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Billionaire and the Sisters Ch. 74


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As I escorted him into the living room from the elevator foyer where I'd greeted him with several kisses, I picked up a softball size, etched glass globe of the planet and ran my other hand over it as though it were a crystal ball. I talked in my fake gypsy accent, "Ah, yes, meee-ster billionaire, I see a lot of children in your life in the near future."

Mark chuckled and kissed me, "Define 'a lot.'"

I said, "Well, you know what I want, but so do Sheila, KC, Alice, and Cindy. Melanie, Izzy, and Stacy decided to wait a while, no doubt in part to see what chaos erupts in our lives after the pioneers trudge out the trail for them."

Mark laughed as I dragged him to the kitchen to feed him some of the left over stew we'd made earlier. "Well, I guess I'll be a daddy then. Is there a plan for this?"

I nodded, "I finish my current birth control cycle in four days, and then I stop. I'll have a period, but after that I learned I return to my normal level of fertility pretty quickly." I paused and added, "I don't know about my sisters. They're all off thinking about how they want to approach this."

Mark smirked as he took a mouthful of the stew, "So, you could be pregnant in two or three weeks?"

I nodded and smiled, "That's the plan, Stan. Of course, it might take a year. One of the others could conceive before I do."

"Any restrictions on making love?"

"None, other than you have a lot of us to please, and I hope you have lots of little swimmers who'll love making love to my little eggs very soon. My sisters are no doubt thinking the same thing."

"It's a tough job, but I'm up for it." He wolfed down the last of the stew. As he pushed his plate away, he pulled my body to his as he sat. We kissed. Mark said, "We are going to make the prettiest, handsomest, smartest, and cutest babies you've ever seen."

I hugged Mark so tight I thought I'd hurt him and backed off.

* * * * *

I looked out over about four hundred people who had crowded into the Club Infinity for the Grand Opening. The facility was perfect, and I felt a rush of satisfaction. I stood on the VIP balcony looking out at the crowd with Doug Reed, several of the construction foremen, Cindy, Alice, Melanie, KC, Greg, Kim, Sean, Pam, and some other VIPs. Behind me Vanessa, Anna, Felicia, and Monica were almost unglued they were so joyful about the club and what it portended for their fun and entertainment, not to mention their exhibitionist tendencies.

Stacy was down on the floor stuck like glue to Mark along with Lucas and Marcia who never strayed more than a few feet away. Mark was greeting EVERY ONE. Every club member and attendee had been screened ahead of time. We had two bouncers, both the size of large gorillas, who together with two of the strippers in sexy attire were checking every guest into the club. Kate and another stripper named Naomi were playing 'super hostess' and also greeting everyone and sticking small advertising flyers about the club into their hands. A few drop-ins also arrived, and we processed their 'memberships' and got them into the club as well.

I learned from our lawyer that we only needed the actual memberships when we started the adult entertainment a.k.a. the strippers. As a restaurant and dance hall, we could be open to the general public. We downplayed that side of things because we did want members to sign up, but it boded well for our cash flow in the early hours on the evenings we were open.

About a dozen off-duty policemen wandered the perimeter of the club and parking lot with six in uniform just inside just to remind people that law and order was a nice way to be. The checkpoints for leaving the parking lot were up and each manned by a couple of Lucas' security team. Stacy had even arranged for a fire truck to be nearby and an ambulance. She was our detail girl, and no detail was too small for her.

Stacy introduced Mark and Lee to various members of the media as everyone circulated through the place, enjoying the free hors d'oeuvres being served and the open bar. For the most part, this night was a freebee for everyone. Only those patrons having full dinners would have to pay anything.

On the stage, a band named The Diamonds was playing some fabulous rhythm and blues. The lead guitar player could have played with Clapton, Guy, BB King, Cray, or the best of the best. He had at least half the room mesmerized as he played and sang various blues cover songs in a mellow baritone.

Stacy had arranged for a live country music band to play during the intermission when the dance band took a break, but I wasn't sure the crowd would let anybody take a break. The Diamonds were fabulous. Stacy had told me they sounded the best they'd ever played that night.

My headset went active suddenly carrying Stacy's voice to me, "Does the band sound good up there? Do you see any problems?" She'd flipped on our intercom.

I spoke back to her although she was a couple of hundred feet away in the noisy club, "They're fabulous. You outdid yourself. Stacy, everything is perfect. Just be a good hostess and escort for Mark. Congratulations on your new job. Have some well earned fun."

Mark and Lee had put Stacy in charge of all the entertainment: stage shows, strippers, bands, and everything of that ilk in the club, plus the entire physical plant, plus marketing, plus a few other things as Mark thought of them. As a matter of convenience she reported to Lee, but he was under orders from Mark to listen to her carefully because she had the right touch for the place. She'd be doing tame kid's birthday parties with clowns and balloons, right on up the scale to raunchy bachelor parties where everyone wanted to get laid or bachelorette parties with horny women. We were the all-purpose club.

About nine o'clock, the band segued into a popular number that got everyone's attention. Many people were dancing. As the song ended, Stacy bounded up on the stage. She gave an enthusiastic welcome to everyone to theClub Infinity. She was so riled up she got everyone cheering her on. She was a superb cheerleader.

Stacy introduced Mark, and he said only about ten sentences, ending with, "So, let's enjoy tonight because this club is about YOUR ENJOYMENT!" The crowd cheered Mark too. I didn't think too many in the club understood that he was the billionaire.

Stacy took the microphone and reintroduced The Diamonds, calling out each of the band members by name, to great applause. She ended with the guitar player who actually seemed embarrassed at the cheers and applause he received from the crowd. The band started playing some Clapton covers.

Our circle of friends had taken over one whole portion of the second floor balcony - the part adjacent to the safe room. I looked around at all our friends who were each in enthusiastic conversation with one another in various clusters.

The guys we socialized with were there along with some of the new men: Ryan, Deke, Mike, James, Carter, and others. Besides Wes, Scott, and the crew we'd arrived with, there was also Alice, Brita, Jon and Amber, Don and Edie, Greg and Kim, Sean and Pam, Troy and Janet, Dan and Sandy, Andy and Margo, Chloe, Zoé, Cari, and several other women near our age. I saw Linda Boyd, my hospital nurse there too chatting away with Nils. Some of the folks were staying with us at The Meadows the rest of the weekend. We had a fleet of limousines to chauffeur everyone between the house to the club.

I realized I didn't see Izzy. I shouted to Melanie asking where her protégé was and she pointed over the balcony railing down to the dance floor. There in the center of it all danced Izzy with three of the hunky male stripers with physiques like the Chippendale men. None of the men were wearing shirts, and each wore tight and revealing men's boxers. The men each had on a white collar with a bow tie, and white cuffs on their buff bodies. Many of the surrounding women were sneaking feels of their abs and tight buns. Meanwhile, the four were dancing up a storm. Izzy looked in seventh heaven as she took turns trying to be enticing to each of the men.

At ten-thirty, Stacy was back onstage to announce the shift in emphasis of the evening's entertainment to a more adult theme. With her permission, Stacy's marketing campaign had hyped Kate at a headliner for the adult part of the evening under the name Kat Kitts. With lots of hyperbole in her introduction, Stacy introduced Kat. The band struck up a sexy tune with a strong stripper beat to it, and out came Kate. Stacy had made sure the audience knew that tonight was a 'tame and staid' sampler of what would usually occur 'after hours.'

Kate wore a gray business suit and white blouse; the suit was demure - mid-calf and neck high with long sleeves, ending in white gloves. Her open toed shoes were high but conservative and in keeping with the suit. She looked very upscale. She had bright red lipstick and nail polish that she made sure the audience saw when gloves came off. She also wore a gray pillbox hat with a dark veil that allowed the blush of her cheeks to show through. As a final prop, she carried a briefcase. This was a professional woman in every sense of the word, only right out of the 1950s.

Kate or Kat strutted around the stage carrying the briefcase and looking official. She might have been going to a business meeting, but everyone knew that was not the case. The whole crowd leaned forward to watch her. A few catcalls rang out that she ignored. Kat stopped mid-stage and set the case down next to a tall stool. She then marched over to the popular guitar player and made as though she were disciplining him. He played a dirge on his guitar as she returned to center stage. He'd been told off. The audience laughed.

Kat peeled off her white gloves and carefully placed them on the stool. She fanned herself as though feeling heat from a summer day. This was an excuse to shed her jacket, slowly, of course. After that Kat worked down through the layers of her clothing, often going back to the guitar player to tease him a little. Of course, there were a lot of layers of clothing and Kate was skilled at knowing just when to take the next one off without waiting so long that she lost her audience. She removed the slip, then her blouse, then her skirt, then her heavy bra that left her in a little lace number that didn't hide much. When her ditty-whities disappeared they revealed she was wearing a lacy thong that matched the tiny bra. Little was left to the imagination. She also blossomed from the business exec to a released woman.

Kat then really started to bump and grind as the music picked up the level of excitement and arousal, not that she hadn't been doing this to the audience for the first part of her strip. She'd milked the stage for almost fifteen minutes. Kat did some pole work, went back to the guitar player and made some sexy moves around his legs, groin, and backside, even molding her body against his, and then came back under the lights.

Suddenly, the stage lights went dark, and only an ultraviolet light shown. Kat's body and clothing almost glowed in the odd purple light, especially the thong and tiny bra. A few lasers were dancing around as well, both highlighting and distracting. Kat's hair, lipstick, bra, and thong were incandescent in the peculiar light. Kat pulled on the white gloves again, and they glowed as well as she danced.

Kat went to the pole and did some fancy pole work under the strange light, and then she returned to center stage. Slowly, the audience watched as she reached behind and undid the clasp on her bra. The fabric didn't drop, because she held it with her other hand.

The purple lights started to slowly pulse on and off with longer and longer off cycles. The on cycles became more like strobed snapshots of Kat's oddly lit body. In those few minutes, the thong slipped down her legs to be held against her nether region by her other hand.

The drummer worked up a crescendo along with increasing excitement in the guitar work. This was a sexual tribal dance at that point. The lights flashed on and Kat threw her bra and thong in the air. She was stark naked, standing tall and proud with a hand held high in the air in a very dramatic and arousing gesture. She took a few dance steps and froze again. She was beautiful and had the whole club mesmerized. Everyone had stopped talking to watch her.

White strobe lights flashed rapidly for no more than a second revealing all of Kat's sexy nude body in that flash, and then the stage went dark for ten seconds. The band had suddenly gone silent at the climax of their build up to this fabulous and erotic conclusion.

When the lights came up, the band started in again, but Kat and the stool with her clothing on it were gone. All that was left was the lone briefcase. The audience gasped and then broke into truly thunderous applause that rattled the rafters..

Stacy appeared again after a two-minute pause. Twenty or more minutes had passed since she'd been on stage earlier. She announced, "Kat Kitt is only a sample, and a tame one for tonight, of the adult entertainment we'll have here atClub Infinityafter about ten o'clock in the evening. We hope you'll come back to see MORE. You do want to see MORE, don't you?"

In response to her chide to the audience, the crowd screamed, "YES, MORE." Stacy then said, "OK, now guys, don't get all deflated, but we need a little entertainment for all the ladies here tonight, so be tolerant. Let me introduce a new member of our entertainment committee, Mr. Bob Butts." She gave a little more build-up and hyperbole, and then the band picked up the beat again.

This time a well-dressed businessman appeared on stage to the hoots and hollers of all the women in the audience. Many gals stood up and came to the edge of the stage. They were more raucous than the guys had been when Kate had been onstage, shouting taunts and teasing the handsome hunky man who fundamentally ignored them.

Bob worked through the same kind of stage theatrics that Kat had done. Acting overheated, removing his suit jacket, then tie, and so on until he stood in magnificent splendor in his tight boxers. At that point, the lights again dimmed, and the same purple ultraviolet and laser lights started to flash, sometimes allowing the stage to go dark for several seconds. Bob danced around in time to the music, even coming near some of the women to solicit folding money being tucked into his underwear. He gathered up some of it and tucked it in his jacket, and then the lights went out. As they started to come on again, the audience could only see the boxers being shed by a dark form. Bob's body couldn't be seen in the darkness and odd lighting. The boxers were tossed in the air to a crowd of the waiting ladies, and just as they were caught the bright white strobe lights went off. Departing the stage, visible from the back only, was Bob Butts totally naked.

Everyone laughed and cheered, even the guys.

Stacy again appeared to remind everyone that Thursday nights would be ladies night, and that Bob and some of his equally hunky friends would be here to 'completely' entertain the females and any interested males in the audience. She emphasized that even on ladies night, there would be a strong feminine presence on the stage, so the guys shouldn't be scared away on that night.

There was more cheering, and then Naomi, another female stripper, came out after her introduction to entertain.

Most of the crowd went home around midnight, but about half of the Grand Opening crowd stayed until closing time. As predicted by the knowledgeable bartenders, there had been a few intoxication incidents, but they had coped with no bad results. The DUI Squad outside had taken the car keys from a half-dozen 'over the limit' patrons, and then treated them to coffee and polite conversation as their bodies burned off the excess alcohol. Three couples were taxied home courtesy of theClub Infinity.

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laad4e08laad4e08about 7 years ago
I see Kate being added to this crazy family.

It's obvious that Kate will be added to the family at some point, maybe not a full fledged sister, but defiantly and ancillary one. I like the addition the Stacy character, she is fun.

Adding children to the mix could be interesting, now they could bring a nanny or 5 into the mix as money is not an issue. I see 2 problems with that: 1. Elsa and her group like to do things themselves. 2. They would all probably want to fuck the nannies and then you still have unattended children.

Keep the series going, I look multiple times during the day to if any new chapters have posted.

As always thank you for sharing.

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