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Birthday Celebration

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Birthdays are best shared with friends.
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I was excited. I have to admit, when it came to Emelia, just thinking about her got me pretty worked up. Tonight, however, was special. Tonight was her birthday. Serge', her husband, and I had been conspiring to surprise her for her birthday.

Okay, let me backtrack a moment. I've known Emelia for years. She was part of the reason I quit being a peon and started writing for a living. Of course, I write erotica and it sells better than I ever expected. I met my girlfriend because of it. Emelia's always supported my writing, even let me do stories about her that even made her blush. It was one of those stories that introduced me to my girlfriend. See, I wrote this story about Emelia and Serge' in Las Vegas. I published it on this website and it got picked up by a movie company. My girlfriend, Ramonda, was the leading actress in the movie and we hit it off right away. I've been dating Ramonda for a few years now, no rush to formalize the relationship and, honestly, we both enjoy our active and diverse sexual experiences. Ramonda is an amazing woman. She's tall, taller than me, and slender. She doesn't represent the classic porn star physique, more like the hot chick you'd meet at the club or the gym. I asked her one time why she got into porn and she told me that the money was good and she loved sex. Let me tell you, that hasn't changed.

Now, I know this opening sounds like this story is more about me and my porn star girlfriend and this is turning you off. Please be patient with me and I promise you will get to meet and see, feel, smell, taste the star of my life and the engine behind my most intimate fantasies. Ramonda is so excited about tonight that I think she's been practicing her oral on her girlfriends all week. I know I have been too. Let me begin.

WARNING: This story is explicit and intended for a mature audience only!

Using the hands-free button on the steering wheel, I listened as the phone rang. I was driving my convertible Mustang, down along Independence Boulevard heading to a book signing at the Bojangles Arena. I was one of many authors being showcased for this local writers event.

"Hello?" Serge' said.

"Serge', this is Dan," I said. "How's it going man? Long time, no talk!"

"Dan!" Serge' exclaimed. "Man, it's good to hear from you. I gotta tell you, this new truck is amazing! I love it! Thanks so much for it."

"Glad to help," I said, smiling. "Listen, I called to find out when Emelia's birthday is. Isn't this year the big 4-0?"

"Damn! It is!" he exclaimed. "I hadn't even thought about that. We gotta do something super special then."

"Got anything in mind?" I asked, swerving to avoid another pothole in the road. Charlotte city streets are rough on cars.

"I get the feeling you called because you have something in mind," Serge' said.

"I do, but you're her husband. I don't want to cut you off at the knees if you have something planned," I chuckled. Serge' and I understood each other too well.

"I got some time off for her birthday, but that's as far as my plans got," he replied. "I kind of forgot this was her forty."

"Side note, she doesn't know about the truck yet, right?" I asked. I knew she'd be mad if she knew.

"She doesn't know a thing," he swore. "You're going to give it to her for her birthday?"

"No, I have something else for her. What are you thinking about for a gift?" I asked. I turned into the parking lot of the arena and found a parking spot.

"Man, I don't know yet. It's a month away, I'll have to think about it," Serge' groaned.

"Okay, try to come up with something sexy, like lingerie and some fuck me boots. You know she's really tried hard to get back in shape and she looks delicious and totally fuckable. If you help her celebrate that she might really enjoy what I have in mind," I confided.

"What do you have in mind?" Serge' asked. "I don't want this to blow up in our faces."

"Relax, Serge'. I'm going to surprise her and you with a night to remember and when it's all said and done, I guarantee you'll both be happy," I said easily. "Listen, I have to go. I'm supposed to be giving a reading from my new book and signing autographs in a few minutes and I just pulled into my parking space. Text me when you have your gift straightened out. Or, if you want, I could get Ramonda to get a few things in your name?"

"I'll call you if I need that help," Serge' agreed. "I'm on the road for most of the month, so I may not have time to do any shopping for her gifts."

"Sounds good, talk to you later," I say and hang up.

My publicist, Mark, came running up to my car as I got out and said, "You're late! There's quite a crowd for your reading. I've got a public forum discussion of your last book going on now to keep them occupied."

"Mark, what would I do without you," I said, clapping him on the shoulder. "Lead the way!"

Mark quickly walked across the hot parking lot, leading me to the doors. The guard waved us through when he presented our credentials and we were soon at a table setting out copies of my most popular book, 'Vegas Booty Call' and my newest book, 'Charleston Booty in Time'. Okay, so I'm bad with titles, but apparently my sex scenes get it done. Or that's what the fans and critics have all said.

Mark led me to a conference room that showed my name on the door with a time for my reading. No matter how often I do this, seeing that gives me goosebumps. Mark handed me a bottle of water and pulled the door open for me. I stepped in and found about 100 women standing and applauding as I moved to the front of the room. The woman that had been leading the discussion was waiting and shook my hand.

"Ladies," she announced over the microphone, "give it up for the sexiest author in Charlotte, Mr. Dann Wade!"

"Ladies, thank you!" I called out. "Sorry for the delay, I was in negotiations for a new hot story. One I'm sure you'll all love!

"Now, who's ready to get wet?" The thunderous ovation filled the room.

I read through the next thirty minutes from my new book. It opened with a steamy sex scene, then worked up to a second scene after some drama. I had found over time that this was a big hit for these fan forums and I would sell out of all the books I brought. I finished to a standing ovation.

"Now ladies," I said, "If you'll excuse me, I need the little boys room and then I'll start autographs at the table set up in the hall."

Mark escorted me to the men's room and then back to the table. About half the women were in line, but a number were outside smoking, like they'd just had great sex.

I sat there for an hour signing books and chatting lightly with my fans. As the hour wound down, I noticed a particularly attractive brunette in a tartan skirt and fuck me heels standing off to one side waiting. She had large tits but I couldn't tell if they were real or fake though my money was on fake. There was usually one of these girls at one of my events. Some cute young stripper looking to move into a better role like working in the adult film industry.

Now that I'd noticed her, I couldn't help but looking now and then between fans. She clearly had a plan for this event as she 'accidentally' dropped her book and then bent over at the waist to pick it up, giving me a peekaboo look at her little pink lace thong barely covering her cunt. This move is not that original as I've been flashed more tits and ass at my shows than at any strip club. I'd already signed 3 bras and 5 pairs of tits and one pair of white cotton panties in the past hour. Still, she clearly had a motive and I was curious what it would be.

As I finished the last fan autograph, the brunette quickly moved up to the table. Mark, in his usual role of fan buffer, started to wave her off but I gave him the signal to let her come.

"I'm such a big fan of your books," she gushed, leaning over the table and flashing all of her cleavage in my face. "I really loved Vegas Booty Call; I've never wanted to be a book character more."

"Thank you," I said, mostly to her breasts. "Where do you want me to sign?"

"Can I suck your cock?" she asked, licking her lips.

"I beg your pardon?" I asked. This was different.

"I want to suck your cock," she said, moving around the table and sitting in my lap. "Haven't you ever had someone offer you a blow job before?"

My hands were on her waist, trying to decide whether to lift her off me or let her suck me.

She leaned in and whispered in my ear, "I'm really good at sucking cock, and maybe there could be more."

"Okay, to be clear here, you aren't a prostitute or a cop, right?" She shook her head. "Do you have some identification?" I was not about to be entrapped by an underage minor. Though up close and personal I could tell she had breast implants which made her over 18. She reached into her cleavage and pulled out her driver's license, flashing me a nipple in the process. I had to give this girl credit, she was doing a pretty good job of seduction. My cock was already stiff with her sitting on my lap and wriggling her butt against it. I glanced at her identification. Her name was Amber, she was 20, and lived in Charlotte. I gave her ID card to Mark and he handed me the standard non-disclosure form I kept for these occasions. Amber quickly signed the form, then stood up and pulled me from my chair. She seemed pretty eager to suck my dick which I found charming.

Amber pulled me into a woman's restroom. She stripped off her blouse, setting her larger than life tits free. She put my hands on them and pulled my head down, kissing me passionately, her hot little tongue pushing into my mouth. Her tits were fake, I could tell, but she was very responsive when I tweaked her nipples. She gasped and said, "I like that! Suck on my nipples!" I did as she ordered, which made her moan and dig her nails into my shoulders. I bit her nipple lightly and she almost tore a hole in my shirt. I slid my hands down her hips and thighs and up under that tartan skirt, cupping her tiny little ass. I heard the door open and noticed Mark standing in the corner with a small video camera. We'd tried this with a cell phone, but the quality was poor and the storage sucked. I slid my hands up, raising her skirt and showing off her cute little ass.

Amber leaned back, pulling her nipple out of my mouth and said, "Are you ready to get your dick sucked?"

As I nodded, she slowly lowered down until she was face to face with my crotch. She slowly undid my pants, heightening the sexual tension. Sliding my pants down, she rubbed her lips and cheek against my stiff cock through my boxer briefs. She stood up and quickly removed her skirt, standing only in the pink lacy thong and the fuck me heels. She turned around and backed that ass up to my crotch, grinding against me and stroking her nipples. I could tell she was playing to the camera, which confirmed my suspicion that she was looking for me to help her get into the movie industry. I was fine with that.

After teasing me for a couple minutes with that soft cuddly ass, she returned to a crouch and removed my underwear, gasping at the size of my cock. I'm not quite porn industry caliber, but my eight and a half inches made for a good visual. And Ramonda liked it a lot. She made a point of demonstrating her affection for my cock often.

"Oh my God!" Amber exclaimed, "That's the largest cock I've ever seen! I don't know if I can get it in my mouth!"

"All you can do is try, sweetheart," I said.

Amber grasped the base of my cock with her left hand and started to lick the shaft, lubing it up and gaining confidence. Mark moved closer for a better shot. She used her right hand to stroke the shaft as she moved her mouth to the tip of my cock and slid the thick head between her lips. She suctioned around the head, which felt good so I moaned a little for the camera. Her hand slowly stroked up and down my shaft and her other hand stroked my balls. I was feeling good and I stroked her head to let her know. She was playing to the camera still and Mark was showing some excitement with the hard on in his pants.

"Show me how much you can take, baby," I said huskily. I was getting closer to coming and wanted to get a good money shot on film before it was too late.

Amber placed her hands on my hips and slowly sunk down, inch by inch as my cock slowly disappeared between her plump lips. I felt the back of her throat at just over halfway but she kept going, finally topping out at about 6 inches of my cock. She held it in place and sucked firmly on it, even though I could see she was struggling. I groaned to show she was doing a great job and she slid back up to just sucking the head.

"I'm close," I groaned, wanting to see where she'd go with it.

"Come on my tits!" she demanded, pulling my cock down towards her tits and jerking me off. Mark moved in for a closer shot and got a great view as she pumped my cock against her tits and I exploded all over her chest.

"Man, that looked good," Mark said, turning off the recording. "You're a natural, Amber!"

"You really think so?" she asked as she cleaned herself up. "I've wanted to get into the industry for a while now."

"Amber, would you like us to send this tape to a producer friend of mine?" I asked. She squealed and threw herself on me, kissing me all over my face. "Mark, that camera has WiFi capabilities; email it to Sarah and Katie and send me a copy so I can show it to Ramonda. I'm sure Katie will like it." Turning to Amber, I asked, "How do you feel about Sapphic films?"

"I'm good for anything, really. I'm totally bisexual so guys and girls are both turnons. You're seriously going to help me get into the adult film industry?" She was starting to cry.

"Can I talk to you a minute, boss?" Mark said, motioning me over by the door. I pulled up my pants and went to Mark.

"Look, I know this is bad timing and all but I've been working on starting my own film production for a while now and I think Amber would be a good actress to start my brand with," Mark quickly confessed.

"Is this your two weeks notice?" I asked, smiling.

"Is guess it is," Mark admitted, blushing slightly.

"Take her to a hotel and talk business," I suggested.

"I'm good with that," Amber said from by the sink. "You guys should talk softer if you're going to talk about someone in the same room." She walked over to our little meeting and said, "If you want more audition, I'd even be open to a three way with both of you. Heck, I'd be interested in a three way even if it wasn't an audition."

"Not here, not now," I said, my cock rebelling against that arbitrary decision. "You two go talk business and let me know how it goes. Mark, congratulations! I accept your resignation and if you need capital I'd be happy to invest."

After a few more pleasantries and getting Amber's contact information, I left and went to my next appointment. Ramonda, after being a porn star for a few years, had cashed out and decided to go into business doing something else. That something else turned out to be Crossfit. She taught fitness classes and competed in fitness challenges regularly. She had always been a health nut and that had made her have massive sex appeal in her old job. For me, she was the sexiest woman I knew and she worked really hard to stay that way. My appointment was to meet at her gym and work out together.

I pulled into the parking lot and there she was, my cocoa skinned goddess in sports bra, spandex shorts and tank top. She was swinging a sledgehammer at a massive tire, one of my favorite exercises.

"Damn, you look sexy as hell right now sweetheart," I called out as I climbed out of my car.

She dropped the hammer and strutted her way over to me, swaying her hips in an exaggerated way that was alluring. She threw herself on me, kissing me ardently and digging her nails into my back. I loved her greetings; she could put a hard on in my pants better than anyone.

"You're late," she gasped, coming up for air finally. "Get changed and get out here for your punishment. If you do a good job, there might be a reward in it for you."

"While I do that," I said, "check out this video from the event earlier. Oh, and Mark quit today." I gave her my cellphone and went to change.

One of the things she does when I'm being punished is to lay out an outfit for me to wear, either for a workout or for cleaning house or whenever we're doing something that isn't public. My training sessions with her are always one on one and mostly indoors so she uses this as an opportunity to satisfy both of our fetishes. The outfit laid out for me looked very familiar. When we're going to work out, my only stipulation is no heels. I don't want to break an ankle trying to run in 6 inch stilettos. Still, there was the low cut blouse, the tartan skirt and a lace trimmed banana hammock. Basically the same outfit Amber had been wearing. I understood now that Amber being at my book signing had been a setup. I smiled. This workout session should be fun, I thought. I dressed and went outside.

Ramonda was waiting for me, riding crop in hand. I was instantly hard as she was wearing a bikini that had less material than my banana hammock. While it covered everything, it covered nothing and she was sexy as sin. She walked over to me and kissed me, hard. She was as turned on as I was, I could tell.

"Show me," she said huskily, stepping back to watch me twirl in my hand picked outfit. I spun, flashing my ass at her, which made her giggle. I flashed her some manly nipple and she smacked me on the arm with the riding crop.

"You dropped something," she said, pointing at my cellphone sitting on the ground by my car. I struck a pose and then did an exaggerated strut over to my cellphone and bent at the waist to pick it up, showing off my ass and the banana hammock. I froze there for a minute so she got a clear view, then slowly stood back up.

"Okay, enough fucking around," she said, even as she had a nipple exposed and was tweaking it. She put it away and pointed to the driveway. "Down and back eight times, let's try to be faster this time? I don't want to have to motivate you with this riding crop."

"I like your style," I said as I began to jog up and down her driveway. Down and back was a quarter mile so we were starting with a two mile warm-up. As I came back up to the top of the driveway, she had a stopwatch out and she said, "go faster." I went the same pace for the second lap to see what she would do and as I came around the second lap she slapped the crop across my butt and said, "FASTER!" This was the routine for the eight laps, I would go slightly faster and she would smack me and tell me to go faster. Honestly I could have gone faster but it felt good and it's hard to run with a hard on.

I finished the run and she said, "Tire flips. Your time is getting better, you know. Pretty soon you might be able to catch me in a foot race. If I wear heels, that is."

I laughed and moved to the big tire. I bent down, grabbed the edge and muscled it over. I liked this exercise, it was lots of work but lots of fun too. Ramonda left me alone to flip the tire and I did it down the driveway and back without even thinking. As I finished I realized I was soaked in sweat and my muscles were complaining, but I felt great.

"Come inside," Ramonda called out the door. I jogged into the gym. There was a map on the table. I picked it up and noticed that it basically ran me through a gauntlet of exercises that eventually led to the showers and then to Ramonda and her sexy naked body waiting to fuck me senseless.

20 burpees- check

30 push-ups- check

Climb the rope- check and ouch

10 pull ups - check

Do I get a break in this? Apparently not.

20 box jumps- check

50 jumping jacks- check

50 crunches with medicine ball - check

15 hanging toe touches - fuck me check


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