the female persuasion."

She smiled, "Well thank you Sheldon, coming from you, that really means something." She raised her arms and her full, firm tits rose and swayed. She pulled the ponytail holder free and she ran her fingers through her long blonde hair. She smiled when she heard Sheldon let out a moan and before she could react, he picked her up and planted her flat on in the middle of the bed.

He quickly removed all of his clothes and he stared down at her, "Are you sure this is okay to do Penny? I wouldn't want to force myself upon you, especially after your recent break-up with Leonard."

Her eyes locked on Sheldon's exceptionally long and stiff cock. She licked her lips and nodded, "Oh yes Sweetie, you are exactly what I need right now after the past week, I need to forget and seeing what you have, it is perfect. Now come down here and fuck me, fuck me good and hard and don't stop until you fill my pussy with your hot, creamy sperm."

He knew there should be some foreplay, especially with the sure length and girth of his penis, but he was overwhelmed with the urge to just fuck the living shit out of her, and that is exactly what he did. He gripped her strong, shaking thighs, and spreading them wide, he shoved in. He sank in and went deeper and deeper. He felt his balls resting on her lovely bubble butt and he knew he was completely in her. He held it there for several seconds. When he felt her cunt muscles twitch and squeeze down on his shaft, he pulled out slightly and shoved back in, making sure he was totally seeded in her.

Penny never felt anything like it before. She was stretched to the max and whenever he moved, he brushed her cervix, it was painful, but increased her pleasure ten-fold. She wrapped her arms around him and urged him on. She rained hot, wet kisses all along his jaw, neck and to his ear. She nibbled at his earlobe and released it when she felt him begin to pump in and out of her. She groaned out and urged him on, "Oh God Sheldon, you're magnificent, we should have done this long ago. Fuck me, fuck me good and hard! I want to feel you deep in me; I want to feel you in my throat."

He stopped and looked into her bright green yes, he smiled, "I thought you wanted me to fuck you. If you want it in your throat, that would mean slipping out of you and have you take me into your mouth." He resumed fucking her, but still wanted an answer."

She rolled her head from side to side. She wanted to answer him, but her first orgasm overtook her and she held her breath as she tensed up and came all around his invading cock. When it slowly subsided, she let out a long cleansing breath, "No Sheldon, it's just an expression, meaning to shove it so deep, it comes out into my throat, never mind, just keep doing what you're doing, just do it faster and slam into me harder, I love it hard and fast! Mmmm yes, just like that!

He smiled down and nodded, "Oh, I think I get it, but it is anatomically impossible to do that from here. So you like it hard and fast huh? Well never let it be said that Sheldon Lee Cooper doesn't accommodate his lady!" He grabbed hold of her legs and planted them firmly on his shoulders. He held her and began sliding in and out slowly and picked up the pace. Before long he was slamming into her so hard, the headboard was slamming hard against the wall. He felt and saw Penny cumming a second time. Her thick creamy juices were squirting out all around the tight seal his thick cock caused. He saw her milky cum coating his cock as he increased the pace.

Penny was beyond exhaustion, after her second orgasm, it never ceased. She just plateaued higher and higher. Her orgasm grew strong and stronger until she did what she rarely did, she begin squirting. Her slimy juices shot out and coated Sheldon's belly and chest.

Sheldon was shocked at the occurrence. He'd seen it in some of Leonard's extensive porn collection, but always thought it was fake. It triggered an explosive orgasm of his own and he began shooting his hot, thick load deep into her. He thought he was going to faint, the orgasm was that intense. He collapsed upon her slick body and found himself kissing her passionately as he slowly came down from a high he never experienced before.

After several minutes, the two of them uncoupled and on shaky legs, Penny ushered him into the shower where the two of them took a nice long, cleansing shower.

Sheldon looked to the floor of the shower, "I see you took my advice and added adhesive turtles, I have ducks on my tub floor."

"Yes Sweetie, I haven't slipped since I dislocated my shoulder, thank you for the suggestion. We getter get you cleaned up and dried off. I'd hate to have you explain to Leonard why you're in such a mess."

They dried off and he dressed and giving her a hug, planted a soft kiss on her lips, "We have to try that throat thing you talked about one of these days, buzzinga!"

She shook her head, "Oh no Sheldon, no buzzinga, we can try it whenever you want, just let me know so I can prepare my mouth and throat for that big cock of your!" She kissed him again, "Thanks again Sweetie, you are exactly what I needed tonight, now get back to your place before Leonard begins to go looking for you."

Sheldon returned to his apartment, he never felt like this before, he was calm and very serene. He said his goodnights and retired to his bedroom. He couldn't sleep and after tossing and turning he knew he had to tell Leonard about having coitus with Penny, or at least tell him, he was seeing her behind his back. He slipped into his robe and went to Leonard's room; he knocked three times, "Leonard, Leonard, Leonard!"

Leonard woke up and wasn't happy, "Oh, just come in!"

In a low voice Sheldon began; "Thank you for seeing me on such short notice."

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